Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Latest Patreon Talk: US Intelligence Officials Wear Two Hats; Spooks and Wall Street Lawyers

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“Polit­i­cal language…is designed to make lies sound truth­ful and mur­der respectable, and to give an appear­ance of solid­i­ty to pure wind.”

— George Orwell, 1946


Dave Emory has launched a Patre­on Site: www.patreon.com/DaveEmory

COMMENT: Sup­ple­ment­ing our last dis­cus­sion, the Patre­on talk on 4/15 ana­lyzed a con­sid­er­a­tion of para­mount impor­tance.

The top intel­li­gence offi­cers whose activ­i­ties shaped the polit­i­cal land­scape of the 20th cen­tu­ry and the foun­da­tions of polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic real­i­ty of the 21st wore the dual hats of promi­nent cor­po­rate lawyers and exec­u­tive-lev­el spooks.

Mr. Emory neglect­ed to men­tion a crit­i­cal ele­ment of analy­sis pre­sent­ed in our overview of the evo­lu­tion of the Azov manifestation—President Eisenhower’s appoint­ment of John Fos­ter Dulles and his broth­er and fel­low Sul­li­van & Cromwell lawyer Allen as Sec­re­tary of State and CIA direc­tor, respec­tive­ly.

This placed the transna­tion­al cor­po­rate inter­ests at the oper­a­tional epi­cen­ter of Amer­i­can and West­ern actions.

Key Points of Analy­sis and Dis­cus­sion Include: Allen Dulles’s ear­ly 1943 nego­ti­a­tions with the SS; the role of Haps­burg in-law Prince Max Egon von Hohen­loe as go-between for Dulles and Wal­ter Schel­len­berg (in charge of for­eign intel­li­gence for the SD—the SS intel­li­gence ser­vice); Dulles’s trea­so­nous betray­al of the Allied plans for the re-con­quest of Europe to von Hohenloe/Schellenberg; Schellenberg’s post­war work as a key Gehlen oper­a­tive; Schellenberg’s posi­tion as a direc­tor of ITT-the pow­er­ful transna­tion­al cor­po­ra­tion one of whose sub­sidiaries was the Lorenz firm, which owned a con­trol­ling inter­est in the Focke-Wulf air­craft man­u­fac­tur­ers (mak­ers of some of the Luftwaffe’s top inter­cep­tor air­craft; CIA offi­cer Frank Wisner’s role as direc­tor of the Office of Pol­i­cy Coor­di­na­tion under the Foster/Allen Dulles stew­ard­ship; Wisner’s pre­vi­ous work for Carter, Led­yard and Milburn—another key Wall Street law firm that was the gen­er­al coun­sel for the Dow Jones Cor­po­ra­tion (the par­ent firm of the New York Stock Exchange); OSS chief William Donovan’s work as a lead­ing Wall Street lawyer; Donovan’s 1923 “sym­pa­thet­ic” lunch with Adolf Hitler; Hitler’s post World War I work as an under­cov­er agent for Reich­swehr intel­li­gence; Hitler’s speech to the Indus­try Club of Dus­sel­dorf, through which he won over the crème of Germany’s eco­nom­ic elite to his cause; the Pen­ta­gon gen­e­sis of the Inter­net; the fas­cist equa­tion of democ­ra­cy with com­mu­nism.


One comment for “Latest Patreon Talk: US Intelligence Officials Wear Two Hats; Spooks and Wall Street Lawyers”

  1. Sul­li­van and Cromwell are involved with the FTX bank­rupt­cy.

    Founder and CEO Sam Bankman-Fried is now under house arrest after his par­ents put up their home for bail, and his ex-girl­friend Car­o­line Elli­son has rolled on him and is coop­er­at­ing. He was arrest­ed one day before he was to tes­ti­fy in Con­gress.

    His leaked tes­ti­mo­ny draft was revealed, yet the media was sus­pi­cious­ly qui­et on WHAT was actu­al­ly in the text, specif­i­cal­ly when it came to a cer­tain “white shoe Wall St. law firm”. Keep in mind, these are the ram­blings of a like­ly meth freak and future prison inmate. I don’t trust any­thing from him, but I thought it was worth point­ing out what he planned to say about Sul­li­van and Cromwell, espe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing how qui­et the media was about it, even though they had end­less­ly cov­ered so many oth­er aspects of this crime.

    The media has also not spent any fur­ther time look­ing into why FTX/Deltec would buy a tiny farmer bank that was owned for 25 years by a Hong Kong res­i­dent who comes up in the Pana­ma Papers.

    From Sam Bankman-Fried’s planned con­gres­sion­al tes­ti­mo­ny:

    “Start­ing on Novem­ber 8th, I was put under extreme pres­sure to file for Chap­ter 11.
    1) Most of that pres­sure came from Ryne Miller, the Gen­er­al Coun­sel of FTX US and a
    for­mer part­ner at Sul­li­van & Cromwell (S&C), and Sul­li­van and Cromwell itself. 2) Sul­li­van &
    Cromwell was one of the pri­ma­ry exter­nal law firms that rep­re­sent­ed FTX US as well as
    FTX Inter­na­tion­al at the time.
    a) I have 19 pages of screen­shots of Sul­li­van & Cromwell, Mr. Miller, and oth­ers I
    believe were influ­enced by them, all sent over a two day peri­od, pres­sur­ing me to
    quick­ly file for Chap­ter 11. They range from adamant to men­tal­ly unbal­anced.
    They also called many of my friends, cowork­ers, and fam­i­ly mem­bers, pres­sur­ing
    them to pres­sure me to file, some of whom were emo­tion­al­ly dam­aged by the
    pres­sure. Some of them came to me, cry­ing.
    b) It was only lat­er that I was informed that it was very unusu­al for such a sig­nif­i­cant
    fil­ing to be made so quick­ly.

    3) Sul­li­van & Cromwell chose John Ray to run the Chap­ter 11 team
    4) Dur­ing the time I was being pres­sured to file, Sul­li­van & Cromwell lawyers told my
    coun­sel that I would get to choose the board chair. Sul­li­van & Cromwell silent­ly reneged
    on that a few days lat­er.
    5) At rough­ly 4:30 am on Novem­ber 10th, 2022, against my bet­ter judg­ment, I clicked on a
    Docusign link that would nom­i­nate John Ray as the CEO of var­i­ous enti­ties. 6) Less than
    10 min­utes lat­er I received a poten­tial fund­ing offer for bil­lions of dol­lars to help make
    cus­tomers whole.
    7) A few min­utes there­after I instruct­ed my coun­sel to rescind the doc­u­ment; it had become
    clear to me that it was not the best way for­ward.
    8) My coun­sel informed me a few min­utes lat­er that it was too late to rescind it, and that
    Sul­li­van & Cromwell lawyers were sub­mit­ting it on my behalf despite my instruc­tions not
    9) Rough­ly 6 hours later—more than ample time to change course— Sul­li­van & Cromwell
    filed the doc­u­ment with the court against my express wish­es and stat­ed orders. 10) After

    that John Ray filed for Chap­ter 11 for all of the entities–including a ful­ly sol­vent US enti­ty,
    FTX US, in which they shut down cus­tomer access and withdrawals–John Ray and his
    team appoint­ed, as legal coun­sel for the Chap­ter 11 team (debtors), Sul­li­van & Cromwell.
    11) John Ray is famous pri­mar­i­ly for his work for the Enron bank­rupt­cy estate. a) Sul­li­van &
    Cromwell rec­om­mend­ed John Ray to man­age the FTX bank­rupt­cy; in the Enron
    bank­rupt­cy, law firms includ­ing Sul­li­van and Cromwell were paid rough­ly $700m (!!!)
    in fees from funds that would oth­er­wise have gone to cred­i­tors.

    12) So, to sum­ma­rize, to the best of my knowl­edge: when Enron went through the Chap­ter
    11 process, John Ray and S&C were both lawyers and/or admin­is­tra­tors for the estate,
    which paid out rough­ly $700m in legal fees. Then, when FTX crashed: an ex‑S&C part­ner
    chose S&C to rep­re­sent FTX. S&C pres­sured me to file Chap­ter 11 doc­u­ments, and filed
    the doc­u­ments despite my instruc­tions not to. S&C chose John Ray as the new CEO of
    the Chap­ter 11 estate; John Ray then chose S&C to rep­re­sent the Chap­ter 11 estate.
    S&C reneged on an agree­ment to let me choose the board chair, and then John Ray
    appoint­ed the board.
    13) In an offi­cial state­ment, The Bahamas Attor­ney Gen­er­al, Ryan Pin­der, said “it is
    pos­si­ble that the prospect of mul­ti­mil­lion-dol­lar legal and con­sul­tan­cy fees is dri­ving both
    [the Chap­ter 11 team’s] legal strat­e­gy and their intem­per­ate state­ments”.
    14) I will end this sec­tion with a screen­shot of a mes­sage Mr. Miller sent to much of
    FTX’s lead­er­ship at 10:23 pm on Novem­ber 8th, 2022:

    b) Need­less to say, Sul­li­van & Cromwell has not made sure that we are all­rep­re­sent­ed through this. They have, how­ev­er, done a good job of mak­ing surethey were wired $4M.”

    Posted by McGeorge Rockingham Bundy | January 1, 2023, 9:27 am

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