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Julian Assange Shows His True Colors: “Jewish Conspiracy” Against WikiLeaks

COMMENT: Evi­dent­ly feel­ing the heat, Wik­iLeaks chief Julian Assange has shown some­thing of his true nature–not the altru­is­tic “war­rior for truth” that he rep­re­sents him­self as being. In an arti­cle in Pri­vate Eye (UK), Assange posit­ed a Jew­ish con­spir­a­cy against Wik­iLeaks, react­ing to crit­i­cism of his selec­tion of a cel­e­bra­to­ry anti-Semi­te, Holo­caust denier and inti­mate of the Swedish Nazi milieu Joran Jer­mas, aka “Israel Shamir.”

Defend­ing this overt fas­cist, who has stat­ed that “It is the duty of all good Chris­tians and Mus­lims to deny the Holo­caust,” Assange ini­tial­ly blamed the bad pub­lic­i­ty the  group has received over this Nazi on a “Jew­ish con­spir­a­cy.” Con­sid­er­ing that The Guardian (UK) was one of his tar­gets in that rhetor­i­cal flour­ish, the com­ment is as ludi­crous as it is offen­sive and reveal­ing–The Guardian is fierce­ly anti-Israel.

Assange echoed the sub­stance of his remarks about Jermas/“Shamir” in an arti­cle in The New York Times.

“Report Says Assange Com­plains of Jew­ish Smear Cam­paign” by Ravi Somaiya; The New York Times; 3/1/2011.

EXCERPT: . . . . He was espe­cial­ly angry about a Pri­vate Eye report that Israel Shamir, an Assange asso­ciate in Rus­sia, was a Holo­caust denier. Mr. Assange com­plained that the arti­cle was part of a cam­paign by Jew­ish reporters in Lon­don to smear Wik­iLeaks.

A lawyer for Mr. Assange could not imme­di­ate­ly be reached for com­ment, but in a state­ment lat­er released on the Wik­iLeaks Twit­ter feed, Mr. Assange said Mr. His­lop had “dis­tort­ed, invent­ed or mis­re­mem­bered almost every sig­nif­i­cant claim and phrase.”

The Pri­vate Eye arti­cle quot­ed Mr. Assange as say­ing the con­spir­a­cy was led by The Guardian and includ­ed the newspaper’s edi­tor, Alan Rus­bridger, and inves­ti­ga­tions edi­tor, David Leigh, as well as John Kampfn­er, a promi­nent Lon­don jour­nal­ist who recent­ly reviewed two books about Wik­iLeaks for The Sun­day Times of Lon­don.

When Mr. His­lop point­ed out that Mr. Rus­bridger was not Jew­ish, Mr. Assange coun­tered that The Guardian’s edi­tor was “sort of Jew­ish” because he and Mr. Leigh, who is Jew­ish, were broth­ers-in-law. . . .



2 comments for “Julian Assange Shows His True Colors: “Jewish Conspiracy” Against WikiLeaks”

  1. From March 7th to the 20th, there will be a world­wide boy­cott cam­paign against Israel and Israel prod­ucts. The tim­ing with Assange’s anti-semit­ic state­ments is par­tic­u­lar­ly strik­ing here.There is also some­thing else of the same kind that made the news this week. Chris­t­ian Dior design­er John Gal­liano (the links between the fash­ion indus­try and fas­cism are almost of pub­lic record) also made some anti-semit­ic remarks in some cof­fee shops in Paris. The inci­dents made it to the news. He was fired since.

    In the case of Assange, I think we can assume that his remarks were pur­pose­ful­ly uttered in the broad­er agen­da of the anti-Israel boy­cott two week oper­a­tion. In the case of Gal­liano, he may prob­a­bly not be even aware of it, but cer­tain peo­ple made sure that it would receive a rea­son­able media cov­er­age and maybe inflat­ed the events a lit­tle bit. This is a link for the sto­ry:


    Like Kennedy said, things don’t hap­pen, things are maid to hap­pen.

    Have a great day.

    Posted by Claude | March 3, 2011, 11:03 pm
  2. http://www.unbiasedtech.com/assanges-talk-show-to-begin-airing-in-march/

    Assange’s Talk Show to Begin Air­ing in March

    Wik­ileaks announced that Julian Assange will soon be the host of a talk show with the theme “the world tomor­row.”

    Accord­ing to Wik­ileaks, the half-hour series will start in mid-March and they have cur­rent­ly signed for just 10 episodes, being avail­able across cable, satel­lite and ter­res­tri­al broad­cast net­works.

    Accord­ing to the series licens­ing con­tact address, the show will be pro­duced by Quick Roll Pro­duc­tions.

    “Through this series I will explore the pos­si­bil­i­ties for our future in con­ver­sa­tions with those who are shap­ing it. Are we head­ing towards utopia, or dystopia and how we can set our paths? This is an excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­cuss the vision of my guests in a new style of show that exam­ines their philoso­phies and strug­gles in a deep­er and clear­er way than has been done before.” — Julian Assange
    The Aus­tralian report­ed that Julian Assange will inter­view ““key polit­i­cal play­ers, thinkers and rev­o­lu­tion­ar­ies from around the world.”

    Posted by R. Wilson | January 24, 2012, 8:32 pm

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