Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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How Hip Can You Get? Grover Norquist Heads to Burning Man


Dave Emory’s entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash dri­ve that can be obtained here. (The flash dri­ve includes the anti-fas­cist books avail­able on this site.)

COMMENT: Pre­vi­ous­ly, we have mused about GOP pro­mo­tion for the Burn­ing Man Arts Fes­ti­val and the pos­si­bil­i­ty that “Haight Ash­bury II”–as we dubbed it–might actu­al­ly be anoth­er “op” with ele­ments of the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty and orga­nized crime col­lab­o­rat­ing to exper­i­ment on the unwit­ting adher­ents of the so-called counter-cul­ture.

Now, we learn that none oth­er than Grover Norquist is plan­ning on attend­ing this year’s gath­er­ing. 

Far out.

Who knows, maybe he thinks there will actu­al­ly be a REAL per­son burned alive at the event?! 

Who knows, MAYBE he’s right?!

“Grover Norquist Off to Burn­ing Man”; SFGate [Blog]; 7/28/2014.

The shark may have been jumped on the Playa.

Grover Norquist, the 57-year-old pres­i­dent of Amer­i­cans for Tax Reform and a staunch anti-tax cru­sad­er, tweet­ed on Mon­day that he’ll be head­ing to Burn­ing Man this year with his wife, Samah: . . .


4 comments for “How Hip Can You Get? Grover Norquist Heads to Burning Man”

  1. As ridicu­lous as this appears to be, judg­ing by the often “lib­er­tar­i­an cap­i­tal­ist” polit­i­cal philoso­phies of many of the par­tic­i­pants who are drawn to these types of cul­tur­al events, Grover might feel right a’home!

    Posted by ironcloudz | August 5, 2014, 9:13 am
  2. Norquist promised he’d bring his friends to Bman 2015, and looks like he’s try­ing to fol­low through!


    Anti-tax cru­sad­er Grover Norquist is look­ing to pull togeth­er a group of Repub­li­cans for a trip to Burn­ing Man. The Hill caught Norquist on Capi­tol Hill on Wednes­day, where he was head­ed to a meet­ing with House Major­i­ty leader Kevin McCarthy (R‑Ca.). He said one of the items on his agen­da was to con­vince the sec­ond-rank­ing Repub­li­can in the House to join him in the desert at the week-long fes­ti­val.

    “He’s expressed inter­est,” Norquist said. He also said Rep. Dana Rohrabach­er (R‑Calif.) is con­sid­er­ing it. Rep. Dar­rell Issa (R‑Calif.) was “less inter­est­ed,” Norquist said. One poten­tial Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial can­di­date left the door open. “Rand Paul thought he’d be busy, but he didn’t say no,” Norquist said.

    When asked if he and McCarthy would do drugs and dance around a camp­fire, Norquist deferred to the House major­i­ty leader. “That’s up to him,” he said. Jokes aside, Norquist said he thought it would be a fun oppor­tu­ni­ty for mem­bers to meet some peo­ple on the cut­ting edge of the tech indus­try. Burn­ing Man has become a gath­er­ing place where influ­en­tial mem­bers of Sil­i­con Val­ley meet to dis­cuss new ideas. Peter Thiel, the bil­lion­aire entre­pre­neur who cofound­ed Pay­Pal, is a Burn­ing Man loy­al­ist, and the Win­klevoss twins were there last year. Norquist attend­ed last year as a guest of co-founder Lar­ry Har­vey. “They’re doing some very inter­est­ing things,” he said.

    NOTE:this next sto­ry is not relat­ed to Burn­ing Man, but I did find it on a site crit­i­cal of Burn­ing Man issues. Burn­ing Man does NOT offi­cial­ly put these kinds of views out there, but give them a few years... rec­om­mend going to the link rather than just read­ing what I [ost­ed.


    EVOLVEFEST: A Homo­pho­bic and Anti-Semit­ic Trans­for­ma­tion­al Fes­ti­val

    It was late last night that I was faced with this very issue. It was brought to my atten­tion that a music fes­ti­val, a sup­posed cen­ter for accep­tance, togeth­er­ness and love was engaged in whole­sale hate speech on a mas­sive scale. I was shocked after see­ing the extent of the post­ings, but is it real­ly that shock­ing? Just because an orga­ni­za­tion labels them­selves a music fes­ti­val and just because they claim to be a “pro­vide a safe, heal­ing and spir­i­tu­al­ly-informed gath­er­ing place” doesn’t mean they are.

    I and hope­ful­ly, every­one else will hold them to the same stan­dards of every oth­er com­pa­ny you encounter. I cer­tain­ly don’t shop at Hob­by Lob­by, or eat at Chick-fil‑A and the state­ments this fes­ti­val has been espous­ing are so much worse, so much more hate­ful, and truth­ful­ly so much more offen­sive. You decide for your­self:

    New Age spir­i­tu­al­ism and alter­na­tive med­i­c­i­nal prac­tices have long gone hand in hand with the fes­ti­val scene, but one so-called trans­for­ma­tion­al fes­ti­val has tak­en cer­tain tenets of that ethos in a decid­ed­ly hate­ful direc­tion. Evolve­fest, a fes­ti­val in Penn­syl­va­nia now in its 9th year has turned its Face­book page into a medi­um for spread­ing homo­pho­bic and anti­se­mit­ic pro­pa­gan­da. Beyond the bor­der­line con­spir­a­cy and anti-estab­lish­ment rhetoric rail­ing against the dan­gers of patri­o­tism and the Illu­mi­nati bankers, the fes­ti­val has now tak­en to using vit­ri­olic lan­guage and infer­ences towards Jews and LGBT indi­vid­u­als.

    “The next move of the Rad­i­cal Gay Main­stream Media Zion­ist-run Agen­da is to “nor­mal­ize” Pedophil­ia- now that any­one who dis­sents from agree­ing with the “kosher­ness” of Homo­sex­u­al­i­ty is imme­di­ate­ly cru­ci­fied.”

    The indi­vid­ual main­tain­ing the festival’s page, which boasts over 217,000 fol­low­ers, has pro­mul­gat­ed such views that all gay men are devi­ous over seri­al­ized indi­vid­u­als rav­aged by AIDS, and equat­ed homo­sex­u­al­i­ty with pedophil­ia. Not only that, but Evolve­fest seems to blame the Jews for every­thing…

    Posted by Tiffany Sunderson | February 6, 2015, 10:50 am
  3. Nat­u­ral­ly, Burn­ing Man has come out swing­ing hard for Ukraine! I always sus­pect­ed that the “Burn­ers With­out Bor­ders” ele­ment was the part of the orga­ni­za­tion that would be of most use to intel agen­cies. Note that many wars have come and gone over the past two decades, yet this is the ONLY one I’ve seen the BMan org make a big fuss over. The arti­cle is longer and should be read at the web­site. For­mat­ting would make it dif­fi­cult to post all text on Spit­fire.


    The war in Ukraine has many of us in a state of shock, try­ing to find ways to help while we wit­ness the dai­ly accel­er­a­tion of a human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis. The glob­al Burn­ing Man com­mu­ni­ty has a his­to­ry of response in sup­port of dis­placed peo­ple around the world. It there­fore comes as no sur­prise that Burn­ers have rolled up their sleeves to apply hard-won skills such as logis­tics, com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­ing, and (yes) spread­sheet­ing to sup­port Ukraini­ans in need.

    Burn­ers With­out Bor­ders and the Burn­ing Man Region­al Net­work are in con­ver­sa­tion with, and are active­ly sup­port­ing Burn­ers in the world who are step­ping for­ward in var­i­ous ways to sup­port Ukraine.

    We had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to speak with five teams of Burn­ers who are either help­ing on the ground in Ukraine or Poland, or sup­port­ing on-the-ground teams from afar. Despite intense days and nights respond­ing to an ever-evolv­ing sit­u­a­tion, they’ve made time to share their sto­ries and projects with you. Read on to learn how you can help.

    Ukrain­ian Burn­er-dri­ven Mutu­al Aid Project
    Volodymyr Nedo­go­da helped found and pro­duce Mag­ic For­est, the offi­cial Burn­ing Man Region­al Event in the Lviv region of Ukraine, where he lives with his part­ner and one-year-old son. He has been apply­ing his plan­ning and logis­ti­cal skills to work with con­tacts in sev­er­al urban cen­ters of Ukraine to iden­ti­fy high-pri­or­i­ty dona­tion needs such as med­ical sup­plies, which he sources from coun­tries out­side Ukraine.

    “I work with some groups of Burn­ers here in Ukraine to deliv­er human­i­tar­i­an aid from Europe,” Volodymyr explained. “Now [that] we have some good routes and con­nec­tions, how do we deliv­er things fast? We always need med­i­cine, and lots of oth­er stuff. My friends and donors in Lviv have a huge ware­house for receiv­ing and sort­ing all kinds of aid that comes from Europe.”

    In the midst of war, Volodymyr is expe­ri­enc­ing the 10 Prin­ci­ples in action. “The whole Ukraine, it’s like a pure real­iza­tion of the 10 Prin­ci­ples now… Now it’s like a true thing, you know, in real life. We work like one per­son, or like one amaz­ing team in the moment.”

    Volodymyr is work­ing with Burn­ers through­out Ukraine includ­ing vol­un­teer Region­al Con­tact, Lurii Gavrylyshyn and artists and com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­ers in Kiev and Odessa. They have shift­ed their cre­ative ener­gy from giv­ing art grants and orga­niz­ing 10 Prin­ci­pled events, to pro­vid­ing direct human­i­tar­i­an aid.

    Posted by Charlie McMansion | May 30, 2022, 11:11 am
  4. Just found this after post­ing on Spit­fire. This is Volodymyr Nego­da men­tioned in above Burn­ing Man arti­cle and he is exact­ly what you would imag­ine. On May 11, he uniron­i­cal­ly shared this post from a fel­low Ukrain­ian. The guy is call­ing for the exter­mi­na­tion of any dis­sent­ing media in Ukraine. Is THAT one of Burn­ing Man’s “Ten Prin­ci­ples”? What a crock...


    Our biggest and tough­est war is yet to come.
    A war behind the minds.
    The war for fair courts.
    Here’s to the qual­i­ty media.
    For real land­ings in spring and pun­ish­ment of those who have all the time engaged in under­min­ing infor­ma­tion and mil­i­tary secu­ri­ty of the state.
    I can only imag­ine how hard it is for our fight­ers to deal with this in the rear.
    I can only imag­ine what they are being forced to keep their hands to them­selves.
    The pol­i­cy of the state must be irre­versible and mer­ci­less: erad­i­ca­tion of Russ­ian and pro-Russ­ian media that zasira Поtʹ cit­i­zens brains.
    They have noth­ing to do with free­dom of speech.
    In this plan, the war is in a sense pow­er­less to open the eyes of those who do not see it live, but observes through the prism of nightin­gales, skabêêvih and shar­ií Вv.
    And every­thing will be Ukraine.
    Over 30 years, a huge men­tal jour­ney has been over­come.
    And it’s good that “provo­cirovaní” Russ­ian tanks burn like match­es.
    Glo­ry to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    Posted by Charlie McMansion | May 30, 2022, 11:33 am

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