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Nazi Influence in Bosnia

Com­ment: Hav­ing looked at the re-emer­gence of Nazi influ­ence in the Mus­lim pop­u­la­tion of “inde­pen­dent” Bosnia. Salient among those devel­op­ments was the re-cre­ation of the Hand­jar Division–named and mod­eled after the Third Reich’s 13th Waf­fen SS Divi­sion.

Nazi recrude­s­cence in Bosnia appears to be gain­ing momen­tum. (Bosn­ian Pride Move­men­t’s insignia, right.)

“Nazi Bosn­ian Pride Move­ment Formed”; serbianna.com; 2/19/2009.

Bosn­ian neo-nazi orga­ni­za­tion was birthed today that insists that Bosnia belongs to the Bosni­aks, an invent­ed nation­al­i­ty with which Bosn­ian Mus­lims iden­ti­fy in order to avoid their reli­gious back­ground when talk­ing to the West­ern press.

The new Nazi Bosn­ian Pride Move­ment (Bosan­s­ki pokret nacionalnog ponosa) believes that Serbs and Croats have no right to the state and that the state belongs exclu­sive­ly to Bosn­ian Mus­lims, aka Bosni­aks. . . .

The Nazi Bosn­ian Pride Move­ment has expand­ed its ene­my list from their WWII pre­de­ces­sors, the Handzar Divi­sion and the Young Mus­lims.

As their ene­mies, Nazi Bosn­ian Pride Move­ment includes the usu­al ones they were exter­mi­nat­ing in WWII – Jews, Gyp­sies and Serbs – but have expand­ed the list to include Chet­niks, Tito, com­mu­nists, homo­sex­u­als, blacks and Croa­t­ian sep­a­ratists.

The group plans to spread nazi leaflets very soon in the cities of Sara­je­vo, Zeni­ca, Bihac, Tuzla and Mostar, all cities with sub­stan­tial Mus­lim and Croat pop­u­la­tion that will find the mes­sage appeal­ing.

The group’s noto­ri­ous­ly slow to load their web site, bosnacenter.com. It serves up a blank page but with lit­tle googling, their mod­er­at­ed chat room appears with post­ings on Zion­ism, Serb Repub­lic, Truth and 5 ques­tions for prospec­tive mem­bers.


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