“Grover Norquist’s Jihad” by Pamela Geller; American Thinker; 3/4/2010.
Comment: Criticism of GOP kingpins Grover Norquist and Karl Rove, architects of the Islamic Institute (a Muslim Brotherhood adjunct to the GOP), has been sparse. A continuing tragedy is that much of that sparse criticism comes from members of the conservative community who have retained enough integrity to manifest outrage against the GOP’s alliance with the very Muslim Brotherhood elements against which the Republicans’ amen chorus rails.
One conservative willing to break with her milieu is Pamela Geller, a former editor of the “New York Observer” and editor of the “Atlas Shrugs” website. She recently noted Grover Norquist’s continuing activities on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood’ jihadists.
The Freedom Defense Initiative, a new organization I started with author and scholar Robert Spencer, hosted its inaugural event to an enthusiastic standing-room-only crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference on February 19. But this event was at CPAC, not of CPAC. Could this be because of the influence of conservative kingmaker and power-broker Grover Norquist, who is a member of the Board of Directors of the American Conservative Union, which hosts CPAC? The only event concerning the war on America at CPAC was worse than nothing at all: It was an Islamic propaganda (taqiyya) presentation entitled “You’ve Been Lied To: Why Real Conservatives are Against the War on Terror.” Its message was that “real conservatives” don’t support the war on terror because it is a creation of the “Israeli lobby.”
How did CPAC come to this?
Grover Norquist’s ties to Islamic supremacists and jihadists have been known for years. He and his Palestinian wife, Samah Alrayyes — who was director of communications for his Islamic Free Market Institute until they married in 2005 — are very active in “Muslim outreach.” Just six weeks after 9/11, The New Republic ran an exposé explaining how Norquist arranged for George W. Bush to meet with fifteen Islamic supremacists at the White House on September 26, 2001 — to show how Muslims rejected terrorism. . . .
It was Norquist who ushered these silver-tongued jihadists into the Oval Office of an incurious president after the worst attack ever on American soil. Instead of Hamas, Hezb’allah, and the Muslim Brotherhood, Ibn Warraq, Bat Ye’or, and Wafa Sultan should have been advising the president. Instead, at that September 26 meeting, Bush declared that “the teachings of Islam are teachings of peace and good.” It was a critically important, historic incident. What should have been the most important teaching moment of the long war became a propaganda tool for Islam. A singular opportunity was squandered, and the resulting harm is incalculable.
Bush did this because he trusted Norquist, who vouched for these Muslim leaders. Yet “the record suggests,” wrote Foer, “that [Norquist] has spent quite a lot of time promoting people openly sympathetic to Islamist terrorists.” And this continued for years. . . .
So it is no surprise that CPAC 2009, like CPAC 2010, had nothing addressing the war we are actually engaged in. This is due to the influence of Norquist, Keene, and Suhail Khan, a CPAC board member. According to Discover the Networks, Khan “has repeatedly been a featured speaker at MSA, ISNA and CAIR events” — that is, the Muslim Students Association, Islamic Society of North America, and Council on American-Islamic Relations, three groups linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, the international Islamic organization dedicated to establishing the rule of Islamic law and the subjugation of infidels worldwide.
Grover Norquist almost singlehandedly ushered Islamic supremacist leaders into America’s highest levels of government — subversives, the Islamic fifth column. He gave them unparalleled access. Why didn’t Gaffney’s revelations, and those that preceded and followed his exposé, end Norquist’s influence among conservatives? Why does he still have so much power? . . .
Plese list all 15 names of the Muslims at the meeting on9/26/2001.I hope the truth of Grover,David and AlanNorquist come out.