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Naming Names: The Bin Laden Galaxy

by Jean-Charles Bris­ard

Jean-Charles Bris­ard explores the rela­tion­ships between the Bin Laden fam­i­ly and friends and Osama. The inter­con­nec­tion between these enti­ties is fright­en­ing. This book was banned for pub­lish­ing for three years until a Euro­pean court recent­ly over­ruled that motion, which was ini­ti­at­ed by the Bin Laden Fam­i­ly. from the orig­i­nal text: Ben Laden: La vérité inter­dite. This is a trans­lat­ed excerpt of the chap­ter “La Galax­ie Bin Laden.”

Sev­en decades after its cre­ation, the fam­i­ly group SBG (Sau­di Bin­ladin Group) is today direct­ed by Bakr M. Bin Laden, born in 1947. The Board of Direc­tors is com­posed of Saleh Gazaz, Mohammed Bahareth, Abdul­lah Bin Said, Mohammed Nur Rahi­mi, Tarek Bin Laden and Omar Bin Laden. Devel­oped in Djed­dah, it is present on all five con­ti­nents.

The group is com­prised of mul­ti­ple divi­sions and affil­i­ates. The prin­ci­ple hold­ings are the fol­low­ing, accord­ing to their activ­i­ties: Bin­ladin Group Inter­na­tion­al for con­struc­tion, present in Egypt, Jor­dan, Liban, Malaysia and the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates; Bem­co for ener­gy; Bin­ladin-Bem­co for elec­tric engi­neer­ing; Mohammed Bin Laden Orga­ni­za­tion for infra­struc­ture; Project Man­age­ment and Devel­op­ment Co Real Estate for real estate; the Al Salem Group for indus­try; Mimar Indus­tri­al Group for tex­tile, equal­ly present in Lebanon, Great Britain and Spain; Casa­reen Con­tract Man­u­fac­tur­ing for cloth­ing dis­tri­b­u­tion in Great Britain; Pal­wa Beleuch­tungs Gmbh (or co.) and Pal­wa Iber­i­ca for crys­tal pro­duc­tion in Ger­many and Spain; Haz­ar Media Group in news­pa­pers in Lebanon, France, Great Britain, Egypt and the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates; Unit­ed Sau­di Main­te­nance & Ser­vices Co. for main­te­nance ser­vices; GFC and Casa­reen Retail Inter­na­tion­al for dis­tri­b­u­tion in Great Britain, Malaysia, Sin­ga­pore, Egypt, Lebanon, France and the Unit­ed States; For­ship Ltd in the trans­port of freight in Great Britain, France, Egypt and Cana­da; Bin­ladin Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Co. (which became Baud Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions in 1999) for telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions and the Mid­dle East Inter­na­tion­al Group (MEIG) in Switzer­land for pub­lic rela­tions.

SBG has a Euro­pean anten­na based in Lon­don. The struc­ture is direct­ed by a British man, Leonard Cowk­ing and Bakr Bin Laden.

Leonard Cowk­ing is also a direc­tor, along with Akber­ali Mohammed Ali Moawal­la, of Turkey Rock UK Ltd, a some­what ill-defined affil­i­ate of SBG.

The inter­na­tion­al affil­i­ate of SBG, Bin­ladin Group Inter­na­tion­al (BGI), based in Djed­dah, is equal­ly direct­ed by Bakr Bin Laden (CEO), Yahia Bin Laden (Gen­er­al Direc­tor), Omar Bin Laden (Pres­i­dent) and Hasan Bin Laden (Vice Pres­i­dent) The Oper­a­tional Direc­tor for pub­lic works and air­ports is Abu Bak­er S. Al Hamed. The con­struc­tion divi­sion is coor­di­nat­ed by Ahmed M. Bin Laden. Hen­ry Sarkiss­ian is the direc­tor of indus­tri­al and ener­gy projects. Mu’taz Sawwaf assures the direc­tion of the archi­tec­ture divi­sion and inte­ri­or design. Shafiq M. Bin Laden is a mem­ber of the Board of Direc­tors.

Hasan, Vice Pres­i­dent of BGI, was equal­ly a direc­tor of Irid­i­um Mid­dle East LLC, giv­en the Bin­ladin Group was a stock­hold­er.

The affil­i­ate Bin­ladin-Bem­co and Mechan­i­cal Indus­tri­al and Pow­er Con­tract­ing inter­venes in the elec­tri­cal engi­neer­ing domain. It is direct­ed by Hen­ry Cabr­era and Bakr Bin Laden.

Among the mem­bers of the Board of Direc­tors fig­ures in Souren M. Sarkiss­ian, Hen­ry M. Sarkiss­ian and Greg M. Sarkiss­ian. The cor­po­ra­tion is also a stock­hold­er in Bin­ladin Bros. for Con­tract­ing and Indus­try, direct­ed by Bakr M Bin Laden, who is a stock­hold­er of Sau­di Traf­fic Safe­ty Ltd and the Ara­bi­an Aero­sur­vey Com­pa­ny Ltd..

In Europe, the affil­i­ate Casa­reen Retail Inter­na­tion­al Ltd. was based in Lon­don and was involved in dis­tri­b­u­tion. It was direct­ed by three Britons, Mark Adams, Thomas Payne and Nabel­la Khan until its dis­so­lu­tion on July 17, 2001.

Nabel­la Khan also per­formed exec­u­tive func­tions for Capex Ltd. She is also present on the Board of Direc­tors of Haz­ar Licens­ing & Mar­ket­ing Ltd. and Casa­reen Ltd, direct­ed by Sadek Sawwaf.

One estab­lish­ment, Casa­reen France, was cre­at­ed on Octo­ber 6, 1992. It was locat­ed in Courbevoie in the Haute-Seine and was direct­ed by Charles Nakhle, a Lebanese-born gen­tle­man, and then by Mohamad Kam­mourieh.

The SBG Group is equal­ly rep­re­sent­ed in Europe by Haz­ar Pub­lish­ing Ltd.. The com­pa­ny is direct­ed by Basim Nico­las Ziadeh, a Lebanese busi­ness­man. In France, the “Edi­tions Haz­ar” (Haz­ar news­pa­pers) is parked in Courbevoie and is under the direc­tion of Charles Nakhle also.

Basim Nico­las Ziadeh is a mem­ber of the “Con­fer­ence Nation­al­ist Arabe” (Nation­al­ist Arab Con­fer­ence), com­posed notably of Egypt­ian Islamists. It is near, or at the heart of, the Mona Al-Solh move­ment, a cre­ation of Hisham Al-Solh and Dalia Salaam Rhis­hani of the British Lebanese Asso­ci­a­tion of Lon­don, which is aligned with or col­lab­o­rates with the Azzam fam­i­ly (Azzam Pub­li­ca­tions), who open­ly sup­port Osama Bin Laden. Basim Nico­las Ziadeh is also involved with this move­ment with Diaed­din Daoud, Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al of the Egypt­ian Nassérist Par­ty. He fre­quents the Sun­ni mosque Al-Azhar in Cairo (near to the name of the pub­lish­ing house he directs) which in Decem­ber of 1998 open­ly called for a jihad against the Unit­ed States. Diaed­din Daoud has been arrest­ed two times with mem­bers of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood (1977 & 1981). Osama Bin Laden is a Sun­ni.

Mu’taz Sawwaf, a Lebanese man who directs BGI, also par­tic­i­pates in the direc­tion of “Dar Al Reisha for Pub­lish­ing and Dis­tri­b­u­tion” which is locat­ed at the same address as Haz­ar Pub­lish­ing in Lon­don, along with Mustafa Kamal Kas­sas.

For­ship Ltd., based in Lon­don, pro­vides freight trans­port and has been in busi­ness since 1989. The com­pa­ny is direct­ed by Adnan Kro­n­fol, an Amer­i­can born on March 1, 1947, and Omar Youssef Sal­hab (who is involved with some oth­er French affil­i­ates). In France, For­ship is rep­re­sent­ed by the Lebanese-born Nou had Gho­lam.
SBG is rep­re­sent­ed equal­ly in Europe with an affil­i­ate involved in pub­lic rela­tions, the Mid­dle East Inter­na­tion­al Group (MEIG AG) in Zurich (Switzer­land). The com­pa­ny, cre­at­ed in 1998, is direct­ed by Hasan Bin Laden, Elis­a­beth Guggen­heim and Pierre Guggen­heim.

The tex­tile activ­i­ty is per­formed by the Mimar Trad­ing Im Und Export Gmbh (“co.”). The com­pa­ny was cre­at­ed in 1994 and is direct­ed by Mohammed Ghazi Ragheb. It has an affil­i­ate in the Nether­lands called Mimar Trad­ing direct­ed by U. Ozdemir, born on Sep­tem­ber 1, 1970.

At last, their activ­i­ties in the pro­duc­tion of crys­tal in Ger­many is per­formed by its affil­i­ate Pal­wa Beleuch­tungs Gmbh. The com­pa­ny, cre­at­ed on March 30, 1987, is direct­ed by Mohammed Ghazi Ragheb (direc­tor of Mimar Gmbh) and Ahmed Farid Al Azem and the major­i­ty share­hold­er is Basim Nico­las Ziadeh (Direc­tor of Haz­ar Pub­lish­ing in Lon­don and Mul­ti­me­dia Ven­tures Ltd. with Namir Michael Cor­tas – equal­ly present in Haz­ar Pub­lish­ing — in Lon­don as well).
Farid Al Azem, Direc­tor of Pal­wa, is also a direc­tor of the Eqypt­ian Finance Com­pa­ny based in Cairo, Egypt. This invest­ment and finance enter­prise was cre­at­ed in 1974 with the prin­ci­ple stock­hold­ers being the Amer­i­can Express Com­pa­ny and the Sau­di-based Olayan Group. Its Board of Direc­tors is com­posed of Farid W. Saad, Mounir F. Abdel­nour, Jamal W. Saas, Gilbert N. Gar­gour, Akram Abdul Hijazi and Elie Barou­di.

The Olayan Group is direct­ed by Suli­man Saleh Olayan, born Novem­ber 5, 1918 in Onaira, Sau­di Ara­bia, birth­place of Akram Ojjeh, Kamal Adham and Ghaith Pharaon.

Akram Abdul Hijazi, born on Novem­ber 14, 1939, of Greek nation­al­i­ty, directs the British com­pa­ny World­mass Ltd..
Elie Barou­di is a mem­ber of the Board of Direc­tors for Inter­na­tion­al Cor­po­rate Bank Inc. who touts Amer­i­can Express also as a share­hold­er.
As for Mounir Abdel­nour and his broth­er Fakhry Abdel­nour, th
ey direct the com­pa­ny Mid­dle East Petro­le­um and Inter­state, reg­is­tered in Pana­ma, which four­nished Egypt­ian petro­le­um to South Africa in the begin­ning of the 1980s in vio­la­tion of the embar­go imposed by the Unit­ed Nations.

Those oper­a­tions which defied the embar­go were coor­di­nat­ed by the South African Strate­gic Fuel Fund. Dur­ing the same time peri­od, Fakhry Abdel­nour had a rela­tion­ship with an inter­me­di­are, one Emmanuel Shaw, ex-Min­is­ter of the Econ­o­my for Liberia, who also par­tic­i­pat­ed in these oper­a­tions by way of the Tiger Oil Com­pa­ny (with his part­ner Marc Rich, the arms mer­chant impli­cat­ed in Iran­gate, want­ed by the FBI until his con­tro­ver­sial par­don­ing by Bill Clin­ton just before he left office).

Emmanuel Shaw directs an off­shore enti­ty, First Liber­ian Hold­ings, one of the part­ners being Mazen Rashad Pharaon, Ghaith Pharaon’s broth­er, born on Sep­tem­ber 7, 1940 in Sau­di Ara­bia, who was at the cen­ter of the BCCI bank­ing scan­dal in the mid-eight­ies. Mazen Rashad Pharaon is close to the Lybian Chief of State, the Colonel Muam­mar Kad­hafi, who he helps in the trans­fer of arms…

The Pharaon brother’s for­tune is essen­tial­ly famil­ial. Their father was an advis­er to the founder of Sau­di Ara­bia, the King Abd al-Aziz. He occu­pied many diplo­mat­ic posts in Europe between 1948 and 1954. Ghaith Pharaon was edu­cat­ed in Paris, Liban, Syr­ia, Switzer­land and then the Unit­ed States, where he obtained an oil engi­neer­ing degree. In the mid­dle of the 1960s, he was intro­duced to a spy work­ing for the Sau­di secret ser­vices at the time, Kamal Adham, who intro­duced him to a founder of BCCI, Agha Hasan Abe­di, with who he real­ized many invest­ments and for who he helped coor­di­nate some of the fraud­u­lent oper­a­tions includ­ing the repur­chase of the Nation­al Bank of Geor­gia (NBG) and that of Finan­cial Gen­er­al Bank­shares (FGB) before the bunk­rup­cy of BCCI in 1991. Kamal Adham direct­ed one of Ghaith Pharaon’s busi­ness­es, Attock Oil. In 1996, Ghaith Pharaon ced­ed a part of his par­tic­i­pa­tion in BCCI to Khalid Sal­im Bin Mah­fouz and his broth­er, who then became own­ers of 20% of that stock.

Ghaith Pharaon is want­ed by the FBI for Fraud and on Rack­e­teer­ing charges in the Unit­ed States. He is the sub­ject of many indict­ments in New York, Wash­ing­ton D.C., Geor­gia and Flori­da as well as the Inter­nal Rev­enue Ser­vice. One of the char­ac­ter­is­tic traits of the Sau­di Bin­ladin Group is to asso­ciate in the prin­ci­ple invest­ments of con­tro­ver­sial fig­ures who play a large role in fraud­u­lent activ­i­ties around the world.

The Bank of New York-Inter Mar­itime Bank based in Gene­va and direct­ed by Bruce Rap­pa­port has been impli­cat­ed in the BCCI scan­dal and the sale of Amer­i­can arms to Iran (Iran­gate) as a part­ner of Oliv­er North, who was at the time in charge of the trans­fer of those weapons for the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Advis­ers.

Inter Mar­itime Bank’s Vice Pres­i­dent at the time, Alfred Hart­mann, born Feb­ru­ary 21, 1923 in Switzer­land, was an ex-Direc­tor of the Banque of Com­merce and Place­ments SA (BCP), an affil­i­ate of BCCI and mem­ber of the Board of Direc­tors of BCCI. BCP has notably par­tic­i­pat­ed in many fraud­u­lent oper­a­tions at BCCI. They report­ed­ly had many spe­cial­ized affil­i­ates, in par­tic­u­lar, the British com­pa­ny Inter Mar­itime Secu­ri­ties Under­writ­ers Ltd., which became Inter Mar­itime Man­age­ment SA, which shared the same address as the Bank.

The lat­ter is affil­i­at­ed to the Lebanese branch of the Nation­al Com­merce Bank (Sau­di Ara­bia) locat­ed in Bey­routh. This Sau­di bank is direct­ed by Khalid Bin Mah­fouz, ex-direc­tor and share­hold­er of BCCI, under sus­pi­cion to have financed Osama bin Laden’s oper­a­tions. (see part IV)

On May 19, 1980, SBG formed, in Switzer­land, an invest­ment affil­i­ate named Cygnet SA, which became the Sau­di Invest­ment Com­pa­ny (SICO) in Gene­va, with a base cap­i­tal of 1 mil­lion Swiss Francs. SICO is direct­ed by Yeslam Bin Laden, the broth­er of Osama Bin Laden.

His admin­is­tra­tors are Bau­doin Dunand, born on Decem­ber 5, 1954 in Saint-Ger­main –en-Laye (France), Kjell Carls­son, born on March 7, 1951 in Lud­vikh (Swe­den), Frank War­ren, Bruno Wyss, Charles Rochat, El Hanafi Tiliouine and Beat­rice Dufour. Bruno Wyss also directs the auto­mo­bile import-export com­pa­ny Sport-Garage Bruno Wyss in Zofin­gen in Switzer­land. Beat­rice Dufour, of Iran­ian descent, is the sis­ter-in-law of Yeslam Bin Laden.

SICO (Sau­di Invest­ment Com­pa­ny) was set-up by Magnin, Dunand & Asso­ciates, a law out­fit cre­at­ed in 1972, in Gene­va by Bau­doin Dunand, Jean-Jacques Magnin (born Decem­ber 5, 1940 in Gene­va), Otto-Robert Guth (born Novem­ber 22, 1950 in Budapest) and Mohammed Mar­dem Bey (born Octo­ber 19, 1962 in Damas, Syr­ia).

The Sau­di Invest­ment Com­pa­ny has par­tic­i­pat­ed in many indus­tries, among them the CI Group Plc (met­al con­struc­tion), John­son Fry Hold­ings Plc (finan­cial ser­vices), Starmin Plc (con­struc­tion) – with Talal y Zahid & Bros and Ahmed Abdul­lah — , the Water Hall Group Plc (con­struc­tion) – with Khereili Trad­ing & Elec­tron­ic – and Gold­e­nash Ltd.

Besides these oper­a­tions, SICO has made invest­ments through the Nicris Ltd. com­pa­ny, locat­ed in Gene­va, home of the Magnin, Dunand & Asso­ciates. The com­pa­ny is direct­ed by Yahia Bin Laden, Vice Pres­i­dent of the Sau­di Bin­ladin Group based in Djed­dah.

The Nicris Ltd. com­pa­ny is a shareholder(18%) of the Amer­i­can phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal group Hybri­don Inc., locat­ed in Mass­a­chu­setts, direct­ed by Eugene Andrews Grin­stead, Sud­hir Agraw­al and Robert Ander­sen. In March 1998, Yahia Bin Laden con­trolled more than 7.5% of this Amer­i­can com­pa­ny.

Nicris Ltd. are equal­ly a part of some oth­er com­pa­nies like Inter­ci­ty Hold­ings (14%) parked in Bermu­da, SEDCO in Djed­dah (14%), Pil­lar SA – French com­pa­ny – (26%) and Faisal Finance Switzer­land SA (7%).

In 1997, Hybri­don Inc. pro­ceed­ed to trans­fer $1.034 mil­lion into a bank account at Bank Fur Ver­mo­gen­san­la­gen Und Han­del (BVH BANK), reg­is­tered in Dus­sel­dorf in Ger­many, some months before the bank­rupt­cy of that bank in Novem­ber 1997 and the announce­ment of court pro­ceed­ings for mon­ey laun­der­ing and embez­zle­ment by the Pres­i­dent, Dominique San­ti­ni, broth­er of ex-Min­is­ter (French) André San­ti­ni, with the pro­ce­dure going to an inter­na­tion­al com­mis­sion.

Dominique San­ti­ni is also an admin­is­tra­tor at BAII Ges­tion, cre­at­ed in 1984, which han­dles deed trans­fers, and is an affil­i­ate of “Banque Arabe and Inter­na­tion­al Invest­ment” – BAII – locat­ed at the same address. BAII was aligned heav­i­ly to BCCI. One of its share­hold­ers had been the First Ara­bi­an Corp which the Amer­i­can Fed­er­al author­i­ties brought to light in 1991 as being a part of BCCI’s attempt to fraud­u­lent­ly repur­chase the Amer­i­can Finan­cial Gen­er­al Bank­shares by a group con­sist­ing of Kamal Adham, Faisal Al-Fula­jj and Abdul­lah Dar­waish.

The Amer­i­can author­i­ties estab­lished that in 1985, Ghaith Pharaon was able to repur­chase Inde­pen­dence Bank thanks to a loan gained with the use of a cred­it let­ter orig­i­nat­ing from BAII. More­over, the Pres­i­dent of BAII, Chris­t­ian Lamarche, was one of the Board of Direc­tors at BCCI.

Faisal Finance Switzer­land SA is direct­ed by Iqbal El Fal­lou­ji. It acts as a branch in the Islam­ic hold­ing com­pa­ny Dar Al Maal Al Isla­mi (DMI) SA seat­ed at the same address in Switzer­land. DMI is direct­ed by the Prince Mohammed Al Faisal Al Saud.

The Sau­di Eco­nom­ic and Devel­op­ment Com­pa­ny (SEDCO), based in Djed­dah, Sau­di Ara­bia, cre­at­ed in 1976, is an elec­tron­ics dis­tri­b­u­tion group head­ed by Mohammed Sal­im Bin Mah­fouz, born on June 24, 1944 in Sau­di Ara­bia. Its Board of Direc­tors is famil­ial and includes Khalid Sal­im Bin Mah­fouz, Saleh Sal­im Bin Mah­fouz, Abdul­lah Sal­im Bin Mah­fouz and Ahmed Sal­im Bin Mah­fouz.

Its prin­ci­ple affil­i­ate, Al Khalee­jia for Export, Pro­mo­tion and Mar­ket­ing Co. or Al Mad­dah Corp. locat­ed in Djed­dah, is direct­ed by Waleed Bin Mah­fouz. This pub­lic­i­ty com­pa­ny was cre­at­ed in 1977 and is under sus­pi­cion by the Unit­ed States to have made dona­tions to Osama Bin Laden.

More­over, SEDCO is one of the pri
nci­ple stock­hold­ers of Bin­ladin Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Com­pa­ny Ltd. (which became Baud Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions) in Djed­dah, direct­ed by Saleh Bin Mah­fouz.

Mohammed Sal­im Bin Mah­fouz is the founder, with Mohammed Saleh Affara (born July 21, 1934 of British nation­al­i­ty) of the Inter­na­tion­al Devel­op­ment Foun­da­tion (IDF) at Oxford, Great Britain.

There are many strange zones and alliances in the uni­verse of com­pa­nies owned by the Bin Laden Fam­i­ly. Their iden­ti­fi­ca­tion is often dif­fi­cult to see due to the myr­i­ad of screen com­pa­nies but a line seems to exist with many shady net­works.

Yeslam Bin Laden cre­at­ed on July 7, 1998, in Gene­va, an air­line com­pa­ny named Avcon Busi­ness Jets Gene­va SA, with a start­ing cap­i­tal of 100,000 Swiss Francs. It was locat­ed at the same address as SICO. The com­pa­ny is an affil­i­ate of Avcon AG, cre­at­ed in 1994 and locat­ed in Kloten, Switzer­land. It is direct­ed by watch­mak­er San­dro Ara­bi­an, born on March 3, 1941 in Gene­va, who now resides in Mona­co.

The admin­is­tra­tors of Avcon Busi­ness Jets are Juerg Edgar Brand-Jud (Swiss), Alfred Mug­gli (Swiss) and the Uni­tre­va Co. in Zurich. Juerg Edgar Brand-Jud is on the Board of Direc­tors of many air­line com­pa­nies with Alfred Mug­gli. Uni­tre­va AG, equal­ly a stock­hold­er in Avcon AG, is direct­ed by Rolf Peter Fuchs.

Juerg Edgar Brand-Jud directs many com­pa­nies, notably Eunet AG in Zurich as well as the fol­low­ing in Zug: Eurofloats AG, G5 Exec­u­tive Hold­ing AG, Heliz Air Ser­vices AG, Posei­don Deriv­a­tives AG, Pre­miere Beteili­gun­den Gmbh, Fac­to Treu­hand AG, Gro­cor Group AG and Sky Unlim­it­ed AG.

San­dro Ara­bi­an con­trols many invest­ment com­pa­nies and real estate ven­tures in Switzer­land as well as in France. The more active is Soges­pa Finance SA in Neucha­tel, presided over by Pierre-Alain Blum, born on July 31, 1945 in Neucha­tel, Switzer­land, who Claude-André Weber and the Agen­da Hold­ing & Look Hold­ing SA are asso­ci­at­ed. In France, San­dro Ara­bi­an directs Par­look Hold­ing in Nev­ers giv­en the Board of Direc­tors includes Michael Vau­clair (born on May 29, 1947 in Rocourt, Switzer­land) and Bruno Finaz (born on Feb­ru­ary 7, 1951 in Lyon, France). The hold­ing com­pa­ny also con­trols Look Cycle SA in Nev­ers whose admin­is­tra­tors include Pierre-Alain Blum (Pres­i­dent of Soges­pa Finance), Bruno Finaz and John Jellinek (born on May 30, 1945 in Chica­go). The invest­ments of San­dro Ara­bi­an also include audio­vi­su­al com­pa­nies in Paris includ­ing SPAD (with Pierre-Alain Blum) and Simar Films. Many of these struc­tures have dis­ap­peared today.

San­dro Ara­bi­an is also Pres­i­dent of LK Hold­ing in Nev­ers, in judi­cial liq­ui­da­tion since 1998. The com­pa­ny was direct­ed by James Ham­lin Mac Gee (born on Sep­tem­ber 20, 1940 in Salem, Dako­ta (U.S.). He was, from 1984 to 1986, in charge of for­eign rela­tions for the First Ara­bi­an Man­age­ment Co. (FAMCO) locat­ed in Boulogne-Bil­lan­court (France) which also had a British affil­i­ate. The invest­ment com­pa­ny was direct­ed by Pierre Levine, born Decem­ber 27, 1951 in Plessis-Robin­son (France). First Ara­bi­an Co, whose stock­hold­ers were Abdul­lah Bin Musaid of Sau­di Ara­bia and Salem Bin Laden, was direct­ed by Roger Tam­raz begin­ning in 1974, and was at the heart of the BCCI bank scan­dal. Roger Tam­raz also made invest­ments for Kamal Adham, one of the part­ners of Ghaith Pharaon and Khalid Bin Mah­fouz.

James Ham­lin Mac Gee is also an admin­is­tra­tor of the Soci­eté Occi­den­tal pour the Finance et l’Investissement (SOFIC) locat­ed in Neuil­ly-sur-Seine. It is a real estate invest­ment com­pa­ny direct­ed by Jean-Pierre Calza­roni (born on August 29, 1940 in Cam­bo­dia) and Peter Bunger (born on Octo­ber 25, 1940 in Magde­bourg in Switzer­land).

The estab­lish­ment of SICO is strange also..it’s off­shore struc­tures put in place by SBG in the Cay­man Islands, Netherland’s Antilles and the British Isles. There were cre­at­ed by the cab­i­net in Gene­va. They are SICO Cura­cao (Antilles), whose Pres­i­dent is Yeslam Bin Laden and its admin­is­tra­tors are Saleh Bin Laden, Beat­rice Dufour and Charles Tick­le; Falken Ltd. (Cay­man Islands); Tropville Corp NV (Antilles); Islay Hold­ings (Islay Island). Charles Tick­le is the CEO of the Amer­i­can real estate com­pa­ny Daniel Corp.

These inter­me­di­are struc­tures per­mit­ted the cre­ation of affil­i­ates in the 1980s: Sau­di Invest­ment Co – SICO – (Lon­don) Ltd., cre­at­ed Novem­ber 15, 1984, dis­solved Decem­ber 15, 1992; Sau­di Invest­ment Co – SICO – (UK) Ltd., reg­is­tered in Bris­tol August 2, 1985, dis­solved May 15, 1990; and SICO Ser­vices Ltd. seat­ed at the same address as the first, reg­is­tered Sep­tem­ber 27, 1985, dis­solved Decem­ber 19, 1989.

These inter­me­di­are struc­tures have been pro­gres­sive­ly sub­sti­tut­ed by the invest­ment com­pa­ny Rus­sell Wood Hold­ings Ltd., an affil­i­ate of Tropville Corp and of Falkan Ltd.. It is locat­ed at 30, Great Guild­ford Street in Lon­don. It was cre­at­ed on Feb­ru­ary 17, 1987. Hanofi Tiliouine (also on the Board of Direc­tors of SICO in Gene­va) and Akber­ali Mohammed Ali Moawal­la (born April 9, 1949 in Tan­za­nia) are two admin­is­tra­tors.

Rus­sell Wood Hold­ings Ltd. cre­at­ed, on June 9, 1987, an affil­i­ate called Rus­sell Wood Ltd., whose direc­tors include Akber­ali Mohammed Ali Moawal­la (direc­tor of the par­ent com­pa­ny), John Cyril Dor­land Pil­ley (born on Jan­u­ary 25, 1935 in Great Britain) and Seng Hock Yeoh (born on May 2, 1951 in Malaysia).

Akber­ali Mohammed Ali Moawal­la had cre­at­ed on May 8, 1984 the Teqny Ltd. com­pa­ny with Saj­jad Jiwa­ji (born on Sep­tem­ber 25, 1956 in Britain) as well as on April 30, 1985 the invest­ment com­pa­ny Lon­share Nom­i­nees Ltd. parked in Lon­don.

Akber­ali Mohammed Ali Moawal­la is also one of the direc­tors of the Sau­di Bin­ladin Inter­na­tion­al Sdn Bhd, a Malaysian affil­i­ate of the Sau­di Bin­ladin Group whose Pres­i­dent is Omar Bin Laden.

Rus­sell Wood Ltd. suc­ceed­ed to cre­ate a net­work of invest­ment affil­i­ates begin­ning in 1987: Globe Admin­is­tra­tion Ltd., cre­at­ed on Octo­ber 29, 1987 in Lon­don, an affil­i­ate of Islay Hold­ings whose direc­tor is Akber­ali Mohammed Ali Moawal­la; Fal­con Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment Ltd, cre­at­ed on May 9, 1988 in Lon­don (same address as Rus­sell Wood), and direct­ed by Akber­ali Mohammed Ali Moawal­la; Fal­con Cap­i­tal Nom­i­nees Ltd. cre­at­ed on May 9, 1988 and whose direc­tor is Akber­ali Mohammed Ali Moawal­la; Fal­con Prop­er­ties Ltd. in the Bahamas; Turkey Rock UK Ltd. (aka Tyrolese 350 Lim­it­ed) cre­at­ed on Feb­ru­ary 20, 1996 in Lon­don, with one of the admin­is­tra­tors being Leonard Cowk­ing (rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the Sau­di Bin­ladin Group in Europe); and Safron Advi­sors UK Ltd. (aka Tyrolese 359 Lim­it­ed) cre­at­ed on May 17, 1996 in Lon­don, direct­ed by Akber­ali Mohammed Ali Moawal­la and Basil Meh­di Al Rahim (born on June 14, 1953, Amer­i­can).

The Tyrolese invest­ment funds have a prin­ci­ple stock­hold­er called the First Ara­bi­an Man­age­ment Hold­ing Ltd. reg­is­tered in the Antilles. Its British affil­i­ate First Ara­bi­an Man­age­ment Co (UK) Ltd. is direct­ed by Col­in Granville Mur­ray. The reg­is­tra­tion also men­tions hold­ings by FAMCO SA (Sau­di Ara­bia) and FAMCO Pana­ma. FAMCO has had stock held by Salem Bin Laden and the Prince Abdul­lah Bin Musaid of Sau­di Ara­bia.

What a mix of com­pa­nies! One can pos­si­bly see how there might be trou­bling rela­tion­ships between the net­works of known crim­i­nals cross­ing into com­mer­cial rela­tions con­sid­ered nor­mal as well as the struc­ture which has been put in place in order to hide the move­ment of mon­ey.

The Bin Laden fam­i­ly does have a pen­chant for secre­cy. This is per­haps one of the rea­sons for the longevi­ty of its priv­i­leged rela­tion­ship with the high­est pow­ers in the Sau­di King­dom. For six­ty years, not one of the fam­i­ly “affairs” (the arrest of Mahrour Bin Laden at the end of the 1970s, their par­tic­i­pa­tion in the BCCI Scan­dal, up to the entrance of ter­ror­ism, of Osama Bin Laden) has suc­ceed­ed in touch­ing the fam­i­ly group.

An anec­dote on that thought: A sub­con­trac­tor of the famil­ial group, after hav­ing giv­en an inter­view to an eco­nom­ic jour­nal in which he let slip key num­bers of the group’s present con­di­tion, saw his con­tract pure­ly and simp
ly can­celled.

The Bin Ladens hold too much of their priv­i­leges to their secu­ri­ty.

How can we legit­i­mate­ly sup­port the idea that no rela­tion­ship exists between the Bin Laden fam­i­ly and Osama Bin Laden, this same fam­i­ly that has eco­nom­i­cal­ly sup­port­ed, for many years, his broth­er-in-law, Khalid Bin Mah­fouz, accused of hav­ing inject­ed (up until these past few months) mil­lions of dol­lars to sup­port the activites of “ter­ror­ist” Osama Bin Laden? The mem­bers of this fam­i­ly are from the same gen­er­a­tion, they sit on the same Boards of Direc­tion, and share the same invest­ments. How can the Sau­di Ara­bi­an peo­ple ignore the very pub­lic actions of this very pri­vate fam­i­ly.

There exists inside the King­dom of the Oil King a good which is wide­ly spread out. They call it hypocrisy and the Saud­is lap it up at the trough of the Occi­den­tals.

From the Annex: The Car­lyle Group

“The Sau­di Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal, nephew of King Fahd, has an unde­ter­mined par­tic­i­pa­tion in the funds of the Car­lyle Group and George W. Bush had been, from 1990 to 1994, a mem­ber of the Board of Direc­tors of Cat­erAir, an affil­i­ate of the Car­lyle Group. Khalid Bin Mah­fouz is indi­rect­ly aligned to George W. Bush due to Abdul­lah Taha Bakhsh, a Sau­di investor and part­ner of Khalid Bin Mah­fouz and Ghaith Pharaon, stock­hold­ers of Harken Ener­gy (11%) in 1987. Talat Oth­man, born on April 27, 1936 in Betu­nia (Pales­tine) sat on the Board of Direc­tors of that petrol com­pa­ny. George W. Bush was Direc­tor from 1986 to 1993. Talat Oth­man is a mem­ber of the Amer­i­can Mid­dle East Pol­i­cy Coun­cil along with Frank Car­luc­ci. Last­ly, James R. Bath, who rep­re­sents the U.S. inter­ests of Salem M. Bin Laden who, around the end of the 1970s, is invest­ed in two com­pa­nies held by George W. Bush (ARBUSTO 79 Ltd. and ARBUSTO 80 Ltd.) for a total amount of around $50,000. The two enti­ties were fused with Harken Ener­gy.”


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