Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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New on Patreon: Series of Talks on #MeToo Movement, Weaponized Feminism, Peng Shuai “Psy-Op”

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“Polit­i­cal language…is designed to make lies sound truth­ful and mur­der respectable, and to give an appear­ance of solid­i­ty to pure wind.”

— George Orwell, 1946



Dave Emory has launched a Patre­on Site: www.patreon.com/DaveEmory

Dave Emory in the KFJC stu­dio.

COMMENT: Mr. Emory’s Patre­on site con­tin­ues to devel­op.

With both Zoom Q & A ses­sions and writ­ten arti­cles by Mr. Emory to be offered on the site present­ly, both the num­ber and qual­i­ty of the record­ed ver­bal ses­sions con­tin­ues to increase.

Evolv­ing as Mr. Emory has hoped, the record­ed ses­sions present the com­plex, inter­wo­ven ele­ments of analy­sis char­ac­ter­is­tic of both oral and writ­ten con­tent on the Spitfirelist.com web­site, with a qual­i­ta­tive­ly less for­mal, pedan­tic for­mats.

Exem­plary of this devel­op­ment is the just-con­clud­ed series com­bin­ing dis­cus­sion of the for­mi­da­ble CIA pres­ence in the women’s move­ment with detailed analy­sis of the #MeToo move­ment.

The vehi­cle for strate­gic destruc­tion of promi­nent Democ­rats in the wake of Don­ald Trump’s elec­tion, this “weaponized fem­i­nism” not only removed the likes of (for­mer Min­neso­ta Sen­a­tor) Al Franken and (for­mer Rep­re­sen­ta­tive from Michi­gan) John Cony­ers from the polit­i­cal land­scape, but eclipsed the explic­it, vul­gar misog­y­nism and preda­to­ry sex­u­al behav­ior that “The Don­ald” boast­ed of in the 2016 cam­paign against the first female major par­ty can­di­date for pres­i­dent.

#MeToo neu­tral­iza­tion of politi­cians in con­junc­tion with the Covid-19 “op” is of par­tic­u­lar sig­nif­i­cance, as is analy­sis of the Peng Shuai “psy-op”—an anti-Chi­na gam­bit that dom­i­nat­ed West­ern news in the run-up to the 2022 Win­ter Olympics in Bei­jing.

The Patre­on record­ings afford even vet­er­an listeners/readers a dif­fer­ent, yet sup­ple­men­tal, per­spec­tive on #MeToo–critical, yet large­ly mis­un­der­stood pow­er polit­i­cal man­i­fes­ta­tion.


One comment for “New on Patreon: Series of Talks on #MeToo Movement, Weaponized Feminism, Peng Shuai “Psy-Op””

  1. Look who is “speak­ing his truth” about Har­vey Wein­stein. Note that Wein­stein pub­lished a book by a group of the­olo­gians dis­man­tling Gib­son’s movie Pas­sion of the Christ.


    Mel Gib­son can tes­ti­fy about what he learned from one of Har­vey Weinstein’s accusers, a judge ruled on Fri­day in the rape and sex­u­al assault tri­al of the dis­graced movie mogul.
    #MeToo is five years old. These tri­als show how far we’ve come
    Jill Fil­ipovic
    Jill Fil­ipovic
    Read more

    The 66-year-old actor and direc­tor was one of many wit­ness­es whose iden­ti­ties were revealed in Los Ange­les supe­ri­or court. The judge and attor­neys had tak­en a break from jury selec­tion for motions on what evi­dence will be allowed and who can tes­ti­fy. The wit­ness list is sealed.

    The judge, Lisa B Lench, ruled that Gib­son can tes­ti­fy in sup­port of his masseuse and friend, who will be known as Jane Doe No 3.

    Wein­stein, 70, is accused of com­mit­ting sex­u­al bat­tery by restraint against the woman, one of 11 rape and sex­u­al assault counts in the tri­al.

    Pros­e­cu­tors say that after get­ting a mas­sage from the woman at a hotel in Bev­er­ly Hills in May 2010, a naked Wein­stein fol­lowed her into a bath­room and mas­tur­bat­ed.

    Wein­stein has plead­ed not guilty and denied any non-con­sen­su­al sex­u­al activ­i­ty. His attor­neys argued against allow­ing Gib­son to tes­ti­fy, say­ing what he learned from the woman while get­ting a mas­sage does not con­sti­tute a “fresh com­plaint” under the law by which Gib­son would take the stand.

    A “fresh com­plaint” under Cal­i­for­nia law allows the intro­duc­tion of evi­dence of sex­u­al assault or anoth­er crime if the vic­tim report­ed it to some­one else vol­un­tar­i­ly and rel­a­tive­ly prompt­ly.

    Pros­e­cu­tors said that when Gib­son brought up Weinstein’s name, the woman had a trau­mat­ic response and Gib­son under­stood she had been sex­u­al­ly assault­ed. Gib­son did not remem­ber the tim­ing of the exchange but the pros­e­cu­tion will use anoth­er wit­ness, Alli­son Wein­er, who remem­bers speak­ing to Gib­son and the woman in 2015.

    Judge Lench said Gibson’s tes­ti­mo­ny will depend on how the accuser describes the exchange when she takes the stand, and she may rule against it at that time.

    A Wein­stein attor­ney, Mark Werks­man, argued that the defense should be allowed to cross-exam­ine Gib­son about wide­ly pub­li­cized anti­se­mit­ic remarks dur­ing an arrest in 2006, and about racist state­ments pub­li­cized in 2010.

    Lench said dis­cus­sion of Gibson’s racism was not rel­e­vant to the tri­al but she would allow ques­tion­ing of whether he had a per­son­al bias and ani­mus toward Wein­stein.

    Werks­man argued that Gib­son had such a bias both because Wein­stein is Jew­ish and because Wein­stein pub­lished a book that crit­i­cized the depic­tion of Jews in Gibson’s 2004 film The Pas­sion of the Christ.

    “Any evi­dence of Mr Gibson’s racism or anti­semitism would give rise to a bias against my client, who chal­lenged him,“ Werks­man said.

    The lawyer mis­tak­en­ly said the movie won a best pic­ture Oscar. Wein­stein, whose films once dom­i­nat­ed the Oscars, shook his head at the defense table.

    “Sor­ry, my client would know bet­ter than I would,“ Werks­man said. “But it was an award-win­ning movie.”

    The defense also argued Gib­son was try­ing to white­wash his image by focus­ing on Wein­stein and assert­ing him­self as a cham­pi­on of the #MeToo move­ment.

    The pros­e­cu­tion argued that Gib­son had made no such sug­ges­tions, and that at the time of the con­ver­sa­tion with his masseuse was dis­cussing get­ting into a busi­ness deal with Wein­stein, show­ing there was no bias.

    Mar­lene Mar­tinez, a deputy dis­trict attor­ney, called Gibson’s past com­ments “despi­ca­ble” but said they had no rel­e­vance for why he would be called to the stand.

    Gibson’s tes­ti­mo­ny rais­es the prospect of two men, once among the most pow­er­ful in Hol­ly­wood but who have under­gone pub­lic down­falls, fac­ing each oth­er in court.

    An email seek­ing com­ment from a rep­re­sen­ta­tive for Gib­son was not returned.
    She Said review – a stir­ring dra­ma about the fall of Har­vey Wein­stein
    Read more

    Lench also found that the Mel­rose Place actor Daphne Zuni­ga could tes­ti­fy in a sim­i­lar capac­i­ty for a woman known at tri­al as Jane Doe No 4, whom Wein­stein is accused of rap­ing in 2004 or 2005.

    Wein­stein is serv­ing a 23-year sen­tence for a 2020 con­vic­tion for rape and sex­u­al assault in New York. That state’s high­est court has agreed to hear his appeal. He was brought to Los Ange­les for the tri­al that began Mon­day, five years after women’s sto­ries about him gave momen­tum to the #MeToo move­ment.

    Friday’s argu­ments came a day after the pre­miere of the film She Said, which tells the sto­ry of the two New York Times reporters whose sto­ries brought Wein­stein down. Weinstein’s attor­neys sought to have the LA tri­al delayed because pub­lic­i­ty from the film might taint the jury pool. The judge denied their motion.

    The tri­al is expect­ed to last eight weeks. The judge and attor­neys will return to jury selec­tion on Mon­day. Open­ing state­ments are expect­ed on 24 Octo­ber.

    Posted by St Germain | October 17, 2022, 10:32 am

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