COMMENT: It remains to be seen what happens with regard to the Egyptian revolution. It seems certain that the Muslim Brotherhood (an Islamic fascist movement allied with the Axis in World War II) will be playing a significant part in Egyptian politics–how much remains to be seen.
The apparent adulation with which Yousef al-Qaradawi was received by the crowd in Tahrir Square should be noted. (Qaradawi is Muslim Brotherhood and is on the advisory board of Bank al-Taqwa–implicated in 9/11–and is regarded as one of the most influential clerics in the Muslim world.)
As will be explored in upcoming broadcasts about Flight of the Intellectuals by Paul Berman, Qaradawi’s rhetoric is replete with Nazi-style references to the Jews. Qaradawi has spoken of the Jews as having been punished by God by sending Hitler to earth to torment them.
EXCERPT: . . . Sheikh Yousef al-Qaradawi, an influential Qatar-based Egyptian preacher, told worshippers in Tahrir Square that fear had been lifted from Egyptians who had toppled a modern pharaoh through faith and triumphed over sectarianism.
His appearance and the emergence of the Muslim Brotherhood show the a new-found acceptance in the new Egypt of once-forbidden Islamist movements, although Egyptians say religious voices are only some of the many now being heard. . . .
. . . “I call on the Egyptian army to liberate us from the government that Mubarak formed,” Qaradawi told the faithful at noon prayers in Tahrir Square, after which the crowd exploded with cheers and waved national flags in jubilation. . . .
. . . The Muslim Brotherhood, which says it is committed to democracy, is seen as the only truly organized bloc in Egypt and believes it could win up to 30 percent of votes in an election. . . .
. . . As Qaradawi left the stage, hundreds of people rushed toward him, some falling over, as they tried to touch him or talk to him. Military police and volunteers formed a protective cordon around him as he was escorted away to his car.
“Qaradawi, you honor Egypt,” chanted his supporters. . . .
Arabism & Islamism = twin fascisms!
Arabism = racism !
Against: Persian, Assyrian, Maronite, Copt, Kurd ( in Iraq, Syria), Berber, On Caucasians, on “al-akhdam”, anti-Jewish (not just on Israelis...), anti-Asians, Anti-Africans (not just in Arabs’ genocide in Sudan...)
Islamism = bigotry!
Radical ISLAM has been waging a vicious bloody global WAR on non-Muslims or on those “not Muslim enough...”, As in:
Thailand, India, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Philippines, Indonesia, E. Timor, Moluccas islands, Nigeria, UK, US, France, Israel, Germany, Russia, China, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt...
Anti Israelism’s intolerance is only PART of the above “twin-fascism”!