COMMENT: Well, “The Gray Lady” has distinguished itself once again. Having done something worth while–exposing the extent to which the GOP has been possessed by “birther” ideology (the thoroughly-discredited view that Obama was not born in the United States and isn’t legally-qualified to be President–The Times then downplayed and then removed the embarassing results.
EXCERPT: It was perhaps the most talked-about paragraph in the political press yesterday. And then just like that, it was gone.
From the New York Times article that appeared on the newspaper’s website Thursday morning, came this passage [emphasis added]:
A plurality of Republican voters, 47 percent, said they believed Mr. Obama, who was born in Hawaii, was born in another country; 22 percent said they did not know where he was born, and 32 percent said they believed he was born in the United States.
The remarkable poll result was just the latest indication of how the-world-is-flat-type of conspiracy about the president’s birth certificate has thoroughly infiltrated the Republican Party and conservative movement in America, to the point where nearly half of Republicans believe the lie. (Take a bow Fox News.) To the point where half of Republicans don’t think Obama is eligible to hold office.
But note that there were two peculiar things about how the Times handled the revelation.
First, in the original article, the newspaper completely buried the birther lede. Rather than highlighting the blockbuster poll finding, the Times gave the embarrassing news only a glancing reference and stuck the results deep down in the story, devoting just two sentences to the birther revelation. Sidestepping the thorny issue, the Times instead pegged the news story around the fact that Republican voters aren’t enthusiastic about their possible White House candidates. (Hint: That’s not exactly breaking news.)
Second, the much-talked about birther passage from the Times’ polling piece soon disappeared; it was removed from the original article, without explaination. . . .
Oh Arizona, where would we be without you?
And yes, the answer is “gawk at Florida”. It was rhetorical.
That dreary Constitution again... It’s all be a delayed Republican payback for not being able to run with the Kissinger\Schwarzenegger dream ticket. Their campaign slogan was to be Every Man’s Cardboard Box is His Castle.
Obama just hopes his Israeli deputized counterparts — who have been making kissy-face with the Repubs lately, covering both their flanks — will hold off on attacking Iran till after the election.
Maybe there is a deal in the works, another “October Surprise”, for them to attack before the election and swing votes to the Repubs. Although that even might not be enough to elect Romney, who just about everyone hates.
But get close enough and jimmy with the voting machines in key counties/states could work.
Denizens of WorldNetDaily — like Jerome (“Swift Boat Veterans To Sink John Kerry”) Corsi (so beloved of late night fascisti talk radio) — have been pushing the Birther metaphysic for some time now. It’s past its “drop dead date” so they need a different schtick.
Even the NY Times is on to them now!
Signs of the times:
Good times...good times...
It’s the only explanation:
The poor birthers. They don’t get a break! This kind of constant harassment has been going on for years:
Was Romney a unicorn? LOL! No, that was Abraham Lincoln. That guess wasn’t even close.
Still, as we can see, society has been picking on the ‘birthers’ for years. It’s an issues that just won’t go away.
The general election season is now effectively fully underway in the US 2020 presidential now that Joe Biden has selected Kamala Harris to be his vice presidential nominee. And that means we’re going to be getting clarity on the nature of the giant right-wing disinformation campaign that’s going to be targeting the Biden campaign in coming months. It was already a given that the Biden campaign would be characterized as some sort of far left communist trojan horse working on behalf of BLM and antifa to overthrow the constitution and drag decent conservative Christians from their homes in coming waves of violence. Those memes have been building for months and were a guarantee no matter who Biden chose. The interesting question now is what disinformation will specific be trotted out to target Kamala Harris.
Will it be a mix of real information combined with some clever falsehoods or will it just be straight up fantasy trash? We should probably expect a bit of both. Quite a bit of both. But another interesting question is whether or not we’re going to see new novel far right memes or if they’ll be resorting to the prevailing ‘oldie but goodie’ memes. And as the following Raw Story piece describes, we already have an answer, at least when it comes to the initial memes Harris-specific memes and, fittingly, social media trolls are going with the ultimate Trump-inspired classic: ‘Birtherism’:
““If crazy Joe cannot serve his full term, Kamala cannot by constitutional law become President,” reads one post that started making the rounds even before Biden announced Harris as his selection. “She is an anchor baby, mother is from India, father is Jamaican, and neither were american citizens at time of her birth.””
Kamala Harris was an “anchor baby” who therefore shouldn’t be considered a valid US citizen. That’s the particular variant of “birtherism” that the right-wing appears to be going with. It’s a meme that starts off with the disinformation that assumes Harris is an “anchor baby”, a term usually applied to children born in the US to parents who aren’t in the US legally. But in Harris’s case both her parents were in the US legally as graduate students when they met and had Kamala. But also keep in mind that the right-wing has long been calling for an end to the constitutional birth-right citizenship rules that confer citizenship to anyone born in the US, with demands that citizenship only be granted to people born in the US to US citizens. So it’s effectively a call for revoking the citizenship of anyone in the US who was born to non-citizen parents. Recall how Trump has routinely called for ending birthright citizenship and has hinted that he was looking at repealing it, making this a meme that fits with that Trumpian theme. And as the following article from July of 2019 makes clear, it’s an attack on Harris the Trump team has been thinking about making for a while now as part of a broader meme suggesting she’s not a real African American:
“In addition to efforts to undermine Harris’ identity as a black woman, a false claim that Harris is not eligible to run for president because both of her parents are foreign-born has also been circulating. The claim has echoes of the false birther conspiracy that was spread about President Barack Obama — and some of the same people involved in spreading that conspiracy are involved in circulating the false claims about Harris.”
She’s not a real American citizen and an appropriator of African American culture. Those were the memes getting pushed out last year during the Democratic primaries soon after Harris had a high-profile night of debates. So these memes were a reactionary response to her rising star at that point in the nomination process, with Donald Trump Jr himself pushing them. And when misinformation trackers found the origin of the meme they discovered it first surfaced in 2018 on the “The_Donald”:
So that’s our preview of the upcoming Kamala Harris disinformation campaign. A disinformation campaign that doubles as a call for retroactively stripping citizenship of anyone who was born in the US to immigrant parents.
But also keep in mind that if people born to non-citizen immigrant parents aren’t considered citizens that also implies these people shouldn’t be allowed to vote either. And that raises the question of how much the Trump campaign is planning on focusing on Harris’s immigrant parents as part of the broader push to preemptively delegitimize the outcome of the election. It was a campaign theme for Trump in 2015 and 2016, so will we be hearing about millions of fake Americans like Kamala out there all scheme to illegally vote with their fake citizenship? At this point it would almost be surprising if that wasn’t a Trump theme. A fake accusation over a fake issue in order to invalidate the votes of millions and undermine the election. That sure fits the Trumpian theme. Fits like a straightjacket.