Comment: The Balkans offices of IHH–the Turkish NGO that sponsored the Flotilla incident in May–are in Zagreb, Croatia. In that locationl, the organization was able to coordinate the attack against the Serbs with the Croatian “neo-Ustache” of Franjo Tudjman. Listeners are encouraged to access the vast volume of information about the Balkans wars to flesh out their understanding of the recrudescence of fascist elements dating to World War II in that unfortunate part of the world.
EXCERPT: The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC) is a useful source of information on the IHH, the group that owns the Mavi Marmara and that ran the Gaza flotilla operation. One of the ITIC reports has been taken down; we don’t know why, but whatever the reason, the report is important because it includes a scan from a 1996 CIA document stating that the IHH had regional offices in Sarajevo, Bosnia, and in Zagreb, capital of Croatia.
Since the IHH claims to be a Muslim charity, but actually coordinates Muslim extremist terrorists, and since the Sarajevo so-called ‘government’ of Izetbegovic was a font of Muslim extremism, Sarajevo was a logical headquarters for the IHH in Bosnia.
According to the scan from the CIA document (which again, is at the bottom of this page), the IHH Sarajevo office worked closely with the clerical fascist regime in Iran (IR). The IR played a major role in Yugoslavia, helping to supply and coordinate the importation of military supplies and mujahedeen for the Izetbegovic ‘government’ and advising Izetbegovic, and cozying up to the Milosevic government in Belgrade, influencing Milosevic against the Bosnian and Krajina Serbs. And today the IHH is in the IR orbit, witness the facts that a) Hamas, benefactor of the Gaza flotilla, is an IR protégé, and b) Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, who sponsored the flotilla, is an IR ally.
So it made sense for the IHH to have offices in Sarajevo . But why in Zagreb, which is not part of Bosnia?
Possibly the IHH needed those offices because the key coordinator (that is, the key coordinator within Yugoslavia) of the attack on the Bosnian Serbs and the Bosnian Muslims loyal to Yugoslavia was not, as some argue, the Izetbegovic government in Sarajevo. Rather, it was the Tudjman government in Croatia, a cat’s paw of the Vatican. A section of the Muslims in Bosnia joined the attack on the Serbs and Yugoslavia, but the attack was initiated and in the last analysis determined by Croatia. . . .
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