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More Truth in Advertising: Hezbollah Welcomes Achmadinejad

Com­ment: Hezbol­lah troops demon­strat­ed their Nazi/fascist polit­i­cal her­itage when greet­ing vis­it­ing Iran­ian pres­i­dent Achmadine­jad to Lebanon. Descend­ed from the Devo­tees of Islam, a Shia per­mu­ta­tion of the Islam­o­fas­cist Mus­lim  Broth­er­hood, Hezbol­lah’s cadre dis­play the lega­cy of the Grand Mufti and the Third Reich’s use of Mus­lims as proxy war­rior.

“Hezbol­lah Stronger than Ever as Achmadine­jad Vis­its” by Philip Jack­son; The First Post; 10/11/2010.

Excerpt: . . . . Sources in Tehran have report­ed that Ahmadine­jad plans to hurl a sym­bol­ic stone or two at posi­tions occu­pied by Israeli troops just a few metres from the divid­ing line in the course of Wednes­day’s for­mal open­ing of a gar­den park, paid for by Iran, that com­mem­o­rates the fight­ers of the Iran­ian-backed Hezbol­lah mili­tia killed in the bloody month-long con­flict.

Such a provoca­tive ges­ture from the man who has pre­vi­ous­ly denied the Holo­caust and called for the destruc­tion of the Jew­ish state is guar­an­teed to out­rage the gov­ern­ment in Jerusalem, which has exert­ed heavy diplo­mat­ic pres­sure to get Ahmadine­jad’s trip called off.

Mean­while, Israeli secu­ri­ty insid­ers are telling any­one who will lis­ten that Iran is rapid­ly rearm­ing the hard­line Islam­ic gueril­las: their leader, Sheikh Has­san Nas­ral­lah, has boast­ed pub­licly that Hezbol­lah now pos­sess­es some 40,000 mis­siles, almost three times as many as in 2006.

Excerpt: . . . A senior mili­tia offi­cial hint­ed recent­ly that these may include long-range Scuds capa­ble of hit­ting tar­gets any­where in Israel as well as advanced anti-air­craft weapons.

Hezbol­lah has also indi­cat­ed that any strike by I

Read more: http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/69877,news-comment,news-politics,hezbollah-stronger-than-ever-as-ahmadinejad-visits-lebanon?DCMP=NLC-daily#ixzz12H4tsKCv


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