COMMENT: In the past, we’ve looked at GOP candidate Ron Paul’s support from, and active liaison with, Nazi and white supremacist elements. We’ve also looked at his Islamofascist support as well. (Paul appears to have been involved in the abortive Dominica coup in 1981, discussed in AFA #13.)
To see a GOP presidential candidate cozying up with Nazis and white supremacists shouldn’t come as a surprise, given the fact that the party’s ethnic outreach organization little more than an extension of the Third Reich.
The Reagan GOP was staffed by personnel selected by Helene von Damm, a protege of Otto von Bolschwing, Eichmann’s superior in administering the Third Reich’s extermination of the Jews.
Implicit in this post are several questions:
- Is Ron Paul an operative of the Underground Reich? Is that why he maintains the kinds of connections that he fosters? Is that why he wrote the things in his newsletters that he did?
- Is “1% er” Mitt Romney an operative of the Underground Reich?
- Is Peter Ackerman, another “1% er” and one of the driving forces behind the “Muslim Brotherhood Spring” of 2011 Underground Reich? Is that the reason behind his launching of Americans Elect? Note in this context that Grover Norquist and Karl Rove launched the Islamic Free Market Institute, a parallel network to the GOP/Nazi ethnic outreach milieu.
- Will Paul’s young potheads be allowed to inhale some weed, just before they inhale some Zyklon B?
Not the maverick he portrays himself as being, Paul is openly allied with GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney, and could serve Romney in a number of ways.
Recently, Paul garnered enthusiastic support during a tour of college campuses, touting his opposition to the Iraq War, desire to eliminate the Federal Reserve and support for states rights, among other things.
Claiming he might not support his ally Romney if he got the nomination, Paul has floated the idea of running as an independent. Should he do that, it is possible that he might pull in some of the morons–young morons in particular–who’ve been hoodwinked by his Third Position views.
Fulfilling the role of a right-wing Ralph Nader, he could be decisive–for Romney.
In this post, we are going to examine a number of things, including:
- Ron Paul’s success with young and ignorant voters. Using his opposition to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, desire to cut off U.S. foreign aid to Israel (which resonates with the Berkeley/Pacifica Radio constituency), support for “states rights” marijuana initiatives and adherence to the 9/11 Truther ideology, Paul has successfully played the role of pied piper to the young and innocent. His recent success at U.C. Berkeley follows on the heels of a standing ovation given to Louis Farrakhan by an audience at the same institution.
- The curious location of Ron Paul’s super PAC in Utah, home to the largest Mormon population in the U.S. (Romney is, of course, a member of the LDS.)
- The pivotal role of ultra right-winger Peter Thiel in the Ron Paul fund-raising effort. Thiel has donated most of the money that has gone into the Utah-based Ron Paul super PAC. In FTR #718, we looked at Thiel’s links to the Underground Reich milieu.
- The overt political alliance between Paul and Romney, something that should surprise no one.
- We also undertake review of some interesting connections between the Underground Reich and the Mormon Church.
- A German national who has become one of the most important officials in the Mormon faith has overt links to the vertriebene milieu. Jerry Uchtdorf’s family are Sudeten Germans, expelled from Czechoslovakia and later East Germany, experiences that apparently informed much of Uchtdorf’s current political perspective.
- The LDS has given a considerable amount of money to Islamic Relief Worldwide, a Muslim Brotherhood front organization founded by a relative of Hassan al-Banna himself. (Al-Banna is the founder of the fascist Muslim Brotherhood.) Islamic Relief’s U.S. representative is Kazbek Soobzokov, son of SS officer and former U.S. intelligence agent Tscherim Soobzokov. Islamic Relief has manifested overt Nazi sympathies and symbolism, as well as supporting Hamas and [allegedly] Chechen terrorists.
- Support for Ron Paul given by Americans Elect, an organization founded by Peter Ackerman, former right-hand man to Junk Bond King Michael Milken, financial angel to nonviolent theoretician Gene Sharp and one of the forces behind the “Muslim Brotherhood Spring” of 2011. Americans Elect could lend impetus to a Ron Paul Third Party candidacy which, in turn, might siphon enough anti-war, anti-Israel, “Truther,” pro-weed votes away from Obama to do for Romney what Ralph Nader did for George W. Bush in 2000.
- Romney’s alliance with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, himself an heir to the fascist element within the Zionist movement.
“Ron Paul Says He Won’t Quit Race” by Carla Marinucci; San Francisco Chronicle; 4/6/2012.
EXCERPT: GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul, on a three-day campaign swing in California that has attracted overflow crowds, said Thursday his withdrawal from the race is “not going to happen” — and he isn’t certain he’ll support Mitt Romney should the former Massachusetts governor win the party’s nomination. . . .
. . . . Paul also left open the door — at least a crack — to declare himself an independent presidential candidate. Asked if he had ruled it out, Paul said, “I have my hands full right now.” He added: “I’m in the middle of a process and I want to find out how many delegates we have and whether there’s going to be a brokered convention.”
This week, Paul has attracted record crowds of 5,000 to 7,000 people at Chico State University and UCLA.
On Thursday night, he spoke to thousands of people in Memorial Glade in front of UC Berkeley’s Doe Library. Paul was greeted with chants of “President Paul” and was obviously energized to be in what he called the home of “free speech.”
The chants were atypical of those usually heard on the campus, including “End the Fed,” and “U.S.A., U.S.A.”
Paul spoke about cutting the federal budget and ending wars, but the loudest cheers came when he railed against the war on drugs.
In a reference to the raid this week on Oaksterdam University and marijuana dispensary in Oakland, he said, “If you have states’ rights in California, you wouldn’t have the feds bugging you and telling you what you could do with your own body.” . . .
COMMENT: Ron Paul’s super PAC is in Romney’s backyard. (Romney is, of course, a Mormon–the faith that is predominant in Utah.)
“Utah-Based Super PAC Supports Paul–not Romney” by Matt Canham; Salt Lake Tribune; 2/20/2012.
EXCERPT: . . . . This isn’t a class project or some kind of prank. It’s the work of Endorse Liberty, the biggest super PAC supporting Ron Paul. Founded in late December and headquartered in Utah, this group of political novices backed by a Silicon Valley billionaire has already spent $3.5 million pushing its online ads into early primary states where they have been viewed 12 million times.
“It is safe to say Endorse Liberty is a new force on the scene,” said Michael Beckel, who tracks super PAC spending for the Center for Public Integrity.
Super political action committees have been around for only two years, created in the aftermath of a Supreme Court ruling that allowed corporations, unions and individuals to give as much money as they want to groups acting independently of the candidates. . . .
COMMENT: The bulk of the financing for Paul’s super PAC comes from Silicon Valley mover-and-shaker Peter Thiel. An ultra-right winger with a background suggestive of possible Underground Reich connections, Thiel has opined that “Freedom and Democracy are incompatible.”
EXCERPT: Silicon Valley renaissance man Peter Thiel donated another $1.7 million in January to a super PAC that backs Ron Paul, according to disclosure documents filed Monday.
The PayPal co-founder donated $1 million on January 3, and followed that up 10 days later with an additional $700,000 gift.
. . . Thiel’s $2.6 million in total donations account for 76% of the super PAC’s fundraising since it came online late last year, underscoring the ability of deep-pocketed donors to have a major impact on campaign spending. . . .
COMMENT: It should surprise no one that Romney and Paul are strategic political allies.
EXCERPT: . . . Despite deep differences on a range of issues, Romney and Paul became friends in 2008, the last time both ran for president. So did their wives, Ann Romney and Carol Paul. The former Massachusetts governor compliments the Texas congressman during debates, praising Paul’s religious faith during the last one, in Jacksonville, Fla. Immediately afterward, as is often the case, the Pauls and the Romneys gravitated toward one another to say hello.
The Romney-Paul alliance is more than a curious connection. It is a strategic partnership: for Paul, an opportunity to gain a seat at the table if his long-shot bid for the presidency fails; for Romney, a chance to gain support from one of the most vibrant subgroups within the Republican Party.
“It would be very foolish for anybody in the Republican Party to dismiss a very real constituency,” said one senior GOP aide in Washington who is familiar with both camps. “Ron Paul plays a very valuable part in the process and brings a lot of voters toward the Republican Party and ultimately into the voting booth, and that’s something that can’t be ignored.” . . .
COMMENT: In FTR #631,we explored a high-ranking Mormon official who represents an apparent link between the LDS and the “vertriebene groups.” That broadcast highlights the background of a German national, who has become one of the most important members of the leadership of the Mormon faith. Note that Jerry Uchtdorf’s family was expelled from the former Czechoslovakia. The Sudeten Germans and other German minority factions in the former Czechoslovakia formed a pro-Nazi Fifth Column before the German occupation of that country. The alleged “oppression” of the Sudeten Germans and others was the pretext for Hitler’s takeover of that country. After the war, those Germans were expelled, and came under the sway of the vertriebene groups, overseen by elements of the postwar SS and subsidized by the German government. This gambit was a manifestation of“volksgruppenrechte” or “the rights of native peoples,” discussed in FTRs 615, 616,
Jabotinsky, writing in the Italian Zionist paper, indicated that the alliance was one of ideology, not of convenience and expediency. Benjamin Netanyahu’s father Benzion Netanyahu, was the personal secretary for Jabotinsky. The elder Netanyahu was also a pallbearer at Jabotinsky’s funeral. Menachem Begin had been a member of the Betar. Another Israeli Prime Minister–Yitzhak Shamir–belonged to the Stern Gang.
The Israeli right-wing has continued its interface with European Nazis and fascists.
The Romney/Netanyahu axis, in addition to presenting a distorting element to Obama’s middle east policy, could conceivably manifest as some sort of October Surprise gambit vis a vis Iran.
“A Friendship Nurtured in 1976 Resonates in 2012” by Michael Barbaro; The New York Times; 4/8/2012.
. . . . That shared experience decades ago led to a warm friendship, little known to outsiders, that is now rich with political intrigue. Mr. Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, is making the case for military action against Iran as Mr. Romney, the likely Republican presidential nominee, is attacking the Obama administration for not supporting Mr. Netanyahu more robustly.
The relationship between Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Romney — nurtured over meals in Boston, New York and Jerusalem, strengthened by a network of mutual friends and heightened by their conservative ideologies — has resulted in an unusually frank exchange of advice and insights on topics like politics, economics and the Middle East.
When Mr. Romney was the governor of Massachusetts, Mr. Netanyahu offered him firsthand pointers on how to shrink the size of government. When Mr. Netanyahu wanted to encourage pension funds to divest from businesses tied to Iran, Mr. Romney counseled him on which American officials to meet with. And when Mr. Romney first ran for president, Mr. Netanyahu presciently asked him whether he thought Newt Gingrich would ever jump into the race.
Only a few weeks ago, on Super Tuesday, Mr. Netanyahu delivered a personal briefing by telephone to Mr. Romney about the situation in Iran. . . .
Paul’s version of freedom is encapsulated in Anatole France’s observation that “The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread”. His simplistic libertarianism is an apotheosis of the wealthy and differs from Nazi ideology in no important aspect. What can progressives be thinking?
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@Dwight: I totally agree with the apotheosis part but I’m afraid the Anatole France quote doesn’t seem to be at all accurate.
I’d describe it more like this, if I may: The rich, being the superior class they supposedly are, in the corporatist view, will have free reign to do pretty much whatever they please, while the poor and middle class are stuck in a dog-eat-dog existence where they are not only forced to beg and steal to survive, but perhaps even persecuted when they do manage to move up!
Perhaps I may be misunderstanding the original context of the quote and if anyone has a correction to make, you are more than welcome to do so. =)
Again, Dwight, just to reiterate, I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment of RP glorifying the wealthy, as all the evidence I’ve seen is that he is indeed a pro-corporatist fringe faux-libertarian that many people have come to view him as.
And the real tragic thing is is that he has managed to present himself in a manner that does still endear him to some of the more centrist leaning social progressives, particularly the hijacking of the pro-cannabis movement(which the Establishment completely despises, btw. Same reason they tried to destroy the youth movement in the ’60s).
However, though, I also see that more people are beginning to ask questions, most notably, why he seems to be associated with Holocaust deniers & other fringe-right assholes and dickheads(like Mr. Duke for instance), so there is some hope, and frankly, RP’s chance for any major success in denting the Democrats’ voting ranks was in ’08 and he failed miserably.
With more and more people getting pissed off at the GOP and liberals starting to come together, if RP is going to be manipulated by the Criminal Establishment as Nader was, it’s likely they’ll fall flat.
However, though, there’s a possibility that things may go in the other direction as well. It is only April, after all, and there’s another 7 months until the election. Not a bad idea to keep our eyes open, IMHO. =)
Dave: Your Aryan Nations show (part four) mentions a Ronald Paul having knowledge of and supporting the failed Dominica coup of 1981. Michael Perdue says that he and the infamous John Connally gave it the thumbs up. Can I assume this is the same fella?
@Brad: Hello, Brad! Personally, I now find myself asking the same question. It’s been a long time since I’ve listened to that particular show but I’m gonna go back to it sometime and see if I can put some pieces together. Who knows? Maybe ol’ Ronny was connected to the Dominica incident as well.
Yes, it is the same Ron Paul. Note that he is joined at the hip with Romney.
@Dave: I kinda suspected as much. Now I will definitely have to go back to the Aryan Nations program series. One of your best works, IMO. =)
Why do the Mormons keep a copy of everyones birth certificate?