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Germany and the Fragmenting of the United Kingdom

COMMENT: Dur­ing the Sec­ond World War, the Scot­tish Nation­al Par­ty sought an alliance with the Third Reich as a vehi­cle for inde­pen­dence from Britain. Today, so-called “pro­gres­sive groups” such as the Greens and the Euro­pean Free Alliance are sup­port­ing both Scot­tish and Welsh seces­sion­ist move­ments. They are sup­port­ed by Ger­many and ele­ments of the EU gov­ern­ing infra­struc­ture.

In FTR #700, we looked at the Euro­pean Free Alliance sup­port for redraw­ing the map of Europe in a man­ner that would please Hitler. Ger­many would annex the South Tyrol, Aus­tria and parts of Switzer­land to form a “Greater Ger­many.” 

It is both inter­est­ing and sig­nif­i­cant that some of the Ger­man NGO’s that are agi­tat­ing for the breakup of sov­er­eign Eur0pean nations were also net­work­ing with ter­ror­ist and Mus­lim Broth­er­hood ele­ments in the so-caled “Arab Spring.”

The Euro­pean Free Alliance’s map for the New Order in Europe can be found here

“Dodgy NGOs and the Arab Spring”; Ger­many Watch; 8/18/2011.

EXCERPT: . . . .On anoth­er note, clos­er to home there have been Ger­man efforts to pro­mote the frag­men­ta­tion of oth­er EU-coun­tries through region­al­iZa­tion-pol­i­cy (“devo­lu­tion” to bod­ies dom­i­nat­ed by pseu­do-nation­al­ist par­ties in Scot­land and Wales, espe­cial­ly). Again, pro­mot­ing democ­ra­cy, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung togeth­er with the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment, fund­ed Canon Keny­on Wright’s “Con­sti­tu­tion­al Con­ven­tion” for an elect­ed region­al assem­bly, in Wales, in 1998 — as stat­ed on the pro­gramme for the first meet­ing of the “Con­ven­tion”.

I hear that FES also sup­port­ed the Scot­tish Nation­al Par­ty, who plan to break up the UK.

That is par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ing, as the Nazis sup­port­ed the ear­ly form of the SNP to run as a Scot­tish Quis­ling Govt for Ger­many upon inva­sion of Britain, accord­ing to declas­si­fied MI5 files. The ene­my of my ene­my is my friend eh? . . .

“Scot­tish Nation­al­ists Tried to Forge Nazi Alliance” by Jamie Wil­son; The Guardian; 5/09/2001.

EXCERPT: Rene­gade Scot­tish nation­al­ists pro­posed an alliance with Ger­many in the sec­ond world war so as to set up a Scot­tish repub­lic while Eng­land was under attack, doc­u­ments released yes­ter­day by the pub­lic record office reveal.

The inter­cep­tions by British code break­ers revealed that com­mu­ni­ca­tions between the head of the Ger­man lega­tion in Dublin and his supe­ri­ors in Berlin includ­ed a mem­o­ran­dum, received on August 15, 1943, from a group known as the Scot­tish Inde­pen­dent Move­ment.

The memo con­tained pro­pos­als for a Ger­man Scot­tish alliance “as a weapon in the fight against the gross mate­ri­al­ism of the cap­i­tal­is­tic-com­mu­nis­tic union of Eng­lish, Amer­i­cans, Bol­she­viks etc”.

Accord­ing to the memo, the group asked the Ger­mans to broad­cast to Scot­land on the Ger­man wire­less. They also want­ed an Irish repub­li­can “versed in the Scot­tish inde­pen­dence move­ment” sent to Ger­many, and the Ger­mans to sep­a­rate con­script­ed Scots pris­on­ers from oth­er PoWs.

The group asked for Scot­land to be spared from Ger­man bomb­ing and request­ed that dur­ing the “impend­ing attack on Eng­land” cer­tain repub­li­cans and some war mate­r­i­al should be sent to Scot­land from Ire­land to take advan­tage of the gen­er­al pan­ic in Eng­land to pro­claim a “Scot­tish repub­lic”.

The final request by the Scots was for Ger­many to call an “inter­na­tion­al con­gress of lib­er­a­tion” at which Scot­land would be rep­re­sent­ed, and for a Celtic union with head­quar­ters in Dublin. . . .


3 comments for “Germany and the Fragmenting of the United Kingdom”

  1. Hi Dave.

    This is con­tin­u­ing at pace.

    Not sure if it hit the news over there, but the last week things have been kick­ing off in Ire­land again.

    N.Ireland is British. Yet the Union Jack has been essen­tial­ly des­ig­nat­ed a for­eign flag, and can only be flown 17 days a year.


    Ger­man Offi­cer “next time, you shall have all you can cope with at home, and not both­er with us”

    Posted by GW | December 10, 2012, 7:36 am
  2. @GW: Yep. The truth about North­ern Ire­land is real­ly quite trag­ic, and per­son­al­ly, I’d actu­al­ly be pret­ty sup­port­ive of N.I. being reunit­ed with the rest of the island, if I weren’t so con­cerned about crim­i­nal ele­ments in the Ger­man and oth­er gov­ern­ments tak­ing advan­tage of such.

    Posted by Steven L. | December 10, 2012, 2:33 pm
  3. Lis­ten to Lord Wals­ing­ham talk­ing with Dr. Stan Mon­tei­th on Radio Lib­er­ty archives. http://www.radioliberty.com
    Click lis­ten on-line and go to 12th Feb 2013. Lord W has writ­ten an account of his involve­ment with the nego­ti­a­tions
    around the Coal & Steel Com­mu­ni­ty (of which he was sec­re­tary in
    1950/51). The Coal & Steel Com­mu­ni­ty was the foun­da­tion stone of the EU, today dom­i­nat­ed by Ger­many

    Posted by Robert Theobald | February 15, 2013, 10:03 pm

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