COMMENT: The recent meeting of an Israeli cabinet minister with a prominent Swedish fascist is the latest example of a long-standing feature of the behavior of that country’s political right wing.
In addition to the fascist movement that has existed within the Zionist movement and what we’ve termed “Bormann Jews,” Israelis and Zionists from the right side of the political spectrum have maintained contact and interaction with elements of the fascist international.
In particular, members of the Likud and other Israeli far-right parties have conducted political interface with European Nazis and fascists.
Note that Ayoob Kara also met with the head of the Austrian Freedom Party, the neo-fascist party formerly headed up by Jurg Haider.
“Deputy Minister Meets neo-Nazi Millionaire” by Eldad Beck;; 7/4/2011.
EXCERPT: Deputy Minister Ayoob Kara met with Swedish-German millionaire Patrik Brinkmann who has ties with German neo-Nazi groups in Berlin over the weekend, Yedioth Ahronoth reported.
Brinkmann, who is trying to establish a far-right anti-Islamic party in Germany claims he is not an anti-Semite, however his previous close contacts with the German neo-Nazi party (NPD) and his past membership in another neo-Nazi party raise questions regarding his ideology.
Brinkmann, 44, made his fortune in the Swedish real estate business in the 1980s before becoming mixed in tax problems in his home country. As legal battles were going on he used the majority of his finances for the establishment of two research foundations which became closely affiliated with far-right and neo-Nazi elements in Germany. . . .
. . . Several months ago, Kara met with Austrian Freedom Party leader Heinz-Christian Strache who was once active in neo-Nazi groups. . . .
Here’s another remind of the ongoing threat of far-right violence from Israel’s Jewish extremists. Useful idiocy at work:
@Pterrafractyl: I view these pathetic POSes in the exact same light: useful idiots for the Establishment.....just like our Tea-Freakers.
The Israeli public needs to wake up, and very soon, I hope.
@ Terrafractyl and @ Steven: I am sorry guys but I don’t buy it. First, let me say that Haaretz is not a credible local source of information. The Jerusalem Post is much better. I recommend it. Haaretz presents the expected rhetorical line of the “New Left” that took form after the collapse of the U.S.S.R. What can you do, Leftists had lost their ideological basis, they had to invent something else. With them, it is always the same song: the West is always wrong, Jews shouldn’t be in Palestine to begin with, Islam is a religion of peace, capitalism is bad, war is bad, etc, etc, and everybody else outside the west, is always nice, great, gentile, open, soft, peaceful and forgiving. It is not an adult way of seeing reality. It doesn’t work like that.
Open your eyes my friends: Palestine is not “occupied” for the very reason that it is not a country to begin with. Israel IS a country. The “settlements” which you are refering to are simply houses, villages in parts of lands that are DISPUTED. That’s the proper term. You can think of Kashemir as another part of the world that is under similar conditions. Nothing demonic there, only clashes between nations who compete for the same lands. But to understand the legitimacy of Israel and the ridicule of the “Palestinian” position, one has to know the facts on WWI, WWII, and all the legal resolutions that were adopted running to the creation of Israel in 1948. Here is a PDF document that resumes that. Please, take the time to review the information:
As Newt Gingrich said, and French author Guy Millières, the Palestinian people has been invented. Why? For a couple of reasons, among them to continue “The Secret War Against The Jews” that John Loftus has refered to in this fabulous book; to delegitimize Israel as an outpost of Western civilization (doing then the agenda of Russia, Iran, China, etc)in the Middle East; to create and control a fifth column inside Israel to further the antisemitic agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood and affiliates, the Catholic Church and Europe’s political elite; to control the oil in the region, etc, etc.
Please try to get a broader view of the situation. If reports are genuine that Israelis commit violence against the Arab/Muslim residents of these areas, it is certainly sad. But for those who are outraged or concerned about that, where were they when the “Palestinians” shot thousands of rockets to Israel and perpetrated hundreds of deadly terrorist acts in the last years? I don’t remember seeing, reading or hearing any particular outcries from them, not from the Haaretz or from any other sources. Regularly, the air missile alarm go off, and people leave everything for the shelters...
On Christmas, I wish all to remember that Jesus tried to liberate people from propaganda, not enslave them with it.
Merry Christmas.
@Claude: Don’t worry, I have been getting more aware of the true situation in recent years.
Hamas is definitely responsible for the murders of many hundreds of innocent Israelis, particularly thanks to rocket attacks, and is, of course, VERY hell-bent on destroying the Jewish people in Israel.
As for Haaretz? While they do have flaws in their presentation of things, that is true, J‑Post, unfortunately, is not exempt from their own biases. Personally, I read both.
Also, your comment about the fifth column is very true....but you are forgetting the other key group; the Israeli extreme right, whom Dave has exposed a number of times. They are about as bad as Hamas ideologically, at least. Perhaps someday soon, in actions as well.
@Claude: I have to echo Steven L’s general sentiments. Much like their Islamist counterparts, the far-right Israeli settler movement appears to be dominated by theological zealots hellbent on the realization of Greater Israel through self-fulfillment of Hebraic prophecy and/or the creation of an ethnically pure state. At least that seems to describe the disposition of the violent settlers, and I just can’t see how Israel can have any future under these visions.
In general, whenever I hear about any group of zealots firing rockets at civilians or torching homes or whatever, my initial response is “idiots”. And idiocy, especially violent idiocy, is often useful to someone. I could be misreading the situation, but the described behavior by the settlers doesn’t strike me as being useful to Israel. Then again, if this is an instance of shoddy, exaggerated reporting by Haaretz, well, then yeah, this looks like example of biased journalism with an agenda. The history laid out in books like Loftus’s “The Secret War Against the Jews” of attempts to delegitimize Israel’s existence are part of what leaves me scratching me head when I read stories about the Netanyahu government basically acquiescing ignoring the violent tactics of the settlers over the past three years. It’s just such awful PR for Israel so I have to wonder if condoning violence might be bad for Israel but really good for some of the politicians.
@ Terrafractyl and @ Steven: Most of the time, I hit that wall when speaking to others on that issue. Frankly, I don’t know what to say anymore. To completely cover the subject would necessitate hours of discussion. Briefly, concerning Dave’s research, I am aware that there are “Bormann Jews” at work in Israel but the fact is, they are everywhere on Earth, including here in Canada. There is nothing we can do about it in the short term. We have first to assure the survival of democracy in the western world and of Israel, one of our only outposts in foreign lands.
Concerning the exercice of delegitimization of Israel, you have to know that it is not only the Underground Reich or Islamist groups that are against the Jewish state, but Iranian and Russian interests as well. Here is an article relating to the creation of post-WWII Palestinian propaganda rhetoric, apparently in 1964 in Russia. For the Russians too, Israel appeared to be in the way. And for Iran, it is pretty obvious. I hope you read French.
For the “zealots” whom that you are refering to, you have to know that the great majority of Israelis are peaceful, quiet, democratic, living a life of pleasure and confort. Israel is similar to Canada or the U.S. for its atmosphere, way of life. The people is not responsible or behind, for example, acts committed by Hasidic Jews or others of that type, and these ones are marginal, at least for the moment. Among the Hasidic community, you find people who are strongly for the state of Israel, and people who are strongly against it.
For the question of violence, I am always amazed to see how little we allow the Jews to do, compared to what we accept from the Islamists. An Israeli kills a fly in a restaurant and it makes the first page everywhere around the world...while you have Palestinians committing murders on a daily basis and we don’t hear about it in the mainstream press.
I could talk about the UN, the UNESCO, that have a clear bias in favor of Palestinians, but as I said, this conversation would last forever. A last point: When you are refering to a Greater Israel, you are biting in to the apple of propaganda, an exercice motivated by the conscience of guilt (not yours but nazi, fascist and Islamist guilt). If you have checked the document that I have attached in my last commentary, you have seen that the territory of Palestine was given to the Jews to be able to reconstitute their national homeland, at the conference of San Remo in 1920. It was negociated in good faith between members of the Zionist movement and members of the ex-Ottoman Empire, following the Balfour Declaration of 1917. The 1922 Mandate expanded the definitions of the San Remo Declaration. Everything is there. Arab/Muslim leaders have signed documents and agreed to recognize the rights of the Jewish people in Palestine, but they never really wanted to respect their signature or speech and they do everything to destroy the peace process. And in all matters, they have lost WWI and it is not the fault of the Jews.
Anyway, we are not going to extinguish that subject today.
@Claude: You’re right, there’s no way to extinguish this set of subjects any time soon. So I’ll just post two article excerpts that both highlights the kind of zealotry that I find extremely unhelpful for Israel’s viability and underlines sort of underlines your point about parallels between the conflicts within Israel and the US and Canada.
And second:
And here’s a final article that’s a grim reminder that, no matter how uncivilized segregated busing or political lunacy might be (or even the torching of mosques), these societal conflicts could be resolved in much worse ways:
@Claude: Well, again, there are some good and valid points here, namely that many Israelis really are decent people and that there are many anti-Semites and misguided dupes who claim, or feel, that Israel itself is illegitimate.
However, again, to ignore the Israeli extreme right, is just as perilous as ignoring the fascists on the Palestinian side of things. Both must be dealt with, if peace is to truly begin.
Wow, just found this heated “debate” ... I have to say it’is incredible, if only in the breadth of its inanity.
Those poor Palestinians, mistakenly thinking (along with anyone else on earth who can actually think and observe) that they live under a 45 year occupation. Trite to point out, but many govts have also denied rights to persons unfortunate enough to dwell in “unrecognized” (by the operating definition of the British, French, Belgian, Dutch, Russian, Japanese imperial machinery, the US Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Third Reich, etc., etc., ... and now Lys d’Or) territories. “You’re not a person, hence my knife in your heart is not a crime!” Man, can it get any more blatant that!
Speaking of trite vs not trite, here’s an interesting quote:
I guess then it was something before Israel, before the Palestinian non-territories were non-occupied, before the non-illegal non-settlements were made. Tough luck for all those so-called Palestinians but actually non-people.
By the way, that was a quote from Ghandi, a luckless nobody since he was born in not-his-own-country, or rather his own non-country. Presumably the statement was made before he was murdered, but after the non-occupation of his non-country had — by some mysterious, magical, inexplicable means — ceased.
@Rob: Well, again, it IS true that Israel is far & away from being the only country that has denied rights to persons in ‘unrecognized’ territories as you pointed out, but I still would like to see some decent workable solution to the whole problem, if one can be found. At the very least, the booting out of any extremists and/or troublemakers amongst the Jewish settlers in the West Bank would be a very decent start(while ensuring that the rights of the other 85–90%, that is, the productive and law-abiding majority, are not violated. As in, they stay if they wish.), although the same thing may need to be done to those on the Palestinian side as well, at least to insure fairness towards, if not also the safety of, the Jewish denizens.
[...] souligné avec pertinence le chercheur et animateur radio Dave Emory dans plusieurs articles dont celui-ci et dans cette émission de radio, certains membres de la classe politique israélienne continuent [...]