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COMMENT: After encountering problems advancing more conventional fund-raising methods, Nazi groups are prospering due to successful mining of Bitcoin.
The most successful Nazi miner of Bitcoin is Andrew “Weev” Auerenheimer: ” . . . . One neo-Nazi stands above the rest in his bitcoin usage: Andrew ‘weev’ Auernheimer, who’s received over $1 million in bitcoin, according to one report. Even though Auernheimer has withdrawn roughly $118,620 from his bitcoin wallet between late August and Wednesday, his remaining bitcoin store has been replenishing his wealth throughout the recent bitcoin boom. . . .”
This is not altogether surprising, in that Bitcoin’s foundations track as far to the right as can be.
We have explored Bitcoin in a number of programs–FTR #‘s 760, 764, 770 and 785.
An important recent book by David Golumbia sets forth the technocratic fascist politics underlying Bitcoin. Known to veteran listeners/readers as the author of an oft-quoted article dealing with technocratic fascism, Golumbia has published a short, important book about the right-wing extremism underlying Bitcoin. (Programs on technocratic fascism include: FTR #‘s 851, 859, 866, 867.)
In the excerpt below, we see disturbing elements of resonance with the views of Stephen Bannon and some of the philosophical influences on him. Julius Evola, “Mencius Moldbug” and Bannon himself see our civilization as in decline, at a critical “turning point,” and in need of being “blown up” (as Evola put it) or needing a “shock to the system.”
1. “Neo-Nazi wealth is rapidly growing. Why? Bitcoin.” by Jack Smith IV; Mic; 12/01/2017
In many ways, white nationalists were the big losers after the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in August. First, they lost web hosting for neo-Nazi hives like Stormfront. Some far-right attendees lost access to Uber or their social media accounts. Others lost meeting venues and were driven out of subsequent public spaces during follow-up rallies. And of course, some attendees, such as those who were exposed in photos taken at the infamous torch-lit march the night before the rally, lost their jobs.
In that time, they were also essentially forced to invest in bitcoin, and after the cryptocurrency’s meteoric rise throughout 2017, that financial move has broadened their wealth significantly.
After the Charlottesville protests, many white nationalists lost access to money-transfer services like Apple Pay and PayPal, and therefore turned to bitcoin, doubling down on their investment or creating wallets to experiment with the apolitical cryptocurrency.
In the past few months, the price of bitcoin soared to record heights, reaching a trading price over $11,000 per coin on Wednesday. Throughout this boom, white nationalist wealth has grown, with some of the country’s most virulent celebrity racists often raking in thousands of dollars in a single day.
Bitcoin can be used anonymously, but in order to accept donations, white nationalists had to de-anonymize themselves. So John Bambenek, a cybersecurity researcher and threat analyst, created a Twitter bot to follow and collect this information. It’s from that bot, @NeoNaziWallets, that Mic has collated and graphed this behavior. Even so, while anyone can watch the money move in and out of accounts, it’s uncertain where the money travels to, who is contributing and how many other digital wallets are involved in the network of white supremacist bitcoin users.
The cryptocurrency is also pretty attractive to those who believe in anti-Semitic conspiracies about greedy, often assumed Jewish, overlords who engineer our society through control of central banks. In March, Richard Spencer declared bitcoin “the currency of the alt-right” — though that should be taken with a grain of salt. The alt-right will lay claim to anything from New Balance shoes to Papa John’s pizza if it suits them.
Bitcoin is the currency of the alt right.— Richard ???? Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) March 18, 2017
Still, since Charlottesville, white nationalists who ramped up their investment in bitcoin have seen their virtual wealth grow.
The clearest case of such growth is with Counter-Currents, a publishing house for books like Trevor Lynch’s White Nationalist Guide to the Movies and Toward the White Republic. From late August until Wednesday — our observation period for the data — the wallet for the far-right publisher held at about 7.7 bitcoin, including some tiny contributions (possibly donations) along the way. Its wealth more than doubled, netting them about $41,000 between Sept. 2 and Tuesday. And then by Wednesday it made $5,859 more.
Bitcoin’s been particularly useful for Andrew Anglin, a neo-Nazi leader who’s been in and out of the public eye since the Southern Poverty Law Center filed a potentially debilitating lawsuit against him. Bambenek has estimated that Anglin has taken in about $250,000 in bitcoin since 2014.
On Oct. 1, the Daily Stormer withdrew $64,353, reaping the early rewards of the bitcoin boom, shortly after making about $2,202 in just one day. Since then, the balance for the Daily Stormer has been fairly level, as whoever manages the wallet skims the occasional few hundred dollars off the account, with some withdrawals as high as $1,602.
Other white nationalist experimentations in bitcoin are fairly meager. Spencer — president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank — had about $3 in bitcoin sitting in an account until Nov. 22, when roughly $1,000 in bitcoin was transferred to the wallet. As of Wednesday, he had about $1,317. Vanguard America, a militant white nationalist group with a large contingent in Charlottesville, grew a small balance from roughly $218 on Aug. 27 to about $533 on Wednesday with no new deposits.
One neo-Nazi stands above the rest in his bitcoin usage: Andrew “weev” Auernheimer, who’s received over $1 million in bitcoin, according to one report. Even though Auernheimer has withdrawn roughly $118,620 from his bitcoin wallet between late August and Wednesday, his remaining bitcoin store has been replenishing his wealth throughout the recent bitcoin boom.
While bitcoin is an effective, apolitical escape pod for moving money away from services that become inhospitable to hate groups, many mainstream wallet providers can still de-platform white supremacists. After the Charlottesville rally, Coinbase allegedly kicked users off of its wallet-providing service for donating to the Daily Stormer.
In the meantime, all of the transactions moving in and out of the identified wallets are still in public.
“The disadvantage [for neo-Nazis] is that I can see their transactions, I can see when they’re spending money, and given effort and investment of time, I could figure out who is donating to them also,” Bambenek told Mic.
Bambenek said his next project is to chart the web of transactions around the neo-Nazi bitcoin wallets to try to determine where the money is going and, potentially, the identity of the donors using cryptocurrency to lend thousands of dollars to the white nationalist cause
2. The Politics of Bitcoin: Software as Right-Wing Extremism by David Golumbia; University of Minnesota Press [SC]; pp. 73–75.
. . . . As objects of discourse, Bitcoin and the blockchain do a remarkable job of reinforcing the view that the entire global history of political thought and action needs to be jettisoned, or, even worse, that it has already been jettisoned through the introduction of any number of technologies. Thus, in the introduction to a bizarrely earnest and destructive volume called From Bitcoin to Burning Man and Beyond (Clippinger and Bollier 2014), the editors, one of whom is a research scientist at MIT, write, “Enlightenment ideals of democratic rule seem to have run their course. A continuous flow of scientific findings are undermining many foundational claims about human rationality and perfectibility while exponential technological changes and exploding global demographics overwhelm the capacity of democratic institutions to rule effectively, and ultimately, their very legitimacy.” Such abrupt dismissals of hundreds of years of thought, work, and lives follows directly from cyberlibertarian thought and extremist reinterpretations of political institutions:” What once required the authority of a central bank or a sovereign authority can now be achieved through open, distributed crypto-algorithms. National borders, traditional legal regimes, and human intervention are increasingly moot.” Like most ideological formations, these sentiments are highly resistant to being proven false by facts. . . .
. . . . Few attitudes typify the paradoxical cyberlibertarian mind-set of Bitcoin promoters (and many others) more than do those of “Sanjuro,” the alias of the person who created a Bitcoin “assassination market” (Greenberg 2013). Sanjuro believes that by incentivizing people to kill politicians, he will destroy “all governments, everywhere.” This anarchic apocalypse “will change the world for the better,” producing “a world without wars, dragnet Panopticon-style surveillance, nuclear weapons, armies, repression, money manipulation, and limits to trade.” Only someone so blinkered by their ideological tunnel vision could look at world history and imagine that murdering the representatives of democratically elected governments and thus putting the governments themselves out of existence would do anything but make every one of these problems immeasurably worse than they already are. Yet this, in the end, is the extreme rightist–anarcho-capitalist, winner-take-all, even neo-feudalist–political vision too many of those in the Bitcoin (along with other cryptocurrency) and blockchain communities, whatever they believe their political orientation to be, are working actively to bring about. . . .
Goldman Sachs exploring bitcoin trading operation
Goldman Sachs is looking into a new operation for trading bitcoin and other digital currencies.
“In response to client interest in digital currencies, we are exploring how best to serve them in this space,” a Goldman spokeswoman said.
Unlike JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, who called bitcoin a “fraud,” Goldman’s technical strategist has published analyses on bitcoin’s price.
Evelyn Cheng | @chengevelyn
Published 12:59 PM ET Mon, 2 Oct 2017 Updated 3:55 PM ET Mon, 2 Oct 2017
Goldman Sachs exploring bitcoin trading operation, report says Goldman Sachs exploring bitcoin trading operation, report says
4:08 PM ET Mon, 2 Oct 2017 | 00:53
Goldman Sachs is considering the launch of a new trading operation focused on bitcoin and other digital currencies, a company official said.
The investment bank’s exploration of a digital currency trading business is still in early stages and may not amount to anything substantial.
“In response to client interest in digital currencies, we are exploring how best to serve them in this space,” a Goldman spokeswoman said in a statement.
Goldman Sachs has taken a more serious look at bitcoin than its peers on Wall Street.
Sheba Jafari, vice president on the bank’s FICC Market Strats team, was the only representative from a major Wall Street firm to issue reports on bitcoin’s price as the digital currency soared earlier this year.
Reports from Morgan Stanley and a few other major banks have tended to focus more on the potential applications of blockchain, the technology behind bitcoin that eliminates the need for third-party intermediaries to transact money. Goldman also has a lavish web page explaining blockchain.
Top names on Wall Street are divided on whether bitcoin’s development is a good thing.
JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon directly spoke out against bitcoin last month and called the digital currency a “fraud” that “won’t end well.” Other well-respected investors such as Howard Marks have compared bitcoin to a pyramid scheme.
On the other hand, Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman said last week that digital currencies like bitcoin are “more than just a fad.”
Bitcoin briefly multiplied five times in price this year from below $1,000 to above $5,000. Although the digital currency plunged by about $2,000 after a Chinese crackdown in September, bitcoin recovered to its highest in nearly a month Monday at around $4,410, according to CoinDesk.
Much of the gains come as institutional investors increase their bets on the digital currency. New “crypto-funds” are also launching. The latest tally from financial research firm Autonomous Next last week estimates about 75 such funds now exist.
In the meantime, Goldman Sachs could benefit from a new trading operation in a highly volatile asset like digital currencies. The bank reported a 40 percent drop in bond trading in the second quarter.
“The smartest Wall Street firms have an opportunity to lead the market in offering financial services to the burgeoning cryptocurrency industry,” Matthew Goetz, managing partner and CEO at cryptocurrency investment firm BlockTower Capital and a former vice president at Goldman Sachs.
“I think it behooves the smart and more forward-thinking firms to be involved in cryptocurrency,” he said, “given the number of new services and business lines that will stem from it as this important new industry continues to build and institutionalize.”
This article shows how a co-leader of the far right party in Germany, Alternative for Deutchland (AFD), — read it as modern National Socialist Party, is featured at a Blockchain technology conference. This article suggests that the NAZIs are ahead of the game at understanding how blockchain, the bitcoin technology can be used to their advantage, and this can have a profound effect on how economies and societies are structured.
Blockchain could reshape our world – and the far right is one step ahead Josh Hall @JoshAJHall Fri 23 Feb 2018 06.04 EST
Crypto technology is coming to a crossroads. Those who want to use it to radically redistribute wealth must take urgent action
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain reads the title of a 2017 book. From currency speculation through to verifying the provenance of food, blockchain technologyis eking out space in a vast range of fields.
For most people, blockchain technologies are inseparable from bitcoin, the cryptocurrency that has been particularly visible in the news recently thanks to its hyper-volatility. Crypto-entrepreneurs have made and lost millions, and many people have parlayed their trading into a full-time job. But blockchain technology, which allows for immutable records of activities, stored on a ledger that is held not just in one place but massively distributed, has applications in every conceivable area in commerce and beyond. Soon, there will be blockchains everywhere that transactions happen.
While the focus has so far been on currencies such as bitcoin, what’s less well known is the large and growing community of blockchain developers and evangelists, many of whom believe that the technology could herald radical changes in the ways our economies and societies are structured. But there’s a big question at the heart of that community: what might a world built with the help of blockchain technology look like?
Unchain, a large bitcoin and blockchain convention based in Hamburg, seems to have a potential answer. Along with speakers from blockchain startups, cryptocurrency exchanges and a company that purports to offer “privately managed cities as a business”, the conference programme also features Alice Weidel, listed on the site as an “economist and bitcoin entrepreneur”.
In fact, Weidel is the co-leader of Alternative für Deutschland, which recently became the third largest party in Germany’s Bundestag. Weidel’s election campaign in 2017 was the party’s breakthrough moment, and what many have seen as a watershed in German politics – the return of far-right, populist ethno-nationalism to the federal parliament.
Since 2015 the AfD leadership has adopted increasingly hard lines on borders, migration, Islam and Europe. The party has also attempted to recuperate language associated with historic Nazism; in 2016, the AfD’s then chair, Frauke Petry, called for the rehabilitation of the word “völkisch”, which is seen to be inextricably linked with National Socialism.
Weidel is thought to represent the more “moderate” wing of the AfD, in comparison with her colleague in the Bundestag Alexander Gauland, who has pushed for Angela Merkel to close Germany’s borders and to deliver ways by which immigrants can be repatriated. But the tension between the “moderate” and extreme wings of the AfD has been seen as a conscious tactic, in which Gauland pushes taboo subjects which Weidel then makes more palatable. Weidel herself, though, has also previously appeared to describe German Arabs as “culturally foreign” and to encourage a return to the paranoiac xenophobia of the Third Reich by describing Merkel’s government as “pigs” who are “puppets of the victorious powers” from the second world war.
The rise of the AfD has caused deep soul-searching in Germany. But outside of the country’s borders, Weidel’s invitation to the Unchain summit also poses questions
AP March 3, 2018, 9:49 AM
“Big Bitcoin Heist”: 600 powerful computers stolen in Iceland
REYKJAVIK, Iceland — Some 600 computers used to “mine” bitcoin and other virtual currencies have been stolen from data centers in Iceland in what police say is the biggest series of thefts ever in the North Atlantic island nation. Some 11 people were arrested, including a security guard, in what Icelandic media have dubbed the “Big Bitcoin Heist.” A judge at the Reykjanes District Court on Friday ordered two people to remain in custody.
The powerful computers, which have not yet been found, are worth almost $2 million. But if the stolen equipment is used for its original purpose — to create new bitcoins — the thieves could turn a massive profit in an untraceable currency without ever selling the items.
“This is a grand theft on a scale unseen before,” said Olafur Helgi Kjartansson, the police commissioner on the southwestern Reykjanes peninsula, where two of the burglaries took place. “Everything points to this being a highly organized crime.”
Three of four burglaries took place in December and a fourth took place in January, but authorities did not make the news public earlier in hopes of tracking down the thieves.
Bitcoin is a kind of digital money that isn’t tied to a bank or a government. It has been hugely volatile, posting some dizzying intra-day rises and falls over the past year or so. The price of a single bitcoin rocketed to nearly $20,000 late last year and then plunged early this year. On Friday, it was trading just below the $11,000 mark.
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies rely on the blockchain, the name given to the public, distributed ledgers which track the coins’ ownership. The Bitcoin ledger is powered by “miners,” so-called because they throw computational power into the system, occasionally receiving — or “mining” — new bitcoins in return. Drumming up that computational power usually means lots of computers — and thus lots of electricity.
That desire for energy has created a gold rush for bitcoin in Iceland. Traders searching for cheap, renewable energy have been flooding into the island in recent months to take advantage of its geothermal and hydroelectric power plants. {MB THOUGHT: ONE SHOULD CAREFULLY CONSIDER IF THEY BELIEVE ICELAND IS THE SOURCE OF POWER FOR BITCOIN COMPUTERS OR THE OTHER SUSPECTED DISINFORMATION ARTICLE THAT IT IS A PROVINCE IN CHINA}. THE ENERGY TO MAKE A TRADE IS NOT A REPORTED CONCERN FOR LARGE BROKERAGE FIRMS OR MUTUAL FUND PROVIDERS LIKE FIDELITY}
Police tracking the stolen computers are monitoring electric consumption across the country in hopes the thieves will show their hand, according to an industry source who spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not allowed to speak to the media.
Unusually high energy usage might reveal the whereabouts of the illegal bitcoin mine.
Authorities this week called on local internet providers, electricians and storage space units to report any unusual requests for power.
In Edinburgh on Friday, Bank of England Governor Mark Carney launched a withering attack on cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and urged regulators around the world to monitor them in the same way as other financial assets.
In a speech to the Scottish Economics conference, Carney said a “global speculative mania” has “encouraged a proliferation of new cryptocurrencies” and said they should be held to the “same standards” as the rest of the financial system.
“Being part of the financial system brings enormous privileges, but with them great responsibilities,” Carney said.
This should come as a surprise to no one, but Steve Bannon is going all in on cryptocurrencies. Or, more generally, he’s going all in on the ‘central banking is theft and an elitist tool to steal your wealth by debasing the currency’ classical far right meme. A classical far right meme that, these days, includes a fetishization of cryptocurrencies. As Bannon puts it while recently giving a lecture in Zurich during a stop on his European ‘let them call you racists’ tour, cryptocurrencies will set you free. And that’s not snarky hyperbole. That’s literally what he says: With cryptocurrency “We take control of the central banks away. That will give us the power again.”:
“At his lecture in Zurich, Bannon stated that cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain will “empower [the populist] movement, empower companies, [and] empower governments to get away from the central banks that debase your currency and makes slave wages.””
It’s the central banks that are creating “slave wages” and cryptocurrencies are the key to reversing that. Bitcoin will get you a raise! That’s the meme Bannon has latched onto. Bitcoin = Freedom:
“Once you take control of your currency, once you take control of your data, once you take control of your citizenship, that’s when you’re going to have true freedom”
Countries with a central bank don’t “control their currency,” implying that a cabal of bankers are secretly running all the governments of the world and intentionally debases everyone’s currency to impose slave wages. And yes, the existing power of the privately owned banks over the governments of the world is an obscene danger thanks to that corrupting concentration of wealth. But privately concentrated wealth and influence, like that of Bannon’s old firm Goldman Sachs, isn’t what Bannon is talking about. He talking about the Federal Reserve and other central banks and portraying those institutions as the big boogeyman and the reason for stagnant wages. That’s the meme Bannon is promoting. The same classic ‘international (Jewish) bankers run the central banks and therefore if we just get rid of central banks that will fix everything’ meme the far right has been pushing for decades. Updated for the age of the blockchain.
So just a heads up, it looks like Steve Bannon’s quest to “deconstruct the administration state” includes replacing central banks with Bitcoin, in effect making the handful of people who secretly own almost all the bitcoins the new central bankers. Which is, of course, the kind of ‘freedom’ Steve Bannon is really talking about.
Here’s an interesting piece about $500k in bitcoin payments suspiciously made in December to a number of far right organizations. The donations were made on December 8, which, perhaps coincidentally, was the day of the “Safe Harbor” deadline for states to submit their electoral college votes. So on the last day that states could legally change their electoral college votes, there’s $500k in bitcoin donations to a bunch of far right organizations.
But part of what makes these donations so intriguing is that half of the donations went to Nick Fuentes, one of the key figures in organizing a number of the “Stop the Steal” rallies. Recall how Fuentes has been popularizing the idea that if the GOP doesn’t do everything possible to keep Trump in office, the pro-Trump supporters are going to “destroy the GOP”. It was at the December 12 rally, where Fuentes declared, “In the first Million MAGA march we promised that if the GOP did not do everything in their power to keep Trump in office, then we would destroy the GOP...As we gather here in Washington, D.C. for a second Million MAGA March, we’re done making promises. It has to happen now. We are going to destroy the GOP.” The crowd followed Fuentes’s lead and started chanting: “Destroy the GOP! Destroy the GOP!” This was the same rally that include multiple flyovers by Trump in Marine One. Earlier this year, Fuentes was openly ruminating about killing state legislators who don’t support efforts to overturn the election for Trump. So Fuentes isn’t just some random ‘Alt Right’ figure. He’s a key organizational figure in the pro-Trump movement that culminated in the January 6 storming of the Capitol. And he received a very large donation in bitcoins just four days before that December 12 “Destroy the GOP” rally that featured Marine One flyovers by Trump.
So what is known about the person or group that made these mystery bitcoin donations? Well, based on the analysis by the company Chainalysis, the bitcoin account that sent the bitcoins was owned by a French computer programmer. The identity of the programmer isn’t being released, in part because it’s unclear if the bitcoin donations were part of some sort of last act before the programmer committed suicide. That scenario is based on the fact that programmer has a blog that had no updates between 2014 and Dec 9, 2020, one day after the donations. And that new blog account reportedly had the sound of a suicide note describing how he was bequeathing his money to “certain causes and people” in light of what he describes as “the decline of Western civilization.” Chainalysis has yet to confirm if this programmer is indeed dead, but we’re told he didn’t take any of the available steps to obscure his donations (like using bitcoin “mixer” services).
It’s worth noting two other recipients of this French programmer’s bitcoins: The Daily Stormer and VDARE, which each received 1 bitcoin from the account. Recall that VDARE was able to buy an actual historic castle in West Virginia in February of 2020 thanks to an anonymous 2019 donation $1.5 million donation from Donors Trust, the Koch network’s mega-donor ‘non-profit’ organization. So 2020 was a pretty good year for VDARE’s charitable activities.
Overall, it’s unclear whether or not we should interpret this story as just an example of how Bitcoin makes far right donations easier than ever, or if there’s something bigger here in terms of someone intentionally financing the actors behind the January 6 storming of the Capitol. But it certainly is interesting that one of the figures championing the idea of having the GOP destroyed and remade in Trump’s image just happened to receive $250k in bitcoins a month before the storming of the Capitol:
“The source of the funding, according to research conducted by Chainanalysis, appears to be a computer programmer based in France who created an account in 2013 — and who maintained a personal blog, which was not updated between 2014 and Dec. 9, 2020, the day after the “donations.””
The circumstantial evidence of the bitcoin donor’s identity is pretty compelling: the French programmer they were able to trace the donations back to just happened to revive a dormant blog the day after the donations with what sounded like a suicide note lamenting the “decline of Western civilization”. Although, at this point, this all remains speculative. They haven’t even confirmed the programmer was in fact dead. And we do know that the donations didn’t involve the use of “mixers” or other tools used to obscure bitcoin transactions. In other words, if this French programmer really did make these donations he apparently didn’t care if people found out (especially since he blogged about it):
Also keep in mind that a substantial number of bitcoins have been hacked and aren’t in the possession of their rightful owners so until we get some sort of confirmation that this programmer really made these donations we can’t necessarily be sure this programmer really did do it. After all, if his bitcoin keys were hacked it’s not inconceivable that the password to that dormant blog was hacked too. But it’s not at all inconceivable that some random French programmer who was an early bitcoin investor really did just decide to donate his bitcoin fortune to a bunch of neo-Nazis. Still, it’s kind of remarkable that the person this French programmer donated $250k in bitcoin to just happens to be one of the leading figures pushing the idea that a second Trump term should be secured through any means necessary:
And note that while there isn’t yet evidence that Fuentes was personally involved in the storming of the Capitol, there’s plenty of evidence he was at the “Stop the Steal” rally right before the storming of the Capitol along with evidence that Fuentes’s followers, who call themselves the “Groyper Army” were indeed very involved in the storming of the Capitol:
“Fuentes, who spoke at pro-Trump rallies late last year in Michigan and Washington, D.C., said he was at the rally on Wednesday but didn’t follow the mob into the Capitol. One group of Fuentes’ supporters, who call themselves the Groyper Army, was filmed running through the Capitol carrying a large blue flag with the America First logo.”
Yep, whether or not Fuentes was personally involved in the storming of the Capitol, his followers were filmed running through the Capitol with a large blue America First logo. And days before the storming, Fuentes was talking about “what can be done” about state legislators who refuse to overturn the election for Trump. “What can you and I do to a state legislator — besides kill him?” That’s the kind of leadership Nick Fuentes provides to his followers, and this has been one of the leading “Stop the Steal” figures:
So it will be interesting to see where this investigation into the source of the bitcoin donations ends up. Was the random French programmer really the sole source of these donations and was it just coincidence that this programmer made a very large donation to one of the most extreme leaders behind the “Stop the Steal” movement a month before the storming of Capitol? In other words, is Fuentes being actively paid by someone to foment political violence OR is it just that people who foment political violence tend to get these kinds of large contribution? This is clearly a new golden age for donations to white supremacist organizations, as VDARE’s donor-driven purchase of a castle last year made abundantly clear. There’s just a ton of money heading into these types of groups so it’s not at all inconceivable that Fuentes is simply the beneficiary of this new far right golden age. But still, since figures like Fuentes are ostensibly taking very real legal risks by suggesting that their followers kill politicians, we have to ask: is Fuentes specifically being paid large sums to cross the line of political violence and terrorism? Or is he doing that just because that’s the kind of guy he is? Both scenarios seem pretty plausible at this point.