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“Lions and Tigers and Bears (And Bat Coronaviruses), Oh My!”

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COMMENT: In the movie “The Wiz­ard of Oz,” Dorothy, the Scare­crow and the Cow­ard­ly Lion pro­ceed with trep­i­da­tion through The Dark For­est chant­i­ng “Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!”

In a recent post, we cov­ered our sus­pi­cions that the coro­n­avirus out­break in Chi­na was part of the desta­bi­liza­tion process under­way against that coun­try. We will cov­er this at greater length in upcom­ing program(s). 

We also won­dered if there might be a rel­a­tive­ly mun­dane ther­a­peu­tic reg­i­men that could be used to suc­cess­ful­ly treat the virus.

With innu­mer­able com­par­isons between the lat­est out­break and the 2003 SARS out­break, caused by a sim­i­lar virus, we note that it turned out that the SARS virus was read­i­ly treat­able with a ther­a­peu­tic reg­i­men sim­i­lar to that used to treat the flu and com­mon cold.

Amidst all of the cat­a­stroph­ic, world-wide head­lines, it turns out that there IS just such a ther­a­peu­tic reg­i­men!

A sharp-eyed lis­ten­er not­ed the fol­low­ing: ” . . . . A Chi­nese woman infect­ed with the new coro­n­avirus showed a dra­mat­ic improve­ment after she was treat­ed with a cock­tail of anti-virals used to treat flu and HIV, Thai­land’s health min­istry said Sun­day. The 71-year-old patient test­ed neg­a­tive for the virus 48 hours after Thai doc­tors admin­is­tered the com­bi­na­tion, doc­tor Kriengsak Atti­porn­wanich said dur­ing the min­istry’s dai­ly press brief­ing. ‘The lab result of pos­i­tive on the coro­n­avirus turned neg­a­tive in 48 hours,’ Kriengsak said. . . .

“The doc­tors com­bined the anti-flu drug oseltamivir with lopinavir and riton­avir, anti-virals used to treat HIV, Kriengsak said, adding the min­istry was await­ing research results to prove the find­ings. . . . Thai­land so far has detect­ed 19 con­firmed cas­es of the virus believed to have orig­i­nat­ed in the cen­tral Chi­nese city of Wuhan, which is under lock­down. . . .

”  . . . .That is the sec­ond-high­est num­ber of cas­es out­side of Chi­na, with Japan record­ing 20. So far, eight patients in Thai­land have recov­ered and returned home, while 11 remain in the hos­pi­tal. In a video released Sun­day, Thai health min­is­ter Anutin Charn­vi­rakul vis­it­ed a patient from Wuhan who had recov­ered from the coro­n­avirus, chat­ting with her ami­ca­bly in Man­darin as she thanked him and the med­ical staff. . . .”

“Thai­land ‘Cures’ Coro­n­avirus with anti-HIV Drug Cock­tail in 48 Hours;” Dai­ly Sab­bah [Agence France Presse]; 2/2/2020.

A Chi­nese woman infect­ed with the new coro­n­avirus showed a dra­mat­ic improve­ment after she was treat­ed with a cock­tail of anti-virals used to treat flu and HIV, Thai­land’s health min­istry said Sun­day.

The 71-year-old patient test­ed neg­a­tive for the virus 48 hours after Thai doc­tors admin­is­tered the com­bi­na­tion, doc­tor Kriengsak Atti­porn­wanich said dur­ing the min­istry’s dai­ly press brief­ing.

“The lab result of pos­i­tive on the coro­n­avirus turned neg­a­tive in 48 hours,” Kriengsak said.

“From being exhaust­ed before, she could sit up in bed 12 hours lat­er.”

The doc­tors com­bined the anti-flu drug oseltamivir with lopinavir and riton­avir, anti-virals used to treat HIV, Kriengsak said, adding the min­istry was await­ing research results to prove the find­ings.

The news comes as the new virus claimed its first life out­side Chi­na – a 44-year-old Chi­nese man who died in the Philip­pines – while the death toll in Chi­na has soared above 300.

Thai­land so far has detect­ed 19 con­firmed cas­es of the virus believed to have orig­i­nat­ed in the cen­tral Chi­nese city of Wuhan, which is under lock­down.

That is the sec­ond-high­est num­ber of cas­es out­side of Chi­na, with Japan record­ing 20.

So far, eight patients in Thai­land have recov­ered and returned home, while 11 remain in the hos­pi­tal.

In a video released Sun­day, Thai health min­is­ter Anutin Charn­vi­rakul vis­it­ed a patient from Wuhan who had recov­ered from the coro­n­avirus, chat­ting with her ami­ca­bly in Man­darin as she thanked him and the med­ical staff.

Thai author­i­ties are try­ing to bal­ance the screen­ing of inbound Chi­nese vis­i­tors with the eco­nom­ic needs of its tourist sec­tor, which is heav­i­ly reliant on arrivals from the main­land.

Mes­sages of sup­port say­ing “Our hearts to Wuhan” in Eng­lish, Chi­nese and Thai were plas­tered on a Bangkok mall pop­u­lar with tourists.

The bulk of con­firmed cas­es have been Chi­nese vis­i­tors to Thai­land, but on Thurs­day the king­dom record­ed its first human-to-human trans­mis­sion when a Thai taxi dri­ver was diag­nosed with the dis­ease.

The taxi dri­ver had not trav­eled to Chi­na but may have had con­tact with tourists.

Thai­land’s gov­ern­ment is also bat­tling pub­lic crit­i­cism that it has been slow to evac­u­ate scores of its cit­i­zens from Hubei province, at the cen­ter of the out­break.

Anutin said the evac­u­a­tion would hap­pen Tues­day, and the returnees would be quar­an­tined for 14 days.





2 comments for ““Lions and Tigers and Bears (And Bat Coronaviruses), Oh My!””

  1. Doc­tors at Rajavithi Hos­pi­tal in Bangkok, Thai­land have used a com­bi­na­tion of HIV and flu drugs for the treat­ment of patients infect­ed with the new coro­n­avirus.

    Accord­ing to doc­tors, the treat­ment approach led to improve­ments in mul­ti­ple patients, includ­ing a 70-year old Chi­nese woman from Wuhan.

    The treat­ment involves HIV drugs lopinavir and riton­avir, pro­vid­ed by Abb­Vie as Kale­tra, along with flu med­ica­tion oseltamivir, sold by Roche Hold­ing and Chugai
    Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal as Tam­i­flu.

    Rajavithi Hos­pi­tal lung spe­cial­ist Dr Kri­angs­ka Ati­porn­wanich was quot­ed by Reuters as say­ing: “This is not the cure but the patient’s con­di­tion has vast­ly improved.


    Posted by Mary Benton | February 4, 2020, 7:50 pm
  2. 🇵🇷💪 87 year old Franklin Eller from San Diego Cal­i­for­nia has been cured of the COVID-19 virus by doc­tors in Mayaguez, Puer­to Rico. He is now going home! Franklin had 5 pre-exist­ing health con­di­tions and was treat­ed with antibi­otics. He was one the tourists infect­ed in a caribbean cruise ship.



    Posted by Roberto Maldonado | March 24, 2020, 11:27 am

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