Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss: I Told You So, Part 4 (Democracy Muslim Brotherhood Style, Part 4)

COMMENT: Catch­ing up  with that shin­ing cham­pi­on of human free­dom and dig­ni­ty Mohamed Mor­si, we note a num­ber of devel­op­ments con­sis­tent with what we pre­dict­ed dur­ing “The Mus­lim Broth­er­hood Spring,” as we termed it.

With the reign of the U.S.-backed auto­crats in the Mid­dle East hav­ing run its course, the ele­va­tion of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood to a posi­tion of dom­i­nance in the Arab and Mus­lim world appears to have been the goal of the so-called “Arab Spring”–a mas­sive gam­bit under­tak­en dur­ing the sec­ond admin­is­tra­tion of George W. Bush.

Incre­men­tal­ly real­iz­ing the agen­da of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, Mor­si is behav­ing true to form. Recent devel­op­ments include:

“Egypt’s Leader Declares State of Emer­gency in Three Cities” by David Kirk­patrick; The New York Times; 1/27/2013.

EXCERPT: Pres­i­dent Mohamed Mor­si declared a state of emer­gency and a cur­few in three major cities on Sun­day, as esca­lat­ing vio­lence in the streets threat­ened his gov­ern­ment and Egypt’s democ­ra­cy.

By impos­ing a one-month state of emer­gency in Suez, Ismail­ia and here in Port Said, where the police have lost all con­trol, Mr. Morsi’s dec­la­ra­tion chose to use one of the most despised weapons of for­mer Pres­i­dent Hos­ni Mubarak’s autoc­ra­cy. Under Mubarak-era laws left in effect by the country’s new Con­sti­tu­tion, a state of emer­gency sus­pends the ordi­nary judi­cial process and most civ­il rights. It gives the pres­i­dent and the police extra­or­di­nary pow­ers.

Mr. Mor­si, Egypt’s first freely elect­ed pres­i­dent and a leader of the polit­i­cal arm of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, took the step after four days of clash­es in Cairo and in cities around the coun­try between the police and pro­test­ers denounc­ing his gov­ern­ment. . . .

“Come­di­an Accused of Insult­ing Egypt­ian Pres­i­dent to Be Inves­ti­gat­ed” by Mayy El Sheikh; The New York Times; 1/2/2013.

EXCERPT: Pros­e­cu­tors in Cairo opened a crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tion on Tues­day into alle­ga­tions that a pop­u­lar tele­vi­sion come­di­an, Bassem Youssef, who has tak­en spe­cial aim at ultra­con­ser­v­a­tive Islamists on his pro­gram, had insult­ed Egyp­t’s pres­i­dent, Mohamed Mor­si, dur­ing his satir­i­cal mono­logues.

The accu­sa­tions against Mr. Youssef come amid grow­ing fears among Egyp­t’s media pro­fes­sion­als that the coun­try’s new­ly rat­i­fied Con­sti­tu­tion offers scant pro­tec­tions for free­dom of expres­sion.

Since Mr. Mor­si was elect­ed in June, the author­i­ties have opened inves­ti­ga­tions into sev­er­al media fig­ures accused of insult­ing him or the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, the Islamist group he once led.

An Islamist lawyer who filed the com­plaint against Mr. Youssef, Ramadan al-Aqsuri, said a skit in which the come­di­an print­ed a pic­ture of Mr. Mor­si’s face on a red pil­low amount­ed to a “sharp attack on the per­son of the pres­i­dent.” Sep­a­rate­ly, a Mus­lim Broth­er­hood lawyer filed a law­suit ask­ing the state to pull Mr. Yousse­f’s show off the air and to close down the chan­nel that car­ries it, cit­ing “sar­casm against the pres­i­dent.”

“Egypt: Rights Group Accus­es Police of Using Tor­ture and Vio­lence” [AP]; The New York Times; 1/23/2013.

EXCERPT: An Egypt­ian rights group on Tues­day accused the country’s police of “act­ing like a gang,” tor­tur­ing detainees and using vio­lence to impose con­trol. The report by the Egypt­ian Ini­tia­tive for Per­son­al Rights doc­u­ment­ed 16 cas­es of police vio­lence in which 11 peo­ple were killed and 10 were tor­tured inside police sta­tions. Three died under tor­ture dur­ing the first four months after Pres­i­dent Mohammed Mor­si took office on June 30, it said. The police were among the most hat­ed state insti­tu­tions under Hos­ni Mubarak, who was deposed in a pop­u­lar revolt in 2011. “Police still use exces­sive force, and tor­ture is still sys­tem­at­ic just as it was under the Mubarak regime,” the report said. It also accused the police of car­ry­ing out ran­dom shoot­ings and col­lec­tive pun­ish­ment. . . .

“Threats Against Sec­u­lar Lead­ers Hang over Egypt Protests” by Matt Bradley; The Wall Street Jour­nal; 2/8/2013.

EXCERPT: Anti-Islamists protest­ed in sev­er­al Egypt­ian cities on Fri­day, lob­bing fire­bombs and block­ing sub­way lines in Cairo, as demon­stra­tions took on an anx­ious cast fol­low­ing recent death threats against Egyp­t’s top sec­u­lar politi­cians.

Egyp­t’s gov­ern­ment added offi­cers to secu­ri­ty details guard­ing sec­u­lar-lean­ing oppo­si­tion lead­ers on Thurs­day, accord­ing to their press offi­cers. The move came after a well-known hard-line reli­gious leader—Mahmoud Shabaan, a schol­ar at Egyp­t’s emi­nent Al Azhar Uni­ver­si­ty and one of sev­er­al fire­brand preach­ers on con­ser­v­a­tive Egypt­ian tele­vi­sion stations—issued a reli­gious rul­ing last week that called for the deaths of Mohamed ElBa­radei and Amr Mous­sa, among oth­ers lead­ers of Egyp­t’s Nation­al Sal­va­tion Front, the main sec­u­lar oppo­si­tion alliance.

Mr. Shabaan’s fat­wa attract­ed lit­tle notice when issued, but it gained atten­tion after the mur­der ear­li­er this week of Chokri Belaid, a sec­u­lar­ist polit­i­cal leader in Tunisia. His slay­ing sparked con­tin­ued protests Fri­day in the cap­i­tal, Tunis. . . .

“US: Mor­si Should Repu­di­ate 2010 Anti-Semi­tism Remarks” by Scott Stearns; Voice of Amer­i­ca; 1/15/2013.

EXCERPT: The Unit­ed States said Egypt­ian Pres­i­dent Mohamed Mor­si should repu­di­ate remarks he made in 2010 call­ing on Egyp­tians to “nurse our chil­dren and our grand­chil­dren on hatred” for Jews and Zion­ists.

State Depart­ment spokes­woman Vic­to­ria Nuland said Wash­ing­ton con­demns the com­ments made by Pres­i­dent Mor­si at a time when he led the polit­i­cal wing of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood. In one of the 2010 videos, Mor­si said Egypt­ian chil­dren must feed on that hatred as a form of wor­ship­ping God.

“The lan­guage that we’ve seen is deeply offen­sive. We com­plete­ly reject these state­ments as we do any lan­guage that espous­es reli­gious hatred,” said Nuland.
In a sep­a­rate 2010 inter­view, Mor­si described Zion­ists as “blood­suck­ers who attack the Pales­tini­ans; these war­mon­gers, the descen­dants of apes and pigs.” . . .

“Mor­si: The Jews Dis­tort­ed My Anti-Semit­ic Com­ments” by Simon Plosker; Back­spin; 1/24/2013.

EXCERPT: . . . At first, the Egypt­ian pres­i­dent defend­ed him­self by say­ing he did not har­bor neg­a­tive feel­ings about Judaism or Jew­ish peo­ple.

He then launched a dia­tribe about Israeli poli­cies against the Pales­tini­ans, Sen­a­tor Chris Coons (D‑DE) told For­eign Pol­i­cy. “He was attempt­ing to explain him­self … then he said, ‘Well, I think we all know that the media in the Unit­ed States has made a big deal of this and we know the media of the Unit­ed States is con­trolled by cer­tain forces and they don’t view me favor­ably,’” Coons told the magazine’s The Cable blog.

Asked if Mor­si specif­i­cal­ly named the Jews as the forces that con­trol the Amer­i­can media, Coons replied that all the sen­a­tors believed the impli­ca­tion was obvi­ous. “He did not say [the Jews], but I watched as the oth­er sen­a­tors phys­i­cal­ly recoiled, as did I,” Coons said. “I thought it was impos­si­ble to draw any oth­er con­clu­sion.” . . .

“Some Alge­ria Attack­ers Are Placed at Beng­hazi” by Adam Nos­siter; The New York Times; 1/23/2013.

EXCERPT: Sev­er­al Egypt­ian mem­bers of the squad of mil­i­tants that lay bloody siege to an Alger­ian gas com­plex last week also took part in the dead­ly attack on the Unit­ed States Mis­sion in Libya in Sep­tem­ber, a senior Alger­ian offi­cial said Tues­day.

The Egyp­tians involved in both attacks were killed by Alger­ian forces dur­ing the four-day ordeal that end­ed in the deaths of at least 38 hostages and 29 kid­nap­pers, the offi­cial said. But three of the mil­i­tants were cap­tured alive, and one of them described the Egyp­tians’ role in both assaults under inter­ro­ga­tion by the Alger­ian secu­ri­ty ser­vices, the offi­cial said. . . .



6 comments for “Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss: I Told You So, Part 4 (Democracy Muslim Brotherhood Style, Part 4)”

  1. Well Dave, as we expect­ed, unfor­tu­nate­ly, Mor­si’s prac­ti­cal­ly an Islamist mod­ern-day Mus­soli­ni.

    Posted by Steven L. | February 16, 2013, 11:45 pm
  2. Some­body had bet­ter warn Newt that if he was plan­ning on run­ning for pres­i­dent of his moon colony, he’s going to have some com­pe­ti­tion:

    In nov­el protest, oppo­si­tion group enters Egyp­t’s Mor­si for chance to win a trip into space

    Pub­lished Feb­ru­ary 21, 2013

    Asso­ci­at­ed Press

    CAIRO – An Egypt­ian oppo­si­tion group is using a nov­el way to protest against Pres­i­dent Mohammed Mor­si: Sign him up for a chance to win a trip to space.

    The April 6 Youth Move­ment said on its offi­cial Face­book page on Thurs­day that it had entered the Islamist lead­er’s name in the online con­test because it want­ed to be rid of him. It called on sup­port­ers to vote for the pres­i­dent so he’d have a chance to win the trip into space.

    There was no imme­di­ate response from the pres­i­den­t’s press office to an email seek­ing com­ment.

    “For sure, no one in the uni­verse can put up with bla­tant lies, reneg­ing on promis­es except for the broth­er­ly peo­ple of the moon,” the group wrote on its post.

    “It is for this rea­son that the pres­i­dent needs your votes. Pres­i­dent Mor­si, we wish you safe trav­els.”

    April 6 was a dri­ving force behind the 2011 upris­ing that top­pled Hos­ni Mubarak’s regime. Many of its sup­port­ers backed Mor­si in the June 2012 elec­tion he nar­row­ly won to become Egyp­t’s first freely elect­ed pres­i­dent.


    God­speed Mr. Mor­si. God­speed.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | February 21, 2013, 2:09 pm
  3. You have to won­der if these protests we’re see­ing in Turkey aren’t the start of some­thing much big­ger. Mus­lim Broth­er­hood mis­man­age­ment can only go on for so long in a coun­try before we should start expect­ing to see Arab Spring-style ambi­tions. It’s one of prob­lems with being a theo­crat­ic move­ment: you might have fer­vent fol­low­ers, but you also nat­u­ral­ly uni­fy the oppo­si­tion because theocrats are scary. And you gen­er­al­ly mis­man­age things because theo­crat­ic are stu­pid. Being scary and stu­pid makes you an easy tar­get, even if you’re the biggest scary stu­pid group on the scene. Mus­lim Broth­er­hood poli­cies are, metaphor­i­cal­ly speak­ing, socioe­co­nom­ic time-bomb fac­to­ries. It’s a scary and stu­pid way to run a soci­ety and it’s one of the long-term issues the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood has yet to address.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | June 1, 2013, 6:25 pm
  4. @Pterrafractyl–

    Indeed! I’ll have a post on Erdo­gan’s “neo-Ottoman” man­i­fes­ta­tions short­ly.

    Note that the park that his gov­ern­ment is raz­ing is to be replaced, in part, by a repli­ca of an Ottoman Empire era mil­i­tary bar­racks! (That park is the imme­di­ate point of igni­tion for the protests.)

    As not­ed in FTR #‘s 737, 738, 739, the AKP is a direct off­shoot of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood/al-Taqwa com­plex.

    Inter­est­ing to note in this con­text is the mas­sive infil­tra­tion of the Turk­ish police estab­lish­ment by the Fetul­lah Gulen cult–sort of an Islamist man­i­fes­ta­tion of the “Spe­cial­ized Knowl­edge and Abil­i­ties” dynam­ic.

    Inter­est­ing, also, in that Fetul­lah Gulen appears to be aid­ed by the GOP/Underground Reich ele­ment of CIA.

    Gra­ham E. Fuller–advocate of the “Turn to the Broth­er­hood” and appar­ent­ly part of the Tsar­naev broth­ers con­trol structure–has run inter­fer­ence for the cult.

    PLEASE do not fail to note the post high­light­ing the Robert E. Kaplan arti­cle.

    When I have more time and energy–I’m steadi­ly recov­er­ing from a seri­ous health episode but am still not 100%–I may do a post about what I feel lies behind the “Turn to the Broth­er­hood.”

    It is tru­ly enor­mous. I believe that Islam is being pro­mot­ed as a pri­ma­ry vehi­cle for imple­ment­ing fas­cism and reac­tionary val­ues through­out the Third World and Earth Island, as well as the U.S. and else­where.

    When you see Grover Norquist and Karl Rove cre­at­ing The Islam­ic Free Mar­ket Insti­tute in com­bi­na­tion with the Al-Taqwa milieu, that milieu being bust­ed in the 3/20/2002 Oper­a­tion Green Quest raids for fund­ing al-Qae­da, Talat Oth­man inter­ced­ing on behalf of the indi­vid­u­als and insti­tu­tions tar­get­ed by the raids, all of these inter­ests being giv­en a free pass by the DOJ, and the news media–including the blogosphere–ignoring this, you KNOW some­thing BIG is hap­pen­ing.

    (I don’t take the cat­er­waul­ing by the news media over the DOJ’s search­ing the phone records of the “Dis­so­ci­at­ed Press” seri­ous­ly, past a point. Hold­er is a prick, but the media are hand­maid­ens of tyran­ny and–literally–accessories after the fact in many of the crimes I’ve pre­sent­ed over the decades. An assault on the “Free­dom of the Press?! Give me a break. You can’t assault what does­n’t exist.)

    The Boston bomb­ing is but one small out­growth of the neo-Ottoman/“turn to the Broth­er­hood” dynam­ic.

    The “turn to the Broth­er­hood” is HUGE and the neo-Ottoman ambi­tions of Erdo­gan and com­pa­ny have very, very pow­er­ful insti­tu­tion­al sup­port.

    As The Earth Island Boo­gie gains momen­tum, it will turn to a lethal game of musi­cal chairs, with those who espouse democ­ra­cy and egal­i­tar­i­an­ism being left out, to their great dis­com­fort and ulti­mate demise.

    Viva Attaturk!



    Posted by Dave Emory | June 1, 2013, 7:14 pm
  5. @Dave:
    If Erdo­gan’s response this week­end is any indi­ca­tion of what to expect the sit­u­a­tion in Turkey bound to become much big­ger. On Sat­ur­day, he said “If you gath­er a hun­dred thou­sand peo­ple, I will gath­er a mil­lion”, in response to the mass protests. That was a rather defi­ant tone on Erdo­gan’s part con­sid­er­ing that Turkey’s Inte­ri­or Min­is­ter report­ed that more than 1700 peo­ple have been arrest­ed in protests in 67 cities. And on Sun­day he appeared to be denounc­ing the “dic­ta­tor” label while mar­gin­al­iz­ing the oppo­si­tion (and twit­ter). That’s sounds like a ral­ly­ing to call for a Mus­lim Broth­er­hood counter-pres­ence in the street protests and who knows how big that kind of con­fronta­tion could get in terms of the over­all soci­etal response. Erdo­gan looks embold­ened and Turkey’s youth look pissed so even if the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood wins the secu­ri­ty fight they might lose the future pub­lic opin­ion dur­ing a time like this. The basic hope­less­ness of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood’s world­view is going to be real­ly prob­lem­at­ic with the mas­sive Mus­lim youth pop­u­lace across the globe. It’s a demor­al­iz­ing real­i­ty to have a nut job like Erdo­gan rul­ing you and it’s only going to become a tor­tur­ous real­i­ty as the real­i­ties of cli­mate change and gen­er­al glob­al eco­nom­ic tur­moil con­tin­ue to accel­er­ate. Turkey isn’t just anoth­er canary in the coal mine. It’s one of the old­est Mus­lim Broth­er­hood exper­i­ments around. And even decent eco­nom­ic growth in this instance isn’t enough to off­set their oth­er awful poli­cies.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | June 2, 2013, 11:15 pm
  6. http://arabnews.com/news/457444

    Arab Spring: Mir­ror, mir­ror on the wall
    | نسخة PDF Send to Friend Print News | A A

    Abdu­la­teef Al-Muh­lim

    Tues­day 9 July 2013

    Last Update 9 July 2013 1:48 am

    In the past, when­ev­er an Amer­i­can sec­re­tary of state arrived in any Mid­dle East­ern coun­try, it would be prime­time news. He would meet the high­est polit­i­cal fig­ures and his/her vis­it would be giv­en the max­i­mum news cov­er­age with every­one hop­ing for an end to the Pales­tin­ian-Israeli con­flict.

    John Ker­ry, the cur­rent US sec­re­tary of state, came and went and no one knew about his many vis­its. He want­ed to restart the nego­ti­a­tion process, but the Arabs are busy with their nev­er-end­ing Arab Spring and the Israeli mil­i­tary and polit­i­cal fig­ures are in no rush because they are watch­ing Arabs kill each oth­er. When­ev­er they have extra time, they watch an Arab TV show called, the “Arab Idol.”

    Ofir Gen­del­man, spokesman for the Israeli prime min­is­ter and Avichay Adraee, Israeli Defense Forces spokesman, said it is part of their job to watch “Arab Idol.” I thought their job is to keep an eye on the threat that Arab Spring coun­tries pose to Israel. How­ev­er, why would the Syr­i­ans have killed hun­dreds and thou­sands of their own peo­ple and dis­placed more than four mil­lion? The Israelis couldn’t pull some­thing like this off, but the Arab Spring did it for them.

    Accord­ing to news media, the Arab Spring caught the world by sur­prise on Dec. 18, 2010. I will, how­ev­er, add that the Arab Spring didn’t come out of the blue. It is an accu­mu­la­tion of years of polit­i­cal cor­rup­tion, human rights vio­la­tions, sec­tar­i­an­ism, poor edu­ca­tion sys­tems and unem­ploy­ment. To sum it all up, the Arabs were not fight­ing the ene­my, they were sleep­ing with it. This is why it is impos­si­ble to ana­lyze and fore­cast the out­come of the Arab Spring. The Arab world nev­er looks at mir­rors. We don’t like to say mir­ror, mir­ror on the wall because mir­rors don’t lie and we don’t want to know the truth. We can’t han­dle it.

    Dur­ing the Arab Spring, I read a lot of analy­ses about the root of the Arab Spring — it is decades of hid­ing from real­i­ty, chas­ing a mirage of ene­mies, con­spir­a­cies and blam­ing the out­side world. We nev­er blamed our sys­tems for the many fail­ures to devel­op the Arab mind. We talk about Sykes-Picot, impe­ri­al­ism and Zion­ism, but we nev­er look at the mir­rors on the wall. Some peo­ple, how­ev­er, did.

    On June 15, 2013 a Sau­di colum­nist who I have nev­er met wrote an arti­cle in the Sau­di news­pa­per Al-Sharq titled “Israel, the ever­last­ing Arab trea­sure.” The colum­nist, Abdusalam Alwael, is a very high­ly edu­cat­ed Sau­di who gained a bachelor’s degree from a Sau­di uni­ver­si­ty, his master’s degree from a uni­ver­si­ty in Cal­i­for­nia and his doc­tor­ate degree from a uni­ver­si­ty in Vir­ginia. He basi­cal­ly said that Israel was a boun­ty for Arab dic­ta­tors who use the Pales­tin­ian-Israeli con­flict to rule their coun­tries and make a lot of mon­ey by just issu­ing hol­low threats to Israel. Israel is a mon­ey­mak­ing machine for Arab dic­ta­tors and many Pales­tin­ian cor­rupt offi­cials. In oth­er words, the Arab dic­ta­tors have for­got­ten to devel­op their coun­tries and inno­cent peo­ple have paid for it with their own lives. This is the real­i­ty of the Arab Spring.

    Every­one knows the truth, but we won’t admit it. Dur­ing the Arab Spring, we saw our real faces in the mir­rors. It showed that the Arabs were nev­er unit­ed and are now divid­ed beyond anybody’s imag­i­na­tion. We hate each oth­er more than we hate the out­side ene­my. This is why no one in the Arab world showed any sym­pa­thy to the Syr­i­ans when Israeli planes attacked Syr­i­an tar­gets a few weeks ago. As a mat­ter of fact, even hard­core anti-Israelis wished the Israeli planes had con­tin­ued east­ward and attacked the Syr­i­an Pres­i­den­tial Palace and killed an Arab leader named Bashar Assad. In oth­er words, many in the Arab world sided with Israel against an Arab coun­try. After the attack, we saw many Syr­i­ans approach the Israeli-for­ti­fied check­points in the Golan Heights, not to attack Israeli sol­diers, but to seek refuge and get med­ical atten­tion. I am not talk­ing about sim­ple med­ical care. I am talk­ing about major surg­eries like the four-year-old Syr­i­an girl who got a heart trans­plant at Wolf­son Hos­pi­tal in Holon, Israel.
    This is the real Arab Spring. Syr­i­ans are hurt­ing Syr­i­ans and the Israelis are the ones who treat the Syr­i­an wounds. Yes, the Arab Spring is a joke and I mean a very bad joke. The Arab Spring is not about seek­ing democ­ra­cy, it is about Arabs killing Arabs. And this is why Israeli sol­diers are busy on the Golan Heights. They are not busy with load­ing ammu­ni­tion; they are busy pick­ing cher­ries and oth­er fruits. What is more, they are also busy giv­ing guid­ed tours to show the world Syr­i­an planes tar­get­ing civil­ians, Scud mis­siles destroy­ing vil­lages and tanks attack­ing schools and mosques. What goes inside Syr­ia is more hor­rif­ic.
    Syr­i­an men humil­i­ate Syr­i­an women in front of their rel­a­tives, rape and kill them. It is not only the killing that is ugly. We saw a Syr­i­an kill anoth­er Syr­i­an and then open his chest with a knife and take a bite of his heart. It can’t get any ugli­er.
    Now, mir­ror, mir­ror on the wall, who is the ugli­est of them all? Well, they are all ugly. It has turned out that the Arab Spring is not about a search for democ­ra­cy, social jus­tice and bet­ter stan­dards of liv­ing. The Arab Spring is all about hate and sec­tar­i­an vio­lence. The world didn’t hear any­thing about rebuild­ing the coun­tries or erad­i­cat­ing pover­ty. The talk is all about fight­ing among the same peo­ple from the same coun­try.

    Just look at the land of one of the old­est civ­i­liza­tions, Egypt. A coun­try that failed to bring one, just one icon­ic fig­ure like Nel­son Man­dela or Mar­tin Luther King — indi­vid­u­als who talk about peace and har­mo­ny and are respect­ed the world over. Not some­one who enjoys destroy­ing his own coun­try and killing his own peo­ple.

    Posted by Vanfield | July 18, 2013, 9:11 am

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