Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Germany’s Ongoing Nazi Cover-Up

COMMENT: It comes as less than a shock to learn that Ger­man intel­li­gence has destroyed a sen­si­tive file on a neo-Nazi ter­ror group that had elud­ed cap­ture for many years, despite the com­mis­sion of many seri­ous crimes, includ­ing bank rob­bery and the mur­der of a police­woman. (Tip of the hat to R. Wil­son on this sto­ry.)

Evolved from per­son­nel and insti­tu­tions inex­tri­ca­bly linked with the Third Reich, the post­war Ger­man gov­ern­ment has a his­to­ry of being “less than vig­or­ous” in inves­ti­ga­tions of crim­i­nal­i­ty involv­ing “neo” Nazis.

Note that the files were destroyed imme­di­ate­ly before they were to be turned over to pros­e­cu­tors! Pre­vi­ous­ly, it had been report­ed that Ger­man domes­tic intel­li­gence may have helped to fund the group.

“Nobody here but us chick­ens!”

It is against this back­ground that we exam­ined the acknowl­edge­ment of Nazi par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Olympics Mas­sacre of 1972. Who pro­vid­ed the  false pass­ports obtained by the Nazi ele­ment for the Pales­tin­ian killers? 

“Ger­man Secret Ser­vice Destroys Files on neo-Nazi Ter­ror­ist Gang the Nation­al Social­ist Under­ground: Vital Infor­ma­tion Was Shred­ded on the Day It Was Due to Be Hand­ed to Fed­eral Pros­e­cu­tors” by Tony Pat­ter­son; The Inde­pen­dent [UK]; 6/29/2012.

EXCERPT: Germany’s equiv­a­lent of MI5 has found itself at the cen­tre of a deep­en­ing intel­li­gence ser­vice scan­dal after it was con­firmed yes­ter­day that its agents had destroyed files con­tain­ing vital infor­ma­tion about a neo-Nazi ter­ror­ist gang hours before the mate­r­ial was due to be hand­ed to fed­eral pros­e­cu­tors.

The case con­cerns the Nation­al Social­ist Under­ground, a neo-Nazi group respon­si­ble for Germany’s worst acts of far-right vio­lence since the Sec­ond World War. Its mem­bers mur­dered a police­woman, shot dead nine immi­grants, mount­ed two bomb attacks and robbed 14 banks to finance their oper­a­tions.

Police dis­cov­ered the bod­ies of the gang’s two ring­lead­ers, Uwe Mund­los and Uwe Böhn­hardt, in a burned-out car­a­van in east­ern Ger­many last Novem­ber. Inves­ti­ga­tors estab­lished that they had com­mit­ted sui­cide after rob­bing a bank. A third mem­ber of the gang, Beate Zschäpe, was caught and arrest­ed. She is still being ques­tioned.

Details of the scan­dal were leaked to the Ger­man news agency DPA yes­ter­day, prompt­ing Ger­man Inte­rior Min­istry offi­cials to admit that domes­tic intel­li­gence ser­vice agents, who had been keep­ing the gang under sur­veil­lance for more than a decade, had destroyed files con­tain­ing infor­ma­tion about the group.

They revealed to a par­lia­men­tary inquiry that the agents had shred­ded the doc­u­ments on Novem­ber 11 – the day they were due to be hand­ed to Germany’s Fed­eral Pros­e­cu­tor, who had tak­en over the inves­ti­ga­tion. . . .


11 comments for “Germany’s Ongoing Nazi Cover-Up”

  1. Sev­er­al things about this remind me of the Sym­bionese Lib­er­a­tion Army oper­a­tion with its ele­ments of mind con­trol and its intel­li­gence ori­gins, even though that faux-left ter­ror done by right han­dlers varies from this faux-right ter­ror done by right han­dlers . The Nation­al Social­ist Under­ground was heav­i­ly infil­trat­ed (han­dled? gen­er­at­ed? ) by police agen­cies, hence the volu­mi­nous records on them which were destroyed. Despite the polices’ ongo­ing knowl­edge of the NSU cell and its goals and capa­bil­i­ties, police insist­ed through­out that the string of mur­ders were part of a Turk­ish mafia war by unknown par­ties. The assas­si­na­tions of eth­nic for­eign­ers were effi­cient­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly done, usu­al­ly with silenced weapons, imply­ing a lev­el of mil­i­tary train­ing not evi­dent in the young peo­ples’ back­grounds. And final­ly the ones who knew most con­ve­nient­ly sui­cid­ed just before arrest.

    So, we get yet anoth­er reminder that the Nazi threat in Ger­many is lim­it­ed to low lev­el street thugs. short on the­o­ry but long on testos­terone and focused hatred. With each of these (NEO?) groups dis­cov­ered and smashed the men in suits, the gov­ern­ment min­is­ters the bankers, the EU rep­re­sen­ta­tives can dis­tance them­selves from the cru­di­ty of such peo­ple and denounce their ugly vio­lence and rac­sism. Lat­er per­haps we’ll see some well-researched arti­cles about how cur­rent social and eco­nom­ic con­di­tions give rise to such move­ments, end­ing with ambi­gu­i­ty over whether we cam blame them com­plete­ly.

    We’ve heard this tune enough. Too much.

    Posted by Dwight | July 3, 2012, 5:15 pm
  2. Exerpt­ed from:
    Ger­many: Neo-Nazi ter­ror and the secret ser­vice
    By Diet­mar Hen­ning
    24 Decem­ber 2011

    A con­fi­den­tial paper by the Fed­er­al Office for the Pro­tec­tion of the Con­sti­tu­tion (secret ser­vice) of July 2004 states: “Notwith­stand­ing the fact that the ‘bomb-mak­ers of Jena’ suc­ceed­ed for years to evade arrest, there is no effec­tive sup­port net­work to con­duct a sus­tained cam­paign from the under­ground”. At this time, the Nazis had already killed five immigrants—Enver Şimşek, Abdur­rahim Özüdo&;ru, Süley­man Taşköprü, Habil Kılıç and Mehmet Turgut.

    Police “pro­fil­ers” had come to the con­clu­sion that the mur­ders were the work of a right-wing ser­i­al killer. But the secret ser­vice would have none of it. The same year, the Fed­er­al Office for the Pro­tec­tion of the Con­sti­tu­tion dis­band­ed its “right-wing extrem­ism depart­ment”.

    The mur­der of the migrants was blamed on a “for­eign drug mafia”. A 2006 BKA inter­nal memo, quot­ed in the cur­rent edi­tion of Der Spiegel, says, “Almost all the evi­dence” point­ed to the vic­tims of the trio being “involved in var­i­ous ways in drug traf­fick­ing”. “Polit­i­cal­ly or reli­gious­ly moti­vat­ed mur­ders”, accord­ing to the BKA, were “unlike­ly”.

    The men were sup­pos­ed­ly killed as pun­ish­ment by an “inter­na­tion­al­ly orga­nized” drug mafia; the mur­ders were “car­ried out pro­fes­sion­al­ly”. The bereaved fam­i­lies of the vic­tims were then put under pres­sure to admit to con­nec­tions between their mur­dered rel­a­tives and “orga­nized crime”.

    In one murder—that of Halit Yoz­gat in an Inter­net cafe in Kas­sel in 2006—it was proved that an offi­cer of the Hesse State Secret Ser­vice was at the scene. Andrew T., who was called “lit­tle Adolf” by friends, was said to have also been in the vicin­i­ty of the crime scenes in five oth­er mur­ders.

    The Erfurt State Attor­ney is cur­rent­ly inves­ti­gat­ing “sev­er­al per­sons” on sus­pi­cion of obstruct­ing the course of jus­tice in office. The spokesman for the pros­e­cu­tor, Hannes Grüneisen, told Focus that it appears that this is now cov­ered by the statute of lim­i­ta­tions.
    Rumours are now ema­nat­ing from the Inte­ri­or Min­istry that Beate Zschäpe, the only sur­vivor of the ter­ror trio, will not be tried for mur­der, acces­so­ry to mur­der, or mem­ber­ship of a ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion. Since she has remained silent and will con­tin­ue to do so in the view of the Inte­ri­or Min­istry, it would not be pos­si­ble to prove con­spir­a­cy or par­tic­i­pa­tion in the 10 killings car­ried out by the NSU. A thin­ly veiled invi­ta­tion for Zschäpe to keep qui­et!

    The con­se­quence would be that the NSU would not be con­sid­ered a ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion. Since accord­ing to Penal Code Sec­tion 129a this must con­sist of at least three peo­ple. Böhn­hardt and Mund­los would then be regard­ed in a legal sense as lone per­pe­tra­tors, report­ed the Mit­teldeutsche Zeitung, with ref­er­ence to Inte­ri­or Min­istry cir­cles.
    At least 10 dead, three bomb attacks in Cologne, Jena and Saar­brück­en and 14 bank rob­beries are attrib­ut­able to the three right-wing ter­ror­ists from Zwick­au. Politi­cians and the media speak of “fail­ures, bad luck and mishaps” and “break­downs”. But the alleged “mishaps” or “fail­ures” have assumed a scale that lead to only one con­clu­sion: The far-right ter­ror­ist scene is being pro­tect­ed by the state.

    Posted by Dwight | July 3, 2012, 5:58 pm
  3. @Dwight: This also reminds me of the Tea Par­ty wack­os & and cer­tain amongst the mili­tias as well.
    What’s fun­ny about the for­mer, espe­cial­ly, is that it just sud­den­ly and inex­plic­a­bly appeared out of nowhere....a bolt out of the blue, in oth­er words, in Feb. 2009, just a month after Oba­ma was inau­gu­rat­ed. And also in the way that they’re sup­pos­ed­ly just a bunch of street-lev­el peo­ple who just hap­pen to be a lit­tle ‘dif­fer­ent’ and aren’t actu­al­ly going to try to harm any­one. That, I believe, is HIGHLY fal­la­cious, because already, the cries of sedi­tion have gone up again with Roberts back­ing off on the A.C.A., and the fact that more and more peo­ple are wak­ing up to the real­i­ty of elec­tion fraud and extreme-right terror.....one has to won­der when the bal­loon will go up and how bad things could get, espe­cial­ly if Oba­ma wins by a good por­tion of the vote this year.
    Can you say ‘Turn­er Diaries’, any­one? =(

    Posted by Steve L. | July 4, 2012, 10:18 am
  4. I’m left won­der­ing if ... well maybe that they, Ger­man intel­li­gence, did­n’t want to expose any agents who may have infil­trat­ed the neo-Nazi group?

    Posted by Amino Acid Head | July 4, 2012, 2:03 pm
  5. A minor cor­rec­tion (sort of): accord­ing to this arti­cle, the agency did­n’t destroy the files one day before they were to be hand­ed over...instead, they are claim­ing that the files were on Novem­ber 12, 2011, one day after the infor­mant-sta­tus of the neo-nazi pair became pub­lic OR they were destroyed in Jan­u­ary, 2011. It was all due to inno­cent con­fu­sion by a “mis­guid­ed indi­vid­ual” that heads the agency depart­ment for procur­ing intel­li­gence sources:


    Neo-Nazi Cell Scan­dal Intel­li­gence Agency under Fire for Shred­ding Files

    By SPIEGEL Staff

    The offi­cial inves­ti­ga­tion into the Nation­al Social­ist Under­ground (NSU), the neo-Nazi cell which is believed to have killed at least 10 peo­ple over a peri­od of years, has been marked by a series of embar­rass­ing fail­ures and slip-ups by the author­i­ties. But new rev­e­la­tions about the case threat­en to trig­ger a major scan­dal with pos­si­ble polit­i­cal con­se­quences.


    Mem­bers of the par­lia­men­tary inves­tiga­tive com­mit­tee react­ed to the news with shock and out­rage. “Such inci­dents make it dif­fi­cult to con­vinc­ing­ly refute the con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries,” said com­mit­tee chair­man Sebas­t­ian Edathy, a mem­ber of the cen­ter-left oppo­si­tion Social Democ­rats. There has been per­sis­tent spec­u­la­tion that the domes­tic intel­li­gence ser­vice may have used mem­bers of the NSU as infor­mants.

    Oth­er mem­bers of the com­mit­tee were equal­ly scathing. Hart­frid Wolff of the busi­ness-friend­ly Free Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty described the inci­dent as “unbe­liev­able,” while Clemens Bin­ninger of the cen­ter-right Chris­t­ian Demo­c­ra­t­ic Union said it cre­at­ed scope “for all kinds of the­o­ries.” “Clear­ly the Office for the Pro­tec­tion of the Con­sti­tu­tion has a lot to hide,” said Petra Pau of the far-left Left Par­ty, which has been par­tic­u­lar­ly crit­i­cal of the author­i­ties’ han­dling of the case.

    Indi­vid­ual ‘Act­ed Alone’

    On Thurs­day, offi­cials at the Office for the Pro­tec­tion of the Con­sti­tu­tion told SPIEGEL ONLINE that the shred­ding of the doc­u­ments was unprece­dent­ed. They insist­ed it was due to the mis­guid­ed actions of an indi­vid­ual and not the result of an order to destroy the files.

    Sources in the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty said that a legal inves­ti­ga­tion had been opened against an employ­ee of the Office for the Pro­tec­tion of the Con­sti­tu­tion. The offi­cer is appar­ent­ly head of a so-called “pro­cure­ment” depart­ment, which is respon­si­ble for run­ning sources and obtain­ing infor­ma­tion from them. The agen­cy’s man­age­ment is “appalled” and “absolute­ly furi­ous” about the inci­dent, sources said, adding that offi­cials were try­ing to recon­struct the files as best they could. Appar­ent­ly sev­en files were destroyed.

    The agency has recon­struct­ed the time­line of the doc­u­ments’ destruc­tion. The depart­ment head sup­pos­ed­ly received orders on Nov. 10, 2011 to search his files for the names of the three NSU mem­bers — Uwe Böhn­hardt, Uwe Mund­los and Beate Zschäpe — and look for pos­si­ble con­nec­tions to the far-right scene. Among oth­er files, the offi­cer looked at doc­u­ments relat­ing to Oper­a­tion Rennsteig.

    The oper­a­tion, whose name refers to a famous hik­ing trail in the state of Thuringia, was intend­ed to recruit inform­ers from a far-right group called the Thüringer Heimatschutz (“Thuringian Home­land Pro­tec­tion”) dur­ing the peri­od from 1996 to 2003. Böhn­hardt, Mund­los and Zschäpe, who all used to live in the Thuringian city of Jena, were also active in the group for a time. Both the Office for the Pro­tec­tion of the Con­sti­tu­tion and Ger­many’s mil­i­tary intel­li­gence agency, the Mil­i­tary Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence Ser­vice (MAD), were involved in the oper­a­tion.

    The depart­ment head alleged­ly did not find any­thing of inter­est in his files. One day lat­er, on Nov. 11, he informed his supe­ri­ors that he had not found the names of the three sus­pect­ed ter­ror­ists or oth­er evi­dence in his records. At the same time, he not­ed that sev­en so-called pro­cure­ment files had been archived for too long. This type of file includes all the details about the recruit­ment of a source, includ­ing their code­name and obser­va­tions about their char­ac­ter. The agency is gen­er­al­ly oblig­ed to destroy such files after a max­i­mum peri­od of 10 years. The depart­ment head gave orders for the files to be destroyed imme­di­ate­ly. A day lat­er, on Nov. 12, anoth­er employ­ee car­ried out the shred­ding as per instruc­tions.

    Embar­rass­ing Rev­e­la­tions

    The behav­ior of the depart­ment head appears odd, how­ev­er. He told his supe­ri­or offi­cer in Jan­u­ary 2012 that the sev­en files from Oper­a­tion Rennsteig had already been destroyed in or around Jan­u­ary 2011 because of the time lim­it on files. Only when Fromm, the agency head, asked fol­low-up ques­tions did the offi­cer admit that the files had actu­al­ly been destroyed on Nov. 12, 2011 — in oth­er words, just as the cel­l’s con­nec­tion to the mur­der series was uncov­ered. At that time, the Fed­er­al Pros­e­cu­tor’s Office had tak­en over the inves­ti­ga­tion and request­ed to see all the rel­e­vant doc­u­ments.

    Accord­ing to sources in the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty, Oper­a­tion Rennsteig was a large-scale attempt to infil­trate the far-right scene around Thüringer Heimatschutz. Intel­li­gent agents ini­tial­ly select­ed 35 “prospec­tive can­di­dates” as poten­tial sources. Eight of those peo­ple were lat­er recruit­ed as inform­ers, with six of them being run by the fed­er­al intel­li­gence agency and the oth­ers by the state-lev­el intel­li­gence agency in Thuringia. In addi­tion, the Office for the Pro­tec­tion of the Con­sti­tu­tion drew up a list of 73 men of “mil­i­tary ser­vice age” for the Mil­i­tary Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence Ser­vice. It is unclear what the mil­i­tary intel­li­gence agency want­ed to do with the list. But it is per­haps sig­nif­i­cant that the names of Mund­los and Bön­hardt appeared on that list.


    It also sounds like the remain­ing files that are to be turned over are expect­ed to demon­strate that the gang mem­bers were, indeed, work­ing as infor­mants, rais­ing ques­tions of just how damn­ing was the evi­dence on the destroyed files. Also note that the mil­i­tary intel­li­gence unit, MAD, which was also work­ing on “Oper­a­tion Rennsteig”, is coop­er­at­ing...they just hap­pened to not keep any files at all on the mat­ter:

    Date 03.07.2012
    Right-Wing Extrem­ism
    Ger­man intel­li­gence grants access to files in neo-Nazi probe

    Ger­many’s domes­tic intel­li­gence agency has offered the par­lia­men­tary com­mit­tee access to 25 files relat­ing to “Oper­a­tion Rennsteig,” which was aimed at recruit­ing infor­mants in right-wing cir­cles in the east­ern state of Thuringia between 1997 and 2003.

    The oper­a­tion involved the fed­er­al domes­tic intel­li­gence agency, the region­al agency in Thuringia and, accord­ing to the com­mit­tee, the mil­i­tary intel­li­gence ser­vice MAD.

    The files are expect­ed to reveal that the author­i­ties were work­ing with infor­mants from the so-called Nation­al Social­ist Under­ground (NSU), an extrem­ist group that is believed to have killed 10 peo­ple with non-Ger­man back­grounds over more than a decade before their cov­er was blown ear­li­er this year.

    Last week, it became appar­ent that some of the files relat­ing to the oper­a­tion were shred­ded by the fed­er­al intel­li­gence agency last year. On Mon­day, the head of the agency, Heinz Fromm, resigned his post.

    Anoth­er head rolls

    On Tues­day, From­m’s coun­ter­part at Thuringia’s intel­li­gence agency, Thomas Sip­pel, also stepped down in con­nec­tion with the rev­e­la­tions. He will go into ear­ly retire­ment.

    The chair­man of the par­lia­men­tary com­mit­tee, Sebas­t­ian Edathy, also urged the MAD to release their files, while the MAD insists it is coop­er­at­ing. It also said on Tues­day that it does not have “Oper­a­tion Rennsteig” files.


    Posted by Pterrafractyl | July 4, 2012, 11:58 pm
  6. And speak­ing of neo-nazi move­ments worth inves­ti­gat­ing and infiltrating...Germany’s fra­ter­ni­ties appear to have been heav­i­ly infil­trat­ed by the far-right for decades now. Win­ning hearts and minds, one keg­ger at a time:

    How right-wing are Ger­many’s fra­ter­ni­ties?
    Date 05.07.2012
    Author: Klaus Dah­mann / cmk
    Edi­tor: Gregg Ben­zow

    It’s a seri­ous accu­sa­tion: accord­ing to the defen­dant Chris­t­ian Joachim Beck­er, many of Ger­many’s fra­ter­ni­ties have been sat­u­rat­ed by right-wing extrem­ism in the past decades. Some of the coun­try’s most sig­nif­i­cant stu­dent fra­ter­ni­ties, steeped in tra­di­tion, have already been com­plete­ly infil­trat­ed.

    For this rea­son, Beck­er launched the ini­tia­tive known as Burschen­schafter gegen Neon­azis (Fra­ter­ni­ties Against Neon­azis). With its online por­tal Quo­Vadis­Buxe, the orga­ni­za­tion denounces all forms of right-wing extrem­ism.

    One exam­ple is Nor­bert Wei­d­ner, who called the the­olo­gian and resis­tance fight­er Diet­rich Bon­ho­ef­fer, exe­cut­ed by the Nazis, a “trai­tor.” Wei­d­ner said his sen­tenc­ing was “legal­ly jus­ti­fied.”

    Wei­d­ner is cur­rent­ly the edi­tor-in-chief of the ‘Burschen­schaftlichen Blät­ter’, Ger­many’s fra­ter­ni­ty quar­ter­ly pub­li­ca­tion, and is there­fore one of the most influ­en­tial and high­est-paid offi­cials in the larg­er umbrel­la orga­ni­za­tion of Ger­many’s fra­ter­ni­ties, the ‘Deutschen Burschen­schaft.’

    Infil­tra­tion by right-wing extrem­ists

    In his youth, Wei­d­ner was part of the far-right Viking Youth orga­ni­za­tion, and then moved on to become an offi­cial in the Free Ger­man Work­ers’ Par­ty. After this far-right par­ty was banned in 1995, Wei­d­ner dis­ap­peared for a short while, only to re-emerge in the Bonn area fra­ter­ni­ty ‘Alten Bres­lauer Burschen­schaft der Raczeks zu Bonn’, the same fra­ter­ni­ty to which Beck­er belongs.

    Beck­er, how­ev­er, does not want their fight to be reduced to a mat­ter of per­son­al ani­mos­i­ty. On the con­trary, he thinks the prob­lem of right-wing extrem­ism is one faced by the wider com­mu­ni­ty of Ger­man fra­ter­ni­ties.

    We would like the top­ic of right-wing extrem­ism at the aca­d­e­m­ic lev­el to be dis­cussed, and that politi­cians and the author­i­ties deal with the issue,” he said. The sit­u­a­tion is seri­ous, he adds. “Writ­ings by these aca­d­e­m­ic neo-Nazis give rise to far-right slo­gans, and this then sparks vio­lence.”


    Neo-Nazis spring into the breach

    No won­der, then, that many fra­ter­ni­ties are find­ing it hard to keep up the mem­ber­ship num­bers — a prob­lem that, accord­ing to crit­ics, the neo-Nazis have exploit­ed. Of the 10,000 active fra­ter­ni­ty mem­bers, about 1,500 are right-wing extrem­ists, accord­ing to Beck­er. And Wei­d­ner is one of the “heads of the right-wing move­ment” that has entwined the far-right NPD par­ty and a part of the fra­ter­ni­ties.

    Wei­d­ner has strong­ly denied these claims — and has tak­en his com­plaint to the Bonn Dis­trict Court. “These struc­tures do not exist,” said his lawyer Björn Clemens. “Accord­ing­ly, my client has no lead­ing role in such struc­tures. These are flights of fan­cy.”

    Wei­d­ner plans to sue Beck­er for up to 250,000 euros ($313,375) if he repeats these, or sim­i­lar, alle­ga­tions. Clemens deferred the ques­tion of whether his client could be called a “right-wing extrem­ist,” say­ing, “You should ask him your­self.” How­ev­er, the lawyer, once one of the lead­ing right-lean­ing fig­ure him­self, adds, “I don’t think so.”


    Posted by Pterrafractyl | July 5, 2012, 12:12 am
  7. http://wsws.org/articles/2012/jul2012/nazi-j16.shtml

    “Every pass­ing day brings new rev­e­la­tions con­firm­ing that the mur­der ram­page car­ried out by the neo-Nazi orga­ni­za­tion “Nation­al Social­ist under­ground” (NSU) would have been impos­si­ble with­out the active sup­port of the Ger­man secret ser­vices.”

    Posted by ironcloudz | July 16, 2012, 9:04 am
  8. Nazi war crim­i­nal Las­z­lo Csa­tary arrest­ed in Budapest

    By Markus Salz­mann
    23 July 2012

    The Budapest state attor­ney has placed Hun­gar­i­an war crim­i­nal Las­z­lo Csa­tary under house arrest. The 97-year-old is accused of being involved in the mur­der of 16,000 Hun­gar­i­an Jews dur­ing the Sec­ond World War. In 1948, he was sen­tenced to death in absen­tia in Czecho­slo­va­kia.

    The Hun­gar­i­an author­i­ties only pur­sued Csa­tary after reporters from the British tabloid the Sun tracked him down and pub­lished pho­tos of him. He was liv­ing in his apart­ment in a posh dis­trict of Budapest.

    The Simon Wiesen­thal Cen­ter (SWC) in Jerusalem has been pur­su­ing Csa­tary for decades. As SWC direc­tor Efraim Zuroff report­ed, the Hun­gar­i­an jus­tice sys­tem had evi­dence in 2006 that Csa­tary was in Budapest. For two years, the author­i­ties had been aware of his address but had done noth­ing.

    Csa­tary was high on the SWC want­ed list. As chief of police in 1944 in Kassa—now the Slo­vak town of Kosice—he is accused of being respon­si­ble for the depor­ta­tion of near­ly 15,700 Hun­gar­i­an Jews to Auschwitz, and to have act­ed with sadis­tic bru­tal­i­ty. As ear­ly as 1941, he is said to have deport­ed 300 Jews from the Ukrain­ian city of Kami­anets-Podil­skyi. The area was con­quered by the Ger­man Wehrma­cht (army), and short­ly after­wards the Nazis per­pe­trat­ed a mas­sacre of 23,600 Jews there.

    After he was sen­tenced to death in 1948, Csa­tary fled to Cana­da, where he lived with a new iden­ti­ty until his expul­sion in 1997. After his return to Hun­gary, he was able to dis­ap­pear with­out hin­drance.

    Csa­tary, who is said to be in good phys­i­cal and men­tal con­di­tion, was ques­tioned last Wednes­day for the first time by the prosecutor’s office in Budapest. Fol­low­ing a report by the Hun­gar­i­an news agency MTI, the author­i­ties then sought an arrest war­rant.

    Accord­ing to media reports, when ques­tioned, the 97-year-old reject­ed all charges against him on the grounds that he had at that time “only been fol­low­ing orders” and “doing his duty” as chief of police.

    The fact that Csa­tary could live undis­turbed for years in Hun­gary rais­es doubts whether he will ever stand tri­al and face con­vic­tion. “I’m not sure that the dis­cov­ery will have legal con­se­quences under this con­ser­v­a­tive gov­ern­ment,” Serge Klars­feld, the “Nazi hunter,” told the news agency AFP.

    The Hun­gar­i­an gov­ern­ment of the right-wing Cit­i­zens Fed­er­a­tion (Fidesz) under Vic­tor Orban is cur­rent­ly reviv­ing fas­cist and author­i­tar­i­an tra­di­tions.

    The con­sti­tu­tion adopt­ed under Fidesz enshrines God, Chris­tian­i­ty and pride in the thou­sand-year his­to­ry of Hun­gary as legal­ly bind­ing stan­dards. The text refers to the “his­tor­i­cal” her­itage of Hun­gary and, accord­ing to Orban, has end­ed the peri­od in which “the Hun­gar­i­ans [were] sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly sup­pressed”. The con­tent of the new con­sti­tu­tion has links to the fas­cist dic­ta­tor­ship of Mik­los Hor­thy in the 1930s and 1940s. The term “repub­lic” has dis­ap­peared from the name of the coun­try.

    Under Hor­thy, the Hun­gar­i­an author­i­ties deport­ed more than 400,000 Jews to Auschwitz or had them mur­dered. Today, under the influ­ence of Orban and the far-right par­ty Job­bik, a ver­i­ta­ble Hor­thy cult has devel­oped. In mid-May, a stat­ue of Hor­thy was set up in Kere­ki in south­west Hungary—the first to be erect­ed since the end of the dic­ta­tor­ship in 1945. In Debre­cen, a com­mem­o­ra­tive plaque to Hor­thy was recent­ly unveiled, and in the town of Gyöm­rö, south­east of Budapest, a park now bears his name. Fur­ther Hor­thy stat­ues are to be erect­ed in var­i­ous cities, includ­ing Budapest.

    In addi­tion to rep­re­sen­ta­tives of Job­bik, which draws on the tra­di­tion of the Nazi Arrow Cross, and the Catholic Church, Fidesz politi­cians are also reg­u­lar­ly present at inau­gu­ra­tion fes­tiv­i­ties. Orban claims that this is sole­ly the doing of the local munic­i­pal­i­ties, which are often run by right-wing Fidesz and Job­bik politi­cians. “Why does Fidesz stand along­side the Arrow Cross—how far have things come with us?” com­ment­ed polit­i­cal sci­en­tist Zoltan Som­o­gyi on this devel­op­ment.

    In addi­tion to Hor­thy, oth­er Nazi fig­ures are also being rein­stat­ed. At the behest of the Hun­gar­i­an par­lia­ment, writer Jozsef Nyiro, who died in 1953 and was once sought for war crimes, has been reburied in Tran­syl­va­nia with a state funer­al. Nyiro was a cul­tur­al ide­ol­o­gist under Hor­thy. After the takeover of the fas­cist Arrow Cross in Octo­ber 1944, he was a mem­ber of the Hun­gar­i­an Nation­al Assem­bly and fled from the Red Army to Aus­tria. Under the pro­tec­tion of Fran­co, he was final­ly able to set­tle down in Madrid.

    Orban is pur­su­ing his right-wing course against the back­drop of mas­sive attacks on the liv­ing stan­dards of broad sec­tions of soci­ety. The aus­ter­i­ty mea­sures adopt­ed by his right-wing gov­ern­ment must, soon­er or lat­er, trig­ger protests and social con­flicts. Orban wants to pre­vent this through the revival of fas­cist tra­di­tions and the foment­ing of nation­al­ism.

    In this polit­i­cal cli­mate, a seri­ous case against Las­z­lo Csa­tary is hard­ly like­ly. This is clear from the pre­lim­i­nary excus­es made by the Budapest state attorney’s office. They have stat­ed that the inves­ti­ga­tion would be “very dif­fi­cult” because the crime scene lies in anoth­er coun­try and the events hap­pened more than half a cen­tu­ry ago.

    Posted by ironcloudz | July 23, 2012, 9:02 am
  9. Wag­n­ers at war over Nazi past

    Dai­ly Mail 7–29-12

    A feud has bro­ken out between mem­bers of the Wag­n­er opera fam­i­ly in Ger­many as the leader of the clan threat­ens legal action unless they co-oper­ate with a ‘moral house clean­ing’ aimed at de-Naz­i­fy­ing the world’s lead­ing opera fes­ti­val.

    Katha­ri­na Wag­n­er, who now directs the annu­al Bayreuth Fes­ti­val of Richard Wag­n­er’s operas, wants fam­i­ly mem­bers to turn over every doc­u­ment they have in a bid to exor­cise the ghosts of the Third Reich — includ­ing ‘poten­tial­ly explo­sive’ let­ters penned by Hitler to Winifred Wag­n­er, the Eng­lish­woman who became head of the fam­i­ly in wartime.

    Katha­ri­na Wag­n­er, 34, said silence on the part of her fam­i­ly will not be tol­er­at­ed as the links that the fes­ti­val had dur­ing the 12 year lifes­pan of the Third Reich with the Nazi hier­ar­chy, includ­ing Hitler, are probed.

    Posted by Dwight | July 31, 2012, 11:33 pm
  10. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/170011#.UebOpm2nfRo

    Neo-Nazi ‘Were­wolf Squad’ Fer­ret­ed Out by Ger­man Police

    The neo-Nazi ‘Were­wolf Squad’ was hunt­ed down by Ger­man police in three Euro­pean nations this week in an effort to pre­vent bomb­ing attacks

    By Chana Ya’ar
    First Pub­lish: 7/17/2013, 5:21 PM

    A neo-Nazi ter­ror­ist group call­ing itself the ‘Were­wolf Squad’ was hunt­ed down by Ger­man police in three Euro­pean nations this week as inves­ti­ga­tors tracked down evi­dence of plans to car­ry out bomb­ings.

    The sting oper­a­tion by police and anti-ter­ror­ism units swept through 11 homes, offices and prison cells in the Nether­lands, Ger­many and Switzer­land. They con­fis­cat­ed com­put­ers and oth­er data stor­age devices in their raids, but no arrests were made.

    Ger­man pros­e­cu­tors said the joint oper­a­tion was the cul­mi­na­tion of a secret inves­ti­ga­tion launched months ago, accord­ing to Der Spiegel.

    Six neo-Nazis are sus­pect­ed of plot­ting to over­throw the Ger­man gov­ern­ment through a series of bomb attacks in a plan code-named “Were­wolf,” inves­ti­ga­tors said.

    “It is sus­pect­ed the group intend­ed to car­ry out vio­lent ter­ror­ist acts for this pur­pose,” the prosecutor’s office said in its state­ment.

    Two Swiss right-wing extrem­ists are sus­pect­ed of lead­ing the group. Police named them only as Robert S., 54, and Sebastien N., 25.

    The lat­ter, a pris­on­er in Switzer­land, is tat­tooed with Nazi sym­bols over much of his body, pros­e­cu­tors said.

    The group mod­els itself on the “Were­wolf” com­man­dos that were to be sent by the Nazis behind ene­my lines towards the end of World War II.

    Posted by Vanfield | July 17, 2013, 9:12 am
  11. http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/08/25/beate-zschaepe-trial-reveals-secret-life-of-nazi-bride-behind-germanys-kebab-killings/

    ‘She was a dear neigh­bour’: Tri­al reveals secret life of ‘Nazi bride’ behind Germany’s ‘kebab killings’
    Repub­lish Reprint

    Jee­van Vasagar, The Tele­graph | 13/08/25 8:51 PM ET
    More from The Tele­graph
    Beate Zschaepe who is charged with com­plic­i­ty in the mur­ders of eight eth­nic Turks, a Greek immi­grant and a Ger­man police­woman between 2000 and 2007 as a found­ing mem­ber and sole sur­vivor of the far-right gang dubbed the Nation­al Social­ist Under­ground (NSU), enters the court­room pri­or to the start of her tri­al at a Munich cour­t­house in Ger­many.

    To her neigh­bours in the qui­et Ger­man town of Zwick­au, she was the “friend­ly, socia­ble and gen­er­ous” young woman who liked to drop by for a glass of pros­ec­co. To her com­rades on the Ger­man far Right, she was a smart, assertive and vio­lent mem­ber of their secret ter­ror­ist mili­tia.

    Revealed in a Munich court, the hid­den life of Beate Zschaepe, a mousy, bespec­ta­cled 38-year-old with the looks of a librar­i­an, has giv­en Ger­many a chill­ing insight into its neo-Nazi move­ment.

    In the biggest home-grown ter­ror­ist scan­dal since the days of the Baad­er-Mein­hof gang in the 1970s, her group is accused of car­ry­ing out ten mur­ders, two bomb­ings and 15 bank rob­beries dur­ing a 13-year cam­paign.

    Worse still, Germany’s police and spy agen­cies thought the killings, dubbed the “kebab mur­ders” because they tar­get­ed main­ly Turk­ish immi­grants, were part of a feud with­in the Turk­ish mafia.

    On Thurs­day, a par­lia­men­tary report into how Miss Zschaepe’s gang went unde­tect­ed brand­ed the affair “a humil­i­at­ing defeat” for the secu­ri­ty ser­vices, say­ing they had “dra­mat­i­cal­ly under­es­ti­mat­ed” the neo-Nazi threat.

    Her tri­al has also cast a shad­ow over next month’s elec­tions, with Chan­cel­lor, Angela Merkel, pon­der­ing the dark­er side of the Ger­man psy­che dur­ing a vis­it last week to the Dachau con­cen­tra­tion camp, just out­side Munich. “How could Ger­mans go so far as to deny peo­ple human dig­ni­ty and the right to live based on their race, reli­gion, polit­i­cal per­sua­sion or sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion?” she asked.

    Some con­tem­po­rary answers to that ques­tion have been aired in Munich’s High­er Region­al Court, where Miss Zschaepe’s tri­al has been run­ning for the last four months.

    The exis­tence of the Nation­al Social­ist Under­ground, as her gang called itself, was uncov­ered only in late 2011, when police found the bod­ies of her two alleged accom­plices, Uwe Bohn­hardt, then 34, and Uwe Mund­los, then 38, in a camper van near their home town of Zwick­au. They died in a sui­cide pact fol­low­ing a botched bank rob­bery.

    The court has heard that short­ly after­wards, their flat was set ablaze by Miss Zschaepe, who lived there with them. She then turned her­self in to police, say­ing: “I’m the one you’re look­ing for.”

    Search­es of the flat’s burnt-out wreck­age revealed a Czech-made pis­tol used in the killings of the nine for­eign­ers – eight Turks and a Greek – and anoth­er used to shoot dead a police­woman.

    A DVD was also found show­ing the mur­der scenes, includ­ing footage that alleged­ly only some­one present at the killings could have shot.

    It lat­er emerged all three sus­pects were already known to the Ger­man police, with Bohn­hardt once arrest­ed for hang­ing a “Jew­ish” dum­my from a high­way bridge, and Miss Zschaepe being charged with hate speech after a police raid found that she owned a Monop­oly board with a “con­cen­tra­tion camp” square.

    In 1998, and accused of a pipe bomb plot, the trio are said to have gone on the run, car­ry­ing out their mur­der­ous ram­page despite being the sub­jects of an “exten­sive man­hunt” by police.

    Some believe Germany’s recent expe­ri­ence of Islam­ic ter­ror­ists – in par­tic­u­lar, the so-called Ham­burg cell, key to the Sep­tem­ber 11 attacks – led the country’s secu­ri­ty ser­vices to over­look domes­tic threats.

    Miss Zschaepe, who denies the charges against her, has refused to give evi­dence.

    But a detailed pic­ture of her dou­ble life has emerged, as neigh­bours and ex-mem­bers of the neo-Nazi move­ment have giv­en evi­dence.

    Neigh­bours believed Miss Zschaepe was actu­al­ly IT work­er Susann Dienelt. She told them Bohn­hardt and Mund­los were her live-in boyfriend and his broth­er, who had a busi­ness con­vert­ing cars – which pro­vid­ed a plau­si­ble expla­na­tion for the vehi­cles that turned up out­side their home.

    “She was a dear and good neigh­bour, and if she had polit­i­cal views she kept them to her­self,” said Olaf Busch. The near­est Miss Zschaepe came to xeno­pho­bia, he said, was com­plain­ing about the smell from a Greek restau­rant – which, he agreed, “stank of gar­lic.”
    CHRISTOF STACHE/AFP/Getty Images­Beate Zschaepe, accused of being at the heart of neo-Nazi killer cell NSU, arrives for anoth­er ses­sion of her tri­al on June 13, 2013 at the region­al cour­t­house in Munich, south­ern Ger­many.

    In real­i­ty, Miss Zschaepe was liv­ing in a menage a trois with Bohn­hardt and Mund­los. Anoth­er alleged gang mem­ber, Hol­ger Ger­lach, 39, said in police inter­views she was an “equal part­ner” in the trio – strong-willed and not afraid to car­ry out acts of vio­lence. Mr Ger­lach told police that Miss Zschaepe, nick­named die Nazi-Braut (the Nazi bride) by the Ger­man press for her rela­tion­ships with the two men — con­trolled the gang’s finances, chan­nelling funds raised for them by oth­er neo-Nazis through “ben­e­fit gigs” at far-Right music fes­ti­vals.

    Miss Zschaepe and her lovers grew up in the for­mer east Ger­many and were in their teens when the Com­mu­nist sys­tem fell.

    She nev­er knew her father, a Roman­ian stu­dent, and had a bad rela­tion­ship with her moth­er. A police offi­cer, who inter­viewed Miss Zschaepe after her arrest, tes­ti­fied she talked of friends in the neo-Nazi scene had effec­tive­ly become her fam­i­ly. More clues as to why she joined the move­ment came from Carsten Schultze, 33, a local neo-Nazi who reformed in 2000. His old life caught up with him last year when he was arrest­ed and accused of procur­ing a gun used in the mul­ti­ple mur­ders. He has since turned state’s evi­dence.

    In an echo of the ques­tion Ms Merkel posed at Dachau, the tri­al judge asked Mr Schultze why neo-Nazism attract­ed him. “Peo­ple who used to bul­ly me start­ed say­ing hel­lo to me,” he said. “I felt strong.” At this point, Miss Zschaepe smiled.

    Miss Zschaepe, who faces life impris­on­ment if con­vict­ed, is being held on remand in Stadel­heim prison in Munich.

    Ger­man news­pa­pers have print­ed details of let­ters writ­ten to anoth­er far Right pris­on­er, in which she claimed to have had mar­riage offers while behind bars. What­ev­er hor­ror her gang’s alleged crimes may have brought the wider Ger­man pub­lic, she still seems to have a few male admir­ers now Bohn­hardt and Mund­los are gone

    The Sun­day Tele­graph

    Posted by Vanfield | August 27, 2013, 9:58 am

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