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COMMENT: In FTR #746 and FTR #788, we analyzed the Greek economic crisis, the EMU and “Clausewitzian Economics.” In addition to analysis of the EMU as the fulfillment of a long-standing plan for German European and world-wide domination formulated by Friedrich List in the 19th century and fulfilled in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, we highlighted the deliberate beggaring of Greece through “Clausewitzian Economics”–the continuation of war by other means.
As Greece and Germany square off following the election of a left-wing coalition government in the former, the ghosts of World War II are materializing in frightening and dramatic fashion.
The new Greek finance minister has noted the rise of Nazism in Greece as a result of the economic and social deprivation stemming from the austerity doctrine.
There also remains the possibility of raising the specter of Germany’s unpaid World War II debt to Greece, thereby citing the economic and political dynamics inherent in the Bormann capital network, about which we speak so often.
Stay tuned.
“A Game of Chicken” by Paul Krugman; The New York Times; 2/6/2015.
. . . . Beyond that, chaos in Greece could fuel the sinister political forces that have been gaining influence as Europe’s Second Great Depression goes on and on. After a tense meeting with his German counterpart, the new Greek finance minister didn’t hesitate to play the 1930s card. “Nazism,” he declared, “is raising its ugly head in Greece” — a reference to Golden Dawn, the not-so-neo-Nazi party that is now the third largest in the Greek legislature. . . .
. . . . But the hardline approach has raised doubts in the foreign ministry, where some officials worry that forcing Athens into a corner might backfire.
The Greek government has threatened to seek huge reparations for the second world war Nazi occupation. In one of his first acts as prime minister, Mr Tsipras visited a memorial to 200 Greek activists executed in 1944.
Berlin considers the reparations question legally settled. Still, there are worries that Germany would be thrust into an awkward position if Greece were to launch some form of campaign.
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