Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Imagine, “Morsi Is a Textbook Islamic Fascist”: I Told You So, Part 3 (Democracy, Muslim Brotherhood Style, Part 3)

Note: This web­site is licensed for Fair Use under Cre­ative Com­mons. No mon­ey what­so­ev­er is, has been, or will be made from this web­site by Mr. Emory.

COMMENT: With the Egypt­ian con­sti­tu­tion hav­ing been nar­row­ly approved on Sat­ur­day, 12/15/2012, we are in a posi­tion to take stock of the events of the past two years or so in this largest of the Arab coun­tries.

We recall the tsuna­mi of praise, Hosan­nas and Hal­lelu­jahs gush­ing forth from the world’s media and polit­i­cal pun­dit­ry. Hail­ing the “Arab Spring” as the dawn­ing of a new enlight­en­ment in that part of the world, they missed the boat–fundamentally.

We, on the oth­er hand, were warn­ing that this phe­nom­e­non was a Nazi oper­a­tion, hav­ing been ini­ti­at­ed by pow­er­ful cor­po­rate forces in the sec­ond admin­is­tra­tion of George W. Bush, it had its trig­ger with the Wik­iLeaks milieu–itself a far-right, Nazi-linked enti­ty, as we demon­strat­ed  in FTR’s 732 and #745. (In addi­tion to the doc­u­men­ta­tion in the orig­i­nal WikiLeaks/Arab Spring series, see the arti­cle excerpt­ed below.)

Before delv­ing into details, an excel­lent overview of recent events in Egypt was pro­vid­ed in an Eng­lish-lan­guage blog by a cit­i­zen of that tor­tured coun­try. The con­tra­dic­tions and dead­ly under­cur­rents of unfold­ing events were elo­quent­ly summed up by Mah­moud Salem in “Imag­ine.”

A num­ber of points should be con­sid­ered here (the rel­e­vant arti­cles are excerpt­ed below):

  • Hasan Amin has char­ac­ter­ized Mor­si as “a text­book Islam­ic Fas­cist.” Of course, the Broth­er­hood is an Islam­ic fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion, with a her­itage dat­ing back to its polit­i­cal and mil­i­tary alliance with the Axis.
  • The new con­sti­tu­tion may be used to fun­da­men­tal­ly dis­re­gard human rights, in favor of Islam­ic law. It’s equiv­o­cal lan­guage even leaves the door open for the tol­er­ance of slav­ery, being prac­ticed by Mus­lim Broth­er­hood cadres in the Sudan, among oth­er places. An ear­li­er draft of this AP post con­tained the fol­low­ing pas­sage, omit­ted from the update: ” . . . Omis­sions of cer­tain arti­cles, such as bans on slav­ery or promis­es to adhere to inter­na­tion­al rights treaties, were equal­ly wor­ry­ing to crit­ics of the new draft, who pulled out from the pan­el before the vote. . . .”
  • Mor­si was able to ram through his draft con­sti­tu­tion by impos­ing what even The New York Times char­ac­ter­ized as “mar­tial law.” 
  • This de fac­to mar­tial law was made eas­i­er by the fact that Mor­si was the Broth­er­hood’s coor­di­na­tor with the Egypt­ian mil­i­tary and secu­ri­ty forces.
  • In the event that the army can­not keep the polit­i­cal oppo­si­tion down, the Islamist ter­ror­ists of Jama’a al-Islamiya (an Al Qae­da affil­i­ate) will be avail­able to assas­si­nate dis­si­dents. Sup­pos­ed­ly opposed to the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, the Jama’a al-Islamiya actu­al­ly appear to have the same rela­tion­ship to the sup­pos­ed­ly respectable Mus­lim Broth­er­hood as the Ital­ian fas­cist Ordine Nuo­vo (“New Order”) had to the sup­pos­ed­ly respectable coali­tion gov­ern­ment of Sil­vio Berlus­coni (of the P‑2 Lodge) and his coali­tion part­ner “post-fas­cist” Gian­fran­co Fini of the Allean­za Nationale (suc­ces­sor to the fascisti of Mus­soli­ni). A vet­er­an of the SS-con­trolled Salo Repub­lic that gov­erned North­ern Italy dur­ing the clos­ing days of World War II, Ordine Nuo­vo chief Pino Rauti com­plained of the “post-fas­cists” of the MSI and the AN, “Too many dou­ble-breast­ed suits, not enough cud­gels.” Nonethe­less, Rauti was part of the Berlusconi/Fini gov­ern­ment that was elect­ed in the ear­ly part of the last decade. One of the orig­i­nal share­hold­ers of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood’s Bank al-Taqwa, Karim Alessan­dro Ghe, was also a mem­ber of Ordine Nuo­vo.

“Imag­ine” by Mah­moud Salem; Dai­ly News Egypt; 12/10/2012.

EXCERPT: Imag­ine sit­ting at a friend’s house, watch­ing the pres­i­dent address the nation after a week long cri­sis, with his sup­port­ers just the night before open­ing fire on civil­ian pro­test­ers in Heliopo­lis in hor­ri­fy­ing clash­es that spanned the whole day. Imag­ine find­ing out that he issued the ille­gal con­sti­tu­tion­al dec­la­ra­tion that enflamed and divid­ed the entire coun­try, because- and I quote- one of the sus­pects in the Camel inci­dents, who was declared inno­cent by the courts, had a meet­ing with 3 oth­er unnamed peo­ple in his office.

The pres­i­dent that has under him state secu­ri­ty, gen­er­al intel­li­gence, mil­i­tary intel­li­gence, the Min­istry of Jus­tice, the police and the gen­er­al prosecutor’s office declar­ing that he had no choice but to issue this dec­la­ra­tion because four peo­ple had a meet­ing. And then, as he swipes the page of his speech on his IPad, he instinc­tive­ly licks his fin­ger first as if he is turn­ing a paper page. Imag­ine.

Imag­ine that this pres­i­dent saw that the sit­u­a­tion was so urgent, he called for a nation­al dia­logue meet­ing with the oppo­si­tion in two days to resolve the cri­sis, one that all of his allies and none of the oppo­si­tion attend, and he walks in, talks for 5 min­utes, then leaves the dia­logue he called for imme­di­ate­ly, telling peo­ple to talk to his VP and that he is leav­ing to guar­an­tee the “neu­tral­i­ty of the dia­logue”.

Imag­ine that his group’s uber-intel­lec­tu­al, Fah­my Howei­dy, short­ly after also leaves because he had anoth­er impor­tant meet­ing to attend, and that this group of clowns come with a solu­tion after mid­night that isn’t a solu­tion, draft­ed by ex-pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Selim Al-Aawa, who wrote the Sudanese con­sti­tu­tion that even­tu­al­ly led to Sudan get­ting divid­ed into two coun­tries. They front­ed that guy. Just Imag­ine.

Imag­ine that the next day, you are no longer greet­ed with the president’s face, but with those of the Supreme Guide of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, and his sec­ond man Khairat El-Shater, who both hold press con­fer­ences defend­ing the pres­i­dent in hid­ing, while the army builds walls around the Pres­i­den­tial Palace.

Imag­ine watch­ing the Supreme Guide claim­ing that all who died in the clash­es are Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, despite there being dead Chris­tians in the clash­es, and El-Shater talk­ing about how hard it is to get invest­ment into this coun­try and blam­ing the whole cri­sis on the Chris­tians and the Church. Imag­ine know­ing that those are the peo­ple who run the Order that is run­ning your coun­try at the moment. Imag­ine.

Imag­ine know­ing that your pres­i­dent, the first civil­ian demo­c­ra­t­i­cal­ly elect­ed post-rev­o­lu­tion pres­i­dent is a pup­pet for that group, and his pup­peteer is the sec­ond man in this order, and not even the first. Imag­ine that this group has its peo­ple, for two weeks, won­der­ing open­ly on TV talk shows about why the peo­ple, after a rev­o­lu­tion, can­not tol­er­ate hav­ing a tem­po­rary dic­ta­tor­ship for a few months, since they endured it under Mubarak for 30 years.

Imag­ine them being unable to com­pre­hend that because you sim­ply won an elec­tion by 1%, you can’t just do any­thing you damn please in the name of democ­ra­cy because you are the major­i­ty. Imag­ine them open­ly stat­ing that this con­sti­tu­tion, since it sup­ports Shari’a, will have 90% sup­port in terms of votes and that the oppo­si­tion are all Chris­tians and agents and no more than 40,000 in the entire coun­try and want to repeat the con­sti­tu­tion writ­ing process to allow gay mar­riage. Imagine.Imagine that this group is still push­ing for a ref­er­en­dum over a con­sti­tu­tion­al draft that is cre­at­ed by an ille­gal Con­stituent Assem­bly that a third of its mem­bers with­drew, while an entire coun­try goes in flames over it, with hun­dreds of thou­sands of Egyp­tians in the gov­er­norates are protest­ing and clash­ing with this group’s sup­port­ers.

Imag­ine that with this ref­er­en­dum being 4 days away, and the pres­i­den­cy has no judges to super­vise it, doesn’t have the schools to host it, did not open the door for jour­nal­ists or observers to go in and observe the process, and gave no way for the vot­ers to find out where they are sup­posed to vote. Your country’s con­sti­tu­tion. Imag­ine.

Imag­ine that the sec­u­lar side is the major­i­ty for the first time, with peo­ple in the streets all over Egypt view­ing this as a ref­er­en­dum on the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood and Morsy and want to vote No on both and teach them a les­son.

Imag­ine them final­ly ral­ly­ing behind a uni­fied oppo­si­tion front, called the Nation­al Sal­va­tion coun­cil, who just yes­ter­day issued that they will boy­cott the first ref­er­en­dum they actu­al­ly have a great shot of win­ning, because they think it’s an ille­git­i­mate ref­er­en­dum and we shouldn’t dig­ni­fy it with our votes, despite it being the country’s con­sti­tu­tion and every­thing. . . .

“Bloody Clash­es around Egypt­ian Pres­i­den­tial Palace” by Hasan Amin; CNN; 12/5/12.

EXCERPT: Haunt­ed by Islam­ic Fas­cist

After the huge peace­ful protest yes­ter­day against Mor­si, today it turned to a bloody bat­tle between the pro­test­ers and Mor­si sup­port­ers (Islamists and Pro-Islamists main­ly) . . . .

. . . . Islamists thugs beat the pro­test­ers who said “No” [to the] Mor­si dic­ta­to­r­i­al decree–exactly what hap­pened dur­ing the Egypt­ian rev­o­lu­tion, when Mubarak sent his thugs to attack the pro­test­ers in Tahrir Sq.

Now, Mor­si is a text­book Islam­ic fas­cist, who elim­i­nates the oppo­si­tion or unleash­es his thugs to attack them. [Ital­ics added.]

It’s remark­able that no one in the police or the army was involved in this bat­tle, it’s sus­pi­cious, the absence of secu­ri­ty forces in this crit­i­cal area (the pres­i­den­tial palace diam­e­ter.)

The sit­u­a­tion in Egypt is get­ting ugli­er with time. . . .

“High­lights from Egyp­t’s Draft Con­sti­tu­tion”; Asso­ci­at­ed Press; 12/01/2012.

EXCERPT: An Islamist-dom­i­nat­ed pan­el is vot­ing on Egyp­t’s draft con­sti­tu­tion, the coun­try’s first char­ter after the upris­ing that top­pled Hos­ni Mubarak. The draft large­ly reflects the con­ser­v­a­tive vision of the Islamists, with arti­cles that rights activists, lib­er­als and Chris­tians fear will lead to restric­tions on the rights of women and minori­ties and civ­il lib­er­ties in gen­er­al.

Omis­sions of cer­tain arti­cles, such as bans on slav­ery or promis­es to adhere to inter­na­tion­al rights treaties, were equal­ly wor­ry­ing to crit­ics of the new draft, who pulled out from the pan­el before the vote. [This pas­sage was omit­ted from sub­se­quent ver­sions of the post.]

Here are some of the dis­put­ed arti­cles:

- As in past con­sti­tu­tions, the new draft says that the “prin­ci­ples of Islam­ic law” will be the basis of law. Pre­vi­ous­ly, the term “prin­ci­ples” allowed wide lee­way in inter­pret­ing Shari­ah. But in the draft, a sep­a­rate new arti­cle is added that seeks to define “prin­ci­ples” by point­ing to par­tic­u­lar the­o­log­i­cal doc­trines and their rules. That could give Islamists the tool for insist­ing on stricter imple­men­ta­tion of rul­ings of Shari­ah.

- A new arti­cle states that Egyp­t’s most respect­ed Islam­ic insti­tu­tion, Al-Azhar, must be con­sult­ed on any mat­ters relat­ed to Shari­ah, a mea­sure crit­ics fear will lead to over­sight of leg­is­la­tion by cler­ics.

- An arti­cle under­lines that the state will pro­tect “the true nature of the Egypt­ian fam­i­ly ... and pro­mote its morals and val­ues,” phras­ing that is vague and sug­gests state con­trol over the con­tents of such arts forms as books and films.

- The draft con­tains no arti­cle specif­i­cal­ly estab­lish­ing equal­i­ty between men and women because of dis­putes over the phras­ing. How­ev­er, it main­tains that a woman must bal­ance her duties toward fam­i­ly and out­side work, sug­gest­ing that she can be held account­able if her pub­lic role con­flicts with her fam­i­ly duties. No such arti­cle is men­tioned for men.

- An arti­cle bans insult­ing or defam­ing the prophet and mes­sen­gers, but is vague about what con­sti­tutes an insult, rais­ing con­cerns of restric­tions to free­dom of expres­sion.

- An arti­cle seek­ing to ensure peo­ple’s dig­ni­ty bans “insult­ing humans”, a vague phras­ing that rights activists say con­tra­dicts free­dom of expres­sion.

- An arti­cle main­tains that the state sup­ports the arts, sci­ence and lit­er­a­ture and works to imple­ment them in a way that serves soci­ety. That has raised con­cerns that some arts deemed not in the ser­vice of soci­ety may be restrict­ed or cen­sored.

- An arti­cle pre­serves the right of the mil­i­tary to try civil­ians before mil­i­tary tri­bunals in cas­es for crimes that harm the armed forces with­out restric­tions, despite an out­cry from activists who were call­ing for the abol­ish­ing of such tri­bunals. More than 11,000 civil­ians were tried before mil­i­tary tri­bunals dur­ing the post-Mubarak tran­si­tion over­seen by the mil­i­tary. . . .

“Mor­si Is Seen on a Path to Impos­ing Mar­tial Law in Egypt” by David D. Kirk­patrick; New York Times; 12/08/2012.

NB: Since this arti­cle was first pub­lished, the NYT changed the head­line to some­thing less note­wor­thy.

EXCERPT: Strug­gling to quell street protests and polit­i­cal vio­lence, Pres­i­dent Mohamed Mor­si is mov­ing to impose a ver­sion of mar­tial law by call­ing on the armed forces to keep order and autho­riz­ing sol­diers to arrest civil­ians, Egypt­ian state media announced Sat­ur­day.

If Mr. Mor­si goes through with the plan, it would rep­re­sent a his­toric role rever­sal. For decades, Egypt’s mil­i­tary-backed author­i­tar­ian pres­i­dents had used mar­tial law to hold on to pow­er and to pun­ish Islamists like Mr. Mor­si, who spent months in jail under a sim­i­lar decree.

A turn back to the mil­i­tary would also come just four months after Mr. Mor­si man­aged to pry polit­i­cal pow­er out of the hands of the country’s pow­er­ful gen­er­als, who led a tran­si­tional gov­ern­ment after the ouster of the long­time strong­man Hos­ni Mubarak.

The flag­ship state news­pa­per Al Ahram report­ed that Mr. Mor­si “will soon issue a deci­sion for the par­tic­i­pa­tion of the armed forces in the duties of main­tain­ing secu­rity and pro­tec­tion of vital state insti­tu­tions.” The mil­i­tary would main­tain its expand­ed role until the com­ple­tion of a ref­er­en­dum on a draft con­sti­tu­tion next Sat­ur­day and the elec­tion of a new Par­lia­ment expect­ed two months after that. . . .

“Meet the Islamist Polit­i­cal Fix­er Who Could Be Egypt’s Next Pres­i­dent” by Eric Trager; The New Repub­lic; 4/27/2012.

EXCERPT: . . . . First, for the final four years of Hos­ni Mubarak’s reign, Mor­si was the pri­ma­ry point-of-con­tact for State Secu­ri­ty with­in the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood. State Secu­ri­ty was the repres­sive domes­tic secu­ri­ty appa­ra­tus through which the Mubarak regime mon­i­tored and infil­trat­ed oppo­si­tion groups, and Mor­si nego­ti­at­ed with State Secu­ri­ty to ensure the Brotherhood’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in var­i­ous polit­i­cal endeav­ors, such as par­lia­men­tary elec­tions. “Mohamed Mor­si has very good secu­ri­ty rela­tions,” for­mer deputy supreme guide Mohamed Habib told me dur­ing a March 2011 inter­view. “State Secu­ri­ty likes a con­nec­tion point who has the con­fi­dence of var­i­ous Broth­ers, and [top Broth­er­hood lead­ers] pushed for him.” Indeed, Broth­er­hood lead­ers trust­ed Mor­si because they viewed him as ide­o­log­i­cal­ly rigid, and there­fore unlike­ly to con­cede too much to the regime dur­ing nego­ti­a­tions. . . .

“Jama’a al-Islamiya leader: Islamists, Regime May try to Assas­si­nate Lib­er­als” by Almas­ry Aly­oum; Copts Unit­ed; 11/26/2012.

EXCERPT: . . . . Jama’a al-Islamiya senior leader Nageh Ibrahim has warned that lib­er­al polit­i­cal fig­ures may be tar­get­ed for assas­si­na­tion dur­ing the next month.

In an inter­view with Lon­don-based Asharq al-Awsat, the senior fig­ure from the once-banned Islamist group said that the assas­si­na­tions would come as a result of the increas­ing­ly tense polit­i­cal atmos­phere, spec­u­lat­ing that the assas­si­na­tions would be car­ried out joint­ly by the rul­ing regime and Islamists.

Ibrahim also expressed sup­port for Morsy’s recent deci­sion grant­i­ng him­self sweep­ing pow­ers, say­ing, “Morsy had to take those deci­sions. He will nev­er retreat.” . . .

“Bush Weighs Reach­ing Out To ‘Broth­ers’” by Eli Lake; The New York Sun;  6/20/2007.

EXCERPT: The Bush admin­is­tra­tion is qui­etly weigh­ing the prospect of reach­ing out to the par­ty that found­ed mod­ern polit­i­cal Islam, the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood.

Still in its ear­ly stages and below the radar, the cur­rent Amer­i­can delib­er­a­tions and diplo­macy with the orga­ni­za­tion, known in Ara­bic as Ikhwan, take on new sig­nif­i­cance in light of Hamas’s suc­cess­ful coup in Gaza last week. The Egypt­ian Mus­lim Broth­er­hood is wide­ly report­ed to have helped cre­ate Hamas in 1982.

Today the State Department’s Bureau of Intel­li­gence and Research will host a meet­ing with oth­er rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the intel­li­gence com­mu­nity to dis­cuss open­ing more for­mal chan­nels to the broth­ers. Ear­lier this year, the Nation­al Intel­li­gence Coun­cil received a paper it had com­mis­sioned on the his­tory of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood by a schol­ar at the Nixon Cen­ter, Robert Leiken, who is invit­ed to the State Depart­ment meet­ing today to present the case for engage­ment. On April 7, con­gres­sional lead­ers such as Rep. Ste­ny Hoy­er of Mary­land, the Demo­c­ra­tic whip, attend­ed a recep­tion where some rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the broth­ers were present. The recep­tion was host­ed at the res­i­dence in Cairo of the Amer­i­can ambas­sador to Egypt, Fran­cis Ric­cia­r­done, a deci­sion that indi­cates a change in pol­i­cy.

The Nation­al Secu­rity Coun­cil and State Depart­ment already meet indi­rectly with the Syr­ian Mus­lim Broth­er­hood through dis­cus­sions with a new Syr­ian oppo­si­tion group cre­ated in 2006 known as the Nation­al Sal­va­tion Front. Mean­while, Iraq’s vice pres­i­dent, Tariq al-Hashe­mi, is a leader of Iraq’s chap­ter of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood. His par­ty, known as the Iraqi Islam­ic Par­ty, has played a role in the Iraqi gov­ern­ment since it was invit­ed to join the Iraqi Gov­ern­ing Coun­cil in 2003.

These devel­op­ments, in light of Hamas’s con­trol of Gaza, sug­gest that Pres­i­dent Bush — who has been care­ful to dis­tin­guish the war on ter­ror from a war on Islam — has done more than any of his pre­de­ces­sors to accept the move­ment fight­ing for the merg­er of mosque and state in the Mid­dle East. . . .


8 comments for “Imagine, “Morsi Is a Textbook Islamic Fascist”: I Told You So, Part 3 (Democracy, Muslim Brotherhood Style, Part 3)”

  1. Ini­tial unof­fi­cial results are in and it looks like the sup­port­ers of the Islamists’ draft con­sti­tu­tion won the first round of the ref­er­en­dum, although it was much clos­er than many expect­ed (56% vot­ed “Yes”). And if reports of vote-rig­ging from the oppo­si­tion are accu­rate, it was actu­al­ly a lot clos­er:

    Egypt oppo­si­tion alleges ref­er­en­dum rig­ging as Islamists claim vic­to­ry

    Mus­lim Broth­er­hood’s polit­i­cal wing says 56% vot­ed for draft con­sti­tu­tion but oppo­si­tion warns of vio­la­tions in first round poll
    Ian Black in Cairo
    guardian.co.uk, Sun­day 16 Decem­ber 2012 16.08 EST

    Egyp­t’s Mus­lim Broth­er­hood has claimed vic­to­ry in the first round of the coun­try’s bit­ter­ly divi­sive con­sti­tu­tion­al ref­er­en­dum, with oppo­si­tion forces com­plain­ing of large-scale rig­ging and vio­la­tions.

    Unof­fi­cial results from Sat­ur­day’s first round showed 56% approval to 43% rejec­tion on a low turnout of 33%, with a clear no win in Cairo, one of the 10 gov­er­norates where polling took place. The ref­er­en­dum is to be held in the coun­try’s remain­ing 17 gov­er­norates next Sat­ur­day — where prospects for a no win are poor­er.

    The fig­ures were report­ed by the Free­dom and Jus­tice par­ty (FJP), the polit­i­cal wing of the Broth­er­hood, which has been accu­rate in pre­vi­ous elec­tions.

    If, as expect­ed, the trend is con­firmed, the ref­er­en­dum will bol­ster the Broth­er­hood’s Mohamed Mor­si, who was elect­ed pres­i­dent on a 51% man­date last June. But no end is in sight to the coun­try’s grave polit­i­cal cri­sis.

    Sit-in protests against the con­sti­tu­tion were con­tin­u­ing on Sun­day night in Cairo’s cen­tral Tahrir Square and at the pres­i­den­tial palace in Heliopo­lis, where nine peo­ple were killed last week.

    Gehad El-Had­dad, a senior Broth­er­hood and FJP advis­er, said: “We thank Allah and the peo­ple of Egypt for such hon­ourable prac­tice of demo­c­ra­t­ic par­tic­i­pa­tion and although approval [is] low­er than expect­ed, [we are] glad it’s yes.”

    The oppo­si­tion Nation­al Sal­va­tion Front (NSF) claimed 66% were against the con­tro­ver­sial draft basic law. It said it had detect­ed “unprece­dent­ed rig­ging,” includ­ing 750 vio­la­tions. These includ­ed unstamped bal­lot papers, the names of deceased peo­ple on lists and the absence of observers at polling sta­tions. The Egypt­ian Coali­tion for Human Rights report­ed the use of reli­gious slo­gans and finan­cial induce­ments for those vot­ing yes.

    Mohamed ElBa­radei, the co-ordi­na­tor of the NSF, warned Mor­si in Twit­ter mes­sages: “In light of Egyp­t’s evi­dent, and dan­ger­ous, divi­sion, will you real­ize the neces­si­ty of being a pres­i­dent for all Egyp­tians? Coun­try split, fla­grant irreg­u­lar­i­ties, low turnout, dis­il­lu­sion with Islamists on the rise. Illit­er­a­cy remains a hur­dle.”

    Many Egyp­tians, alarmed by a grow­ing bud­get deficit and the weak­ness of the pound against the US dol­lar, agree that sta­bil­i­ty will remain elu­sive through next mon­th’s sec­ond anniver­sary of the out­break of the rev­o­lu­tion which over­threw Hos­ni Mubarak, who had ruled Egypt for near­ly 30 years.

    “Even with all this rig­ging and intim­i­da­tion the Broth­er­hood could only get 56%,” Hisham Kassem, a polit­i­cal com­men­ta­tor, told the Guardian. “So next week will be much worse. Egypt is head­ing for dis­as­ter.”

    The ref­er­en­dum was large­ly peace­ful, but vio­lence erupt­ed on Sat­ur­day night when the Cairo head­quar­ters of the lib­er­al Wafd Par­ty, part of the NSF, came under attack. The Wafd accused the Salafist preach­er Hazem Abu Ismail of being involved but he denied respon­si­bil­i­ty.


    Anoth­er anom­aly in first is the fact that ini­tial reports were of unex­pect­ed­ly high vot­er turnout, and yet a day lat­er we find that there was an unusu­al­ly low 33% par­tic­i­pa­tion rate. That dis­crep­an­cy might be con­sis­tent with the vote-rig­ging alle­ga­tions:

    Turnout is high as Egyp­tians vote on draft con­sti­tu­tion
    Post­ed: 12/16/2012 12:01:00 AM MST
    By Stephanie McCrum­men and Griff Witte
    The Wash­ing­ton Post

    CAIRO — Egyp­tians turned out in large num­bers Sat­ur­day to begin vot­ing on a con­tentious draft con­sti­tu­tion that has become a ref­er­en­dum on whether Pres­i­dent Mohammed Mor­si and his Islamist back­ers are trust­wor­thy guardians of the diverse rev­o­lu­tion that oust­ed strong­man Hos­ni Mubarak near­ly two years ago.

    Despite weeks of protests that have at times turned into bloody, rock-throw­ing brawls, vot­ing appeared to be large­ly peace­ful on the first of two Sat­ur­days the bal­lot­ing is being held.

    Mor­si had empow­ered the mil­i­tary to pro­tect polling sites and arrest civil­ians if nec­es­sary. But across Cairo, sol­diers seemed more relaxed than tense as they min­gled with police, smoked cig­a­rettes or helped elder­ly vot­ers up stairs. Offi­cial results will not be announced until after vot­ing ends Dec. 22.


    The draft char­ter was passed by an Islamist-dom­i­nat­ed assem­bly after many lib­er­al, Chris­t­ian and more mod­er­ate mem­bers walked out, say­ing their con­cerns about wom­en’s rights, free speech and oth­er pro­tec­tions were being ignored. As the pre­vi­ous con­sti­tu­tion did, the draft char­ter estab­lish­es Islam as the basis of leg­is­la­tion. But it also enshrines al-Azhar, the respect­ed cen­ter of Sun­ni Mus­lim schol­ar­ship, as a non­bind­ing inter­preter of Islam­ic law, pos­si­bly shift­ing pow­er away from the courts.

    Ana­lysts say the con­sti­tu­tion leaves some room for inter­pre­ta­tion on rights. For instance, it enshrines a right to free speech but also makes it ille­gal to insult “an indi­vid­ual per­son.” The char­ter estab­lish­es equal­i­ty between men and women but con­tains a pro­vi­sion requir­ing the state to bal­ance wom­en’s rights with their “oblig­a­tions to fam­i­ly.” Mus­lims, Chris­tians and Jews are explic­it­ly pro­tect­ed but mem­bers of minor­i­ty reli­gions are not.

    But many wait­ing in polling lines Sat­ur­day were less wor­ried about those specifics than about the way Mor­si and his Islamist sup­port­ers in the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood’s Free­dom and Jus­tice Par­ty pushed the char­ter to a vote. On Nov. 22, Mor­si issued a con­sti­tu­tion­al dec­la­ra­tion — since rescind­ed — plac­ing his actions beyond judi­cial review. Oppo­nents saw it as a pow­er grab, and many who said they vot­ed no on the draft char­ter cit­ed a lack of trust in a gov­ern­ment that would behave in such a man­ner.

    “I feel if we say yes to this, it will be yes, yes, yes, for­ev­er,” said a young woman wait­ing to vote in the mid­dle-class neigh­bor­hood of Manial. She did not want to give her name because, she said, “a lot of peo­ple are afraid of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood.”

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | December 16, 2012, 9:29 pm
  2. Posted by GW | December 17, 2012, 3:29 am
  3. Islamist fas­cism and democ­ra­cy: it’s not a good mix:

    Fear keeps Egyp­t’s Chris­tians away from polls
    9:02p.m. EST Decem­ber 19, 2012

    ASSIUT, Egypt (AP) — A cam­paign of intim­i­da­tion by Islamists left most Chris­tians in this south­ern Egypt­ian province too afraid to par­tic­i­pate in last week’s ref­er­en­dum on an Islamist-draft­ed con­sti­tu­tion they deeply oppose, res­i­dents say. The dis­en­fran­chise­ment is hik­ing Chris­tians’ wor­ries over their future under empow­ered Mus­lim con­ser­v­a­tives.

    Around a week before the vote, some 50,000 Islamists marched through the provin­cial cap­i­tal, Assi­ut, chant­i­ng that Egypt will be “Islam­ic, Islam­ic, despite the Chris­tians.” At their head rode sev­er­al beard­ed men on horse­back with swords in scab­bards on their hips, evok­ing images of ear­ly Mus­lims con­quer­ing Chris­t­ian Egypt in the 7th Cen­tu­ry.

    They made sure to go through main­ly Chris­t­ian dis­tricts of the city, where res­i­dents, fear­ing attacks, shut­tered down their stores and stayed in their homes, wit­ness­es said.

    The day of the vot­ing itself on Sat­ur­day, Chris­t­ian vot­ing was min­i­mal — as low as sev­en per­cent in some areas, accord­ing to church offi­cials. Some of those who did try to head to polling sta­tions in some vil­lages were pelt­ed by stones, forc­ing them to turn back with­out cast­ing bal­lots, Chris­t­ian activists and res­i­dents told the Asso­ci­at­ed Press this week.

    The activists now see what hap­pened in Assi­ut as a barom­e­ter for what Chris­tians’ sta­tus will be under a con­sti­tu­tion that enshrines a greater role for Shari­ah, or Islam­ic law, in gov­ern­ment and dai­ly life. Even under the sec­u­lar regime of auto­crat Hos­ni Mubarak, Egyp­t’s Chris­tians com­plained of dis­crim­i­na­tion and gov­ern­ment fail­ure to pro­tect them and their rights. They fear it will be worse with the Islamists who have dom­i­nat­ed Egyp­t’s polit­i­cal land­scape since Mubarak’s ouster in Feb­ru­ary 2011.


    Egyp­t’s main Cop­tic Ortho­dox Church and small­er ones have tak­en an unchar­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly assertive approach in the con­sti­tu­tion­al strug­gle. They with­drew their six mem­bers from the Con­stituent Assem­bly to protest Islamist dom­i­na­tion of the process and lat­er refused to send rep­re­sen­ta­tives to a “nation­al dia­logue” called for by Mor­si.

    The new Cop­tic pope, Tawadros II, enthroned last month, pub­licly called some of the char­ter’s arti­cles “dis­as­trous.”

    In response, the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood — which usu­al­ly keeps a mod­er­ate tone toward Chris­tians — has turned toward more inflam­ma­to­ry rhetoric.

    Senior Broth­er­hood fig­ure Mohammed el-Belt­a­gi in a news­pa­per inter­view this week depict­ed mass anti-Mor­si ral­lies out­side the pres­i­den­tial palace in Cairo this month as main­ly made up of Chris­tians, hint­ing at a Chris­t­ian con­spir­a­cy against the pres­i­dent.

    In a recent speech, Safwat Hegazi, a famous Islamist preach­er linked to the Broth­er­hood, warned Chris­tians against join­ing forces with for­mer Mubarak regime fig­ures to top­ple Mor­si.

    “I tell the church, yes, you are our broth­ers in Egypt, but there are red lines. Our red line is Mor­si’s legit­i­ma­cy. Who­ev­er dares splash it with water, we will splash him with blood,” he said, using an Ara­bic say­ing.


    Posted by Pterrafractyl | December 19, 2012, 8:14 pm
  4. Hamas’s attempts at win­ning hearts and minds:

    Gaza Police Dole Out Head-Shav­ings & Beat­ings for ‘Inde­cent’ Hair
    KARIN LAUB and MOHAMMED DARAGHMEH April 7, 2013, 4:46 PM

    GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Police in Hamas-ruled Gaza have start­ed grab­bing young men with long or gel-styled spiky hair off the streets, bundling them into jeeps, mock­ing them and shav­ing their heads, two of those tar­get­ed and a rights group said Sun­day.

    It’s the lat­est sign that the Islam­ic mil­i­tants are impos­ing their strict prac­tices on the pop­u­la­tion.

    Hamas has been slow­ly forc­ing its fun­da­men­tal­ist inter­pre­ta­tion of the reli­gion on already con­ser­v­a­tive Gaza since it over­ran the ter­ri­to­ry in 2007, but the new crack­down on long hair and tight or low-waist pants — in sev­er­al cas­es accom­pa­nied by beat­ings — appears to be one of the most aggres­sive phas­es of the cam­paign so far.

    It began last week, and two of those tar­get­ed told The Asso­ci­at­ed Press said they were round­ed up in sep­a­rate sweeps in Gaza City that includ­ed more than two dozen young men.

    House painter Ayman al-Sayed, 19, had shoul­der-length hair before police grabbed him and shaved his head Thurs­day.

    The only thing I want to do is leave this coun­try,” said al-Sayed, who despite his ordeal defi­ant­ly wore styl­ish but out­lawed nar­row-leg tan khakis Sun­day. “I am scared. They just take you from the street with­out rea­son. I don’t know what they are going to do next.

    Hamas offi­cials played down the cam­paign — a stance adopt­ed in the past that allows the group to dis­tance itself from a con­tro­ver­sial crack­down while at the same time instill­ing fear in those it tar­get­ed.


    The hair crack­down came just days after the Hamas-run par­lia­ment in Gaza passed an edu­ca­tion bill man­dat­ing sep­a­rate class­rooms for boys and girls from the age of nine.

    Gen­der sep­a­ra­tion is already wide­ly prac­ticed in Gaza schools, as it is in the West Bank, where Hamas rival Mah­moud Abbas, the West­ern-backed Pales­tin­ian pres­i­dent, admin­is­ters some areas.

    Enshrin­ing such sep­a­ra­tion in law marked anoth­er step for­ward in Hamas’ cam­paign of impos­ing Islam­ic prac­tice.

    Since seiz­ing Gaza from Abbas six years ago, Hamas has moved grad­u­al­ly in spread­ing its ultra-con­ser­v­a­tive ver­sion of Islam. It has issued rules restrict­ing women or requir­ing them to cov­er up in the tra­di­tion­al Islam­ic dress of long robes and head­scarves, but relent­ed if met by protests.


    In anoth­er inci­dent, a Gaza teen, who spoke on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty for fear of ret­ri­bu­tion, said he saw police beat three young men in down­town Gaza City for wear­ing tight, low-rise pants. The wit­ness said the police­men beat the three with clubs on the backs of their knees and told passers-by watch­ing the scene to move along.

    Ahmed Yousef, a Hamas fig­ure iden­ti­fied with the more prag­mat­ic wing of the move­ment, said the police behav­ior is “absolute­ly wrong” and must stop. Hamas is often divid­ed over such cam­paigns, but the prag­ma­tists have been unable to stop the more zeal­ous mem­bers.

    Hamas is also com­pet­ing with the even more fun­da­men­tal­ist Salafis, a move­ment that has gained in strength and pop­u­lar­i­ty in Gaza in recent years. Salafis have crit­i­cized Hamas for not imple­ment­ing Islam­ic law in Gaza quick­ly enough.


    Posted by Pterrafractyl | April 7, 2013, 10:21 pm
  5. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/timstanley/100213666/the-muslim-brotherhood-wants-spain-back-can-the-christians-have-egypt-in-exchange/

    The Mus­lim Broth­er­hood wants Spain back. Can the Chris­tians have Egypt in exchange?

    By Tim Stan­ley Reli­gion Last updat­ed: April 24th, 2013

    The Mus­lim Broth­er­hood wants this back

    The Islam­ic Soci­ety of North Amer­i­ca, an off­shoot of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, has pub­lished an arti­cle that calls Andalu­sia – the hottest bit of Spain – a “par­adise” that will return when “the only vic­tor is Allah.” It reads like part trav­el­ogue and part reli­gious tract, claim­ing that Andalu­sia was a region of tol­er­ance “for 800 years” when occu­pied by Mus­lims, was then ruined by “the insan­i­ty fol­low­ing the Span­ish recon­quista” and, only today, has regained some of its for­mer lus­tre thanks to grow­ing inter­est in Islam in the region. Quote: “In 2006, Span­ish prime min­is­ter José Luis Rodríguez Zap­a­tero said that Spain was indebt­ed to Islam for its great his­tor­i­cal con­tri­bu­tions.” Mr Zap­a­tero also legalised gay mar­riage, so it’s fair to pre­sume that he’s not too keen for the Caliphate to come back.

    The arti­cle actu­al­ly makes some very good points. Islam­ic Andalu­sia was a cul­tur­al cen­tre for west­ern Europe, did tol­er­ate the pres­ence of Jews and Chris­tians and did see a great many natives con­vert to Islam. With­in Spain, that inter­pre­ta­tion of his­to­ry has become insti­tu­tion­alised as the coun­try has tried to make peace with its Mus­lim minor­i­ty and preach its own brand of mul­ti­cul­tur­al­ism. But it’s only half the sto­ry. Accord­ing to the New York Times:

    Andalu­sian gov­er­nance was … based on a reli­gious trib­al mod­el. Chris­tians and Jews, who shared Islam’s Abra­ham­ic past, had the sta­tus of dhim­mis – alien minori­ties. They rose high but remained sec­ond-class cit­i­zens; one 11th-cen­tu­ry legal text called them mem­bers of “the dev­il’s par­ty.” They were sub­ject to spe­cial tax­es and, often, dress codes. Vio­lence also erupt­ed, includ­ing a mas­sacre of thou­sands of Jews in Grena­da in 1066 and the forced exile of many Chris­tians in 1126.

    Of course, even this was arguably prefer­able to what fol­lowed the Span­ish recon­quista – an era char­ac­terised by vio­lent mass pogroms against the Jew­ish pop­u­la­tion.

    Nev­er­the­less, there’s some­thing both creepy and pre­sump­tu­ous about a Mus­lim writer vis­it­ing a Chris­t­ian coun­try and yearn­ing for its “return” to the fold. Creepy because, for many Islamists (the author of this trav­el­ogue not includ­ed), that return will be by com­pul­sion rather than evan­gel­i­cal out­reach and church pic­nics: Has­san al-Ban­na, the founder of Egyp­t’s Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, once wrote that “Andalu­sia, Sici­ly, the Balka­ns, south Italy, and the Roman sea islands were all Islam­ic lands that have to be restored to the home­land of Islam… it is our right to restore the Islam­ic Empire its glo­ry.” Such sen­ti­ments are also pre­sump­tu­ous because they imply that cer­tain parts of the globe spir­i­tu­al­ly “belong” to peo­ple who “owned” them for a bit in the past. And if we’re real­ly going to divide up the world by that log­ic, I’d like to make a counter offer to the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood.

    Can we Chris­tians have North Africa back? After all, it was once a cen­tre of Chris­t­ian civil­i­sa­tion – some of the ear­li­est Chris­t­ian com­mu­ni­ties were found there. You want bril­liant the­olo­gians – Africa gave us St Augus­tine. You want devo­tion – Africa gave us the Desert Fathers. You want beau­ty – Africa gave us stun­ning iconog­ra­phy. You want learn­ing – Africa gave us the libraries and schools at Alexan­dria. So Andalu­sia for Egypt seems a fair swap. After all, those pagan pyra­mids can sure­ly be of no use to the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood.

    Posted by Vanfield | April 26, 2013, 11:58 am
  6. @Vanfield–

    This might seem utter­ly delu­sion­al to some, and it may turn out to be illu­so­ry.

    How­ev­er, with Ger­many melt­ing down south­ern Europe for hard cur­ren­cy, and with cen­tripetal forces push­ing Spain, among oth­er poor nations, to frag­ment, I would­n’t dis­miss the pos­si­bil­i­ty that MONEY may prove to be the dom­i­nant con­sid­er­a­tion.

    We might see Qatar or some oth­er sim­i­lar enti­ty pour mon­ey into Andalu­sia and/or oth­er areas, expand­ing the Islam­o­fas­cist Euro­pean foothold already estab­lished in Bosnia and Koso­vo.

    Who knows, maybe Dages­tan and Chech­nya if and when the transna­tion­als’ and Under­ground Reich’s Mus­lim Broth­er­hood proxy war­riors suc­cess­ful­ly split up Rus­sia.

    Maybe Xin­jiang in Chi­na, with Uighur/MB ele­ments in ascen­sion.

    Recall that, in the exhaus­tive For The Record series about the Arab Spring, we not­ed that pow­er­ful transna­tion­al cor­po­rate inter­ests, the GOP and its relat­ed ele­ment of the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty and, under­ly­ing and con­trol­ling it all—the Under­ground Reich–were employ­ing the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood as proxy war­riors.

    The goals: Get Israel and the Jews; tar Oba­ma with the “ter­ror­ist brush;” attack, harass and/or destroy the Unit­ed States as need­ed; above all, dri­ving a deep wedge into the heart of the Earth Island, split­ting-off the fos­sil fuel-rich areas of Rus­sia and Chi­na.

    The Boston Marathon bomb­ing is deriv­a­tive of this rela­tion­ship.

    Unfor­tu­nate­ly, nei­ther the insuf­fer­able main­stream media, the so-called pro­gres­sive sec­tor nor the blo­gos­phere seem to be able to wrap their minds around the fun­da­men­tal nature of the Broth­er­hood, its fas­cist nature and history,nor its cor­po­rate rela­tion­ships.

    It is a rela­tion­ship not unlike that between Hitler, Mus­soli­ni et al and the pow­er­ful cor­po­rate and finan­cial inter­ests that backed fas­cism.

    It is WAY beyond the “agent/provacateur designed to jus­ti­fy a police state” sce­nario being advanced.

    WAY, WAY beyond.


    Dave Emory

    (Glenn Beck and com­pa­ny are doing just that; the so-called pro­gres­sive sec­tor and the blo­gos­phere can’t seem to fig­ure out the janus-faced nature

    Posted by Dave Emory | April 26, 2013, 12:41 pm
  7. Click the link to see a sub­ti­tled video of this

    Founders of the Egypt­ian Nazi Par­ty: All We Want is World Suprema­cy for the Egypt­ian Race

    Fol­low­ing are excerpts from a TV talk show fea­tur­ing mem­bers of the Egypt­ian Nazi Par­ty, which aired on Dream1 TV on Sep­tem­ber 22, 2011.

    “Our Polit­i­cal Goal is to Make the Arab Race, or Ara­bic Speak­ers, the Best Race”

    TV host Wael El-Ebrashi: “A group of young Egyp­tians have found­ed a Nazi polit­i­cal par­ty, even though Nazism is a tyran­ni­cal Fas­cist polit­i­cal ide­ol­o­gy, which brought ruin and destruc­tion upon the entire world.” [...]

    Egypt­ian Nazi Par­ty mem­ber Dr. Mam­douh Man­sour: “This is a new par­ty with a new ide­ol­o­gy. It oper­ates out in the open. It is not a secret or Freema­son soci­ety. The par­ty’s ide­ol­o­gy offers solu­tions to the prob­lems afflict­ing Egypt.” [...]

    Egypt­ian Nazi Par­ty mem­ber Sayyed Gamal: “We have adopt­ed the pos­i­tive aspects of the Nazi Par­ty, not the neg­a­tive. We will not car­ry out holo­causts against the Jews, and we will not fight them. This has to do with the poli­cies of the state, in which we do not inter­fere.

    “Nobody finances us – nei­ther at home nor abroad.”

    Head of the Egypt­ian Nazi Par­ty Muhi Al-Din Gamal: “My vision for the future is that with­in 10 years, we will have rep­re­sen­ta­tives in the par­lia­ment, and the pres­i­dent will be one of ours as well. Our polit­i­cal goal is to make the Arab race, or Ara­bic speak­ers, the best race. They will be at the top lev­el, and we will help to spread the Ara­bic lan­guage through­out the world.”

    Egypt­ian Nazi Par­ty mem­ber Rami Gan: “Sev­er­al busi­ness­men want to finance us, and we have to choose between them. We do not rec­og­nize the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.

    “We want to build an Egypt­ian nuclear reac­tor – a reac­tor that will be built by Egyp­tians and will have Egypt­ian com­po­nents. All Egyp­tians will unite around this nation­al project.”

    “The One and Only Thing We Have Adopt­ed from Nazism is Racial Suprema­cy”

    TV host Wael El-Ebrashi: “Heil Hitler! We have in the stu­dio with us ‘Amr Fouad, a mem­ber of the Nazi Par­ty. Wel­come, ‘Amr.

    “Muham­mad Abd Al-Rah­mad, a mem­ber of the Nazi Par­ty. Hel­lo, Muham­mad.

    “And Ahmad Sayyed, a mem­ber of the Nazi Par­ty. Wel­come, Ahmad. [...]

    “Why should we, in Egypt, import these tyran­ni­cal, Fas­cist polit­i­cal move­ments, and evoke them from his­to­ry, after they have been vom­it­ed by the entire world?”

    Egypt­ian Nazi Par­ty mem­ber ‘Amr Fouad: “First of all, the Egypt­ian cit­i­zen has been great­ly humil­i­at­ed. The thing we want most is to draw the line.”

    TV host Wael El-Ebrashi: “What do you mean?”

    ‘Amr Fouad: “The suprema­cy of the Egypt­ian race.”

    TV host Wael El-Ebrashi: “The suprema­cy of the Egypt­ian race?”

    ‘Amr Fouad: “That’s our num­ber one goal.”

    TV host Wael El-Ebrashi: “Like Hitler said that the Aryan race was supe­ri­or to the rest of mankind? That is extreme racism. We excel through our suc­cess and our capa­bil­i­ties. No race is excep­tion­al. Do you want to make the Egypt­ian race excep­tion­al? Should we call for that?”

    ‘Amr Fouad: “Not at present. We don’t want to be supe­ri­or to the world...”

    TV host Wael El-Ebrashi: “Are you say­ing that the Egypt­ian race should rule?”

    ‘Amr Fouad: “At a cer­tain point. We are talk­ing about the Egypt­ian race and the Arab race. The Egypt­ian race should rule first, and then the Arab race.” [...]

    Egypt­ian Nazi Par­ty mem­ber Muham­mad Abd Al-Rah­man: “The idea emerged through a Face­book group, of course. We got togeth­er and real­ized that each of us had believed in this idea before...”

    TV host Wael El-Ebrashi: “In what idea?”

    Muham­mad Abd Al-Rah­man: “In the suprema­cy of the Egypt­ian race. We won’t be a Nazi par­ty like the Ger­man one. It will not be like Hitler’s par­ty that every­body remem­bers. We are gov­erned by the pre­cepts of Islam­ic law. For exam­ple, Hitler was hos­tile towards all the Jews. We as Egyp­tians – and as Mus­lims in gen­er­al – believe that Judaism is a monothe­is­tic reli­gion, which we must respect. I am not hos­tile towards all the Jews. I am hos­tile towards the Zion­ist enti­ty. The Zion­ist enti­ty pos­es a dan­ger to the Arabs, so I am hos­tile towards it. [...]

    “By now, we have more than 300 mem­bers. [...]

    “I adopt­ed the Nazi ide­ol­o­gy of Hitler’s Nation­al Social­ist Ger­man Work­ers’ Par­ty, because it is the only ide­ol­o­gy that is suit­able for us. Accord­ing to the Nazi ide­ol­o­gy, the insti­tu­tions in any coun­try will gain promi­nence by means of the mil­i­tary insti­tu­tion. My first pri­or­i­ty is the strength of the mil­i­tary insti­tu­tion, and when we become a strong coun­try among the nations, no unnec­es­sary for­eign treaty will be imposed upon us. You will be able to reex­am­ine any for­eign treaty thanks to your mil­i­tary strength.” [...]

    Egypt­ian Nazi Par­ty mem­ber Ahmad Sayyed: “Sir, we do not want a full-fledged Nazi par­ty. All we want is the state­ment that our coun­try’s race will rule. We pre­ced­ed the rest of the world. We have a 7,000-year-old cul­ture. We have taught the world things that daz­zle it to this day. [...]

    “I’d like the Arab world to unite, so that we become a unit­ed force, like the EU.”

    TV host Wael El-Ebrashi: “But do Hitler’s Nazi ideas con­sti­tute part of your par­ty’s plat­form?”

    Egypt­ian Nazi Par­ty mem­ber ‘Amr Fouad: “Some of his ideas, like respect for the Egypt­ian cit­i­zen. For exam­ple, a Ger­man offi­cer was killed dur­ing the Ger­man occu­pa­tion of France. In order to restore the hon­or of this offi­cer, 95 of the French were killed. That way, wher­ev­er a Ger­man tourist goes in Europe, he is treat­ed with respect. We will not gain respect with blood, but through indus­try, agri­cul­ture, tourism, and devel­op­ment.”

    TV host Wael El-Ebrashi: “You want us to excel.”

    ‘Amr Fouad: “Yes, to excel. All we want to take from Nazism is the respect. That’s it. We want to have suprema­cy over our world.”

    TV host Wael El-Ebrashi: “I noticed in the report that one of you had Hitler’s Mein Kampf.”

    Egypt­ian Nazi Par­ty mem­ber Ahmad Sayyed: “We have noth­ing to do with Hitler. The one and only thing we have adopt­ed from Nazism is racial suprema­cy. That’s it.” [...]

    Posted by Vanfield | November 19, 2013, 6:42 pm
  8. http://freebeacon.com/georgetown-university-to-host-member-of-egypts-nazi-party/

    George­town Uni­ver­si­ty to Host Mem­ber of Egypt’s Nazi Par­ty
    Will par­tic­i­pate in event with Mus­lim Broth­er­hood lead­ers

    BY: Adam Kre­do
    Novem­ber 19, 2013 7:25 pm

    George­town Uni­ver­si­ty is sched­uled to host an event on Egypt that fea­tures a mem­ber of Egypt’s Nazi Par­ty.

    George­town University’s Prince Al Waleed Bin Talal Cen­ter for Chris­t­ian Mus­lim Under­stand­ing is sched­uled to host a Dec. 5 event on “Egypt and the Strug­gle for Democ­ra­cy.”

    The event fea­tures a slew of speak­ers sym­pa­thet­ic to the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, as well as Cop­tic Chris­t­ian Ramy Jan, who cut his teeth on the Egypt­ian polit­i­cal scene as a mem­ber of the country’s Nazi Par­ty, accord­ing to mul­ti­ple sources.

    The event is sched­uled to take place all day at Georgetown’s ICC audi­to­ri­um and fea­ture a keynote address by Rep. Kei­th Elli­son (D., Minn.).

    In addi­tion to Jan, a who’s who of Mus­lim Broth­er­hood-affil­i­at­ed speak­ers are sched­uled to be flown in from Egypt to attend and par­tic­i­pate in the forum, which includes mul­ti­ple pan­el dis­cus­sions about Egypt’s recent coup and the cur­rent state of the country’s democ­ra­cy.

    Egypt experts crit­i­cized both George­town and event orga­niz­ers for hold­ing an event that will pri­mar­i­ly fea­ture pro-Mus­lim Broth­er­hood pro­pa­gan­da under the guise of free and open dis­cus­sion.

    They also expressed sur­prise at the inclu­sion of Nazi Par­ty mem­ber Jan, who was fea­tured in a 2011 doc­u­men­tary on the Nazi Party’s “pur­suit of world suprema­cy for the Egypt­ian race.”

    “Sev­er­al busi­ness­men want to finance us, and we have to choose between them,” Jan told inter­view­ers in Ara­bic, accord­ing to a trans­la­tion of his remarks by the Mid­dle East Media Research Insti­tute (MEMRI).

    “We do not rec­og­nize the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel,” Jan said before explain­ing his desire for Egypt to build a nuclear reac­tor.

    “We want to build an Egypt­ian nuclear reactor—a reac­tor that will be built by Egyp­tians and will have Egypt­ian com­po­nents,” he said. “All Egyp­tians will unite around this nation­al project.”

    Egypt’s Nazi Par­ty is very small and com­prised of only a few key mem­bers, includ­ing Jan.

    Jan is fea­tured in a pro­mo­tion­al fly­er for the event as a mem­ber of the lit­tle-known group, “Chris­tians Against the Coup.”

    Egypt experts dis­missed the event as an attempt by Mus­lim Broth­er­hood sup­port­ers to push their agen­da with the back­ing of a promi­nent Amer­i­can uni­ver­si­ty.

    “I think George­town has some seri­ous ques­tions to answer,” such as why are they pro­vid­ing a “plat­form for the Egypt­ian Nazi Par­ty,” said the Hud­son Institute’s Samuel Tadros, author of Moth­er­land Lost: The Egypt­ian and Cop­tic Quest for Moder­ni­ty.

    “Out of 17 speak­ers, most of these peo­ple are mem­bers of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood” except for the “one token Christian—and the one Cop­tic out of mil­lion of Copts who also hap­pens to be a sup­port­er of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood,” Tadros said.

    “It’s remark­able to find such a guy,” he said. “Just by invit­ing him that tells us some­thing about the nature of the con­fer­ence and those orga­niz­ing it.”

    Most Cop­tic Chris­tians sup­port­ed the removal of Mus­lim Broth­er­hood-backed Pres­i­dent Mohamed Mor­si.

    They also have been the vic­tims of vio­lence and van­dal­ism in the months since Mor­si was deposed by the Egypt­ian mil­i­tary.

    “The vast major­i­ty of Copts, as well as the Cop­tic church itself, sup­port­ed Morsi’s removal,” said Eric Trager, an Egypt expert at the Wash­ing­ton Insti­tute for Near East Pol­i­cy (WINEP).

    “So why would George­town hold a con­fer­ence on Egypt in which the lone Cop­tic speak­er opposed Morsi’s removal, espe­cial­ly when the con­fer­ence fea­tures a num­ber of Mus­lim Broth­ers and oth­er Islamists who will also advo­cate a pro-Mor­si posi­tion?” Trager asked.

    “It should be empha­sized that [Jan’s group] ‘Chris­tians Against the Coup’ is a bare­ly-known, periph­er­al move­ment,” Trager said. “So who­ev­er chose its leader to speak at George­town must have been specif­i­cal­ly look­ing for a Copt who opposed Morsi’s removal, rather than a Copt whose views are more rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Egypt’s Chris­t­ian com­mu­ni­ty.”

    Oth­er fea­tured speak­ers include Wael Had­dara, a Cana­di­an-based Mus­lim Broth­er­hood backer who for­mer­ly served as a senior advis­er to Mor­si; Abdel Maw­goud al-Dard­ery, a one­time mem­ber of the Brotherhood’s Free­dom and Jus­tice Par­ty who is now fight­ing against the coup; and Mohamed Abbas, an Islamist and long­time sup­port­er of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood.

    Oth­er par­tic­i­pants include Dalia Moga­hed, who was picked by Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma to advise White House’s Office of Faith-Based and Neigh­bor­hood Part­ner­ships.

    Moga­hed said on Twit­ter Tues­day that orga­niz­ers of the event had no knowl­edge that Jan was a mem­ber of Egypt’s Nazi par­ty.

    “I can assure you the orga­niz­ers had no idea about his ‘oth­er bag­gage,’” she said.

    When reached for com­ment Tues­day about the event, an offi­cial at Georgetown’s Alwaleed Cen­ter direct­ed a reporter to con­tact event orga­niz­ers at the Egypt Free­dom Foun­da­tion, which did not respond to sev­er­al requests for com­ment.

    Hours after being con­tact­ed by the Free Bea­con, the event orga­niz­ers scrubbed his name from the event fly­er and qui­et­ly repost­ed an altered ver­sion.

    Chris­tine Kid­well, the Alwaleed Center’s asso­ciate direc­tor, did not respond to mul­ti­ple requests for com­ment.

    Ellison’s spokesman Mike Cas­ca also did not respond to a request for com­ment.

    Posted by Vanfield | November 21, 2013, 10:33 am

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