Dave Emory’s entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive that can be obtained here. (The flash drive includes the anti-fascist books available on this site.)
COMMENT: While the media behave in typical fashion and obsess on the NSA/PRISM non-scandal (this activity has been going on for many years), a much more important disclosure has been eclipsed as a result.
[Journalists behave like a flock of birds–when one lands, they all land and when one flies away, they all fly away.)
In response to a lawsuit, previously-classified documents have been released, showing that, in fact, some Saudis who hurriedly evacuated Sarasota, Florida were indeed linked to the 9/11 hijackers.
They were linked to unnamed persons who were, in turn, linked to Huffman Aviation.
A couple of points to ponder:
- They Huffman milieu is inextricably linked with the intelligence community, which may have led to the original redactions in the first place.
- Coincidentally or otherwise, one of the documents is from the same date that Bush business partner and political ally Talat Othman interceded with then Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill on behalf of the individuals and institutions targeted by the Operation Green Quest raids of 3/20/2002.
- References in the documents are made to current intelligence methodology as the need to keep the information classified. One wonders if the recently-arrested Rudi Dekkers may be singing?
A senior FBI official has told a Fort Lauderdale federal judge that disclosure of certain classified information about Saudis who hurriedly left their Sarasota area home shortly before 9/11 “would reveal current specific targets of the FBI’s national security investigations.”
Records Section Chief David M. Hardy’s assertion is contained in a sworn 33-page declaration filed in support of a Justice Department motion that seeks to end a Freedom of Information lawsuit filed last year by BrowardBulldog.org. . . .
. . . The newly released FBI records contradict the FBI’s public denials. One dated April 4, 2002 says the investigation “revealed many connections” between the Saudis who fled Sarasota and “individuals associated with the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001.” (April 4/2002, coincidentally or otherwise, is the date on which Talat Othman interceded with then Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill on behalf of the individuals and institutions raided in the Operation Green Quest Raids of 3/20/2002.–D.E.)
The report goes on to list three of those individuals and connect them to the Venice, Florida flight school where suicide hijackers Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi trained. The names of those individuals were not made public. (This is, obviously, Huffman Aviation.)
The FBI removed additional information in the report, citing a pair of national security exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act.
In his declaration to U.S. District Judge William J. Zloch, the FBI’s Hardy sought to explain those deletions and others. He said information was withheld “to protect an intelligence method utilized by the FBI for gathering intelligence data.” Such methods include confidential informants.
Hardy, who stated that he has been designated a “declassification authority” by Attorney General Eric Holder, said redactions regarding the Sarasota investigation were also made to protect “actual intelligence activities and methods used by the FBI against specific targets of foreign counterintelligence investigations or operations.”
“The information obtained from the intelligence activities or methods is very specific in nature, provided during a specific time period and known to very few individuals,” Hardy said.
No details were provided, but Hardy said the information was “compiled regarding a specific individual or organization of national security interest.” He added that its disclosure “reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage to the national security.”
Disclosure would reveal the FBI’s “current specific targets” and “allow hostile entities to discover the current intelligence gathering methods used and reveal the criteria and priorities assigned to current intelligence or counterintelligence investigations,” Hardy said.
“With the aid of this detailed information, hostile entities could develop countermeasures which would, in turn, severely disrupt the FBI’s intelligence gathering capabilities” and damage efforts “to detect and apprehend violators of the United States’ national security and criminal laws.” . . .
Here’s an update of former Senator Bob Graham’s continuing efforts to get the notoriously redacted 28 pages publicly released. And the FBI’s continuing efforts to block it:
So is this going to be FBI’s new response to suspicions of Saudi elite involvement?!
Let’s hope Daniel Hopsicker is sitting down when he reads about this (he’s had health issues). Deep breaths, Daniel!