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COMMENT: Numerous programs and articles on this website have dealt with Nazi involvement with the assassination of JFK, from paramilitary American Nazi elements to individuals and institutions overlapping the Reinhard Gehlen spy milieu.
In several upcoming Food For Thought posts, we will be excerpting a recent, massive volume General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy by Jeffrey H. Caufield M.D. NB: For a seasoned researcher, this is a useful and important book, however it MUST be handicapped–the author is dismissive of the [by now recorded fact] that elements of the intelligence community were involved in the killing. Of course, they were.
Notwithstanding that significant flaw, the book features a treasure trove of information about Nazi and fascist connections to the assassination of JFK. A veteran researcher can–and should–easily take the information from Caufield’s book and collate it with the intelligence community elements with which the “radical right” individuals and institutions are affiliated.
Although not coterminous by any means, what Caufield terms “the radical right” and U.S. intelligence are profoundly connected.
. . . . Above the operational level, insulated and removed to the point of being very nearly invisible, appeared to have been individuals whose political orientation can only be described as Neo-Nazi. Even as I have described this Neo-Nazi aspect, I am sure that it sounds somewhat fanciful. Because of the unbelievability of this part of the picture, I have found it necessary to refrain from mentioning it . . . . . Nevertheless, the essentially Fascist origin of the assassination is inescaple.–D.A. Jim Garrison’s Letter to Lord Bertrand Russell, August 27, 1967. . . .
Kerry Wendell Thornley
NLP> Richard Bandler> Robert Anton Wilson> Greg Hill > Kerry Wendell Thornley > Oswald > Garrison
Please clarify and further develop your comment.
It is not at all evident what you are trying to say.
Dave Emory