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“Hurry Up and Die”: Taro Aso’s Pro-Eugenics Philosophy

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COMMENT: In FTR #813, we not­ed the unabashed­ly pro-Hitler polit­i­cal phi­los­o­phy of Japan­ese Min­is­ter Taro Aso, as well as sim­i­lar views from oth­er cur­rent­ly-serv­ing Japan­ese offi­cials.

Aso is not shy about express­ing his pro-eugen­ics phi­los­o­phy as well, urg­ing the elder­ly to “Hur­ry Up and Die.”

In a Japan­ese man­i­fes­ta­tion of the Leben­sporn con­cept, Aso is urg­ing young peo­ple to have as many chil­dren as pos­si­ble.

“Gaffe-Prone Aso Takes Aim at Young Peo­ple With­out Kids” [Agence France Presse]; Japan Times; 12/8/2014.

After telling Japan’s grow­ing ranks of elder­ly they should “hur­ry up and die,” Finance Min­is­ter Taro Aso has turned his well-oiled gaffe gun on “peo­ple who don’t give birth.”

The for­mer prime min­is­ter said pen­sion­ers are not to blame for the spi­ral­ing social wel­fare costs of the rapid­ly aging soci­ety.

“There are many peo­ple who are cre­at­ing the image that (increas­ing num­bers of) elder­ly peo­ple is bad, but more prob­lem­at­ic is peo­ple who don’t give birth,” Aso told an audi­ence in Sap­poro, local media report­ed Mon­day.

He was deliv­er­ing a cam­paign speech ahead of next Sunday’s gen­er­al elec­tion. . . .

. . . . In July last year he said Tokyo could learn from Nazi Ger­many when it comes to con­sti­tu­tion­al reform.

“Let Elder­ly Peo­ple ‘Hur­ry Up and Die’ Says Japan­ese Min­is­ter” by Justin McCur­ry; The Guardian; 1/22/2013.

Japan’s new gov­ern­ment is bare­ly a month old, and already one of its most senior mem­bers has insult­ed tens of mil­lions of vot­ers by sug­gest­ing that the elder­ly are an unnec­es­sary drain on the coun­try’s finances.

Taro Aso, the finance min­is­ter, said on Mon­day that the elder­ly should be allowed to “hur­ry up and die” to relieve pres­sure on the state to pay for their med­ical care. . . .




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