COMMENT: In the wake of the shooting in Arizona, many unanswered (and often unasked) questions suggest themselves. To do justice to the event will require more time and analysis than can be put into a Food For Thought post.
Sufficient analysis and discussion will necessarily have to wait for a For The Record program and attendant description.
In the meantime, some of the salient questions and points of investigation can be gleaned by following the links below:
1. Was there more than one person involved (perhaps a second shooter or “handler”)?
2. Was the targeting of Giffords, who is Jewish, partially or wholly inspired by Laughner’s alleged contacts with anti-Semitic online information?
3. Much publicity has been afforded Arizona’s immigration laws, which (despite much official condemnation) have inspired similar legislation in other states. Arizona neo-Nazi elements have garnered publicity “enforcing” the border with Mexico–some of these elements are associated with Arizona politicians who helped craft the immigration law.
Was Laughner perhaps inspired by racist/anti-immigrant philosophy?
4. Internet chatter has–predictably–featured Laughner/mind control discussion, alleging that Our Boy may have been a victim of the mind control programs that were undertaken and realized by U.S. and other intelligence agencies.
In that context, it should be mentioned that various racist/Nazi/white-supremacist groups have been used as foot soldiers by elements of our national security establishment. (Articles from the mid-1980’s in the mainstream press reported that groups of that kind were seeking to acquire mind control technology. This was in the pre-Internet era.)
Laughner’s attorney of the moment had previously defended Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, who may well have been a victim of phases of federal mind control programs executed under the auspices of Harvard University.
5. Is Laughner actually faking mental illness in order to escape prosecution for his crimes?
6. Accounts of Laughner’s ideological orientation have produced what appears to be something of an “ideological pizza,” featuring an amalgam of primarily right-wing views, mixed in with what are viewed as primarily “liberal” stances. One of the more intriguing considerations concerning Laughner involves his apparent interest in the Zeitgeist movie, a 9/11 “Truth” production that mixes some valid information with variants on the traditional “International Banking Conspiracy” i.e. “Da Joos.”
A big hit on the Internet and garnering a large following within the so-called “progressive” political sector, the documentary features prominent fascists and right-wingers, including Anthony Hilder (who figures in the investigations of the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King) and G. Edward Griffin, a John Birch Society officer who’s other political credits include working for George Wallace and the American Independent Party.
7. Debate has centered largely on whether Laughner was realizing the agenda of the Sarah Palin/Tea Party branch of the GOP or whether he was insane. One needn’t be sane in order to be motivated by a political agenda.
As many have pointed out, the rhetoric of the GOP has been pointedly incendiary and eliminationist. Although that may not have pushed Laughner over the edge, it may well have determined his selection of a target.
In what Bill Clinton accurately described as a “fact-free environment,” commentators have predictably remained blind to the GOP’s historical link with Nazi and fascist elements. The most salient of those is the Nazi wing of the GOP’s ethnic outreach apparatus–a repository for unreconstructed Third Reich alumni.
Our journalistic establishment continues to remain blind to the legacy of political murder in the United States. With “lone nuts” having supposedly authored the murders of the Kennedy brothers, Martin Luther King and many, lesser-known Democratic and progressive political figures, we have chosen to be “Not-Sees,” to the great delight of the Nazis.
The poseurs of the right who claim that the GOP is not an advocate of political violence are given the lie by irrefutable links between the GOP and our major political assassinations, the assassination of President Kennedy, in particular.
Dave, thank you so much for putting this out there........people need to know this stuff. =)
You set the scene for an excellent show again, Dave Emory. The points that you touch here are right on target and express the COMPLEXITY of the situation. I am eager to hear you analyse all this. I take this opportunity to mention that I am working on a website. It is a blog in which I am trying to bring together everything that we have to master in order to have a good understanding of the world in which we live, and to fight back. I am in no way pretending that it could be as good as yours, but at least I am doing something to join the fight. When you feel like it, take a look and leave a comment. I will read you with pleasure.
Have a great day and thanks again for everything you have done for the Resistance.
Loughner’s posts on some game board as “Dare” may be combed for whatever you want to find:
I would like to know who in the political pecking order would be a more important target- a Rep. or a Federal Judge. I wonder also if the massacres south of the border have anything to do with the assassination of a judge who had drug task force experience. I would also like to know how and why Judge Roll got to the event, who may have spoken with him to convince him to go.
What about James Holmes and the horrible violence of the Colorado Masacre? Is there a chance he is not just a mentally ill, lone nut?
Jovan Belcher is the Kansas City Chiefs NFL Player who killed his girlfriend/mother of his 3 month old baby this weekend and then committed suicide.
The Chiefs are owned by the Hunt Family, which as I recall from
Mr. Emory’s Broadcasts had apparent links to the Kennedy Assasination and the American Far Right.
Belcher while in college was in a group, Male Athletes Against Violence, and majored in child development. Many of the articles I read about this contained references to increased calls for gun control.
There’s been an extensive focus on how the Newtown, CT, shooter was a shy loner with Asperger’s Syndrome. It’s a personality type that is not associated with violence and doesn’t really explain the shooter’s reported inability to feel pain(there’s sometimes heightened pain resistance for those on the autistic spectrum but the inability to feel pain is not normally associated with Asperger’s). And now there are calls for a rethinking of mental health civil liberties with a presumed focus now on shy, awkward young men that don’t quite ‘fit in’...because, you know, a public campaign that associates shy nerdiness with mass murder isn’t going to warp the development of an entire generation of geeks or anything.
Given that the focus an the shooter’s apparent Asperger’s Syndrome (without much of a look at other disorders that could have co-existed in this individual) is potentially leading to a mental-illness phishing environment where ‘loners’ viewed as heightened social risks, there’s been a curious lack of coverage of the fact that Adam Lanza was on the controversial antipsychotic medication, Fanapt:
In a dark coincidence, Fanapt was rejected for use in schizophrenia treatment by European Medicines Agency’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) because of concerns over it’s safety on the same day of the shooting.
People with Asperger’s Snydrome are not normally placed on antipsychotic medications and there was clearly something else going on with the shooter’s mental state. The Fanapt prescription (and the medical records that presumbly exist when he was prescribed the drug) might explain what that ‘something else’ could have been. Obviously, it’s just as important for the media to point out that the vast vast majority of those on powerful psychotropic medications and/or are suffering from a serious mental illness like schizophrenia are also almost always non-violent and tend to suffer in silence and inflict any violent acts towards themselves. With the ever growing number of Americans on some sort of psychotropic drug the non-violent nature of these individuals is an empirical reality. But to ignore the presence of anti-psychotic medications in this cocktail of tragedy and talk only about the shooter’s Asperger’s Syndrome as we try to make sense of it all is not going to help anyone. OK, almost anyone.
Just a correction:
It looks like the “Uncle” in the The NYMagazine article that made a reference to the shooter being on a Fanapt prescription was a well-known a hoaxer named Johnathan Lee Riches and all references to him have been stripped from the original article. This is only one of a number of hoax campaigns swirling around this event. Note that the shooter’s babysitter, Ryan Kraft, said that he knew the shooter was on medication as early as age 10(although we had no idea those medications were) while the latest reports from the police are that there is no evidence of medication while acknowledging that they have yet to obtain any medical records so the question still remains as to what medication he may have been on in the lead up to this event. Given that the national policy response this this tragedy appears to be moving in a direction of identify and “getting help” for those perceived to be “at risk”, we can be pretty sure that much of that “help” is going to come in the form of medications. It would be a dark irony if an adverse reaction to a medication played a role in an event that led to even more mass drugging of the the nation’s children.
In a more general sense, the US appears to be facing a situation where society much choose between some addition gun control OR some addition “people control” or both. And “people control” appears to be central to the emerging bipartisan consensus. And this doesn’t simply include providing more resources for the national mental health system. I’ve been watching quite of bit of the news coverage/punditocracy discussing the national response to this event and a theme that continues to emerge is “because these individuals have no history of violence we’re going to have to have a system for identifying future mass murderers from the pool of non-violent people that seem a little ‘off’ ”. Fox News, in particular, has been really pushing the “he was a an awkward loner” angle. This might be a good time to remind folks of the fact that mass killers often desire the destruction of the social fabric around them. Setting up a Minority Report system for the nation’s awkward loners is a wonderful first step in doing exactly that.
At this point, what do you think the probability the alledged shooter, Aaron Alexis, of today’s Navy Yard Attack in D.C. was a lone nut? Do the reported circumstances around the story raise any red flags, based on your many decades of research?
Regarding the Washington Navy Yard shooting, the mystery behind the disappearing AR-15 and two additional shooters initially reported have sort of been cleared up. It sounds like it may have been mititary personel responding to the shooting that were seen carrying the AR-15s. Police and federal agents were also amongst the responders. So....WTF?
Also note that those “red flags” in Alexis’ background include a report from Rhode Island police that Alexis was getting harassed by three people that were projecting voices and vibrations into his head using microwaves (note that voice-to-skull technology using microwaves has been reportedly researched by the US military). That police report was passed along to the Navy Yard:
And now we’re learning about message carved into the shooter’s gun saying “My ELF weapon”. ELF presumably stands for “extremely low frequency”, usually in reference to an electromagnetic wave (so an electromagnetic wave like a microwave but a much lower frequency) leading to speculation that he may have thought ELF technology was being used to harass him. Or maybe it’s a HAARP reference:
On the same day of the Navy Yard Attack a man was arrested for throwing fire crackers over the fence of the White House.
Was this a deliberate orhestrated wanrning aimed at Obama?
With the 50th Aniversary of the JFK Assasination coming up, the country being so divided, and “lone nuts” running around Washington D.C. causing havoc and mayhem, I am definitely concerned for our president’s safety, and I suspect President Obama is too.
Worth posting again:
Voice to Skull Technology in New York
December 12th, 2007
Via: AdAge:
New Yorker Alison Wilson was walking down Prince Street in SoHo last week when she heard a woman’s voice right in her ear asking, “Who’s there? Who’s there?” She looked around to find no one in her immediate surroundings. Then the voice said, “It’s not your imagination.”
Indeed it isn’t. It’s an ad for “Paranormal State,” a ghost-themed series premiering on A&E this week. The billboard uses technology manufactured by Holosonic that transmits an “audio spotlight” from a rooftop speaker so that the sound is contained within your cranium. The technology, ideal for museums and libraries or environments that require a quiet atmosphere for isolated audio slideshows, has rarely been used on such a scale before. For random passersby and residents who have to walk unwittingly through the area where the voice will penetrate their inner peace, it’s another story.
Ms. Wilson, a New York-based stylist, said she expected the voice inside her head to be some type of creative project but could see how others might perceive it differently, particularly on a late-night stroll home. “I might be a little freaked out, and I wouldn’t necessarily think it’s coming from that billboard,” she said.
Joe Pompei, president and founder of Holosonics, said the creepy approach is key to drawing attention to A&E’s show. But, he noted, the technology was designed to avoid adding to noise pollution. “If you really want to annoy a lot of people, a loudspeaker is the best way to do it,” he said. “If you set up a loudspeaker on the top of a building, everybody’s going to hear that noise. But if you’re only directing that sound to a specific viewer, you’re never going to hear a neighbor complaint from street vendors or pedestrians. The whole idea is to spare other people.”
Holosonics has partnered with a cable network once before, when Court TV implemented the technology to promote its “Mystery Whisperer” in the mystery sections of select bookstores. Mr. Pompei said the company also has tested retail deployments in grocery stores with Procter & Gamble and Kraft for customized audio messaging. So a customer, for example, looking to buy laundry detergent could suddenly hear the sound of gurgling water and thus feel compelled to buy Tide as a result of the sonic experience.
Mr. Pompei contends that the technology will take time for consumers to get used to, much like the lights on digital signage and illuminated billboards did when they were first used. The website Gawker posted an item about the billboard last week with the headline “Schizophrenia is the new ad gimmick,” and asked “How soon will it be until in addition to the do-not-call list, we’ll have a ‘do not beam commercial messages into my head’ list?”
“There’s going to be a certain population sensitive to it. But once people see what it does and hear for themselves, they’ll see it’s effective for getting attention,” Mr. Pompei said.
Sky Deutschland to broadcast adverts directly into train passengers’ heads
Sky Deutschland has developed technology to transfer adverts from train windows directly and silently into commuters’ heads.
By Andrew Trotman
5:44PM BST 03 Jul 2013
Passengers leaning their head against the window will “hear” adverts “coming from inside the user’s head”, urging them to download the Sky Go app.
The proposal involves using bone conduction technology, which is used in hearing aids, headphones and Google’s Glass headset, to pass sound to the inner ear via vibrations through the skull.
A video for the Talking Window campaign released by Sky Deutschland and ad agency BBDO Germany states: “Tired commuters often rest their heads against windows. Suddenly a voice inside their head is talking to them. No one else can hear this message.”
The voice comes from a Sky-branded transmitter made by Audiva that is attached to the train window.
BBDO spokesman Ulf Brychcy told the BBC: “If our customer Sky Deutschland agrees, we will start with the new medium as quickly as possible.
“Some people don’t like advertising in general. But this is really a new technology. [It might] not only be used for advertising, but also for music, entertainment, mass transport information, weather reports and so on.”
Sky Deutschland said it had not made a decision on whether to launch the campaign.
I don’t know. There are plenty of things that could indicate mind control by some sort of governmental or private corporate entity.
The order for the SWAT-like team was a strange one. I wonder about some of the concerns expressed by a source that Stephen Singular mentioned. He was contacted about the O.J. case by someone within the L.A. legal structure, who noted that “neo-Nazis aren’t just on the fringes of society any more. They are inside of the system and they are doing a great deal of damage.”
Alexis was vented by the same USIS that cleared Eddie Snowden.
That firm used to be owned by Carlyle, now some outfit called Rhode Island Equity Partners, or something close to that (I’m operating by memory).
Frankly, with so much else going on and having covered these lone nut shooters at time, over decades, I have neither the time nor the interest to pursue this.
There are many much more important things going on.
It will be interesting to see if the psychopaths, fascists and outright monsters in the GOP manage to hold Obamacare hostage to the budget ceiling.
It will be interesting to see if the GOP winds up doing incalculable damage to the U.S. and global economies in the process.
It will be interesting to see if the lintheaded American public and the crack-whores of the working press hold them to account.
Again, there are plenty of other things going on, including some I haven’t covered.
Now that I’m doing program production again, I have less time for posting in the FFT category.
Something to note regarding the Navy Yard shooter’s claims of microwave-based harassment is that it’s just one example of how current technologies can mimic mental illness. 50 years ago someone hearing voices in their head couldn’t reasonably say that there was microwave voice-to-skull technology that was being used against them. Nowadays, a simple google search can confirm within seconds that yes, indeed, this technology just might exists. So how does knowledge about the existence of technology that can induce symptoms of mental illnesses like schizophrenia impact its progression in vulnerable individuals descending into madness? It’s a strange potential side-effect of technology. With things like consumer hologram technology coming soon we might be entering a period where going mad is even more bewildering than normal.
The lone nut American who just died fighting for Isis in Syria had the unusual name Douglass MacArthur McCain. Anybody else curious about this guys history and his name?