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COMMENT: In a previous post, we noted the “pro-Democracy” elements in Hong Kong having adapted the salute of the Ukrainian fascist OUN/B (and their UPA combatant wing) “Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!” to their political lexicon.
This followed the decampment of elements of the Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion and Pravy Sektor (Right Sector) to Hong Kong. Their Eastern sojourn was underwritten by an EU NGO.
Azov’s Hong Kong compatriots have adopted the OUN/B slogan, now the official salute of the Ukrainian police and military. ” . . . . The interest has been mutual, with Hong Kong’s ‘democrats’ drawing inspiration from Ukraine’s pro-Western Euromaidan ‘revolution’ that has empowered far-right, fascistic forces. Hong Kong protesters have embraced the slogan ‘Glory to Hong Kong’, adapted from ‘Slava Ukrayini’ or ‘Glory to Ukraine’, a slogan invented by Ukrainian fascists and used by Nazi collaborators during WWII that was re-popularized by the Euromaidan movement. . . . ”
Joshua Wong–“boy wonder” and darling of the American MSM–has doubled down on affinity with Ukraine: ” . . . . ‘No matter the differences between Ukraine and Hong Kong, our fights for freedom and democracy are the same,’ Joshua Wong told The Kyiv Post in 2019. ‘[W]e have to learn from Ukrainians… and show solidarity. Ukraine confronted the force of Russia — we are facing the force of Beijing.’ . . . .”
The Hong Kong iteration of the OUN/UPA salute has become an anthem. In its coverage of the banning of that song by the Chinese authorities, The New York Times [predictably] fails to discuss the heritage of the slogan/song, nor the nature of the Ukrainian Nazi “troubadours” who brought it to Hong Kong.
In this context, it is important to remember that the National Endowment for Democracy–a U.S. intelligence “cut-out” founded by former CIA director William Casey–has helped finance the “pro-Democracy” forces in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong’s education secretary on Wednesday banned students from singing the protest anthem “Glory to Hong Kong,” posting slogans with political messages or forming human chains, saying “the schools are obliged to stop” such activities.
The statement by the secretary, Kevin Yeung, ratcheted up the pressure on the pro-democracy movement as Hong Kong residents struggle to determine what is acceptable behavior under a strict new national security law that China imposed on the semiautonomous territory last week.
Students, including middle schoolers, have been a driving force in Hong Kong’s protest movement. Beijing’s imposition of the national security law last Wednesday — and the subsequent arrests of teenagers at protests — has led some families to express concerns that their children could be in jeopardy for singing pro-democracy songs or even for expressing such sentiments in their homes. . . .
My wife is from HK, corresponds regularly with friends over there. During the riots.according to her friends CNN in America was saying the protesters were throwing firebombs at police. In HK CNN was saying the police were throwing firebombs at the protesters. The protesters spent 3 years preparing for the protests, including teachers indoctrinating children in HK to hate Communism. I suspect a lot of what’s going on has to do with the Pearl River Delta Megacity project.
There’s a new report out a BuzzFeed about how a number of the Ukrainian figures who were deeply involved in Rudolph Giuliani’s ‘opposition research’ quest to implicate Joe and Hunter Biden on something regarding Ukraine have spent months digging up more dirt and are ready to share it with the world. It was a reminder that there should be no reason to assume the Trump campaign has abandoned the anti-Biden Ukrainian schemes that got Trump impeached in the first place. He engaged in all those schemes for the purpose of damaging Biden as a 2020 opponent, after all.
And that’s why it’s going to be increasingly important for Democrats to keep in mind that the US government’s long-standing and ever-deepening ties to the Ukrainian far right really is going to present the Trump team with all sorts of opportunities to paint a very unpleasant picture of Biden’s relationship to Ukraine. It would be a highly selective picture that ignores how the US’s coddling of Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups is a decades-old bipartisan affair going back to WWII that hasn’t in any way been refuted by the Trump administration and is completely embraced by the Republican Party, but the pictures painted by the Trump campaign don’t have to be accurate to be effective. They just need to send a vague message about Joe Biden being a very very bad man who will be far more corrupt and damaging to democracy and society than Donald Trump.
Of course, being a far right Nazi coddling President himself it would be somewhat incongruous for the Trump team to make hay out of the US’s protection of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi outfits, but it’s not like political attacks have to make logical sense. And as the following Gray Zone article makes clear, the bipartisan national security establishment in DC that continues to coddle and run cover for the Ukrainian far right is going to be more than happy to help the Trump team craft that narrative, as evidenced by the utterly revolting event that took place in DC a couple of weeks ago: On July 15, the DC-based US-Ukraine Foundation (USUF) hosted a webinar through its “Friends of Ukraine Network” (FOUN) about a Ukrainian documentary focused Vasyl Slipak, a famous Ukrainian opera singer who died fighting alongside Right Sector’s “Volunteer Ukrainian Corps” (DUK) in Eastern Ukraine. A webinar about a documentary celebrating a famous member of one of Ukraine’s most notorious neo-Nazi armed groups is bad enough, but the webinar featured an appearance by open neo-Nazi Diana Vynohradova, who was introduced to the panel by the the moderator as a spokesperson for Right Sector. Vynohradova, who is openly covered in white supremacist tattoos, happens to run a Right Sector youth camp called “Kommandos” where young Ukrainians are taught military techniques and indoctrinated into a far right ideology. At one point during the webinar she panned her camera over to a field where a bunch of teenagers were gathered bearing Right Sector flags. So celebrating these neo-Nazi youth camps was also part of this this webinar event. But the disturbing neo-Nazi youth propaganda on display at the webinar wasn’t limited to youth camps. Another attendee to the webinar, 25-year-old Ukrainian legislator Yana Zinkevych, call for the incorporation of Vasyl Slipak’s story into the education of Ukrainian youth, and even high school textbooks, as an “example of sacrifice,” prompting agreement from USUF’s vice president Markian Bilynskyj.
As the article also notes, the USUF and FOUN are two of the leading think tanks lobbying the US government to aggressively arm Ukraine with US weapons, with the FOUN calling itself, “the largest, highest level and most politically diverse group of Americans to call for arming Ukraine with American weapons.” So this isn’t just a group that is happy to celebrate and support Ukraine’s neo-Nazis. It’s also a group calling for a dramatic escalation of the military conflict in Ukraine by deepening the US’s involvement. That may be a position popular in both parties in DC but it’s unlikely to be popular with the broader electorate.
So is this the kind of event that will be incorporated into the Trump team’s Ukraine-based attacks on Biden? Well, as the article notes, one of the members of the “Friends of Ukraine Network” is Michael Carpenter, a long-time Biden foreign policy aide and executive director of the Biden-Penn Center. So there is a pretty direct connection to Biden based on that membership roll, although is just one person on a much longer membership roll that is sort of a ‘Who’s Who’ of DC European/Russian policy figures with a heavy overlap with the Atlantic Council. Either way, it’s not like the Trump team’s attacks need to be factually or contextually accurate. And that’s all why the Biden teams is going to have to watch out for more events like this between now and election day. It’s never ever a good time to celebrate Ukrainian neo-Nazis and, again, this event took place just a couple of weeks ago, suggesting that there could be more events of this nature between now and the November election:
“With her presence in the webinar, Vynohradova provided a shocking example of the mainstreaming of neo-Nazism in Ukrainian politics, and the tolerance for pro-NATO fascists in Washington. The USUF which provided her with the stamp of approval is a leading think tank of the Ukrainian diaspora with ties to the US State Department and anti-Russian foreign policy advisors in both parties.”
The leading think tank of the Ukrainian diaspora with ties to the US State Department and deep bipartisan ties. That what the USUF represents and this deeply bipartisan think tank just hosted a celebration of Right Sector’s neo-Nazi fighters, something that would be deeply disturbing on its own but is even more disturbing given that the USUF and FOUN are the leading lobbyists for deepening the US’s involvement in that conflict. In other words, this wasn’t just a celebration of a prominent Right Sector fighter. It was also part of that lobbying effort to get more US weapons sent to the Ukrainian military that has spent years formally incorporating these neo-Nazi militias into the Ukrainian military structure:
But perhaps the creepiest part of this event was the fact that Right Sector’s spokesperson, Diana Vynohradova, held her end of the webinar in the middle of the Right Sector youth camp she leads at the same time the panel broadly supported the idea of incorporating a celebration and exaltation of Right Sector fighters into the educational content on Ukrainian children:
A broad endorsement of child neo-Nazi brainwashing. That’s what took place during that webinar hosted by the leading Ukraine-focused think tank in DC. A think tank with deep bipartisan ties. It’s a chilling indication that the acceptance of Ukraine’s neo-Nazis isn’t just a product of cynical ‘the enemy of my enemy...’ kind of thinking that views these groups as a necessarily but temporary evil. The far right psychological capture of Ukrainian society is clearly a long-term agenda if the brainwashing of upcoming generations of Ukrainians into this neo-Nazi worldview is part of that agenda. And as this webinar made clear, brainwashing the kids is very much a part of that broadly backed bipartisan DC agenda for Ukraine.
So will the Trump team pounce on events like this webinar as part of their campaign Ukraine-based propaganda campaign against Biden in coming months? It would be rather ironic given that Trump has been basically leading a US far right ethnonationalist movement that’s very much ideologically aligned with the Ukrainian far right and has done nothing to reduce the US’s persistent blind-spot when it could to Ukraine’s neo-Nazis. But it would also ideologically consistent in the sense that warping out understanding of reality is kind of the core tool in the Nazi toolkit. We’ll see, but as the above article makes clear, the DC establishment that broadly supports the US’s policies in Ukraine are going to continue supporting the far right warping of Ukraine’s society regardless of who wins in November.