Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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On the Patreon Site: History of Azov Evolution, From WWII to Present

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“Polit­i­cal language…is designed to make lies sound truth­ful and mur­der respectable, and to give an appear­ance of solid­i­ty to pure wind.”

— George Orwell, 1946


Dave Emory has launched a Patre­on Site: www.patreon.com/DaveEmory

” . . . . His [Gehlen’s] FHO was con­nect­ed in this role with a num­ber of secret fas­cist orga­ni­za­tions in the coun­tries to Ger­many’s east. These includ­ed Stepan Ban­der­a’s “B Fac­tion” of the Orga­ni­za­tion of Ukrain­ian Nation­al­ists (OUN/B),15Roma­ni­a’s Iron Guard,16 the Ustachis of Yugoslavia,17 the Vanagis of Latvia . . . .”

Zelen­sky “nor­mal­izes” Stephan Ban­dera

COMMENT: Sup­ple­ment­ing the For The Record cov­er­age of the Ukraine War and relat­ed top­ics, Mr. Emory’s Patre­on talks have recent­ly cov­ered sev­er­al sub­jects, start­ing with anom­alous print and pho­to­graph­ic cov­er­age of the alleged “war crimes” in Ukraine.

Much of the “war crimes” cov­er­age comes from areas con­trolled by Azov com­bat­ants, heav­i­ly net­worked with media ele­ments dis­sem­i­nat­ing the war crimes alle­ga­tions.

This top­ic will be dis­cussed fur­ther as events unfold.

In the most recent pre­sen­ta­tion on Mr. Emory’s Patre­on site, we chron­i­cle the evo­lu­tion of the Azov man­i­fes­ta­tion from the clos­ing stages of World War II and merg­ing of the Gehlen Org—a front for the Nazi SS—into the CIA.

” . . . . The mil­i­tary intel­li­gence his­to­ri­an Colonel William Cor­son put it most suc­cinct­ly, ‘Gehlen’s orga­ni­za­tion was designed to pro­tect the Odessa Nazis. It amounts to an excep­tion­al­ly well-orches­trat­ed diver­sion.’. . .”

Key points of dis­cus­sion in that seg­ment include:

Lviv, Ukaine, Sum­mer of 2018. Cel­e­bra­tion of the 75th anniver­sary of the 14th Waf­fen SS Divi­sion (Gali­cian). Note the Ukrain­ian hon­or guard in the back­ground.

Allen Dulles’ clan­des­tine wartime nego­ti­a­tions with senior SS offi­cers aimed at incor­po­rat­ing those SS cadres employed by Third Reich intel­li­gence into a post-World War II Amer­i­can intel­li­gence; the mint­ing of the phrase “Cold War” by Count Lutz Schw­erin von Krosigk, the for­mer Third Reich finance min­is­ter; von Krosigk’s posi­tion as the for­eign min­is­ter of the rump Nazi gov­ern­ment estab­lished at Flens­burg under Admi­ral Karl von Doenitz; Rein­hard Gehlen’s clear­ing of his pro­posed deal with the Amer­i­cans with Admi­ral von Doenitz; William Casey’s pri­ma­ry posi­tion as direc­tor of OSS oper­a­tions in Ger­many in late 1944 and ear­ly 1945; the for­ma­tion of the Nazi Were­wolf gueril­las in 1945; Rein­hard Gehlen’s cen­tral role in the for­ma­tion of the Were­wolf units; Radio Werewolf’s use of the phrase “Rather Dead than Red,” which became a dom­i­nant ele­ment of Cold War lex­i­con; the piv­otal posi­tion of the Ukrain­ian UPA in the Were­wolf pro­gram; the cen­tral posi­tion of the OUN/B in the Gehlen orga­ni­za­tion; analy­sis of the fact that the Gehlen “Org” was a front for the ODESSA—the post­war SS under­ground; the con­tin­u­a­tion of UPA/Werewolf gueril­la war­fare in Ukraine until the ear­ly 1950’s under CIA aus­pices; coter­mi­nous with the Gehlen Org’s incor­po­ra­tion into the US intel­li­gence appa­rat was its inclu­sion via the Anti-Bol­she­vik Bloc of Nations into the GOP; the ABN’s dom­i­na­tion by the OUN/B; the dom­i­nant role of Richard Nixon, Ronald Rea­gan, William Casey and George H.W. Bush in the GOP/Nazi nexus; the evo­lu­tion of that Nazi/GOP nexus into the Rea­gan admin­is­tra­tion; the pro­jec­tion of the Gehlen/OUN‑B/GOP milieu into the for­mer Sovi­et Union via the Free Con­gress Foun­da­tion; the evo­lu­tion of the OUN/B through the Orange Rev­o­lu­tion and the Vik­tor Yuschenko regime; Roman Svarych’s 1980’s stew­ard­ship as the per­son­al sec­re­tary to WWII Ukrain­ian Nazi head of state Yaroslav Stet­sko; Svarych’s terms as jus­tice min­is­ter (equiv­a­lent to Attor­ney Gen­er­al) under the Yuschenko regime, as well as both Tim­o­shenko gov­ern­ments; Svarych’s financ­ing of, and recruit­ment for the Nazi Azov units, as well as his ser­vice as Azov’s chief spokesman.

Going for­ward with the Patre­on project, we are aim­ing at a sched­ule of three, 20-minute talks per week and one 60-minute talk per week.

Note that the oral pre­sen­ta­tions are being turned into writ­ten tran­scripts, via con­tem­po­rary soft­ware.

Less for­mal in pre­sen­ta­tion and style than the week­ly broad­casts (which will con­tin­ue apace), the Patre­on pre­sen­ta­tions afford Mr. Emory a more com­pre­hen­si­ble and com­fort­able out­let for dis­cussing the research.

Note, also, that we will con­tin­ue the close adher­ence to the print­ed doc­u­men­tary record.

The Patre­on site is: www.patreon.com/DaveEmory








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