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Heinrich Himmler’s Daughter STILL Actively Aiding Nazi War Criminals

Com­ment: Among the orga­ni­za­tions aid­ing the escape and sup­port of Nazi war crim­i­nals is Stille Hil­fe (“Silent Help”). Head­ed by Hein­rich Himm­ler’s Daughter–Gudrun Burwitz–the orga­ni­za­tion con­tin­ues to func­tion. Among the sup­port­ers of the orga­ni­za­tion were Car­di­nal Frings, a Catholic prelate who had much to do with the rise of Joseph Ratzinger to be Pope.

The late Aus­tri­an fas­cist leader Jorg Haider also frat­er­nized with asso­ciates of the group.

In the sto­ry that fol­lows, note that the Waf­fen SS vet­er­ans at the func­tion described appeared to be afraid of Ms. Gur­witz! That appar­ent fear is indica­tive of the influ­ence of the Under­ground Reich.

Note also, that the group still has funds avail­able to it. An astute observ­er might ask where that mon­ey comes from.

“Revealed: How Himm­ler’s ‘Nazi Princess’ Daugh­ter Is Still the Hero­ine of Shad­owy Nazi Group Fight­ing War Crim­i­nal’s Extra­di­tion” by Allan Hall; MailOn­line; 12/1/2010.

Excerpt: The death of a for­mer SS guard and an arrest war­rant for anoth­er have pulled into sharp focus the work­ings of the world’s only sup­port group for mass mur­der­ers.

Stille Hil­fe — or Silent Aid — has 25 to 40 mem­bers includ­ing Gudrun Bur­witz, the daugh­ter of Hein­rich Himm­ler, head of the SS.

It is qui­et­ly work­ing behind the scenes to stop the extra­di­tion to The Hague of Klaas Carel Faber, 88, want­ed by Dutch author­i­ties to resume a life sen­tence for the wartime mur­ders of 22 Jews and resis­tance fight­ers.
Hein­rich Himm­ler and his daugh­ter Gudrun

Gudrun Himm­ler with her father. She was known as Pup­pi — or Doll — to him. She wor­shipped him and he her. She remem­bers him look­ing ‘mag­nif­i­cent’ in his crisp uni­form with boots pol­ished until she could see her reflec­tion in them

And until his death a fort­night ago, Stille Hil­fe was also bankrolling the legal bill for Samuel Kunz, 89, who was accused of tak­ing part in the mur­ders of 433,000 Jews in the Nazi exter­mi­na­tion camp of Belzec in occu­pied Poland in World War II.

The group met at the week­end in a secret loca­tion in Munich — the birth­place of Nazism — to plot strate­gies for help­ing oth­er sur­viv­ing war crim­i­nal sus­pects still liv­ing in Ger­many, a source told MailOn­line. . . .

. . .  In Ger­many it is ille­gal to pub­licly praise Adolf Hitler or the Nazi par­ty. But it is known that Stille Hil­fe mem­bers are fanat­i­cal­ly devot­ed to him and have made it their life’s work to pro­vide a safe haven for his sur­viv­ing fol­low­ers.

Although just 25 to 40 peo­ple form the nucle­us of the group, it has hun­dreds of anony­mous sup­port­ers, many from with­in Ger­many’s neo-Nazi scene, and con­se­quent­ly remains on the radar of the coun­try’s intel­li­gence ser­vices.

A key mem­ber is the woman they refer to as the Nazi Princess, Himm­ler’s daugh­ter Gudrun Bur­witz. . . .

. . . Ger­man jour­nal­ists who write about Stille Hil­fe and its clan­des­tine activ­i­ties remark on the extra­or­di­nary pow­er Ms Bur­witz wields in the organ­i­sa­tion.

Often quot­ed is the ral­ly of neo-Nazis she attend­ed in Ulrichs­berg, north­ern Aus­tria, sev­er­al years ago where she made a rare appear­ance to be idolised by for­mer SS vet­er­ans also in atten­dance.

‘They were ter­ri­fied of her,’ said Andrea Rop­ke, a respect­ed author­i­ty on neo-Nazism who attend­ed the ral­ly.

‘All these high-rank­ing for­mer offi­cers lined up and she asked, “Where did you serve?” show­ing off her vast knowl­edge of mil­i­tary logis­tics.’ . . .


One comment for “Heinrich Himmler’s Daughter STILL Actively Aiding Nazi War Criminals”

  1. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/14503#.UvUQuLSmW‑U

    Things You Nev­er Knew About Nature-Lov­ing Himm­ler
    Pub­lished: Fri­day, Feb­ru­ary 07, 2014 3:14 PM
    It seems he was a Green before there were any.

    Giulio Meot­ti
    The writer, an Ital­ian jour­nal­ist with Il Foglio, writes a twice-week­ly col­umn for Arutz She­va. He is the author of the book “A New Shoah”, that researched the per­son­al sto­ries of Israel’s ter­ror vic­tims, pub­lished by Encounter. His writ­ing has appeared in pub­li­ca­tions, such as the Wall Street Jour­nal, Front­page and Com­men­tary. He has just prb­lished a book about the Vat­i­can and Israel titled “J’Ac­cuse: the Vat­i­can Against Israel” pub­lished by Man­tua Books.

    “Are you a Jew?”, Hein­rich Himm­ler asked a young pris­on­er dur­ing a vis­it to the east­ern front in 1941.


    “Both par­ents Jew­ish?”

    “Yes”, replied the boy.

    “Do you have non-Jew­ish ances­tors?”


    “Then I can­not help you.”

    That was Hein­rich Himm­ler. The pris­on­er was shot.

    Hitler was said to be “mag­net­ic”. Göring was a brave pilot. Goebbels was an extra­or­di­nary dem­a­gogue. Hey­drich was a skilled fencer, an excel­lent pilot and musi­cian. No one has ever been able to find any­thing spe­cial about Himm­ler, not a sin­gle moment of charis­ma and human­i­ty through­out his exis­tence. Among the major Nazi lead­ers he is the most heinous and the most anony­mous. The man who has a track record of unprece­dent­ed crimes does not show char­ac­ter­is­tic signs. Low, flab­by , bald, chub­by , watery eyes, reced­ing chin, limp hand­shake, Himm­ler was dull and pedan­tic .

    His fea­tures are so com­mon that in May of 1945 he was not iden­ti­fied by the Sovi­ets and by the British who took him into cus­tody. He did not even dis­guise him­self : Himm­ler just took off his pince- nez . As a gag, Himm­ler wore his glass­es. Beyond that, there was noth­ing. Until now.

    “I’m going to Auschwitz. Kiss­es, your Hei­ni , ” Himm­ler wrote to his wife Mar­garet. And again: “In the com­ing days I will be in Lublin, Zamosch, Auschwitz, Lem­berg and then in the new loca­tion. I’m curi­ous to see if and how it will work [to use] the phone. Greet­ings and kiss­es! Your Pap­pi “.

    A few days lat­er he left for a two-day vis­it to Auschwitz to see with his own eyes what hap­pens to a trans­port Jew, the action of the pes­ti­cide Zyk­lon B, the corpses, the ovens. Himm­ler gave the green light to the large-scale destruc­tion of the Jew­ish peo­ple .

    These are just two of the out­stand­ing let­ters found in Israel and pub­lished recent­ly by the Ger­man news­pa­per Die Welt. Doc­u­ments, cor­re­spon­dence and pho­tographs of the archi­tect of the Holo­caust.

    But there is a Himm­ler about whom nobody ever told you.This por­trait gives us a spe­cial look inside the mind of the mod­ern and effi­cient anti-Semi­te.

    Himm­ler was the pio­neer of organ­ic food and of the bat­tle against “GM Food”, genet­i­cal­ly mod­i­fied food. “The arti­fi­cial is every­where,” wrote Himm­ler. “Wher­ev­er there is adul­ter­at­ed food, full of ingre­di­ents that make it more durable and beau­ti­ful.”

    Himm­ler was an avid read­er of Max Bircher-Ben­ner and Rag­nar Berg, the two main sup­port­ers of organ­ic foods, the first an inven­tor of the famous mues­li. Himm­ler was dis­tin­guished as one of the zealots fight­ing addi­tives, preser­v­a­tives and dyes, and for­bade the use of refined white sug­ar and arti­fi­cial hon­ey. As a big sup­port­er of nat­ur­al reme­dies, the head of the SS was also a bit­ter ene­my of vivi­sec­tion and cam­paigned for the pro­tec­tion of the envi­ron­ment and species under threat of extinc­tion, such as the whale .

    Accord­ing to Himm­ler, you had to ban vivi­sec­tion in order to “awak­en and strength­en the spir­it of com­pas­sion as one of the high­est moral val­ues ​​of the Ger­man peo­ple.” A Himm­ler proud to define the Ger­man peo­ple as “the only one in the world to have a decent atti­tude towards ani­mals.”

    This most zeal­ous mur­der­er of a chil­dren ‘s sto­ry even wrote a book of fairy tales, in which rats unearthed in the homes of the Ger­mans are not killed, but tak­en to court for tri­al, “treat­ed with human­i­ty.”

    On Himm­ler’s wall hung approved guide­lines for the trans­port of ani­mals and he host­ed inter­na­tion­al con­fer­ences on ani­mal pro­tec­tion in Berlin. Himm­ler pro­mul­gat­ed a reg­u­la­tion for the slaugh­ter of fish and oth­er cold-blood­ed ani­mals. Himm­ler once asked his physi­cian, a well known hunter: “How can you, you, Dr. Ker­sten, enjoy shoot­ing from a shel­ter at the defense­less crea­tures that roam the for­est, unable to pro­tect them­selves and free from all sus­pi­cion? It is’ a real crime . Nature is tremen­dous­ly beau­ti­ful and every ani­mal has the right to live ”

    Mean­while, Himm­ler’s SS pur­sued and felled the Jews in the forests of Poland and Ukraine.

    Himm­ler also decid­ed to out­law Jew­ish rit­u­al slaugh­ter, which does not allow one to anes­thetize the ani­mal. The kosher tra­di­tion was stig­ma­tized by Himm­ler because it was “against the refined sen­si­bil­i­ty of the Ger­man com­pa­ny” and even as “unnec­es­sary suf­fer­ing.”

    Himm­ler hat­ed tobac­co, which he defined “lung mas­tur­ba­tion”. The Reichs­führer who urged his sol­diers not to show pity in shoot­ing and gassing women and chil­dren , banned smok­ing not only among his SS, but also in many work­places, gov­ern­ment offices, hos­pi­tals and on trains and bus­es of the city.

    Himm­ler rec­om­mend­ed a break­fast of raw leeks and min­er­al water, and spent part of his activ­i­ty on the “prob­lem of boiled pota­toes,” even fund­ing research on the sub­ject

    Himm­ler hat­ed hunt­ing and called it “a crime against inno­cent human beings killed in cold blood.” It is the same Himm­ler who spon­sored the med­ical exper­i­ments in the exter­mi­na­tion camps.

    The archi­tect of the Holo­caust ordered the pro­duc­tion of med­i­c­i­nal herbs and organ­ic hon­ey in the con­cen­tra­tion camp at Dachau, where Dr. Fahrenkamp ran a sort of green par­adise in the mid­dle of the camp. At Auschwitz, Himm­ler had ordered them to cul­ti­vate a spe­cial plant from east, the kok-saghyz , which he believed had spe­cial heal­ing pow­ers. In the net­work of twen­ty con­cen­tra­tion camps, Himm­ler orga­nized the largest Euro­pean cul­ti­va­tion of med­i­c­i­nal herbs.

    He even for­bade the use of arti­fi­cial plas­tic flow­ers at funer­als and was proud to make Ger­many the first Euro­pean coun­try with nature reserves. The let­ters by Himm­ler to his wife are full of ref­er­ences to flow­ers, one of his obses­sions. In a let­ter, Himm­ler told her he shipped 150 tulips from the Nether­lands: “Of one col­or, two col­ors, you do not find these in Ger­many”.

    Accord­ing to Himm­ler’s racist belief, “native species” orig­i­nate in a cer­tain place and that is where they “belong.” In sim­i­lar terms, accord­ing to Himm­ler’s heirs, in the West and in the Islam­ic world, Israel’s “col­o­niza­tion” threat­ens the “orig­i­nal” Arab envi­ron­ment (a bend­ing of the facts, as the Jews are the indige­nous peo­ple of Israel). In Iran’s Himm­ler­ian rethor­ic, Israel is a “rot­ten tree”.

    Himm­ler’s unknown sto­ry reveals that hatred, death and anti-Semi­tism can also come from polit­i­cal­ly cor­rect minds.

    Ecol­o­gist. Ani­mal lover. Dar­win­ian. Enlight­ened.

    Posted by Vanfield | February 7, 2014, 9:08 am

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