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Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda chief, once said: ‘In 50 years’ time nobody will think of nation states.’
COMMENT: One of the aspects of the eurozone crisis and the German-driven austerity program that is unnerving business professionals and analysts concerns the capriciousness of the fiats being handed down by the troika.
Reversing field time and again, the EMU’s not-so-wise men (and women) are destroying business confidence on the part of those who might be inclined to invest in the industrial or financial sectors of the eurozone’s troubled economies.
Now it seems that the “caprice” has metamorphosed into “plunder” and subterfuge.
It appears that 75% of Cyprus’ gold reserves are going to be appropriated as part of the “settlement.”
Furthermore, this apparently comes as news to the Cypriot officials handling the situation for that unfortunate country.
Pterrafractyl has some insightful commentary on a relevant Paul Krugman column on gold, the gold standard and the kamikaze fiscal policy of the troika:
Paul Krugman makes an important point in his latest column that’s critical when trying to understand the forces at work in the eurozone crisis: Even though the eurozone isn’t technically on the gold standard, it’s effectively run as if it that’s the case. Austerity policies mimic the kind of deflationary traps associated with gold standards: fiscal or monetary stimulus is simply much less of an option when a gold standard is in place OR when there’s a “troika” that’s mandating austerity. And it doesn’t really matter if a gold standard or austerity ends up ruining the economy because the benefits for imposing a gold standard or austerity aren’t really about economic/financial benefits.
They’re about psychological benefits...people will feel better about the overall “system” if they are confident that no one is getting any “free money”...especially the “moochers”. Confidence that eurozone leaders (in Berlin) will impose pain on “moocher” nations is intended to be sold as if it’s good as gold. And austerity is, indeed, effectively as good as a gold standard when it comes to being as bad as a gold standard can be for the economy. But that doesn’t seem to matter. Gold is shiny and people just like shiny objects. Similarly, austerity is pain, and a large swathe of humanity just seems to enjoy inflicting pain on each other. Golden austerity, it seems, is here to stay.
In this context, there are several things to remember, including:
- Germany recently repatriated much of its gold bullion, being held in vaults in the U.S. and U.K. Why did they do this? What do they have in mind? Of what are they afraid?
- Gold, is, to say the least, NOT a reliable or “safe” asset. Anyone operating under that illusion should read Gold Warriors by Sterling and Peggy Seagraves.
- There is not nearly enough gold in the world to function as a viable medium of exchange.
- Cypriots are being faulted for the size of their banking sector relative to their overall economy. The Turkish invasion of the island in 1974 decimated the Cypriot agricultural and industrial sectors of their economy, forcing them to restructure and allot a much greater role to finance.
First they purloin the savings and bank deposits in Laiki and the Bank of Cyprus, including the working funds of the University of Cyprus, and thousands of small firms hanging on by their fingertips.
Then they seize three quarters of the country’s gold reserves, making it ever harder for Cyprus to extricate itself from EMU at a later date.
The people of Cyprus first learned about this from a Reuters leak of the working documents for the Eurogroup meeting on Friday.
It is tucked away in clause 29. “Sale of excess gold reserves: The Cypriot authorities have committed to sell the excess amount of gold reserves owned by the Republic. This is estimated to generate one-off revenues to the state of €400m via an extraordinary payout of central bank profits.”
This seemed to catch the central bank by surprise. Officials said they knew nothing about it. So who in fact made this decision?
Cypriots are learning what it means to be a member of monetary union when things go badly wrong. The crisis costs have suddenly jumped from €17bn to €23bn, and the burden of finding an extra €6bn will fall on Cyprus alone.
The government expects the economy to contract 13pc this year as full austerity bites. Megan Greene from Maverick Intelligence fears it could be a lot worse.
She says the crisis has reached the point where it would be “less painful” for Cyprus to seek an “amicable divorce” from the eurozone and break free.
Quite so, and while we’re at it, lets seek an amicable divorce for everybody, for Portugal, for Ireland, for Spain, for Italy, and above all for Germany, since they are all being damaged in different ways by the infernal Project. All are victims of their elites.
It is an interesting question why Cyprus has been treated more harshly than Greece, given that the eurozone itself set off the downward spiral by imposing de facto losses of 75pc on Greek sovereign debt held by Cypriot banks.
And, furthermore, given that these banks were pressured into buying many of those Greek bonds in the first place by the EU authorities, when it suited the Eurogroup. . . .
. . . . The workhouse treatment of Cyprus is nevertheless remarkable. The creditor powers walked away from their fresh pledges for an EMU banking union by whipping up largely bogus allegations of Russian money-laundering in Nicosia. A Council of Europe by a British prosecutor has failed to validate the claims.
The EU authorities have gone to great lengths to insist that Cyprus is a “special case”, but I fail to see what is special about it. There is far more Russian money – laundered or otherwise – in the Netherlands. The banking centres of Ireland and Malta are just as large as a share of GDP. Luxembourg’s banking centre is at least four times more leveraged to the economy.
It should be clear by now that the solemn pledges of EMU leaders are expendable. They change their mind whenever its suits them, and whenever the internal politics of their own countries demands. . . .
The perfect case of the sum being worth a hell of a lot less then its parts.
If they’re seriously adding the sale of national gold reserves into the troika’s “bailout” “toolkit” then we’ve officially entered the comically-evil phase of the troika’s descent into madness villain behavior. Or at least rentered it. Because now everyone will ask the obvious questions of what’s going to happen to the other eurozone nations. Is everyone’s gold reserves at risk? That’s quite a symbolic move. And that’s part of what makes this such a chilling proposal: it’s really more about psychology than it is any meaningful payback of creditors. Even Italy, with the fourth largest gold stash in the world, only has 94 billion euros. Now, 94 billion euros is a lot, but it’s not A LOT in the in the grander scheme of things, at least for a country the size of Italy. With over 2 trillion euros in debt, Italy’s 94 billion euros isn’t much more than the 83 billion euros that Italy is expected to spend simply financing its debt this year alone. Confiscating ALL of Italy’s gold is a measly one year interest payment.
If the policy regmine we’re seeing today was part of the plan back in 2008, before austerity and “troikas” were publicly considered even feasible, there was no way in hell the Berlin could have just come out and said “hey there everyone, we’ve decided to transition you all into a much more brutal and heartless social contract where fear of punishment and ‘discipline’ will be the new guiding lights of the empire”. That would have caused a revolution. So instead, we’re just seeing a seemingly endless stream of disasters where the solution involves one “surprise!” change after another to the “vision” for the future of the EU. The only consistency in the change is that the rules keep getting put in place that will ensure there’s a system that traps its participants in debt death-spirals.
And at the rate we’re seeing these “surprises”, we can predict with confidence that someday the EU will indeed reach that Shining City on the Hill. The City where socioeconomic human sacrifices ensure the wrath of the market gods will stay at bay. The a lot of shiny gold in the Shining City on the Hill, but its all owned by this one really rich guy that thinks he’s like the Pope of The Markets. He basically runs the place and is a total dick. You probably don’t want to live in the City on the Shining Hill:
It will be very interesting to see how these moves impact the gold market. It’s not an especially large market compared to the overall size of the global economy but it has immense psychological value. Gold is just associated with “safety” in people’s minds. If the eurozone hurdles are lifted against the sale of gold by central banks caps that’s going to send two very conflicting messages to the markets:
1. Gold is important to own if you want something considered systemically “safe” by TPTB.
2. If TPTB show a predilection for demanding gold sales to pay back national debts, nations might start seizing citizens’ gold.
This will be a story to watch. And it looks like there will be plenty of future twists and turns and “surprises” coming up. Wolfgang Schauble is casting new doubts on whether or not the proposed EU banking union that’s supposed to come into effect in 2014 will be allowable without a treaty change. If the treaty has to be changed that’s simply going to take a lot more time. If if there’s no banking union in 2014 there will be European Stability Mechanism (ESM) coming online in 2014 either. And if there’s no ESM, that means we get to continue along making up new rules with each new banking crisis. The brave travelers will pick up the pace on their journey to Shining City (of beatings) on the Hill. Zombies can shamble. They can also run:
So we have Schauble now dangling out there the possibility that the ESM won’t be available indefinitely AND reiterating German opposition to joint deposit guarantees as part of the new banking union. It’s kind of fascinating how there seems to be an attempt to systematically undo one of the main inherent advantages of a big union. One reason the United States has superpower status is because IT’S BIG. When one part is hurting, the rest of the nation comes to help it and even make long-term investments in the ailing region. There are irreplaceable advantages to being big....unless you set of rules that systematically nullify those advantages.
It has to be said, grimly fascinating experiments like what we’re seeing don’t happen everyday. And there are real economic theories being put to the testg. Normally, if a nation joins a colonial empire it’s because they aren’t given a choice. In this instance, we seem to be seeing an attempt to sell the EU populace on the idea that some austerity now will avoid austerity in the future. THAT’s the EU New Deal. Some pain and some gain now in exchange for less pain in the future. Once the eurozone economies are “harmonized” adequately, the magic of “Ordoliberalism” will take hold across the continent. At least in theory. So what happens if the theory doesn’t work? Ever? Ordoliberalism can’t just work for Germany anymore. It has to work for the whole continent. And given that Germany’s economic success is heavily rooted in an export-based strategy — and Germany’s high-tech export sector is something that simply cannot take place across Europe — it remains to be seen how an Ordoliberal regime will work for broken economies that are only going to be well-suited for low-wage exports. The internal economy that invovlves things like education and healthcare aren’t really allowed under Ordoliberal rules until after you’ve found that high-value export niche. The developing world has been trying to export its way out of poverty for a long time using this strategy and it’s very unclear that this strategy really can work for everybody.
It’s part of why the eurozone crisis is so troubling for the world: We live in a world where there is simply too much technology and labor overcapacity for everyone to have a well-paid 40-hour a week job. Figuring out how to fairly share resources without freaking out about “moochers” and unemployed people is going to be vital over the next century and human psychology REALLY hates helping “moochers”. One of the real intrinsic values that gold has is that it’s good at generating a shared concensus: Because pure gold always weighs the same and looks the same it’s the type of thing that people all over the world can make agreements over. Forming that shared consensus is the real “technology” employed when money is in use. It’s a social technology. Coming up with a new shared concensus that involves a little something called “sharing” is one of the great challenges of our era of not enough jobs and real natural resource austerity. The pro-austerity paradigm we’re seeing emerge with each one of these new EU “surprises” is exactly the kind of anti-sharing dark age consensus that humanity needs to avoid if we don’t want to have severe austerity in the future.
So is there a Plan B if the eurozone is still a basketcase in 5 or 10 years or is Europe destined to endless chiding by its elites about how the people just aren’t being austere enough for the magic of the markets to work? Considering that we’re repeatedly told that there are years of austerity in store for these nations you have to wonder if broken economies for years is part of the unspoken current plans that the proles aren’t yet ready to hear. Maybe that’s the final “Surprise!”