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Links Between IHH (the Flotilla Sponsor) and “neo-Ustache” in Croatia

Com­ment: The Balka­ns offices of IHH–the Turk­ish NGO that spon­sored the Flotil­la inci­dent in May–are in Zagreb, Croa­t­ia. In that loca­tionl, the orga­ni­za­tion was able to coor­di­nate the attack against the Serbs with the Croa­t­ian “neo-Ustache” of Fran­jo Tudj­man. Lis­ten­ers are encour­aged to access the vast vol­ume of infor­ma­tion about the Balka­ns wars to flesh out their under­stand­ing of the recrude­s­cence of fas­cist ele­ments dat­ing to World War II in that unfor­tu­nate part of the world.

“File with scan from CIA doc­u­ment on IHH ter­ror­ists who dom­i­nat­ed Gaza flotil­la tak­en down; Emper­or’s Clothes puts it back up” by Jared Israel; The Emper­or’s New Clothes; 6/6/2010.

EXCERPT: The Intel­li­gence and Ter­ror­ism Infor­ma­tion Cen­ter (ITIC) is a use­ful source of infor­ma­tion on the IHH, the group that owns the Mavi Mar­mara and that ran the Gaza flotil­la oper­a­tion.  One of the ITIC reports has been tak­en down; we don’t know why, but what­ev­er the rea­son, the report is impor­tant because it includes a scan from a 1996 CIA doc­u­ment stat­ing that the IHH had region­al offices in Sara­je­vo, Bosnia, and in Zagreb, cap­i­tal of Croa­t­ia.

Since the IHH claims to be a Mus­lim char­i­ty, but actu­al­ly coor­di­nates Mus­lim extrem­ist ter­ror­ists, and since the Sara­je­vo so-called ‘gov­ern­ment’ of Izetbe­gov­ic was a font of Mus­lim extrem­ism, Sara­je­vo was a log­i­cal head­quar­ters for the IHH in Bosnia.

Accord­ing to the scan from the CIA doc­u­ment (which again, is at the bot­tom of this page), the IHH Sara­je­vo office worked close­ly with the cler­i­cal fas­cist regime in Iran (IR). The IR played a major role in Yugoslavia, help­ing to sup­ply and coor­di­nate the impor­ta­tion of mil­i­tary sup­plies and muja­hedeen for the Izetbe­gov­ic ‘gov­ern­ment’ and advis­ing Izetbe­gov­ic, and cozy­ing up to the Milo­se­vic gov­ern­ment in Bel­grade, influ­enc­ing Milo­se­vic against the Bosn­ian and Kra­ji­na Serbs. And today the IHH is in the IR orbit, wit­ness the facts that a) Hamas, bene­fac­tor of the Gaza flotil­la, is an IR pro­tégé, and b) Turk­ish Prime Min­is­ter Erdo­gan, who spon­sored the flotil­la, is an IR ally.

So it made sense for the IHH to have offices in Sara­je­vo . But why in Zagreb, which is not part of Bosnia?

Pos­si­bly the IHH need­ed those offices because the key coor­di­na­tor (that is, the key coor­di­na­tor with­in Yugoslavia) of the attack on the Bosn­ian Serbs and the Bosn­ian Mus­lims loy­al to Yugoslavia was not, as some argue, the Izetbe­gov­ic gov­ern­ment in Sara­je­vo. Rather, it was the Tudj­man gov­ern­ment in Croa­t­ia, a cat’s paw of the Vat­i­can.  A sec­tion of the Mus­lims in Bosnia joined the attack on the Serbs and Yugoslavia, but the attack was ini­ti­at­ed and in the last analy­sis deter­mined by Croa­t­ia. . . .


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