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Muslim Brotherhood and Bank al-Taqwa’s Yousef al-Qaradawi Addresses Egyptian Crowd

COMMENT: It remains to be seen what hap­pens with regard to the Egypt­ian rev­o­lu­tion. It seems cer­tain that the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood (an Islam­ic fas­cist move­ment allied with the Axis in World War II) will be play­ing a sig­nif­i­cant part in Egypt­ian politics–how much remains to be seen.

The appar­ent adu­la­tion with which Yousef al-Qaradawi was received by the crowd in Tahrir Square should be not­ed. (Qaradawi is Mus­lim Broth­er­hood and is on the advi­so­ry board of Bank al-Taqwa–implicated in 9/11–and is regard­ed as one of the most influ­en­tial cler­ics in the Mus­lim world.)

As will be explored in upcom­ing broad­casts about Flight of the Intel­lec­tu­als by Paul Berman, Qaradaw­i’s rhetoric is replete with Nazi-style ref­er­ences to the Jews. Qaradawi has spo­ken of the Jews as hav­ing been pun­ished by God by send­ing Hitler to earth to tor­ment them.

“Egyp­tians Cel­e­brate, Pres­sure Army to Keep Pledges” by Mar­wa Awad and Dina Zayed [Reuters]; Yahoo News; 2/18/2011.

EXCERPT: . . . Sheikh Yousef al-Qaradawi, an influ­en­tial Qatar-based Egypt­ian preach­er, told wor­ship­pers in Tahrir Square that fear had been lift­ed from Egyp­tians who had top­pled a mod­ern pharaoh through faith and tri­umphed over sec­tar­i­an­ism.

His appear­ance and the emer­gence of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood show the a new-found accep­tance in the new Egypt of once-for­bid­den Islamist move­ments, although Egyp­tians say reli­gious voic­es are only some of the many now being heard. . . .

. . . “I call on the Egypt­ian army to lib­er­ate us from the gov­ern­ment that Mubarak formed,” Qaradawi told the faith­ful at noon prayers in Tahrir Square, after which the crowd explod­ed with cheers and waved nation­al flags in jubi­la­tion. . . .

. . . The Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, which says it is com­mit­ted to democ­ra­cy, is seen as the only tru­ly orga­nized bloc in Egypt and believes it could win up to 30 per­cent of votes in an elec­tion. . . .

. . . As Qaradawi left the stage, hun­dreds of peo­ple rushed toward him, some falling over, as they tried to touch him or talk to him. Mil­i­tary police and vol­un­teers formed a pro­tec­tive cor­don around him as he was escort­ed away to his car.

“Qaradawi, you hon­or Egypt,” chant­ed his sup­port­ers. . . .


One comment for “Muslim Brotherhood and Bank al-Taqwa’s Yousef al-Qaradawi Addresses Egyptian Crowd”

  1. http://islamism-arabism.webs.com

    Ara­bism & Islamism = twin fas­cisms!

    Ara­bism = racism !
    Against: Per­sian, Assyr­i­an, Maronite, Copt, Kurd ( in Iraq, Syr­ia), Berber, On Cau­casians, on “al-akhdam”, anti-Jew­ish (not just on Israelis...), anti-Asians, Anti-Africans (not just in Arabs’ geno­cide in Sudan...)

    Islamism = big­otry!
    Rad­i­cal ISLAM has been wag­ing a vicious bloody glob­al WAR on non-Mus­lims or on those “not Mus­lim enough...”, As in:
    Thai­land, India, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pak­istan, Philip­pines, Indone­sia, E. Tim­or, Moluc­cas islands, Nige­ria, UK, US, France, Israel, Ger­many, Rus­sia, Chi­na, Moroc­co, Tunisia, Egypt...

    Anti Israelis­m’s intol­er­ance is only PART of the above “twin-fas­cism”!

    Posted by abbee | February 24, 2011, 7:00 am

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