Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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It’s Called “Fascism”

Dave Emory’s entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash dri­ve that can be obtained HERE. The new dri­ve is a 32-giga­byte dri­ve that is cur­rent as of the pro­grams and arti­cles post­ed by ear­ly win­ter of 2016. The new dri­ve (avail­able for a tax-deductible con­tri­bu­tion of $65.00 or more.) (The pre­vi­ous flash dri­ve was cur­rent through the end of May of 2012.)

WFMU-FM is pod­cast­ing For The Record–You can sub­scribe to the pod­cast HERE.

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making-of-trumpCOMMENT: In time, we will be shar­ing thoughts con­cern­ing the dis­as­ter which was con­sum­mat­ed on Tues­day evening. Long in the mak­ing, this deba­cle embod­ies what we warned about in the con­clu­sion of Mis­cel­la­neous Archive Show M11, record­ed in May of 1980, and reprised in FTR #511 in 2005–give this a lis­ten.

The com­men­tary so far has been pre­dictable: the usu­al sus­pects doing the usu­al things, from the so-called pro­gres­sive sec­tor lament­ing that Saint Bernard (Sanders) did­n’t get the nom­i­na­tion, assert­ing that he would have won and jab­ber­ing mind­less­ly about the need for “grass roots orga­niz­ing” and “pop­ulist out­reach.”  Oba­ma and the Dems are say­ing we must “uni­fy” and that we are all Amer­i­can (patri­ots.)

Let Oba­ma unite with the Trumpenkampfver­bande if he so desires. We’ll pass, thank you.

In weeks to come Mr. Emory will be doing a num­ber of pro­grams about David Cay John­ston’s con­cise, insight­ful biog­ra­phy of Don­ald Trump–The Mak­ing of Don­ald Trump.

In the mean­time, we emphat­i­cal­ly sug­gest that peo­ple get the book and read it. 

We also note the role of the fas­cist Wik­iLeaks in throw­ing this elec­tion. This is a clas­sic exam­ple of  tech­no­crat­ic fas­cism in action. David Golum­bia stat­ed in a sem­i­nal post: “. . . . Such tech­no­cratic beliefs are wide­spread in our world today, espe­cially in the enclaves of dig­i­tal enthu­si­asts, whether or not they are part of the giant cor­po­rate-dig­i­tal leviathan. Hack­ers (“civic,” “eth­i­cal,” “white” and “black” hat alike), hack­tivists, Wik­iLeaks fans [and Julian Assange et al–D. E.], Anony­mous “mem­bers,” even Edward Snow­den him­self walk hand-in-hand with Face­book and Google in telling us that coders don’t just have good things to con­tribute to the polit­i­cal world, but that the polit­i­cal world is theirs to do with what they want, and the rest of us should stay out of it: the polit­i­cal world is bro­ken, they appear to think (right­ly, at least in part), and the solu­tion to that, they think (wrong­ly, at least for the most part), is for pro­gram­mers to take polit­i­cal mat­ters into their own hands. . .”





5 comments for “It’s Called “Fascism””

  1. Who is Fred­er­ick J. Roe­ber?

    Well oth­er than your neigh­bor­hood 48-year old, “retired” douchebag, appar­ent­ly he is gun tot­ing techie as well as Nazi flag fly­ing genius. Quot­ing here from his google+ pro­file,

    “I am the sin­gu­lar point at the inter­sec­tion of CERN, Netscape, and Google.”

    1996 patent:

    Patents by Inven­tor Fred­er­ick J. Roe­ber
    Fred­er­ick J. Roe­ber has filed for patents to pro­tect the fol­low­ing inven­tions. This list­ing includes patent appli­ca­tions that are pend­ing as well as patents that have already been grant­ed by the Unit­ed States Patent and Trade­mark Office (USPTO).

    Cen­tral­ized com­put­er event data log­ging sys­tem
    Patent num­ber: 5682328
    Abstract: Event log­ging using a sin­gle board com­put­er con­trol card con­fig­urable onto a back­plane con­tain­ing tar­get processor(s) being mon­i­tored. A high res­o­lu­tion clock on the con­trol card time stamps events. Mem­o­ry on the con­trol card pro­vides a cen­tral buffer to store event data, and stores a con­trol pro­gram effect­ing func­tion­al­i­ty of the card A net­work inter­face a facil­i­tates com­mu­ni­ca­tion with host computer(s) for post pro­cess­ing of event data and to con­trol, com­mu­ni­cate with and access the con­trol card. A con­trol pro­gram effects event data col­lec­tion and organization/storage of events in con­trol card mem­o­ry. The con­trol pro­gram coor­di­nates retrieval of events from an event inter­face area of mem­o­ry on slave tar­get proces­sors pri­or to pro­cess­ing by the con­trol card. The con­trol pro­gram coor­di­nates offload­ing of event data from the con­trol card to host computer(s) for post pro­cess­ing by known soft­ware visu­al­iza­tion tools.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: Sep­tem­ber 11, 1996
    Date of Patent: Octo­ber 28, 1997
    Assignee: BBN Cor­po­ra­tion
    Inven­tors: Fred­er­ick J. Roe­ber, Robert E. Hath­away

    “I am the sin­gu­lar point at the inter­sec­tion of CERN, Netscape, and Google.”

    (just click the ‘About’ link and here’s his pub­lic pres­ence on google+)


    Fred­er­ick Roe­ber
    Instruc­tor at San Fran­cis­co Guild of Assas­sins
    Vir Probus Nihil Agit
    Lives in San Fran­cis­co, Cal­i­for­nia
    Vir Probus Nihil Agit
    I am the sin­gu­lar point at the inter­sec­tion of CERN, Netscape, and Google.

    Redun­dant, and less Web-rel­e­vant, con­straints include Rick­over, Cal­tech, Xigo, and the San Fran­cis­co Guild of Assas­sins.

    See all

    YouTube — fred­er­ick­roe­ber

    See all
    Work & Edu­ca­tion
    San Fran­cis­co Guild of Assas­sins
    Instruc­tor, 2011 — present
    San Fran­cis­co Guild of Assas­sins
    Applied Chem­istry, 2008 — 2011
    See all
    San Fran­cis­co, Cal­i­for­nia
    Pasade­na, Cal­i­for­nia


    San Fran­cis­co homeowner’s Nazi flag protest of Trump back­fires


    AutosJob­sRe­al Estate e‑editionSubscribe
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    San Fran­cis­co homeowner’s Nazi flag protest of Trump back­fires
    By Michael Bod­ley and Evan Ser­noff­skyNo­vem­ber 9, 2016 Updat­ed: Novem­ber 10, 2016 11:32am

    Fly­ing a Nazi flag at his home in San Francisco’s Dolores Heights on Wednes­day was Fred­er­ick Roeber’s attempt to make a social com­ment on Pres­i­dent-elect Don­ald Trump.

    But the 48-year-old quick­ly real­ized the dis­play was mis­guid­ed when neigh­bors spot­ted the omi­nous swasti­ka and imme­di­ate­ly con­front­ed him in the street out­side the house.

    Roe­ber, who is retired and lives in the sto­ry­book-esque home on the cor­ner of Sanchez and 21st streets, said he didn’t like Trump’s com­ments about Mus­lims and Mex­i­can immi­grants dur­ing the elec­tion.

    Fred­er­ick Roe­ber, 48, briefly flew a Nazi flag above his San Fran­cis­co home in what he described as a protest against pres­i­dent-elect Don­ald Trump.

    But neigh­bors soon spot­ted the swasti­ka and con­front­ed him.

    IMAGE 1 OF 2 Fred­er­ick Roe­ber, 48, briefly flew a Nazi flag above his San Fran­cis­co home in what he described as a protest against pres­i­dent-elect Don­ald Trump. But neigh­bors soon spot­ted the swasti­ka and con­front­ed him.

    “I am hop­ing peo­ple get that this is a polit­i­cal state­ment, and that I’m not a Nazi sup­port­er,” Roe­ber said out­side his home’s wrought iron gates and man­i­cured gar­den. “I’m a lit­tle afraid that neigh­bors will get the wrong idea.”

    But that’s exact­ly what hap­pened.

    Francine Miller, whose grand­par­ents were Holo­caust sur­vivors, lives across the street from the home. When she spot­ted the flag, she head­ed straight over for a stern chat with her neigh­bor.

    “It was a com­ment on our new pres­i­dent-elect,” Roe­ber attempt­ed to explain to the woman.

    “I can see where you are com­ing from, but that is real­ly the wrong impres­sion,” she shot back. “It makes it look like you are sup­port­ive of Nazis. As your neigh­bor, I don’t think it’s fun­ny.”

    Roe­ber, faced with the real­i­ty of his sit­u­a­tion, respond­ed, “OK, I’ll take it down.” He then went inside and pulled the flag down and replaced it with a Cal­i­for­nia Pride flag.

    Down the street, neigh­bor Lin­da Son­ntag, who also said she comes from a fam­i­ly of Holo­caust sur­vivors, saw the flag ear­li­er in the morn­ing before Roe­ber got home.

    “I’m in com­plete shock,” she said. “It’s mak­ing me lit­er­al­ly sick to my stom­ach. I can’t know what their motives are but it’s dis­turb­ing no mat­ter what. It’s very dis­turb­ing.”

    Michael Bod­ley and Evan Ser­noff­sky are San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle staff writ­ers. Email: mbodley@sfchronicle.com esernoffsky@sfchronicle.com Twit­ter: @michael_bodley @EvanSernoffsky

    Michael Bod­ley
    Hearst Fel­low
    Evan Ser­noff­sky
    Evan Ser­noff­sky

    Posted by participo | November 11, 2016, 12:15 am
  2. Appar­ent­ly his exquis­ite home includes a gar­den sculp­ture donat­ed by Il Duce him­self, Mus­soli­ni.


    The own­er is list­ed as Fred­er­ick Roe­ber, who bought the home in 2008 for $4.3 mil­lion accord­ing to real estate records.

    Roe­ber is a physi­cist and soft­ware engi­neer who is described as one of the found­ing fathers of the World Wide Web.

    Anoth­er fea­ture of Roeber’s home is a large foun­tain adorned by a stat­ue.

    The San Fran­cis­co Exam­in­er report­ed it was donat­ed by Ben­i­to Mus­soli­ni to a pre­vi­ous own­er of the house, an eye sur­geon who had per­formed work on one of Mussolini’s rel­a­tives.

    Posted by participo | November 11, 2016, 12:21 am
  3. Here’s the CV:

    Cur­ricu­lum Vitae


    Fred­er­ick G.M. Roe­ber
    Date of Birth:
    28 Novem­ber 1967
    Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca
    Mar­i­tal Sta­tus:
    37 Rue de Gen­eve
    01170 Gex
    +33 50 28 34 59

    BS Physics, Cal­i­for­nia Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy, 1990. My senior year research with the High Ener­gy Physics group (L3 Exper­i­ment) involved the writ­ing of soft­ware for the sym­bol­ic solu­tion of Feyn­man dia­grams.

    Hon­ors Grad­u­ate, Mead Senior High School, Spokane WA USA, 1985.

    Grad­u­ate, Rick­over Sci­ence Insti­tute, Lees­burg, VA USA, 1984.

    Work expe­ri­ence:

    Octo­ber 1994 — Present:

    Cal­tech staff sci­en­tist, con­sult­ing for the World-Wide-Web core devel­op­ment team at CERN.

    Worked on the design of an auto­mat­ic doc­u­ment caching/distribution sys­tem to com­ple­ment the HTTP and NNTP pro­to­cols.
    Designed and imple­ment­ed the dis­trib­uted, mul­ti-host HTTP ser­vice on the high­ly-loaded info.cern.ch machines. Over­saw the long-term oper­a­tion of this ser­vice.
    Mod­i­fied the World-Wide-Web soft­ware to use GNU Auto­conf, an indus­try-stan­dard con­fig­u­ra­tion sys­tem, to enhance and sim­pli­fy the port­ing of this soft­ware to new plat­forms.
    Pro­vid­ed gen­er­al con­sul­ta­tion, prob­lem solv­ing and trou­bleshoot­ing for the Web devel­op­ment team.
    June 1990 — June 1994:

    Cal­tech staff sci­en­tist, con­sult­ing for the CERN SPS/LEP Con­trols Group.

    Designed and imple­ment­ed sev­er­al large, dis­trib­uted soft­ware sys­tems essen­tial to the con­trol of the LEP and SPS accel­er­a­tors; this includes the SL Mea­sure­ment, Log­ging, and Error-han­dling Sys­tems.
    Helped run the CERN side of a pilot project that explored the con­tract­ing to indus­try of the engi­neer­ing of a soft­ware sys­tem. I active­ly reviewed the soft­ware engi­neer­ing doc­u­ments and deliv­er­ables, par­tic­u­lar­ly dur­ing the Crit­i­cal Archi­tec­tur­al Design Review, and assist­ed in the appli­ca­tion of the ESA Soft­ware Engi­neer­ing Stan­dards. I ensured that the design would prop­er­ly inter­act with the rest of the sys­tem with which it was to be inte­grat­ed, and per­formed accep­tance tests to explore the sys­tem’s real-time, net­work-depen­dent, and fault-tol­er­ance char­ac­ter­is­tics. I also pro­vid­ed gen­er­al con­sul­ta­tion, prob­lem solv­ing, and emer­gency trou­bleshoot­ing and debug­ging for the con­trac­tors.
    Mod­i­fied PAW, the stan­dard high-ener­gy physics analy­sis soft­ware, to mon­i­tor, ana­lyze and present LEP accel­er­a­tor data in real-time.
    Mea­sured, ana­lyzed and cor­re­lat­ed LEP accel­er­a­tor data for oper­a­tions, instru­men­ta­tion and con­trols per­son­nel.
    Designed and imple­ment­ed soft­ware for the con­trol of equip­ment in a real-time envi­ron­ment, includ­ing soft­ware run­ning the site-wide video dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem.
    Wrote an X Win­dow Sys­tem serv­er for a mul­ti­chan­nel video image gen­er­a­tor.
    Pro­vid­ed gen­er­al con­sul­ta­tion, prob­lem solv­ing, and trou­bleshoot­ing for SL per­son­nel.
    Sep­tem­ber 1986 — June 1990 (dur­ing aca­d­e­m­ic year):

    Cal­tech Under­grad­u­ate Teach­ing Assis­tant, for the Ph 20, Ph 21, and Ph 22 cours­es.

    These three lab­o­ra­to­ry cours­es focused on the devel­op­ment and use of numer­i­cal meth­ods for the solu­tion of sym­bol­i­cal­ly intractable physics prob­lems. Though nom­i­nal­ly a “teach­ing assis­tant,” I effec­tive­ly taught my sec­tions of the cours­es.
    Aca­d­e­m­ic Sum­mer 1989:

    Cal­tech Sum­mer Under­grad­u­ate Research Fel­low, with the High Ener­gy Physics group (L3 exper­i­ment).

    Com­plet­ed the design of the high ener­gy beam trans­port begun the pre­vi­ous year (see below). This design was opti­mized for mul­ti­ple oper­at­ing regimes, and includ­ed an analy­sis of the accu­ra­cies and sen­si­tiv­i­ties involved in the equip­ment posi­tion­ing.
    Aca­d­e­m­ic Sum­mer 1988:

    Cal­tech Sum­mer Under­grad­u­ate Research Fel­low, with the High Ener­gy Physics group (L3 exper­i­ment).

    Began the design of the high ener­gy beam trans­port need­ed by the radiofre­quen­cy quadru­pole (RFQ)-based cal­i­bra­tion sys­tem of the L3 elec­tro­mag­net­ic calorime­ter.
    Port­ed and eval­u­at­ed sev­er­al par­ti­cle beam trans­port sim­u­la­tion pack­ages.
    Wrote my own par­ti­cle beam trans­port sim­u­la­tion pack­age, which includ­ed all facil­i­ties need­ed for the design and opti­miza­tion of the RFQ cal­i­bra­tion sys­tem’s high ener­gy beam trans­port.
    Aca­d­e­m­ic Sum­mer 1987:

    Cal­tech Sum­mer Under­grad­u­ate Research Fel­low, with the High Ener­gy Physics group (L3 exper­i­ment).

    Mea­sured short-term radi­a­tion dam­age in bis­muth-ger­ma­ni­um-oxide (BGO) scin­til­la­tor crys­tals as a func­tion of dosage and pen­e­tra­tion depth, for com­par­i­son with the­o­ret­i­cal mod­els.
    Redesigned the RFQ cal­i­bra­tion sys­tem lithi­um tar­get for min­i­mal nuclear back­ground and greater dura­bil­i­ty.
    Sep­tem­ber 1987 — June 1990 (dur­ing aca­d­e­m­ic year):

    Cal­tech under­grad­u­ate stu­dent. As part of, and in addi­tion to, my under­grad­u­ate stud­ies in physics, I worked with the Cal­tech High Ener­gy Physics group (L3 exper­i­ment).

    Con­tributed to the RFQ cal­i­bra­tion sys­tem design.
    Installed, admin­is­tered, and main­tained the Cal­tech High Ener­gy Physics group com­put­er infra­struc­ture.
    Aca­d­e­m­ic Sum­mer 1984:

    As part of the Rick­over Sci­ence Insti­tute, I worked with the US Navy’s Naval Sur­face Weapons Cen­ter, in Robot­ics Research and Devel­op­ment.

    Designed and wrote soft­ware to sup­port hand-eye coor­di­na­tion in a sim­u­lat­ed robot­ic arm.

    Billen, R., et. al.: “LEP accel­er­a­tor log­ging sys­tem using on-line data­base,” CERN SL/93–42 (CO), Pro­ceed­ings of the 4th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Accel­er­a­tor and Large Exper­i­men­tal Physics Con­trol Sys­tems — ICALEPCS ’93, Berlin, Ger­many 18–22 Octo­ber 1993, Nucl. Instrum. Meth­ods Phys. Res., A: 352 (1994)
    Roe­ber, Fred­er­ick: “The SL Error Sys­tem Soft­ware User Man­u­al,” CERN SL/93–101, CERN, Gene­va, Switzer­land, Jan­u­ary 1994.
    Roe­ber, Fred­er­ick: “The design of the L3 BGO EM calorime­ter RFQ cal­i­bra­tion sys­tem high ener­gy beam trans­port and focus­ing sys­tems, and gas cell neu­tral­iz­er,” Cal­i­for­nia Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy Sum­mer Under­grad­u­ate Research Fel­low­ship report, pre­sent­ed at Cal­tech, Pasade­na, Cal­i­for­nia, Octo­ber 1989.
    Roe­ber, Fred­er­ick: “Cal­i­bra­tion of the L3 detec­tor BGO array at LEP, CERN,” Cal­i­for­nia Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy Sum­mer Under­grad­u­ate Research Fel­low­ship report, pre­sent­ed at Cal­tech, Pasade­na, Cal­i­for­nia, Octo­ber 1988.
    Ma, Hong, et. al.: “Cal­i­bra­tion of the L3 BGO elec­tro­mag­net­ic calorime­ter with a radiofre­quen­cy quadru­pole accel­er­a­tor,” CALT 68–1497, Cal­tech, Pasade­na, Cal­i­for­nia, June 1988; Pub. in Nucl. Instrum. Meth­ods Phys. Res. (1988).
    Roe­ber, Fred­er­ick: “Study on the radi­a­tion dam­age of BGO crys­tals, and a new tar­get design for the L3 BGO cal­i­bra­tion sys­tem,” Cal­i­for­nia Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy Sum­mer Under­grad­u­ate Research Fel­low­ship report, pre­sent­ed at Cal­tech, Pasade­na, Cal­i­for­nia, Octo­ber 1987.
    Par­tic­u­lar com­put­er-relat­ed knowl­edge:

    Exten­sive knowl­edge of Unix and relat­ed oper­at­ing sys­tems, includ­ing ker­nel and design aspects.
    Design of dis­trib­uted, object-ori­ent­ed, and real-time sys­tems and appli­ca­tions.
    Exten­sive knowl­edge of the inter­net and world-wide-web, includ­ing his­tor­i­cal devel­op­ment.
    Numer­i­cal meth­ods for prob­lem analy­sis and solu­tion.
    C, C++, FORTRAN, Pas­cal.
    Unix (mul­ti­ple fla­vors), VMS, Apol­lo Domain.
    Ora­cle, includ­ing Pro*C, SQL*Plus, PL/SQL, schemas, and gen­er­al design.
    X Win­dow Sys­tem, par­tic­u­lar­ly X servers.
    Gen­er­al research inter­ests:

    Infor­ma­tion the­o­ry; includ­ing appli­ca­tions to the­o­ret­i­cal physics, mol­e­c­u­lar biol­o­gy, and oth­er fields.
    Dis­trib­uted oper­at­ing sys­tems and object stores.
    Game the­o­ry, par­tic­u­lar­ly in eco­nom­ic mar­kets.

    Posted by participo | November 11, 2016, 12:28 am
  4. No men­tion of Il Duce’s sculp­ture “gift” in this Noe Val­ley online newslet­ter, was he embar­rassed?:


    SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET: Ques­tion No. 3: Who are the cur­rent own­ers of the Noe Val­ley land­mark on the cor­ner of Sanchez and 21st, the house May­or “Sun­ny Jim” Rolph built for his mis­tress back in 1930?

    That would be Fred­er­ick Roe­ber and his wife Gina San­fil­ip­po. Accord­ing to San Fran­cis­co real estate records, the cou­ple pur­chased the Tudor-style home from its long­time own­ers, the Sala­man fam­i­ly, in August 2008 for $4.3 mil­lion. Curi­ous­ly, this land­mark house was built with­out a kitchen.

    Roe­ber, who is now in the process of restor­ing the crum­bling house and who had com­mis­sioned a his­tor­i­cal study of the build­ing, says, “Leg­end has it that since this was the house of the mayor’s well-tend­ed mis­tress, she had no need of a kitchen.” (I guess she got deliv­ery or car­ry­out.)

    “When we orig­i­nal­ly pur­chased [the house], we intend­ed to just put in a big kitchen, make some minor changes inside, and move in by the end of the year,” says Roe­ber. “How­ev­er, as our con­trac­tors began look­ing more close­ly, we dis­cov­ered myr­i­ad prob­lems that had built up over the years: dry rot, live bugs, fail­ing foun­da­tion, unsup­port­ed loads, a leak­ing roof, and more. It became clear that to save the house we’d have to pret­ty much rebuild it.”

    There is a “grand hall” on the sec­ond floor with a fan­tas­tic view and leather floor­ing, where par­ties and recep­tions were held. Roe­ber promis­es he will be pre­serv­ing that room, which has a large fire­place made of Hetch Hetchy stone. “Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the mor­tar is of less­er repute, and hasn’t aged well, [but] we have found a way to keep the stonework in place and look­ing right, while keep­ing these his­toric stones from crash­ing into the bed­room below, when the Big One hits.”

    The kitchen is a major under­tak­ing. “After the main house was built, they built a car­riage house (in 1934, I think), tan­gent to the main house. The pre­vi­ous own­ers used it as a fam­i­ly room, and we’re turn­ing it into a big kitchen,” says Roe­ber. “We opened up its attic space, and we’re using reclaimed tim­bers to build a ceil­ing that echoes the grand hall above.” You can see some pic­tures of this process, tak­en by the crafts­men, by going to http://goo.gl/yVggL

    Roe­ber and his wife moved to the city about 10 years ago and cur­rent­ly reside on Chen­ery in the Fair­mount neigh­bor­hood. They expect to be mov­ing into the house after the restora­tion is com­plete, some­time “this autumn.”

    As some of you techies out there might know, Roe­ber, a physi­cist and soft­ware writer, was one of the found­ing fathers of the World Wide Web, with past affil­i­a­tions that includ­ed Cal­tech, CERN, Netscape, and Google. “I don’t think much that I wrote still sur­vives. My actu­al doc­u­ments were host­ed on machines that are now long dead,” says Roe­ber. As for his sta­tus as a found­ing father, he says mod­est­ly, “I like to think that I helped kick the can down the road a bit.”

    Posted by participo | November 11, 2016, 12:34 am
  5. The point of point­ing all of this out about dear Fred­er­ick, is, who among us owns a Nazi flag any­ways?

    How did dear Fred­er­ick come to raise up said flag so quick­ly over his land­mark home, com­mand­ing atten­tion every­where.

    Why does he have a Nazi flag at all? And a machine gun in his google+ pro­file? And the “Assas­si­na­tion Guild.” what­ev­er that pre­tends to be...

    Posted by participo | November 11, 2016, 12:39 am

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