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Kosovo PM Accused of Trafficking in Human Organs

COMMENT: Koso­var Prime Min­is­ter Hashim Thaci has been accused by Coun­cil of Europe inquiry of traf­fick­ing in human organs, as well as drugs.

The KLA is the suc­ces­sor to the fas­cist fight­ing for­ma­tions of the World War II peri­od, the 21st Waf­fen SS or Skan­der­beg Divi­sion in par­tic­u­lar.

FTR #701 presents this line of inquiry in more detail.

“Koso­vo PM Is Head of Human Organ and Arms Ring, Coun­cil of Europe Reports” by Paul Lewis; The Guardian; 12/12/2010.

EXCERPT: Kosovo’s prime min­is­ter is the head of a “mafia-like” Alban­ian group respon­si­ble for smug­gling weapons, drugs and human organs through east­ern Europe, accord­ing to a Coun­cil of Europe inquiry report on organ­ised crime.

Hashim Thaçi is iden­ti­fied as the boss of a net­work that began oper­at­ing crim­i­nal rack­ets in the runup to the 1998–99 Koso­vo war, and has held pow­er­ful sway over the coun­try’s gov­ern­ment since.

The report of the two-year inquiry, which cites FBI and oth­er intel­li­gence sources, has been obtained by the Guardian. It names Thaçi as hav­ing over the last decade exert­ed “vio­lent con­trol” over the hero­in trade. Fig­ures from Thaçi’s inner cir­cle are also accused of tak­ing cap­tives across the bor­der into Alba­nia after the war, where a num­ber of Serbs are said to have been mur­dered for their kid­neys, which were sold on the black mar­ket.

Legal pro­ceed­ings began in a Pristi­na dis­trict court today into a case of alleged organ traf­fick­ing dis­cov­ered by police in 2008. That case – in which organs are said to have been tak­en from impov­er­ished vic­tims at a clin­ic known as Medicus – is said by the report to be linked to Koso­vo Lib­er­a­tion Army (KLA) organ har­vest­ing in 2000. It comes at a cru­cial peri­od for Koso­vo, which on Sun­day held its first elec­tions since declar­ing inde­pen­dence from Ser­bia in 2008. Thaçi claimed vic­to­ry in the elec­tion and has been seek­ing to form a coali­tion with oppo­si­tion par­ties.

Dick Mar­ty, the human rights inves­ti­ga­tor behind the inquiry, will present his report to Euro­pean diplo­mats from all 47 mem­ber states at a meet­ing in Paris on Thurs­day. His report sug­gests Thaçi’s links with organ­ised crime date back more than a decade, when those loy­al to his Dreni­ca group came to dom­i­nate the KLA, and seized con­trol of “most of the illic­it crim­i­nal enter­pris­es” in which Koso­vans were involved south of the bor­der, in Alba­nia. . . .


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