Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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He Couldn’t Breathe Either–Still Can’t–and Didn’t Get Resurrected

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COMMENT: On the 53rd anniver­sary of the assas­si­na­tion of Dr. Mar­tin Luther King, coin­cid­ing with the East­er hol­i­day, we reflect on that event.

As the tri­al of George Floy­d’s alleged mur­der­er pro­ceeds in the glare of the spot­light of nation­al atten­tion, we recall (from FTR#1133) that Dr. Mar­tin Luther King could­n’t breathe either, when the breath­ing tube was removed from the grave­ly wound­ed, but still liv­ing, Dr. King and a pil­low was put over his face to suf­fo­cate him.

” . . . . This caused her [nurse Lula Mae Shel­by], on the way out, to glance back over her shoul­der, and see that the breath­ing tube had been removed and Dr. Bland put a pil­low on and over the face of Dr. King. . . .”

Grant­ed that the assas­si­na­tion of Dr. King did­n’t take place on the glob­al stage of social media, it is still dis­turb­ing and–to us at least–shocking that there is so lit­tle pub­lic dis­cus­sion of the real­i­ty of that event, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the African-Amer­i­can and so-called “pro­gres­sive sec­tor.”

In addi­tion to the pro­gram cit­ed above, we have detailed Dr. King’s assas­si­na­tion in numer­ous broad­casts.

In AFA #8 (record­ed in April of 1985 and added to episod­i­cal­ly over the decades), we pre­sent­ed suc­ces­sive lay­ers of infor­ma­tion, laid down rather like sed­i­men­ta­ry lay­ers deposit­ed by a large body of water over time.

In FTR#46, we detailed the use of U.S. Spe­cial Forces sol­diers as a back-up sniper team in Mem­phis, as well as Jesse Jack­son’s sig­nif­i­cant role in help­ing to set up the man whose man­tle he assumed after King’s death.

When the Green Berets began being elim­i­nat­ed in an appar­ent “clean-up” oper­a­tion, they approached the hero­ic Dr. William Pep­per, who brave­ly, hero­ical­ly chron­i­cled their sto­ries.



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