Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Is This Julian Assange?

In an e‑mailed com­ment on FTR #724, a lis­ten­er con­tributed this pho­to com­par­i­son of Julian Assange with mem­bers of the Hamil­ton-Byrne cult in Aus­tralia.

Not being an expert on pho­to analy­sis, and lack­ing infor­ma­tion about where “Joplin” got the pho­to, I am agnos­tic on this sub­ject.

How­ev­er, the resem­blance is evi­dent, and we would appre­ci­ate any assis­tance that peo­ple can pro­vide about this.


3 comments for “Is This Julian Assange?”

  1. I came across this infor­ma­tion: If you could get access to a soft­ware called Man­drake Bio­met­rics, maybe that would allow you to make a call on these pic­tures. The soft­ware uses recog­ni­tion pat­terns of faces, fea­tures, using dif­fer­ent ele­ments. It is some­times used to deter­mine the iden­ti­ty of a deceased. It’s worth enquiring.This sys­tem has been already in use in the Unit­ed King­dom by polices forces, and as sur­veil­lance equip­ment. I hope this will help you.

    Posted by Claude | December 16, 2010, 10:54 pm
  2. Hi Dave,

    The source is here.

    It’s a show in Aus­tralia called six­ty-min­utes, and they did a short on the cult in 2009.

    Posted by Joplin | December 30, 2010, 8:13 am
  3. Dave Emory,

    You can see a pic­ture of a youg Assange at the begin­ning of this YT video, and again at 2.11.

    As you can see, he had blonde hair, not white.

    Posted by mtex | January 31, 2011, 2:06 pm

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