Comment: Neo-Nazi J.T. Ready, associate of Russell Pearce, the sponsor of Arizona’s recent and highly controversial immigration legislation, is launching a para-military border patrol operation.
Note the resonance and political overlap between this milieu and the GOP’s Palin/Tea Party types, who use the same anti-immigrant rhetorical stance.
Excerpt: Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu recently announced that “drug cartels” control the area in his county where deputy Louie Puroll was allegedly shot at, and where two men were recently gunned down.
Now Babeu may be getting some assistance from an unwelcome and unsavory source: Vigilantes led by National Socialist Movement member J.T. Ready.
As I blogged back in May, Ready and fellow neo-Nazi Harry Hughes have been going on illegal alien “patrols” in Pinal County’s Vekol Valley, dressed in camouflage and armed with assault rifles. . . .
Neo-Nazis whose self-importance and egos far outstrip their competence patrolling the Arizona border?
What could possibly go wrong?
(Intense sarcasm.)
So how much of the vote might a neo-Nazi garner in Arizona if he suddenly switched parties from GOP and Democrat and ran for Sheriff while praising George Wallace and Jim Crow laws? We’ll find out!
TPM has a nice review of the ongoing JT Ready-affiliated neo-nazi drive to build a small army along the US-Mexican border. It’s worth a read.
@Pterrafractyl: They’re at it again? Hmm.....thanks.
(BTW, Dave, thanks for introducing me to the Phoenix New Times back in 2010. It’s been one of my favorite sources, particularly on this subject. =) )
Because nothing prevents a race-riot like roving gangs of heavily armed neo-nazis...
Well, this was tragically unexpected:
The California GOP looks like it’s about to double down on ‘dividing and conquering’ the electorate
And the GOP’s alleged ‘civil war’ continues (to make no difference whatsoever)...