Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Is Carl Lundstrom Financing a New Download/Pirate Site?

COMMENT: There is spec­u­la­tion that Carl Lund­strom may be the finan­cial angel behind Bay­Files. Lund­strom is the Swedish fas­cist financier under­writ­ing much of the Pirate Bay oper­a­tion, which enfold­ed Wik­iLeaks’ oper­a­tions for a time.

Bay­Files has been char­ac­ter­ized as a suc­ces­sor out­fit to Pirate Bay.

“Pirate Bay Founders Launch New Cyber­lock­er” by Andrew Orlowsky; The Reg­is­ter; 8/30/2011.

EXCERPT: The founders of The Pirate Bay have launched a Rapid­share knock-off called Bay­Files. Any­one can upload mate­r­i­al to the cyber­lock­er with­out cre­at­ing an account. The site does not appear to be scan­ning for infringe­ment. . . .

. . . The cyber­lock­ers depend on paid sub­scrip­tions or on oblig­ing the users to wait for the down­load to start, dur­ing which time adver­tise­ments are dis­played. A pro­gram called JDown­loader bypass­es many of these road­blocks. One user’s descrip­tion of the pro­gram reads: “Hav­ing this would mean that you get almost same func­tioan­l­i­ty [sic] as a pre­mi­um user of Rapid­share, with­out spend­ing any mon­ey!” The source code is increas­ing­ly used by NAS man­u­fac­tur­ers to make their media servers more attrac­tive by automat­ing the down­load process.

The fund­ing behind Bay­Files remains a mys­tery. The Pirate Bay’s mil­lion­aire backer and largest share­hold­er is neo-fas­cist Carl Lund­ström, who was thrown out of the far-right New Democ­ra­cy par­ty for being too right wing. One web report sug­gests Lund­strom is also behind Bay­Files, but this is uncon­firmed.


3 comments for “Is Carl Lundstrom Financing a New Download/Pirate Site?”

  1. The Pirates show their true col­ors:


    Note the racist and anti-Semit­ic slurs. Tar­get­ing “Hol­ly­wood,” we know what that means.

    Posted by David | August 30, 2011, 4:33 pm
  2. Here he goes, hijack­ing the Pirate com­mu­ni­ty once again..........they need to wake up; most of them would be hor­ri­fied if they knew who Lund­strom real­ly was.
    And what’s worse is, Lund­strom’s giv­ing file shar­ing a bad name; per­haps he was put out there by the elites to not only do just that but to give those crooks & liars at the RIAA, MPAA, etc. a GOOD rep?

    Makes a lot of sense to me. The RIAA & MPAA are them­selves fas­cist orga­ni­za­tions, and, as Dave has right­ful­ly point­ed out many times, many of the Pirates are the com­plete oppo­site of the hijack­er Lund­strom: sin­cere peo­ple with good inten­tions, usu­al­ly of the anar­cho-utopi­an type, where­as Lund­strom is a neo-fas­cist who does­n’t real­ly believe in file-shar­ing utopia but is will­ing to use & abuse the Pirate Bay & cer­tain oth­er sites for his own gain, and per­haps that of the Under­ground Reich as well.

    @David: Just to reit­er­ate, Lund­strom may be part of the U.R., but like I said, you know what? So are the RIAA, MPAA, and all the oth­er copy­right ‘enforce­ment’ organizations(any of the old Nazis still alive would be thrilled to hear what these awful bas­tards have been up to over the past 20+ years.).

    Posted by Steven L. | August 31, 2011, 8:07 am
  3. Dave what do you think of this?

    Anony­mous attacked Wik­iLeaks

    Posted by el L | September 2, 2011, 3:42 pm

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