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Horror Show in the Balkans

COMMENT: Over the years, we have cov­ered the dis­mem­ber­ment of the for­mer Yugoslavia and the fun­da­men­tal mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the nature of the com­bat­ants who fought against the for­mer Yugosla­vian gov­ern­ment and the Serbs.

In addi­tion to the Croa­t­ian re-cre­ation of the Ustashi col­lab­o­ra­tionist forces that allied with Ger­many dur­ing World War II, the Mus­lim pop­u­la­tions of the for­mer Yugoslavia have reca­pit­u­lat­ed Waf­fen SS for­ma­tions.

In addi­tion to the re-cre­ation of the Han­jar Divi­sion (13th Waf­fen SS) in Bosnia, the Koso­vo Lib­er­a­tion Army fea­tured the sons and grand­sons of  fas­cist fight­ing for­ma­tions from the Sec­ond World War II–particularly the 21st Waf­fen SS (Skan­der­beg) Divi­sion

Inter­est­ing­ly (and per­haps sig­nif­i­cant­ly) the comman­der of the inter­na­tional peace keep­ing force in Koso­vo was Ger­man Gen­eral Klaus Rein­hardt, the son of Fritz Rein­hardt, the Deputy Min­is­ter of Finance dur­ing the Third Reich.

Sep­a­rat­ing Koso­vo from Ser­bia, Ger­many has been the dri­ving force in keep­ing this out­law state with­in an enve­lope of inter­na­tion­al respectabil­i­ty. In effect, Koso­vo has become a Ger­man colony. As can be seen in the arti­cle excerpt­ed below, inter­na­tion­al opin­ion does not share the Ger­man out­look on Koso­vo.

Under for­mer Koso­vo Lib­er­a­tion Head Thaci’s rule, that coun­try has become an epi­cen­ter of orga­nized crime, man­i­fest­ing some tru­ly hor­ri­fy­ing activ­i­ties. In addi­tion to traf­fick­ing in human organs, Thaci report­ed­ly main­tains a harem of sex­u­al slaves, whose fideli­ty is enforced by armed guards using dead­ly force.

Appar­ent­ly, some of the per­son­nel from KFOR and EULEX are among the recip­i­ents of the sex­u­al favors Thaci com­mands, there­by solid­i­fy­ing his hold on the coun­try.

It is also inter­est­ing to note that Koso­vo is viewed by the UNPO as its first major suc­cess. (Head­ed by Karl von Hapsburg–formerly mar­ried to Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza–the UNPO pur­ports to cham­pi­on down­trod­den pop­u­la­tions. It actu­al­ly appears to be work­ing to frag­ment larg­er nations by eth­ni­cal­ly desta­bi­liz­ing them. the ulti­mate ben­e­fi­cia­ries of the UNPO’s activ­i­ties appear to be the Under­ground Reich and the transna­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions. The UNPO is cur­rent­ly cham­pi­oning the Afrikan­ers from the apartheid regime of South Africa.)

“Koso­vo Prime Min­is­ter Owns Harem with 52 Slaves”; MINA [Mace­don­ian Inter­na­tion­al News Agency]; 11/13/2012.

EXCERPT: A Ukrain­ian woman who man­aged to escape from what she called “The World’s Hell Hole” gave an inter­view with details about Kosovo’s Prime Min­is­ter Hasim Thaci and his harem, in which 52 slaves “worked” day and night serv­ing the prime min­is­ter, as well as oth­er politi­cians and busi­ness­men.

The loca­tion of the harem was on an inter­sec­tion of streets Shaip Spahi­ja and Bedri Sha­la, in the base­ment of a large build­ing spe­cial­ly designed to serve as a “harem.”

“None of the girls were from Koso­vo, there were few from the Balka­ns, about ten from Rus­sia, one from Cameroon, two Chi­nese women etc” stat­ed the Ukrain­ian.

Accord­ing to her, the build­ing has sev­er­al VIP areas where Thaci and his friends have orgies.

“Most of the peo­ple who arrive here are old­er, very few are younger. Many of them are for­eign diplo­mats, includ­ing offi­cers from EULEX and KFOR. The girls are not allowed to say “No”. One of the girls called Dolores from Colom­bia protest­ed the con­di­tions dur­ing our lunch time in the cafe­te­ria. She was shot dead by Thaci’s body­guards” says the Ukrain­ian wit­ness, who went by her ini­tials N.M.

N.M. stat­ed she was “involved” with Thaci only once when he came to the harem heav­i­ly intox­i­cat­ed and drugged.

The Ukrain­ian gave an inter­view for mul­ti­ple Balkan news­pa­pers. She claimed it is vir­tu­al­ly impos­si­ble to escape Thaci’s harem as there are always at least five armed body­guards secur­ing the area. Out of the five, there is always one from Chech­nya. . . .

“The Log­ic of War”; german-foreign-policy.com; 11/01/2012.

EXCERPT: The Euro­pean Court of Audi­tors (ECA) is mak­ing seri­ous accu­sa­tions against the Ger­man-EU Koso­vo occu­pa­tion pol­i­cy. Accord­ing to the ECA’s report pub­lished Tues­day, not much can be seen of the “rule of law,” that the EU for years has been pre­tend­ing to estab­lish in the region that had seced­ed from Ser­bia in vio­la­tion of inter­na­tion­al law. Instead, lev­els of gen­er­al cor­rup­tion and par­tic­u­lar­ly of orga­nized crime remain “high.” This has “not changed con­sid­er­ably” since the occu­pa­tion began in the sum­mer of 1999, writes the EU author­i­ty. NATO invad­ed that south Ser­bian province in the sum­mer of 1999. Under its con­trol and with Berlin’s active sup­port, the KLA mafia gang led by Kosovo’s cur­rent Prime Min­is­ter, Hashim Thaci, became the strongest local pow­er. The ECA report, once again, shows the con­se­quences of Berlin’s repeat­ed rever­sion to ele­ments — such as the KLA — in the frame­work of strate­gi­cal­ly moti­vat­ed mil­i­tary oper­a­tions. With their help, wars can be won, but their social qual­i­ties are dia­met­ri­cal­ly opposed to a humane devel­op­ment in the region tar­get­ed by Ger­man inter­ven­tions.

Drip-Fed by the EU

The report of the Euro­pean Court of Audi­tors (ECA), pub­lished Tues­day, begins with a short reca­pit­u­la­tion of recent devel­op­ments in Koso­vo. It recalls how NATO invad­ed in the sum­mer of 1999 and — in the name of the UN — took con­trol of this south Ser­bian province; how its for­mal seces­sion was pre­pared and — in vio­la­tion of inter­na­tion­al law — final­ly imposed in Feb­ru­ary 2008. In spite of the mas­sive pres­sure par­tic­u­lar­ly from Ger­many and the USA, Koso­vo has been rec­og­nized by only 91 coun­tries. Berlin has not been even able to pre­vail with­in the EU: Five EU mem­ber coun­tries con­tin­ue to con­sid­er the region part of Ser­bia — in accor­dance with the terms of inter­na­tion­al law.[1] In defi­ance of all resis­tance to this ille­gal seces­sion, Prišti­na has been receiv­ing bil­lions in sub­ven­tions from west­ern donor coun­tries since 1999. Accord­ing to the ECA, between 1999 and 2007 alone, it received 3.5 bil­lion Euros — two thirds of which orig­i­nat­ed in the bud­gets of the EU and its mem­ber coun­tries. An addi­tion­al 1.2 bil­lion Euros had been pro­vid­ed for the peri­od 2009 — 2011. Koso­vo, which has not been rec­og­nized by one-fifth of the EU mem­ber states, is today the main — per capi­ta — recip­i­ent of EU aid.

The Mafia in Pow­er

In this con­text, the “Euro­pean Union Rule of Law Mis­sion in Koso­vo,” EULEX is of par­tic­u­lar impor­tance, because of the social sit­u­a­tion. Before the attack on Yugoslavia, in March 1999, Ger­many and NATO had already begun to arm the mafia mili­tia of the archa­ic clan-dom­i­nat­ed back hills of Koso­vo against Bel­grade. Dur­ing the war, the KLA actu­al­ly func­tioned as the ground forces of NATO’s bombers. When the com­bat end­ed, they had devel­oped into the strongest force of the South-Ser­bian province. Their leader, at the time, Hasim Thaci, has been Kosovo’s Prime Min­is­ter, since 2008. Since the 1990s, the mafia activ­i­ties of the head of gov­ern­ment and his cur­rent entourage have reg­u­lar­ly been the object of inter­na­tion­al crit­i­cism. (german-foreign-policy.com reported.[2]) EULEX was there­fore giv­en the task of estab­lish­ing prin­ci­ples of rule of law in Koso­vo. EULEX, with its 2,500 employ­ees, is the largest cri­sis oper­a­tion that the EU has ever had.


The ECA has ren­dered a dev­as­tat­ing ver­dict against EULEX not only for anom­alies that could be con­sid­ered sim­ply mis­man­age­ment. Accord­ing to the ECA, the EU Com­mis­sion sup­ports the estab­lish­ment of an inde­pen­dent infor­ma­tion sys­tem for the bor­der police of Koso­vo, rather than the cre­ation of a uni­fied sys­tem for the entire police force — as the EULEX had demand­ed. This EU author­i­ty acknowl­edged that there sim­ply had been no coor­di­na­tion dur­ing prepa­ra­tions. Besides, the imple­men­ta­tion of both projects was “sig­nif­i­cant­ly delayed,” the sup­ply of the equip­ment was more than a year late. In any case, the pri­ma­ry objec­tive for these mea­sures had been to replace a long since exist­ing infor­ma­tion sys­tem, sim­ply because it was intro­duced by the USA, with a new ful­ly EU-stan­dards com­pli­ant sys­tem. Imple­men­ta­tion of the new sys­tem was dif­fi­cult because of the Koso­vo author­i­ties’ pref­er­ence to con­tin­ue with the exist­ing sys­tem. This was in no case, a pro­mo­tion of effi­cient police work, crit­i­cized the ECA.[3]

Orga­nized Crime

The fact that, at best, Koso­vo has made “lim­it­ed progress in the strug­gle against orga­nized crime” after years of EU engage­ment is even more seri­ous. Accord­ing to the ECA, the orga­nized crime sit­u­a­tion, in fact, has “changed very lit­tle” since 1999, remain­ing at a “high lev­el.” Inves­ti­ga­tions of even major crimes are “still inef­fec­tive,” not just due to lim­it­ed expe­ri­ence, but main­ly because of polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence. . . .


4 comments for “Horror Show in the Balkans”

  1. Posted by GW | November 27, 2012, 4:59 pm
  2. http://news.yahoo.com/serbs-lied-kosovo-ours-serbian-pm-114219320.html
    Serbs lied to that “Koso­vo is ours:” Ser­bian PM
    By Matt Robin­son | Reuters – 8 hrs ago (3/7/2013)

    BELGRADE (Reuters) — Ser­bian Prime Min­is­ter Ivi­ca Dacic told Serbs on Thurs­day they had been lied to that “Koso­vo is ours”, the lat­est sign of an his­toric U‑turn by Bel­grade as it races to clinch mem­ber­ship talks with the Euro­pean Union.

    Ser­bia does not rec­og­nize Koso­vo but is under pres­sure to improve rela­tions with its for­mer province if the EU is to give the green light to acces­sion talks and send a vital mes­sage of sta­bil­i­ty to much-need­ed for­eign investors.

    Dacic, who was an aide to late strong­man Slo­bo­dan Milo­se­vic when Ser­bia went to war with NATO over Koso­vo but is now in talks with its eth­nic Alban­ian lead­er­ship, said Ser­bia had to final­ly define its “real bor­ders”.

    “For 10 years, Koso­vo was taboo. No one could offi­cial­ly tell the truth,” he wrote in the Ser­bian week­ly NIN. “Tales were told; lies were told that Koso­vo is ours.”

    But today, he said, “the Ser­bian pres­i­dent can­not go to Koso­vo, nor the prime min­is­ter, nor min­is­ters, nor the police or army. Serbs can only leave Koso­vo. That’s how much Koso­vo is ours and what our con­sti­tu­tion and laws mean there.”

    Koso­vo declared inde­pen­dence with West­ern back­ing in 2008, almost a decade after NATO bombs wrest­ed con­trol of the major­i­ty-Alban­ian ter­ri­to­ry from Milo­se­vic to halt a bru­tal counter-insur­gency war by his forces.

    The coun­try of 1.7 mil­lion peo­ple has since been rec­og­nized by more than 90 states, but strug­gles with a de fac­to eth­nic par­ti­tion between its Alban­ian major­i­ty and a small Serb pock­et in the north propped by Bel­grade.

    NATO still has 6,000 troops in Koso­vo to con­tain ten­sions.

    That north­ern, Serb pock­et of ter­ri­to­ry is now at the cen­ter of EU-medi­at­ed talks between Dacic and his Koso­vo coun­ter­part, for­mer guer­ril­la com­man­der Hashim Thaci, that resume on March 20 in Brus­sels.


    Though it pledges nev­er to rec­og­nize Koso­vo as inde­pen­dent, Daci­c’s coali­tion gov­ern­ment has offered to rec­og­nize the author­i­ty of Thaci’s gov­ern­ment over the north, but in return wants auton­o­my for the Serbs liv­ing there.

    Thaci fears this will only cement the par­ti­tion.

    In a report last month, the Brus­sels-based Inter­na­tion­al Cri­sis Group think-tank said Ser­bia had “crossed a thresh­old” and that the two sides had nev­er been clos­er to resolv­ing the dis­pute over the Serb north.

    The EU wants a deal by mid-April, when the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion is due to issue a report on progress in the Koso­vo talks. The bloc will then decide whether to open acces­sion talks in June.

    Ser­bia’s fel­low ex-Yugoslav repub­lic and wartime foe Croa­t­ia is due to become the EU’s 28th mem­ber on July 1.

    Ser­bia is unlike­ly to join before 2020, but acces­sion talks would pro­vide a boost to its strug­gling econ­o­my and stim­u­late reforms.

    Daci­c’s text was pub­lished in NIN to mark the tenth anniver­sary next week of the assas­si­na­tion of reformist Prime Min­is­ter Zoran Djind­jic, who took pow­er with the 2000 ouster of Milo­se­vic but was shot dead in 2003 by a group of for­mer elite para­mil­i­taries and drug smug­glers.

    The killing slammed the brakes on Ser­bia’s recov­ery from the war and sanc­tions of Milo­se­vic’s dis­as­trous 13-year rule.

    “Ten years lat­er, Ser­bia has yet to solve the prob­lems that bur­dened Djind­jic’s gov­ern­ment. It still does not know where its bor­ders are, over what ter­ri­to­ry it real­ly has sov­er­eign­ty,” Dacic wrote.

    “I was part of a gov­ern­ment that tried to resolve the ques­tion of Koso­vo by war. Per­haps there is some jus­tice that today I should be the per­son most respon­si­ble for find­ing a peace­ful solu­tion.”

    (Edit­ing by Jason Webb)

    Posted by Vanfield | March 7, 2013, 12:31 pm
  3. I have seen a lot cov­er­age about Bob Dylan’s cur­rent legal prob­lems. Charged with ‘Incit­ing Hate’ for remarks he made about Croa­t­ia, in an inter­view.

    There has been zero cov­er­age of the Croa­t­ian his­to­ry behind those remarks.

    If jus­tice is to pre­vail, Dylan should make a strong defense of those remarks.


    Decem­ber 3, 2013, 11:42 am
    Bob Dylan Charged With ‘Incit­ing Hate’ Under French Law
    Bob Dylan per­form­ing at the Capi­tol The­ater in Port Chester, N.Y., in 2012.The New York Times Bob Dylan per­form­ing at the Capi­tol The­ater in Port Chester, N.Y., in 2012.

    To peo­ple who fol­low the pro­nounce­ments of Bob Dylan, his com­ment in a Rolling Stone inter­view in Sep­tem­ber 2012 sug­gest­ing that Amer­i­can blacks could sense whether whites had slave-mas­ter blood “just like Jews can sense Nazi blood and the Serbs can sense Croa­t­ian blood” may have seemed just the sort of vaporous­ly impres­sion­is­tic, emo­tion­al­ly point­ed kind of thing that Mr. Dylan has been known to say for decades.

    But to the Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Coun­cil of the Croa­t­ian Com­mu­ni­ty and Insti­tu­tions in France, an orga­ni­za­tion that looks after the inter­ests of France’s 30,000 Croa­t­ians, those were fight­ing words. Now they have led to Mr. Dylan, who built his ear­ly career singing songs that denounced racism, being charged under a French law pro­hibit­ing “pub­lic insult and incit­ing hate.”

    On Tues­day, Agnes Thibault-Lecuiv­re, a spokes­woman for the prosecutor’s office in Paris, told The Asso­ci­at­ed Press that the French gov­ern­ment had filed pre­lim­i­nary charges. Mr. Dylan’s last encounter with the French gov­ern­ment was just over two weeks ago, when he was award­ed the Legion of Hon­or, France’s high­est prize.

    The French gov­ern­ment must have known that the charges were brew­ing when they gave Mr. Dylan the award: Vlatko Mar­ic, the sec­re­tary gen­er­al of the coun­cil, announced in Novem­ber 2012 that his group had filed a com­plaint with the French gov­ern­ment. That com­plaint led to the cur­rent charges.

    “We have noth­ing against Rolling Stone mag­a­zine or Bob Dylan as a singer,” Mr. Mar­ic told The Guardian. His objec­tion, he explained, was that Mr. Dylan’s com­ment equat­ed Croa­t­ian war crim­i­nals with all Croats.

    What is the coun­cil seek­ing? Ivan Jurasi­novic, a lawyer for the group, told The Asso­ci­at­ed Press that the orga­ni­za­tion was not seek­ing mon­ey or pun­ish­ment, but hoped that Mr. Dylan, who he described as “a singer who is liked and respect­ed in Croa­t­ia,” would apol­o­gize. A spokesman for Mr. Dylan said that the singer had no com­ment on the charges.

    Posted by Vanfield | December 4, 2013, 10:22 am
  4. Anti-pri­va­ti­za­tion protests in Bosnia-Herze­gov­ina that start­ed ear­li­er this week have now spread to more cities and grown into a gen­er­al anti-cor­rup­tion protest. Inter­est­ing­ly, while the 40% unem­ploy­ment rate and ongo­ing aus­ter­i­ty mea­sures have no doubt played a role in wide­spread dis­con­tent, the roots of this par­tic­u­lar protest appear to pre­cede the EU’s cur­rent era of aus­ter­i­ty. Like many for­mer Com­mu­nist coun­tries, the era of “pri­va­ti­za­tion” for Bosnia was often a pub­lic night­mare:

    Bosnia pri­va­ti­za­tion protests reach oth­er cities

    By Asso­ci­at­ed Press, Pub­lished: Feb­ru­ary 6

    TUZLA, Bosnia-Herze­gov­ina — Vio­lent protests by thou­sands of unpaid work­ers in a north­ern Bosn­ian city spread to oth­er parts of the coun­try Thurs­day and have mor­phed into wide­spread dis­con­tent in an elec­tion year about unem­ploy­ment and ram­pant cor­rup­tion.

    Police used tear gas to tem­porar­i­ly dis­perse the pro­test­ers in Tuzla who threw stones at a local gov­ern­ment build­ing. The pro­test­ers returned after the tear gas vol­ley, sur­round­ed the emp­ty gov­ern­ment build­ing and set tires and trash on fire. Police were rein­forced with spe­cial dog units.

    The protests in Tuzla, which began Tues­day, are about an ongo­ing dis­pute involv­ing four for­mer state-owned com­pa­nies that were pri­va­tized and lat­er filed for bank­rupt­cy. Thou­sands gath­ered in four oth­er cities in sol­i­dar­i­ty with the Tuzla work­ers, but also to protest against Bosnia’s near­ly 40-per­cent unem­ploy­ment rate and politi­cians whom they accuse of being dis­con­nect­ed from cit­i­zens’ needs.


    The demon­stra­tions have reached Sara­je­vo, Zeni­ca, Mostar and Bihac. The pro­test­ers in Sara­je­vo, the cap­i­tal, threw eggs at the local gov­ern­ment build­ing.

    One of them, Nihad Alick­ovic, called for more cit­i­zens to join the protest.

    “Take your prob­lems out on the street,” he urged.

    Res­i­dents of build­ings in Tuzla yelled insults and threw buck­ets of water at the offi­cers who passed by in full riot gear. Elder­ly neigh­bors were seen bang­ing cook­ing pots on their win­dows and bal­conies.

    The four for­mer state-owned com­pa­nies, which includ­ed fur­ni­ture and wash­ing pow­der fac­to­ries, employed most of the pop­u­la­tion of Tuzla. After they were pri­va­tized, con­tracts oblig­ed them to invest in them and make them prof­itable. But the own­ers sold the assets, stopped pay­ing work­ers and filed for bank­rupt­cy between 2000 and 2008.

    The leader of the Tuzla region, Sead Cau­se­vic, told Bosn­ian state TV that the “rip-off pri­va­ti­za­tion” was already con­clud­ed when his gov­ern­ment took pow­er and that the work­ers’ demands are legit­i­mate. He blamed the courts for obstruct­ing jus­tice, say­ing the work­ers have turned to them years ago, but no judg­ment has ever been passed.

    Bosni­ans have many rea­sons to be unhap­py as gen­er­al elec­tions approach in Octo­ber. Besides the unem­ploy­ment rate, the pri­va­ti­za­tion that fol­lowed the end of com­mu­nism and the 1992–95 war pro­duced a hand­ful of tycoons, almost wiped out the mid­dle class and sent the work­ing class into pover­ty. Cor­rup­tion is wide­spread and high tax­es to fund a bloat­ed pub­lic sec­tor eat away at pay­checks.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 7, 2014, 11:40 am

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