COMMENT: In early 2011, we did a For The Record series highlighting WikiLeaks’ Nazi links and affiliations, which morphed directly into programs about “The Muslim Brotherhood Spring.”
The latter–popularly known as the Arab Spring–was an intelligence operation undertaken by the GOP/Underground Reich faction of the U.S. intelligence apparatus and initiated during the second Bush administration. I enunciated the goals of the operation as:
- Bringing corporatist doctrine to the Arab and Muslim worlds, courtesy of the Muslim Brotherhood, joined at the hip with the Republican Party and the Underground Reich.
- The destabilization of the Obama administration a la “October Surprise”–the Iranian hostage crisis deliberately initiated and sustained by the GOP and related intelligence elements to destabilize the Carter administration. Their hope is that Obama will be seen as insufficiently tough on terrorism and the man who “Lost the Middle East.”
- The GOP faction of the CIA and State Department–which initiated the contacts with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood as well as the April 6 Movement of secularist activists–will be decisively involved with the destabilization effort.
- The Muslim Brotherhood proxy warriors elevated into power by the operation will attempt to destabilize Russia, India and China–the three large countries that dominate the Earth Island and which, not incidentally, have the power to tell the transnational corporations to take a hike.
- The MB proxy warriors will, eventually, be used to destroy Israel and, eventually, the United States itself, when the Underground Reich deems the country to have outlived its usefulness.
- The final outcome of this imbroglio will suit the goals of the Underground Reich. Never forget that the GOP is simply a front for a Third Reich gone underground, with the seeds sown by its Nazified ethnic outreach division having culminated in the elevation of Otto von Bolschwing protege Helene Von Damm having selected the personnel who comprised the Reagan administrations. (Yours Truly–along with the late Mae Brussell–played a small role in breaking the original von Bolschwing story in the San Jose Mercury News in 1981.) The United States might be compared with the aircraft that were hijacked on 9/11/2011. The planes may be flying, but what is intended is anything but a smooth landing. The goal of the Underground Reich that controls the GOP is the subjugation or annihilation of the United States.
It remains to be seen if the philosophical bankruptcy of Mitt Romney’s candidacy and the shallow, hypocritical nature of the man himself hand Obama the election. With no policies save the failed doctrines that governed the administration of George W. Bush–personally embodied by Romney, the quintessential one percenter–a candidacy that was intellectually bankrupt from the outset is having a tough time.
To date, however, the destabilization of Obama’s administration is proceeding apace. It may not reach its climax for some time–perhaps years. Nonetheless, the significance of “The Muslim Brotherhood Spring” should not be underestimated–it may well decisively alter the world power structure for a long time to come.
Following the lethal attack on the U.S. embassy in Libya and other attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities (including the embassy in Cairo), the Obama administration is under fire from the GOP for his actions in the face of opposition by the Muslim Brotherhood forces brought to power by the Arab Spring Operation.
A number of stories should be considered in this context, many of them already cited by contributors. Among the stories excerpted below are:
- A cyberattack on a number of key financial institutions has been [apparently incorrectly] attributed to an Islamist group upset about the online Mohammed video may be a harbinger of more destructive things to follow. Note that cyber security experts are of the opinion that a small group would not have been able to pull off an attack like this. Whether a nation state or, perhaps, some of the Pirate Bay/Anonymous folks may have been involved. We should not lose sight of the fact that the Pirate/Anonymous crowd were thoroughly outfoxed and outmaneuvered by the Nazis and fascists behind Pirate Bay and WikiLeaks and do not appear to have figured out that they have “been thoroughly had.”
- Was the attack on the financial institutions intended to destabilize the Obama administration? Who was behind it?
- With Romney/GOP targeting Obama’s handling of the economy, as well as national security, an event that seriously disrupts the financial system might help to do the job. Cyber-security experts were alarmed by the potential of the hacking attacks on the banks.
- The GOP defeated an Obama administration bill to tighten security against cyber-attacks shortly before “The Hacktober Surprise.”
- In addition to the “Hacktober Surprise,” Obama’s U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice is under fire by the GOP for her statement that the embassy attack was spontaneous.
- The GOP is planning on using the Libyan Embassy attack to discredit Obama.
- The GOP is even comparing Obama to Jimmy Carter and labeling their gambit as “The October Surprise.”
FTR #737 featured a bullet-point summation of some of the key points in the For The Record series about WikiLeaks/Muslim Brotherhood Spring.
In a series done immediately after the 2008 election, we noted that Obama was contiguous to some of the same political forces beholden unto Karl Rove and the Muslim Brotherhood-related elements that Rove and Grover Norquist shepherded into the GOP. We predicted that Obama would be “badjacketed” as “soft on terror.” Not unlike Lee Harvey Oswald, we feel he was maneuvered into position to take the fall for the events now unfolding.
Observe what is taking place. The events now unfolding may not oust Obama at this point in time, but the agents of darkness identified here will, ultimately, fulfill as proxies what Winston Churchill predicted would happen in the event of a Nazi victory: “The world will be plunged into an abyss, made more sinister by the knights of perverted science.”
EXCERPT: Cyber attacks on the biggest U.S. banks, including JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) and Wells Fargo & Co., have breached some of the nation’s most advanced computer defenses and exposed the vulnerability of its infrastructure, said cybersecurity specialists tracking the assaults.
The attack, which a U.S. official yesterday said was waged by a still-unidentified group outside the country, flooded bank websites with traffic, rendering them unavailable to consumers and disrupting transactions for hours at a time.
Such a sustained network attack ranks among the worst-case scenarios envisioned by the National Security Agency, according to the U.S. official, who asked not to be identified because he isn’t authorized to speak publicly. The extent of the damage may not be known for weeks or months, said the official, who has access to classified information.
“The nature of this attack is sophisticated enough or large enough that even the largest of the financial institutions would find it difficult to defend against,” Rodney Joffe, senior vice president at Sterling, Virginia-based security firm Neustar Inc. (NSR), said in a phone interview.
While the group is using a method known as distributed denial-of-service, or DDoS, to overwhelm financial-industry websites with traffic from hijacked computers, the attacks have taken control of commercial servers that have much more power, according to the specialists.
The notable thing is the volume and the scale of the traffic that’s been directed at these sites, and that’s very rare,” Dmitri Alperovitch, co-founder and chief technology officer of Palo Alto, California-based security firm CrowdStrike Inc. (0192981D), said in a phone interview.
The assault, which escalated this week, was the subject of closed-door White House meetings in the past few days, according to a private-security specialist who asked not to be identified because he’s helping to trace the attacks.
President Barack Obama’s administration is circulating a draft executive order that would create a program to shield vital computer networks from cyber attacks, two former U.S. officials with knowledge of the effort said earlier this month.
The U.S. Senate last month failed to advance comprehensive cybersecurity legislation and the administration is contemplating using the executive order because it’s not certain that Congress can pass a cybersecurity bill, the officials said. . . .
A group calling itself Izz ad-Din al-Quassam Cyber Fighters claimed responsibility for the assault in a statement posted to the website, saying it was in response to a video uploaded to Google Inc.’s YouTube, depicting the Prophet Muhammad in ways that offended some Muslims.
The initial planning for the assault pre-dated the video controversy, making it less likely that it inspired the attacks, according to Alperovitch and Joffe, both of whom have been tracking the incidents. A significant amount of planning and preparation went into the attacks, they said.
“The ground work was done to infect systems and produce an infrastructure capable of launching an attack when it was needed,” Joffe said. . . .
. . . . “If banking infrastructure was affected in this way for an extended period of time, the natural outcome of that is a loss of faith,” he [dyber-security expert Dmitri Alperovitch] said. “If you can’t get to your banking site for three or four hours on a day when you have to do things, you start thinking about what are my alternatives because this might happen again.”
The banking industry worries about an organization with more resources launching attacks, said Ed Powers, head of security and private issues for U.S. financial firms at Deloitte & Touche LLP.
“This is coming toward the end of the month; it’s badly timed,” Joffe said. “People have to pay bills today and tomorrow.”
EXCERPT: The hackers claiming responsibility for cyberattacks on American banks over the past week must have had substantial help to disrupt and take down major banking sites, security researchers say.
Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, U.S. Bancorp, Wells Fargo and PNC all experienced disruptions and delays on their banking sites over the past week because of denial of service or DDoS attacks, in which hackers clog a Web site with data requests until it slows or collapses under the load.
A hacker group, which calls itself the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Cyber Fighters, took credit for the attacks in online posts. They enlisted volunteers for the attacks with messages on various sites. On one blog, they called on volunteers to visit two Web addresses that would cause their computers to instantly start flooding targets — including the New York Stock Exchange, Nasdaq and Bank of America — with hundreds of data requests each second. This week, hackers asked volunteers to attack banks according to a defined timetable: Wells Fargo on Tuesday, U.S. Bancorp on Wednesday and PNC on Thursday.
Representatives for Wells Fargo, U.S. Bank and PNC all confirmed Wednesday that their Web sites had experienced disruptions because of unexpected volumes of traffic. Both the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq saw a slowdown, but no serious disruption, on their Web sites.
Security researchers say the attack methods being peddled by hackers — the custom-built Web sites — were too basic to have generated the disruptions.
“The number of users you need to break those targets is very high,” said Jaime Blasco, a security researcher at AlienVault who has been investigating the attacks. “They must have had help from other sources.”
Those additional sources, Mr. Blasco said, would have to be a well-resourced group, like a nation state, or botnets — networks of infected zombie computers that do the bidding of cybercriminals. Botnets can be rented via black market schemes that are common in the Internet underground, or loaned out by cybercriminals or governments. . . .
EXCERPT: As the presidential debates and the election approach, questions about how the Obama administration has handled the attack in Libya that killed the US ambassador on Sept. 11 have taken a harder political edge.
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee says it’s a scandal worse than Watergate – that the American people “have flat-out been lied too,” as he put it on Fox News Friday.
Eric Fehrenstrom, a senior adviser to Mitt Romney’s campaign (also speaking on Fox News), says, “President Obama needs to be held accountable for his administration’s attempts to mislead the American people about what happened in Benghazi.”
Rep. Peter King, chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, has called for the resignation of United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice.
The broader theme here (and in many other partisan and conservative blog comments) is that President Obama wasn’t just unaware of the threat in Libya and its violent outcome, but that he and his administration were purposely untruthful about what happened.
The headline on Karl Rove’s column in the Wall Street Journal this week was “Obama’s Biggest Opponent Is the Truth.”
“Every day, it seems, he attempts to disqualify his opponent through deliberate and undeniable falsehoods,” Mr. Rove wrote. “This is only one side of a two-sided coin. The president can’t tell the truth about his own record either.” . . . .
EXCERPT: The Obama administration’s shifting accounts of the fatal attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, have left President Obama suddenly exposed on national security and foreign policy, a field where he had enjoyed a seemingly unassailable advantage over Mitt Romney in the presidential race.
After first describing the attack as a spontaneous demonstration run amok, administration officials now describe it as a terrorist act with possible involvement by Al Qaeda. The changing accounts prompted the spokesman for the nation’s top intelligence official, James R. Clapper Jr., to issue a statement on Friday acknowledging that American intelligence agencies “revised our initial assessment to reflect new information indicating that it was a deliberate and organized terrorist attack carried out by extremists.”
The unusual statement was not solicited by the White House, according to Shawn Turner, the spokesman for Mr. Clapper, the director of national intelligence, but it seemed calculated to relieve some of the pressure on the White House for the contradictory accounts given in the two and a half weeks since the attack. It is unlikely to stop questions from the Romney campaign, which senses an opportunity.
“This incident is a hinge event in the campaign because it opens up the opportunity to talk more broadly about Obama’s foreign policy,” said Richard S. Williamson, a former diplomat and an adviser to Mr. Romney.
But the questions are likely to come not just from partisan Republicans. The Benghazi attack calls into question the accuracy of intelligence-gathering and whether vulnerable American personnel overseas are receiving adequate protection. Even allies of the president like Senator John Kerry, a Massachusetts Democrat and the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, have petitioned the White House for more information about how the government protects diplomatic installations abroad.
Almost since the smoke cleared in Benghazi, Republicans have accused Mr. Obama’s aides of deliberately playing down the attack. Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, condemned the administration’s initial account of the attack as “disgraceful,” saying on CBS that it “shows a fundamental misunderstanding not only of warfare, but of what’s going on in that part of the world.” . . . .
EXCERPT: A president struggling simultaneously to cope with anti-American tumult in the Middle East and fix stubborn economic trouble at home: Is President Obama replaying the one-term presidency of Jimmy Carter?
So Mitt Romney and Paul D. Ryan have repeatedly suggested, trying to use the glum precedent of the Carter presidency to taint Mr. Obama’s record and produce the same electoral result 32 years later.
The Republican candidates and their supporters have played the Carter card not nearly as often as the Obama team has brought up George W. Bush, who lurks near Mr. Carter in the lower ranks on historians’ ratings of American presidents. But they have pressed the Carter parallels all the harder since militants assaulted an American diplomatic mission in Libya and killed four Americans, saying it recalled the Iranian hostage crisis that dominated the news as Ronald Reagan ran his successful campaign against Mr. Carter.
“I mean, turn on the TV and it reminds you of 1979 Tehran, but they are burning our flags in capitals all around the world, they are storming our embassies,” said Mr. Ryan, the Republican nominee for vice president, on a visit to Ohio on Monday. “We’ve lost four of our diplomats, and what is the signal that our government is sending the rest of the world?” . . . .
“GOP’s October Surprise” by Craig Unger;; 10/01/2012.
EXCERPT: According to a highly reliable source, as Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama prepare for the first presidential debate Wednesday night, top Republican operatives are primed to unleash a new two-pronged offensive that will attack Obama as weak on national security, and will be based, in part, on new intelligence information regarding the attacks in Libya that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens on Sept. 11.
The source, who has firsthand knowledge of private, high-level conversations in the Romney camp that took place in Washington, D.C., last week, said that at various times the GOP strategists referred to their new operation as the Jimmy Carter Strategy or the October Surprise.
He added that they planned to release what they hoped would be “a bombshell” that would make Libya and Obama’s foreign policy a major issue in the campaign. “My understanding is that they have come up with evidence that the Obama administration had positive intelligence that there was going to be a terrorist attack on the intelligence.”
The source described the Republicans as chortling with glee that the Obama administration “definitely had intel” about the attack before it happened. “Intelligence can be graded in different ways,” he added, “and sometimes A and B don’t get connected. But [the Romney campaign] will try to paint it to look like Obama had advance knowledge of the attack and is weak on terrorism.”
He said they were jubilant about their new strategy and said they intended to portray Obama as a helpless, Jimmy Carter-like president and to equate the tragedy in Libya with President Carter’s failed attempt to rescue American hostages in Iran in 1980. “They are so excited about it,” he said. “Over and over again they talked about how it would be just like Jimmy Carter’s failed raid. They feel it is going to give them a last-minute landslide in the election.” . . . .
. . . The source declined to reveal the names of the GOP operatives who were present. But he said, “These were the top guys in the party. It was a private, unguarded planning conversation.” He further described participants in the meeting as consisting of well-known names tied to the big Republican super PACs and people who had access to high-level national security intelligence. [Italics added.] . . . .
Do you think fighting a below the radar cyberwar effected Obama’s debate performance? I’ll bet the “knights of perverted science” keep the pres. well occupied up until the next debate, as well.
In the meantime they’ll keep Romney jacked on testosterone shots and go-pills.
@GrumpusRex: This is definitely within the realm of possibility, though, TBH, I’m leaning more towards the fact that the debate fell on Prez O’s 20th anniversary and that Romney exceeded the (very low) expectations that were set before him.
I think Obama’s back on his game, though, and ready to kick ass. =D
Until I see evidence to the contrary I’ll continue to think Obama is our best hope, but just as Clinton, slick, in fact maybe slicker than Clinton, and that his first duty is to those whom her perceives keep American safe and operating.
I think the scandal of the Libyan fumble is that the U.S. has been arming and training Jihadis to send to Syria, using the massive pile of armaments left over from Ghaddafi. T have read for some time of the theory that the “grand strategy” emerging from the CFR types is to actually promote Islamic extremism–supposedly as a long-term means of destabilizing China and Russia. I don’t know about that, I think they do this stuff just to make trouble, because the more trouble there is, the more power they have. I watch a lot of CSpan and the universe of the policy “experts” was out to lunch on this. Pretty sad, but perhaps unsurprising.