Comment: In FTR #‘s 724, 725, we examined WikiLeaks, noting–among other connections–the organization’s apparent connections to intelligence services.
Assange is part of a hacker milieu that includes one Peiter Zatko, aka “Mudge”, a celebrated hacker currently employed by DARPA to strengthen cybersecurity. This is a connection that raises more questions than it answers.
With web chatter asserting that WikiLeaks may be an intelligence community ploy to precipitate more censorship of the Internet, this is a consideration to be weighed, although Mr. Emory feels there is much more to the story than that.
“Assange ties to DARPA cybersecurity program hiring ‘hackers’ An Interview With WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange” [Forbes];; 11/29/2010.
FORBES: I wanted to ask you about [Peiter Zatko, a legendary hacker and security researcher who also goes by] “Mudge.”
Assange: Yeah, I know Mudge. He’s a very sharp guy.
FORBES: Mudge is now leading a project at the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to find a technology that can stop leaks, which seems pretty relative to your organization. Can you tell me about your past relationship with Mudge?
Assange: Well, I…no comment.
FORBES: Were you part of the same scene of hackers? When you were a computer hacker, you must have known him well.
Assange: We were in the same milieu. I spoke with everyone in that milieu. . . .
so, as i understand it. julian knows of peiter zatko well enough to know him as “mudge” , a “very sharp guy”.
but not well enough to comment on him.....we were in the same milleu.
it appears to me a computer novice that old julian is ripe to buy some shares of the brooklyn bridge
Dave you are a genius!
Thanks for all the hard work.