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More About “Coup in Dallas”: La Cagoule Connections to the JFK Assassination

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“Polit­i­cal language…is designed to make lies sound truth­ful and mur­der respectable, and to give an appear­ance of solid­i­ty to pure wind.”

— George Orwell, 1946

COMMENT: In our last post, we high­light­ed Coup in Dal­las by the late Hank Albarel­li, Jr.

This might be termed “a break­through book.”

Pri­ma­ry in con­sid­er­a­tion of this for­mi­da­ble work is—as stat­ed in our last post—  is the inte­gra­tion of ele­ments of the JFK assas­si­na­tion milieu (chron­i­cled in pre­vi­ous works) with the forces of inter­na­tion­al fas­cism.

In par­tic­u­lar, the “sweep” and “depth” of fas­cism (to coin two terms) is front and cen­ter in Albarelli’s pre­sen­ta­tion.

Fas­cism is gen­er­al­ly rep­re­sent­ed as some­thing of an antiq­ui­ty and an aberration–an out­lier in the devel­op­ment of our civ­i­liza­tion.

Noth­ing could be fur­ther from the truth.

Con­tem­po­rary pre­sen­ta­tions of fas­cism are atten­u­at­ed and super­fi­cial, cov­er­ing nei­ther the evo­lu­tion of fas­cist net­works through the decades, nor those net­works’ inex­tri­ca­ble rela­tion­ships with past and present intel­li­gence agen­cies and dom­i­nant cor­po­rate and allied polit­i­cal inter­ests around the world.

In this post, we explore the account in the book of the role of French fas­cists in the assas­si­na­tion of JFK. 

For many years, we have set forth the pow­er­ful French fas­cist orga­ni­za­tions that attempt­ed to over­throw the French gov­ern­ment of Leon Blum and, final­ly, act­ed in con­cert with like-mind­ed mil­i­tary offi­cers, aris­to­crats and cor­po­rate indi­vid­u­als and insti­tu­tions to sub­vert resis­tance to the Nazi inva­sion.

With the estab­lish­ment of the Vichy col­lab­o­ra­tionist regime, ele­ments such as La Cagoule con­tributed sig­nif­i­cant­ly to the gov­ern­ing and enforc­ing appa­ra­tus of the fas­cist admin­is­tra­tion.

We have cov­ered La Cagoule for many years, includ­ing an in-depth explo­ration of the method­ol­o­gy and his­to­ry of La Cagoule and relat­ed groups in Mis­cel­la­neous Archive Show 61 (record­ed in Sep­tem­ber of 1994.) Rel­e­vant sides of this lengthy pro­gram are: Side “c”; Side “d”; Side “e”. (These seg­ments, in turn, draw on doc­u­men­ta­tion pre­sent­ed in Armies of Spies by Joseph Gol­lomb and Tri­umph of Trea­son by Pierre Cot. For fur­ther dis­cus­sion of these top­ics and books, use the search func­tion on this web­site.)

Fur­ther­more, fig­ures such as Mon­sieurs Fil­li­ol and Lafitte also served with the Nazis SS, the most promi­nent French ele­ment of which was the Charle­magne Divi­sion.

(In addi­tion to Lafit­te’s Nazi/SS/fascist col­lab­o­ra­tion, this “Man of a Thou­sand Faces” worked for a myr­i­ad of orga­ni­za­tions: intel­li­gence agen­cies, law enforce­ment agen­cies, and crim­i­nal net­works, often over­lap­ping those activ­i­ties.)

Net­work­ing with, among oth­ers, Otto Sko­rzeny dur­ing the war, French fas­cists sought and found refuge and con­tin­ued post­war employ­ment in Spain under the fas­cist gov­ern­ment of dic­ta­tor Fran­cis­co Fran­co.

“. . . . And per­haps equal­ly sig­nif­i­cant is Filliol’s his­to­ry with Nazi SS Sturm­ban­n­fuhrer Otto Sko­rzeny. . . We now know that Sko­rzeny played the cru­cial role of logis­ti­cal mas­ter­mind of the hit in Dealey Plaza. . . .”

(We have detailed Skorzeny’s vital­ly impor­tant role in post­war inter­na­tion­al fas­cism in numer­ous broad­casts, includ­ing AFA#22.)

Albarel­li devel­ops infor­ma­tion about Sko­rzeny and Lafitte as cen­tral to the plan­ning of the JFK assas­si­na­tion, and mas­ter assas­sin Fil­li­ol as being present in Dal­las on 11/22/1963.

Man­i­fest­ing grasp of both the “sweep” of fas­cism and its insti­tu­tion­al con­nec­tions, Albarel­li high­lights the fas­cist gen­e­sis of the French cos­met­ic giant L’O­re­al, employ­er of Jean Fil­li­ol in Spain and his fel­low French fas­cist Jacques Cor­reze in both Spain and the U.S. 

” . . . Once in Spain, Fil­li­ol soon estab­lished con­tact with Nazi Otto Sko­rzeny, who had been ‘reset­tled’ for the ben­e­fit of U.S. intel­li­gence inter­ests in the nation’s capi­tol. . . .

“. . . . There, Fil­li­ol quick­ly land­ed a secure and well-paid exec­u­tive job with the inter­na­tion­al divi­sion of L’Oreal, a cos­met­ic and beau­ty prod­ucts com­pa­ny. Today a very well-known com­pa­ny, L’Oreal was found­ed and oper­at­ed by Eugene Schueller, a pas­sion­ate anti-Semi­te and ultra­right-winger. Schueller, dur­ing the 1930’s and the war years, finan­cial­ly sup­port­ed La Cagoule . . . .”

 “. . . . While in Spain, nat­u­ral­ly, Cor­reze became friends with Otto Sko­rzeny after being intro­duced to his fel­low SS offi­cer by for­mer La Cagoule assas­sin Jean Fil­li­ol, by now the vice pres­i­dent of inter­na­tion­al mar­ket­ing for L’Oreal. . . .”

When the Jus­tice Depart­men­t’s Office of Spe­cial Inves­ti­ga­tions began look­ing into Cor­reze’s fas­cist and Nazi his­to­ry, the probe quick­ly unearthed sub­stan­tive alle­ga­tions about Cor­reze’s rela­tion­ship to Fil­li­ol and his fel­low fas­cist Ger­ard Litt and the lat­ter pair’s pres­ence in Dal­las at the time of the JFK assas­si­na­tion.

“. . . . Accord­ing to two for­mer employ­ees of the department’s Office of Spe­cial inves­ti­ga­tions, both of whom declined to be iden­ti­fied in this book, the exam­i­na­tion of Correze’s past quick­ly unearthed unex­pect­ed details about his links to Jean Fil­li­ol, Ger­ard Litt, and Otto Sko­rzeny, inclu­sive of detailed sus­pi­cions about Filliol’s and Litt’s pres­ence in Dal­las, Texas, at the time of the JFK assas­si­na­tion. . . .”

(We note in pass­ing that John Lof­tus, the hero­ic author of The Belarus SecretAmer­i­ca’s Nazi SecretUnholy Trin­i­ty and The Secret War Against the Jews worked for the Office of Spe­cial Inves­ti­ga­tions.)

The broad­er con­text of the Cagoulard ele­ments in Dal­las con­cerns the OAS attempts on the life of Charles De Gaulle, which over­lap the JFK assas­si­na­tion. (We dis­cussed those areas of over­lap in, among oth­er broad­casts, FTR#1162.)

One of the appar­ent areas of over­lap between the OAS attempts to kill De Gaulle (with assis­tance from ele­ments of CIA) and the Dal­las coup is Jean Sou­e­tre, a skilled OAS assas­sin who, like Fil­li­ol and Lafitte, was net­worked with Otto Sko­rzeny.

” . . . . Skorzeny’s aide explained to Her­bert that his supe­ri­or was absent because he had ‘oth­er things going on.’ The arrange­ments that were made for [Army Ranger offi­cer Antho­ny] Her­bert to meet with Sko­rzeny con­firm Capt. Souetre’s com­man­dos were ful­ly aware of the nature of Skorzeny’s train­ing schools, which they also attend­ed. . . .”

Sou­e­tre was in Dal­las on 11/22/1063 and was expelled from the coun­try.

One of the impor­tant strengths of the Albarel­li text is the inte­gra­tion of many of the strate­gic and oper­a­tional ele­ments involved with the JFK hit.

Numer­ous writ­ers have set forth the role in the Dal­las coup of ele­ments of what Tex­ans refer to as “The Ahl Bid­ness.”

In addi­tion to despis­ing JFK for his advo­ca­cy of Alger­ian inde­pen­dence from colo­nial mas­ter France, explorato­ry infor­ma­tion indi­cat­ed to Texas-con­nect­ed petro­le­um inter­ests that Alge­ria con­tained sig­nif­i­cant petro­le­um reserves on its ter­ri­to­ry and beneath its ter­ri­to­r­i­al waters.

1.  Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; pp. 10–11.

. . . . One of La Cagoule’s most noto­ri­ous assas­sins, who often dealt with [OSS col­lab­o­ra­tor and dou­ble agent Hen­ri] d’Astier, was Jean Paul Robert Fil­li­ol, spelled con­sis­tent­ly with a sin­gle l by LaFitte. With the Vichy gov­ern­ment formed in France, Fil­li­ol became the Cagoule’s chief and most trust­ed assas­sin, an infa­mous killer known through­out Europe. . . .

. . . . With­in months of La Cagoule’s for­ma­tion, Fil­li­ol became head of the group’s Sec­tion Ter­ror­iste, and many of his fledg­ling assas­sins were in their late teens or ear­ly twen­ties. . . .

. . . . And per­haps equal­ly sig­nif­i­cant is Filliol’s his­to­ry with Nazi SS Sturm­ban­n­fuhrer Otto Sko­rzeny. . . We now know that Sko­rzeny played the cru­cial role of logis­ti­cal mas­ter­mind of the hit in Dealey Plaza.

Through­out the 1930’s, “Pierre Lafitte” often went by the alias­es Jean Pierre Mornard and Jean Monard, as well as by Pierre Jean Mar­tin  dur­ing the time that he was close­ly aligned with the French Gestapo-like group called the Mil­ice. Lafitte’s sur­viv­ing per­son­al effects act to sup­port the claim and con­tain a few French SS badges as well as two Mil­ice iden­ti­ty cards under the name of Mar­tin. . . .

2.   Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; pp. 13–14.

. . . . Pierre Lafitte would also cross paths with Filliol—who like Lafitte would use at least twen­ty aliases—when in 1944 he was asso­ci­at­ed with the SS Waf­fen Charle­magne Divi­sion, a French unit aid­ing the Nazis in their occu­pa­tion of France. It is report­ed by sur­viv­ing mem­bers of Lafitte’s fam­i­ly that he was with the SS Brigade­fuhrer Kruke­nen­berg in April 1945, just pri­or to its being moved to Berlin to defend Hitler in his final bunker days, but inde­pen­dent con­fir­ma­tion of this remains elu­sive. There is no evi­dence that Lafitte was ever cap­tured, let alone brought to tri­al; how­ev­er, at the end of World War II, Fil­li­ol was tried in absen­tia and sen­tenced to death. His sen­tence was nev­er car­ried out because he escaped to Spain, and fas­cist Dic­ta­tor Gen­er­al Fran­cis­co Fran­co refused to extra­dite the killer.

Once in Spain, Fil­li­ol soon estab­lished con­tact with Nazi Otto Sko­rzeny, who had been “reset­tled” for the ben­e­fit of U.S. intel­li­gence inter­ests in the nation’s capi­tol. . . .

. . . . There, Fil­li­ol quick­ly land­ed a secure and well-paid exec­u­tive job with the inter­na­tion­al divi­sion of L’Oreal, a cos­met­ic and beau­ty prod­ucts com­pa­ny. Today a very well-known com­pa­ny, L’Oreal was found­ed and oper­at­ed by Eugene Schueller, a pas­sion­ate anti-Semi­te and ultra­right-winger. Schueller, dur­ing the 1930’s and the war years, finan­cial­ly sup­port­ed La Cagoule and Deloncle’s 1940 polit­i­cal group, Mou­ve­ment Social Rev­o­lu­tion­naire (MSR). MSR, like La Cagoule was ultra­na­tion­al­is­tic, anti­com­mu­nist, and anti-Semit­ic and fea­tured Fil­li­ol as chief of intel­li­gence and Schueller as a group direc­tor and cen­tral source of funds. . . .

. . . . Begin­ning in Octo­ber 1944, after hold­ing fa series of con­fer­ences with Ger­man and French advis­ers, Joseph Dar­nand, a forty-six-year old promi­nent La Cagoule mem­ber, vir­u­lent anti-Bol­she­vist, Mil­ice Founder, and Nazi SS offi­cer, found­ed a “spe­cial ser­vice” called the Organ­i­sa­tion Tech­nique (OT), which was made up of about 200 vol­un­teers. Fil­li­ol was placed in charge of OT’s train­ing divi­sion. His first major project was to take on the train­ing of about 150 para­mil­i­tary para­chutists. We begin to grasp the impact of Filliol’s his­to­ry with Otto Sko­rzeny.

Not sure how best to go about the task of train­ing the OTs, Fil­li­ol sent a telegram request­ing assis­tance from Nazi Sturm­ban­n­fuhrer Sko­rzeny, who he had first encoun­tered in Paris. . . .

3. Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; pp. 15–16.

. . . . Anoth­er close asso­ciate of the mur­der­ous Fil­li­ol was Jacques Cor­reze, a man who over the past half-cen­tu­ry has con­sis­tent­ly been labeled a blood­thirsty racist and shapeshifter who causal­ly over­saw Filliol’s homi­ci­dal activ­i­ties. Cor­reze had been a high-rank­ing mem­ber of La Cagoule and the per­son­al assis­tant of Eugene Delon­cle [head and appar­ent founder of La Cagoule] and served as a crit­i­cal link in the fund­ing of La Cagoule by Eugene Schuller, founder of the L’Oreal cos­met­ic com­pa­ny. . . .

. . . . Fol­low­ing the close of World War II, Cor­reze was con­vict­ed of sev­er­al war crimes and sen­tenced to ten years in a French prison. Jacques Cor­reze was freed in 1949 after only five years in prison. Short­ly there­after, he was hired by then‑L’Oreal com­pa­ny pres­i­dent Fran­cois Dalle. One of Correze’s first assign­ments for the com­pa­ny was to help bet­ter orga­nize Pro­casa, L’Oreal’s Span­ish mar­ket­ing firm. While in Spain, nat­u­ral­ly, Cor­reze became friends with Otto Sko­rzeny after being intro­duced to his fel­low SS offi­cer by for­mer La Cagoule assas­sin Jean Fil­li­ol, by now the vice pres­i­dent of inter­na­tion­al mar­ket­ing for L’Oreal.

After sev­er­al years with Pro­casa, Cor­reze was dis­patched to the Unit­ed States, where he was charged with direct­ing Cos­mair, a divi­sion of L’Oreal. He suc­cess­ful­ly built the divi­sion to a very pros­per­ous mar­ket posi­tion, but in 1991, the US Depart­ment of Jus­tice, Office of Spe­cial Inves­ti­ga­tions, announced that it was open­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion “to deter­mine whether the chair­man [Cor­reze] of the $1 bil­lion Amer­i­can affil­i­ate of l’Oreal, the French cos­met­ic com­pa­ny, should be barred from the Unit­ed States for his pro-Nazi activ­i­ties dur­ing World War II.” . . .

. . . . Accord­ing to two for­mer employ­ees of the department’s Office of Spe­cial inves­ti­ga­tions, both of whom declined to be iden­ti­fied in this book, the exam­i­na­tion of Correze’s past quick­ly unearthed unex­pect­ed details about his links to Jean Fil­li­ol, Ger­ard Litt, and Otto Sko­rzeny, inclu­sive of detailed sus­pi­cions about Filliol’s and Litt’s pres­ence in Dal­las, Texas, at the time of the JFK assas­si­na­tion. A for­mal request by author Albarel­li to the US Depart­ment of Jus­tice for doc­u­men­ta­tion con­cern­ing these sus­pi­cions remained unan­swered. Cor­reze died sud­den­ly in June 1991, and the Jus­tice Depart­ment sus­pend­ed its inves­ti­ga­tion into his activ­i­ties. . . .

4.  Coup In Dal­las: The Deci­sive Inves­ti­ga­tion into Who Killed JFK by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. (For­ward by Dick Rus­sell); Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [HC]; Copy­right 2021 by H.P. Albarel­li, Jr. and Lin­da O’Hara; ISBN 978–1‑5107–4031‑0; p. 421.

. . . . Skorzeny’s aide explained to Her­bert that his supe­ri­or was absent because he had “oth­er things going on.” The arrange­ments that were made for [Army Ranger offi­cer Antho­ny] Her­bert to meet with Sko­rzeny con­firm Capt. Souetre’s com­man­dos were ful­ly aware of the nature of Skorzeny’s train­ing schools, which they also attend­ed. . . .



2 comments for “More About “Coup in Dallas”: La Cagoule Connections to the JFK Assassination”

  1. how come you’re not on youtube? Peo­ple watch youtube. They’re not going to search out your web­site — not real­ly. Youtube will spread your work via algo­rithms, etc.

    Posted by drew hempel | August 14, 2024, 6:35 am
  2. @Drew Hempel–

    Actu­al­ly, there is quite a bit of my mate­r­i­al on YouTube.

    Just do a search on my name and YouTube and you will find quite a bit of mate­r­i­al.



    Posted by Dave Emory | August 14, 2024, 12:13 pm

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