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Nazi/Anti-Semite Joran Jermas (aka “Israel Shamir”) Involved in Establishment of WikiLeaks


COMMENT: For some time, we’ve not­ed the Nazi, fas­cist and anti-Semit­ic ele­ments asso­ci­at­ed with Wik­iLeaks. In the For The Record dis­cus­sions of Carl Lund­strom (the financier who has large­ly under­writ­ten Pirate Bay, inex­tri­ca­bly linked with Wik­iLeaks), we have not­ed his par­tic­i­pa­tion in the same Swedish fas­cist milieu as Joran Jer­mas (“aka Israel Shamir”).

The assump­tion under which I have been oper­at­ing posits Jormas/Shamir’s Wik­iLeaks’ involve­ment as an out­growth of Wik­iLeaks’ rela­tion­ship with the Pirate Bay milieu.

New dis­clo­sures (cour­tesy of Expo, found­ed by the late Stieg Lars­son) indi­cate that it may have been Jermas/Shamir who steered Wik­iLeaks’ in the direc­tion of the Lund­strom oper­a­tion.

We have not­ed in a pre­vi­ous post that Julian Assange had known and worked with Jermas/Shamir for some time. Now, we learn that Jermas/Shamir was deeply involved in the set-up of the Wik­iLeaks’ oper­a­tion in Swe­den!

“Revealed: Anti­semite was key to Wik­iLeaks Oper­a­tion” by Mar­tin Bright; Jew­ish Chron­i­cle; 6/2/2011.

EXCERPT: The noto­ri­ous anti­se­mit­ic jour­nal­ist Israel Shamir was active­ly involved in devel­op­ing the Wik­iLeaks net­work — and was not just anoth­er free­lance writer who hap­pened to strike up a work­ing rela­tion­ship with the web­site’s founder Julian Assange, accord­ing to new­ly-revealed cor­re­spon­dence. [Ital­ics are mine–D.E.]

Emails seen by the Swedish anti-racist mag­a­zine, Expo, demon­strate that the two men co-oper­at­ed for sev­er­al years. As ear­ly as 2008 Mr Shamir was asked to rec­om­mend poten­tial asso­ciates in Swe­den. [Ital­ics are mine–D.E.] He sug­gest­ed his own son, Johannes Wahlström: “He is a Swedish cit­i­zen, and lives in Swe­den. Prob­a­bly, he’ll be able to give advice about press free­dom.”

Like his father, Mr Wahlström has devel­oped a rep­u­ta­tion for stri­dent anti­se­mit­ic views. In 2005, left-wing mag­a­zine Ord­front was forced to with­draw one of his arti­cles, which argued that Israel con­trolled the Swedish media.

An email from June 2010 shows that Mr Shamir was still play­ing a part in the Swedish Wik­iLeaks net­work at that point. “I have a lot of good guys who can help to analyse the trea­sure and it would be good to start spread­ing the news,” he told Mr Assange. “I am now in Paris, and peo­ple want to know more! Tues­day I go to Swe­den, and there is a whole oper­a­tion for your ben­e­fit!” Mr Assange replied: “There cer­tain­ly is! Tell the team to get ready. Give them my best. We have a lot of work to do.” . . . [Ital­ics are mine–D.E.]


3 comments for “Nazi/Anti-Semite Joran Jermas (aka “Israel Shamir”) Involved in Establishment of WikiLeaks”

  1. I’m sure that Jermas/“Shamir” is read­ing this page.

    Because it’s one of the only places on the Inter­net that’s out­ing him.

    And as a con­se­quence, this web­site should/could be inflict­ing dam­age on Wik­ileaks’ con­trived dis­in­fo oper­a­tion.

    Which only makes me very con­cerned (as usu­al) for the future of Dave & this web­site.

    Think about who we’re deal­ing with here. And who Stieg Lars­son was deal­ing with.

    Posted by R. Wilson | June 6, 2011, 7:45 pm
  2. @R. Wil­son: It’s not pleas­ant to think about it, but I guess we’ll have to pre­pare for the day Dave ends up get­ting stopped, if that day comes.......{Dear god, I hope not. =(}

    Posted by Steven | June 10, 2011, 2:59 am
  3. Julian Assange is a los­er that could nev­er make a liv­ing — hence Wik­iLeaks. As a run­away from jus­tice, he will spend many years hid­ing in the Lon­don Ecuador embassy. As soon as the dic­ta­tor Cor­rea is kicked out, Assange will like­ly be kicked out of the embassy and deliv­ered to Scot­land Yard that in turn will deliv­er him to the CIA/FBI for a very extend­ed hol­i­day in an Amer­i­can jail.

    Joran Jer­mas is anoth­er los­er that is try­ing hard to make a liv­ing by get­ting some change from the anti-Semit­ic cells that plague Swe­den since World War II. Joran Jer­mas must suf­fer ter­ri­bly see­ing every morn­ing how suc­cess­ful Israel, the Jew­ish State, is in all fields of life.

    Quite frankly, who cares what these and oth­er dement­ed guys of sim­i­lar men­tal­i­ty say or think?

    Posted by Jayson Rex | August 30, 2013, 4:10 am

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