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“Political language…is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”
— George Orwell, 1946
Dave Emory has launched a Patreon Site:
” . . . . His [Gehlen’s] FHO was connected in this role with a number of secret fascist organizations in the countries to Germany’s east. These included Stepan Bandera’s “B Faction” of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN/B),15Romania’s Iron Guard,16 the Ustachis of Yugoslavia,17 the Vanagis of Latvia . . . .”
COMMENT: Supplementing the For The Record coverage of the Ukraine War and related topics, Mr. Emory’s Patreon talks have recently covered several subjects, starting with anomalous print and photographic coverage of the alleged “war crimes” in Ukraine.
Much of the “war crimes” coverage comes from areas controlled by Azov combatants, heavily networked with media elements disseminating the war crimes allegations.
This topic will be discussed further as events unfold.
In the most recent presentation on Mr. Emory’s Patreon site, we chronicle the evolution of the Azov manifestation from the closing stages of World War II and merging of the Gehlen Org—a front for the Nazi SS—into the CIA.
” . . . . The military intelligence historian Colonel William Corson put it most succinctly, ‘Gehlen’s organization was designed to protect the Odessa Nazis. It amounts to an exceptionally well-orchestrated diversion.’. . .”
Key points of discussion in that segment include:

Lviv, Ukaine, Summer of 2018. Celebration of the 75th anniversary of the 14th Waffen SS Division (Galician). Note the Ukrainian honor guard in the background.
Allen Dulles’ clandestine wartime negotiations with senior SS officers aimed at incorporating those SS cadres employed by Third Reich intelligence into a post-World War II American intelligence; the minting of the phrase “Cold War” by Count Lutz Schwerin von Krosigk, the former Third Reich finance minister; von Krosigk’s position as the foreign minister of the rump Nazi government established at Flensburg under Admiral Karl von Doenitz; Reinhard Gehlen’s clearing of his proposed deal with the Americans with Admiral von Doenitz; William Casey’s primary position as director of OSS operations in Germany in late 1944 and early 1945; the formation of the Nazi Werewolf guerillas in 1945; Reinhard Gehlen’s central role in the formation of the Werewolf units; Radio Werewolf’s use of the phrase “Rather Dead than Red,” which became a dominant element of Cold War lexicon; the pivotal position of the Ukrainian UPA in the Werewolf program; the central position of the OUN/B in the Gehlen organization; analysis of the fact that the Gehlen “Org” was a front for the ODESSA—the postwar SS underground; the continuation of UPA/Werewolf guerilla warfare in Ukraine until the early 1950’s under CIA auspices; coterminous with the Gehlen Org’s incorporation into the US intelligence apparat was its inclusion via the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations into the GOP; the ABN’s domination by the OUN/B; the dominant role of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, William Casey and George H.W. Bush in the GOP/Nazi nexus; the evolution of that Nazi/GOP nexus into the Reagan administration; the projection of the Gehlen/OUN‑B/GOP milieu into the former Soviet Union via the Free Congress Foundation; the evolution of the OUN/B through the Orange Revolution and the Viktor Yuschenko regime; Roman Svarych’s 1980’s stewardship as the personal secretary to WWII Ukrainian Nazi head of state Yaroslav Stetsko; Svarych’s terms as justice minister (equivalent to Attorney General) under the Yuschenko regime, as well as both Timoshenko governments; Svarych’s financing of, and recruitment for the Nazi Azov units, as well as his service as Azov’s chief spokesman.
Going forward with the Patreon project, we are aiming at a schedule of three, 20-minute talks per week and one 60-minute talk per week.
Note that the oral presentations are being turned into written transcripts, via contemporary software.
Less formal in presentation and style than the weekly broadcasts (which will continue apace), the Patreon presentations afford Mr. Emory a more comprehensible and comfortable outlet for discussing the research.
Note, also, that we will continue the close adherence to the printed documentary record.
The Patreon site is:
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