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Meet the New Fuhrer, Same as the Old Fuhrer

Com­ment: Severe eco­nom­ic down­turn and resul­tant, com­men­su­rate social dis­lo­ca­tion are dri­ving Hun­gar­i­an polit­i­cal sen­ti­ment in a dis­turbing­ly  famil­iar direc­tion. The Hun­gar­i­an Job­bik Par­ty suc­cess­ful­ly reca­pit­u­lates much of the ide­ol­o­gy, sym­bol­o­gy and para-polit­i­cal street method­ol­o­gy of the Hun­gar­i­an Arrow Cross Par­ty, allies of Nazi Ger­many and mas­ters of Hun­gary for part of that con­flict. Job­bik gained sig­nif­i­cant­ly in the Hun­gar­i­an elec­tions.

Arrow cross vet­er­ans played an impor­tant role in the syn­the­sis of the Nazi/fascist Repub­li­can eth­nic out­reach mech­a­nism.

“Hun­gary Pre­pares for Shift in Pow­er” by Wal­ter Mayr; Spiegel Online; 4/9/2010.

Oppo­si­tion leader Vik­tor Orban, who spurred the pop­ulist pol­i­tics that have led to the rise of the far-right in Hun­gary, believes his par­ty is set to win a two-thirds major­i­ty after Sun­day’s par­lia­men­tary elec­tions. But it is the right-wing extrem­ist Job­bik par­ty that is set­ting the hate­ful tone of the cam­paign.

The state author­i­ties have their backs up against the wall in front of St. Stephen’s Basil­i­ca in Budapest. Three police offi­cers, posi­tioned in the shad­ow of an Art Nou­veau palace, watch motion­less­ly as Hun­gary’s Nation­al Front march­es before their eyes.

Mem­bers of cit­i­zens’ mili­tias and neo-Nazi groups have tak­en over patrolling the streets on this day. In com­bat boots, cam­ou­flage or black mil­i­tary uni­forms, they form human chains and divide the crowd.

Fifty thou­sand peo­ple have gath­ered in front of a speak­er’s plat­form. An east­er­ly wind rat­tles the flags — red and white striped, much like the arm­bands worn by mem­bers of Hun­gary’s fas­cist Arrow Cross Par­ty dur­ing World War II. The sound of speak­ers preach­ing nation­al­ist beliefs rever­ber­ates from the loud­speak­ers.

“Hun­gary belongs to the Hun­gar­i­ans,” the crowd hears. One speak­er claims that Israeli investors and their local agents are in the process of buy­ing up the coun­try with its 10 mil­lion inhab­i­tants. The speak­er argues that the gov­ern­ment does­n’t care where the mon­ey comes from and that they’re let­ting these peo­ple “buy Hun­gary up.” The cur­rent­ly gov­ern­ing Social­ists, anoth­er speak­er warns, will be “oblit­er­at­ed from the face of the Earth” and Roma will be encour­aged to emi­grate.

“They should leave,” the crowd chants in uni­son. “They should leave.” . . .


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