Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Peng Shuai “Psy-Op,” Part 1 UPDATED ON 12/17/2021

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“Polit­i­cal language…is designed to make lies sound truth­ful and mur­der respectable, and to give an appear­ance of solid­i­ty to pure wind.”

— George Orwell, 1946

COMMENT: George Orwell’s time­less quote fits the brouha­ha over the alleged psy­cho­log­i­cal assault against Chi­na ten­nis star Peng Shuai.

That alle­ga­tion is “pure wind,” as Orwell put it.

In a run-up to a forth­com­ing pro­gram or two about what appears to be a #MeToo “Psy-Op” against Chi­na in the run-up to the Olympics, we are pre­sent­ing a series of Food For Thought posts about key aspects of the appar­ent gam­bit.

In this post, we access an impor­tant, wor­thy arti­cle from Moon of Alaba­ma ana­lyz­ing the pro­found, overt dis­in­for­ma­tion craft­ed by the New York Times, among oth­er MSM sources and aligned ele­ments.

As the Moon of Alaba­ma analy­sis notes, Peng Shuai did not charge Zhang Gaoli with sex­u­al assault.


That is a read­i­ly-ver­i­fi­able lie.


In addi­tion to the Moon of Alaba­ma post, we also include the trans­la­tion of Peng Shuai’s Wei­bo post, which was retract­ed short­ly after being pub­lished, pos­si­bly by Ms. Shuai her­self, not the “cen­sors” to whom that has been attrib­uted.

Fun­da­men­tal to analy­sis of this series of posts and the pro­gram or pro­grams that fol­low is an under­stand­ing of the dynam­ics pre­sent­ed in FTR#801.

Key points of dis­cus­sion and analy­sis from that pro­gram include:

  1. IOC pres­i­dent Thomas Bach’s pro­fes­sion­al back­ground.
  2. Bach’s deep rela­tion­ship with Adi­das.
  3. The gen­e­sis of Adi­das and Puma with the Dassler broth­ers, both enthu­si­as­tic func­tionar­ies of the Ger­man Nazi Par­ty under Hitler.
  4. Bach’s work for Siemens, one of the Ger­man core cor­po­ra­tions and, undoubt­ed­ly, a key cog in the remark­able and dead­ly Bor­mann net­work.
  5. Bach’s sem­i­nal pro­fes­sion­al rela­tion­ship with Juan Anto­nio Sama­ranch, Fran­cis­co’s Min­is­ter of Sport and an enthu­si­as­tic Falange fas­cist. Bach’s rela­tion­ships with Sama­ranch and Adi­das are fun­da­men­tal to his assent to being head of the IOC.
  6. Sama­ranch’s appoint­ment of Juan Anto­nio Sama­ranch, Jr. to the IOC. Sama­ranch, Sr. appoint­ed over half the mem­ber­ship to the IOC.
  7. Bil­lie Jean King’s “Bat­tle of the Sex­es” match with the iron­i­cal­ly named Bob­by Rig­gs. King is the founder of the Wom­en’s Ten­nis Asso­ci­a­tion, and the “Bat­tle of the Sex­es” sig­nif­i­cant­ly increased the grav­i­tas of that orga­ni­za­tion. That match appears to have been a “ten­nis racket”–pun intended–in which Rig­gs threw the match to help set­tle oblig­a­tions with key Mafiosi, includ­ing Car­los Mar­cel­lo and San­tos Traf­fi­cante. Mar­cel­lo and Traf­fi­cante are two of the orga­nized crime fig­ures who fig­ure in the inves­ti­ga­tion into the assas­si­na­tion of JFK.

Key points of dis­cus­sion and analy­sis from posts to come include:

  1. WTA head Steve Simon’s long pro­fes­sion­al asso­ci­a­tion with Adi­das.
  2. Zhang Gaoli’s foun­da­tion­al role in arrang­ing the Chi­nese side of forth­com­ing Win­ter Olympics.
  3. Juan Anto­nio Sama­ranch, Jr. and his exec­u­tive role in arrang­ing the forth­com­ing Win­ter Olympics.
  4. King’s net­work­ing with Glo­ria Steinem, who has a doc­u­ment­ed back­ground in the CIA.
  5. A key archi­tect of Trump’s anti-Chi­na pol­i­cy and an expo­nent of the pro­pa­gan­dized “Lab Leak” hypoth­e­sis is Matthew Pot­tinger. He is the son of J. Stan­ley Pot­tinger, Steinem’s para­mour for some 9 years. Accord­ing to Don­ald Freed and Fred Lan­dis in their book Death in Wash­ing­ton, Pot­tinger helped cov­er-up the assas­si­na­tions of Mar­tin Luther King and Orlan­do Lete­lier. 

1.–“New York Times Invents ‘Sex­u­al Assault’ #MeToo Case To Blame Chi­na;” Moon of Alaba­ma; 11/19/2021. 

The ‘news’ over last years have again and again demon­strat­ed the noto­ri­ous unre­li­a­bil­i­ty of woke ‘west­ern’ media.

Andrew Sul­li­van @sullydish — 21:27 UTC · Nov 12, 2021

2016 elec­tion. Rit­ten­house. Cov­ing­ton. Russ­ian col­lu­sion. Vac­cines. Boun­ties on US sol­diers. Lab-leak the­o­ry. Jussie Smol­lett. The Pulse shoot­ing. The Atlanta shoot­ings. Hunter Biden lap­top. Infla­tion. Steele Dossier.

The MSM got every sin­gle one wrong.

When All The Media Nar­ra­tives Col­lapse
In case after case, the US MSM just keeps get­ting it wrong.

To those U.S. cen­tric sto­ries one must add all the false claims made about for­eign coun­tries — see Syr­ia and Belarus for recent exam­ple.  One then finds that the media do not report but, as Sul­li­van writes, “make the news fit the broad­er polit­i­cal fight”.

There is cur­rent­ly a push for a boy­cott of the win­ter Olympics in Bei­jing. West­ern media are busy to push for an anti-Chi­na angle of the games. Their aim is a polit­i­cal boy­cott so no one ‘in good stand­ing’ dares to vis­it them.

On Novem­ber 2, by time­ly chance, some well known Chi­nese sports­woman post­ed a sad sto­ry about the end of her love affair with a once pow­er­ful old­er man on the Chi­nese social media site Wei­bo. That post was soon tak­en down, like­ly by the woman her­self, but that was too late to pre­vent that the ‘woke’ west­ern media and Olympic boy­cott cam­paign­ers made a hash out of it.

A day after the post was pub­lished and unpub­lished the New York Times man­gled the facts to make it into a ‘woke’ anti-Chi­na sto­ry:

A Chi­nese Ten­nis Star Accus­es a For­mer Top Leader of Sex­u­al Assault
Peng Shuai’s accu­sa­tion against Zhang Gaoli takes the country’s bud­ding #MeToo move­ment to the top ech­e­lons of the Com­mu­nist Par­ty for the first time.

Peng Shuai, the pro­fes­sion­al ten­nis star, pub­licly accused a for­mer vice pre­mier of Chi­na of sex­u­al assault, ignit­ing an online firestorm of atten­tion to a #MeToo alle­ga­tion that for the first time touched the pin­na­cles of Com­mu­nist Par­ty pow­er.

Ms. Peng made the accu­sa­tion in a post on Tues­day night on her ver­i­fied account on Wei­bo, China’s ver­sion of Twit­ter. In it, she described an assault by Zhang Gaoli, who from 2012 to 2017 served on the party’s Polit­buro Stand­ing Com­mit­tee, the top rul­ing body in Chi­na. She also described hav­ing had an on-and-off con­sen­su­al rela­tion­ship with Mr. Zhang.

The post was removed with­in min­utes, but the alle­ga­tions swirled through the country’s heav­i­ly con­trolled inter­net, fueled by the fame of the accuser and the accused. That kept the cen­sors inside China’s Great Fire­wall scram­bling.
Ms. Peng’s accu­sa­tions could not be cor­rob­o­rat­ed.

Where is the head­lined ‘sex­u­al assault’ one might ask. The NYT piece wont say:

Mr. Zhang retired in 2018, when, accord­ing to Ms. Peng’s account, the two resumed a rela­tion­ship that had begun when he served in Tian­jin, which would have been between 2007 and 2012. She said he had first assault­ed her after invit­ing her to play ten­nis with him and his wife. “I nev­er con­sent­ed that after­noon, cry­ing all the time,” she wrote, not spec­i­fy­ing when exact­ly the assault occurred.

As it turns out no ‘assault’ had hap­pened. More­over Peng Shuai nev­er alleged that an ‘assault’ hap­pened. The New York Times made that up!

A full Eng­lish lan­guage trans­la­tion of Peng Shuai’s Wei­bo post can be found here.

Peng Shuai, who is 35, had an unusu­al rela­tion­ship with a mar­ried man who is 40 years old­er than she is. They first start­ed to have con­sen­su­al sex a decade ago and that affair kept going for a while until the man got pro­mot­ed:

“About sev­en years ago, we had sex. Then lat­er on after you got pro­mot­ed to be a mem­ber of the Polit­buro Stand­ing Com­mit­tee in Bei­jing, you nev­er con­tact­ed me again.”

The man, Zhang Gaoli, was in a new pow­er­ful posi­tion where any scan­dal would have had seri­ous con­se­quences for him, any­one involved, the par­ty and the coun­try.

But he had not for­got­ten Peng Shuai and as soon as he retired he again con­tact­ed her:

“About three years ago, Zhang Gaoli vice pres­i­dent, you retired. You asked Dr. Liu at the Tian­jin Ten­nis Cen­tre to con­tact me, and asked me with play ten­nis with you at Kang Ming Hotel in Bei­jing. After we fin­ished play­ing ten­nis, you and your wife Kang Jie brought me to your home. Then you took me into your room. Like what hap­pened ten years ago in Tian­jin, you want­ed to have sex with me.”

She did not want to have sex that after­noon and she nowhere claims that they had sex that after­noon. He asked for sex. She said no. Noth­ing hap­pened. She stayed for din­ner:

“That after­noon I did­n’t agree, and I kept cry­ing. I had din­ner with you and aun­tie Kang Jie togeth­er. You said the uni­verse is very very big. The earth is mere­ly a speck of sand in the uni­verse, and us human beings are small­er than even a speck of sand. You said a lot more than that, and the pur­pose was basi­cal­ly to per­suade me to drop my guard. After din­ner, I was still not will­ing to have sex. You said you hat­ed me. You said in those sev­en years, you nev­er for­got about me, and you will treat me well etc... I was ter­ri­fied and anx­ious. Tak­ing into con­sid­er­a­tion the affec­tion I had for you sev­en years ago, I agreed... yes, we had sex.”

She agreed, they had sex, and a lot of affec­tion for each oth­er:

“Roman­tic attrac­tion is such a com­pli­cat­ed thing that explain it clear­ly. From that day on, I renewed my love for you. Through­out my time with you after that, pure­ly based on our inter­ac­tions, you were a very good per­son, and you treat­ed me well. We talk­ing about recent his­to­ry, as well as ancient eras. You edu­cat­ed me on so many top­ics, and we had dis­cus­sions about eco­nom­ics, pol­i­tics. We nev­er ran out of things to talk about. We played chess, sang, played table ten­nis, played pool and also played ten­nis togeth­er. We always had end­less fun. It was as if our per­son­al­i­ties fit per­fect­ly togeth­er.”

Does any­one see an ‘assault’ accu­sa­tion in that?

Zhang Gaoli is mar­ried and has two grown up kids. His wife knew of his affair with Peng Shuai but seems to have put up with it. (Chi­na has, just like France, some tra­di­tion­al tol­er­ance for hav­ing mis­tress­es.) The rela­tion was oth­er­wise kept secret. At the end of last month the affair unfor­tu­nate­ly end­ed in dishar­mo­ny.

“I real­ly want to just live sim­ply, but things turned out dif­fer­ent than what I want­ed. On the 30th, we argued very bad­ly. You said on the after­noon on the 2nd, we would go to your home to slow­ly talk it out. Today at noon, you called to say you are busy, denied every­thing, made excuse to say we would talk anoth­er day... and just like this, you dis­ap­peared again, just like sev­en years ago.

“You played with me, and dumped me when you are done with me. You said there were no trans­ac­tions between us. Yes, that is true, our affec­tion towards each oth­er had noth­ing to do with mon­ey or pow­er. But I have a hard time find­ing clo­sure for, and com­ing to terms with our three year long rela­tion­ship.”

And that’s it folks. Zhang Gaoli and Peng Shuai had a years long affair. They loved each oth­er. But after three years they broke up. Peng Shuai has trou­ble to get over it. Hours lat­er she makes a pub­lic post about the issue which she, min­utes lat­er, deletes. That’s it.

Read her post your­self. Nowhere is there any claim of a ‘sex­u­al assault’ in it.

Nor is there evi­dence, as the Times insin­u­ates, that the some­what embar­rass­ing post was tak­en down by a cen­sor and not by Peng Shuai her­self. The New York Times makes all that just up.

The sto­ry then made the rounds through oth­er ‘west­ern’ media.

To no one’s sur­prise Peng Shuai has since avoid­ed the pub­lic. But that only encour­aged the con­tin­u­a­tion of the ‘west­ern’ media onslaught.

Ten days lat­er some self-impor­tant man from the Wom­en’s Ten­nis Asso­ci­a­tion (pushed by whom?) got involved:

Steve Simon, the chief exec­u­tive of the WTA Tour, called on Sun­day for Chi­nese author­i­ties to inves­ti­gate alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al assault made by the Chi­nese women’s ten­nis star Peng Shuai against Zhang Gaoli, a for­mer vice pre­mier of Chi­na.

Simon also called for an end to offi­cial Chi­nese cen­sor­ship on the sub­ject, and sug­gest­ed the tour would con­sid­er no longer doing busi­ness in Chi­na if it did not see “appro­pri­ate results.”

“Obvi­ous­ly she dis­played tremen­dous courage going pub­lic,” Simon said of Peng. “Now we want to make sure we’re mov­ing for­ward to a place where a full and trans­par­ent inves­ti­ga­tion is con­duct­ed. Any­thing else, I think, is an affront to not only our play­ers but to all women.”

What please is there to inves­ti­gate about a con­sen­su­al affair between a promi­nent man and a promi­nent woman in Chi­na? Noth­ing of course but soon every­one with a name in ten­nis felt that they had to step in. The WTA even released a state­ment on its site (which I can no longer find).

Yes­ter­day Peng Shuai respond­ed to Mr. Simon’s claims with an email which she also made pub­lic:

CGTN Europe @CGTNEurope — 17:32 UTC · Nov 17, 2021

Chi­nese ten­nis star Peng Shuai has sent an email to Steve Simon, the WTA Chair­man & CEO, CGTN has learned. The email reads:


The email says: “The news in that [WTA] release, includ­ing the alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al assault, is not true. I’m not miss­ing, nor am I unsafe.”

In the email Peng Shuai also sen­si­bly asks to con­firm any fur­ther WTA state­ment about her with her­self. Some­thing that should have been under­stood in the first place.

Too late — the noto­ri­ous liars at the New York Times only use the email to fur­ther their polit­i­cal bid­ding:

“First came the shock­ing #MeToo accu­sa­tion by a famous ath­lete against one of China’s top lead­ers. Then came the accuser’s dis­ap­pear­ance from pub­lic view, one so thor­ough that ques­tions swirled about her health and per­son­al safe­ty.
The lat­est push­back on China’s effort to squelch the accu­sa­tion came ear­ly on Thurs­day after “Chi­nese state media tried to refute it, while say­ing Ms. Peng was safe and sound. It pub­lished an email pur­port­ed­ly writ­ten by Ms. Peng her­self, say­ing the sex­u­al assault accu­sa­tions were not true and ask­ing for offi­cials who run women’s ten­nis to stop med­dling.”

Note again that Peng Shuai orig­i­nal post DOES NOT CLAIM that there was any assault. There are no ‘#MeToo’ accu­sa­tions against Zhang Gaoli, only a sad out­cry of a woman at the end of a con­sen­su­al affair.

In her email Peng Shuai explic­it­ly con­firms that there are no sex­u­al assault accu­sa­tions. The Times has no evi­dence that the ’email pur­port­ed­ly writ­ten by Ms. Peng her­self’ was not writ­ten by her­self. Why does it insin­u­ate that?

The Times has pre­sent­ed exact­ly zero evi­dence that any ‘assault’ has hap­pened. Peng Shuai has nev­er claimed that any ‘assault’ hap­pened. She then explic­it­ly denied it. But the Times “makes the news fit the broad­er polit­i­cal fight”. Its tar­get in that fight, sup­port­ed by Mr. Simon, is Chi­na.

The response by the Women’s Ten­nis Asso­ci­a­tion just hours lat­er was unequiv­o­cal, sug­gest­ing that the email was very like­ly a crude fraud. “I have a hard time believ­ing that Peng Shuai actu­al­ly wrote the email we received or believes what is being attrib­uted to her,” said Steve Simon, the association’s exec­u­tive direc­tor.

The inter­na­tion­al furor over Ms. Peng’s accu­sa­tion has erupt­ed only weeks before a major event on China’s cal­en­dar — the Win­ter Olympics in Bei­jing. The Chi­nese gov­ern­ment now faces a new firestorm of crit­i­cism of its behav­ior, which has added fuel to calls for a diplo­mat­ic and com­mer­cial boy­cott of the Games.

And that folks is exact­ly what the New York Times want­ed to hap­pen.

The screed con­tin­ues with quot­ing ‘experts’ from the anti-Chi­na Lowry Insti­tute, a Chi­nese ‘activist’ liv­ing in the Unit­ed States, sev­er­al ten­nis play­ers who mis­judge the non exist­ing case based on the false NYT reports, the dis­cred­it­ed Human Rights Watch and some anti-Chi­nese writer in Aus­tralia.

To repeat it again. Some grown up woman made a social media post in which she was sad about the end of a years long love affair. Min­utes lat­er she, or some­one else, takes the post down. Screen­shots how­ev­er had been made and con­tin­ued to cir­cle.

There are no accu­sa­tions of an assault in her post. She says that one after­noon she did not con­sent to have sex and she does not claim to have had any sex at that time. Lat­er, in the evening, she con­sent­ed to have sex and the night reignit­ed a dor­mant love affair that con­tin­ued for three years. After the issue becomes pub­lic an email by Peng Shuai explic­it­ly con­firms that there are no accu­sa­tions of a sex­u­al assault. With­out any evi­dence that the rea­son­able email is fake its prove­nance gets ques­tioned.

The claim of an ‘assault’ was com­plete­ly made up between the ears of some New York Times writ­ers. To call them liars is an under­state­ment. They lie, invent and manip­u­late ‘facts’ for nefar­i­ous rea­sons:

Andrew Sul­li­van @sullydish — 21:27 UTC · Nov 12, 2021

2016 elec­tion. Rit­ten­house. Cov­ing­ton. Russ­ian col­lu­sion. Vac­cines. Boun­ties on US sol­diers. Lab-leak the­o­ry. Jussie Smol­lett. The Pulse shoot­ing. The Atlanta shoot­ings. Hunter Biden lap­top. Infla­tion. Steele Dossier.

The MSM got every sin­gle one wrong.

No, the MSN did not get those wrong. It will­ful­ly manip­u­lat­ed the news on those cas­es. It invent­ed ‘facts’ which were free of any evi­dence. It cre­at­ed big piles of bull­shit.

The Peng Shuai ‘assault’ case is just anoth­er one of those.

2–Full trans­la­tion:

I know I can­not explain this clear­ly, and even if I say it, it won’t mat­ter, but I still want to let it out. I am a hyp­ocrite. I admit I am not a good woman, and am in fact, a very very bad woman. About three years ago, Zhang Gaoli vice pres­i­dent, you retired. You asked Dr. Liu at the Tian­jin Ten­nis Cen­tre to con­tact me, and asked me with play ten­nis with you at Kang Ming Hotel in Bei­jing. After we fin­ished play­ing ten­nis, you and your wife Kang Jie brought me to your home. Then you took me into your room. Like what hap­pened ten years ago in Tian­jin, you want­ed to have sex with me.

That after­noon I was very afraid. I did not expect this to hap­pen — some­one helped guard out­side (trans­la­tor note: not very clear what she’s try­ing to say here), because nobody would believe that a wife would allow this. About sev­en years ago, we had sex. Then lat­er on after you got pro­mot­ed to be a mem­ber of the Polit­buro Stand­ing Com­mit­tee in Bei­jing, you nev­er con­tact­ed me again. I used to bury every­thing inside me. After all, if you did­n’t want to take any respon­si­bil­i­ty, why did you come back for me, and brought me to your home to have sex? It is true that I don’t have evi­dence. It is also not pos­si­ble to leave evi­dence. Lat­er on you kept deny­ing, but it is true that you were attract­ed to me first, oth­er­wise I could­n’t have been able to come into con­tact with you.

That after­noon I did­n’t agree, and I kept cry­ing. I had din­ner with you and aun­tie Kang Jie togeth­er. You said the uni­verse is very very big. The earth is mere­ly a speck of sand in the uni­verse, and us human beings are small­er than even a speck of sand. You said a lot more than that, and the pur­pose was basi­cal­ly to per­suade me to drop my guard. After din­ner, I was still not will­ing to have sex. You said you hat­ed me. You said in those sev­en years, you nev­er for­got about me, and you will treat me well etc... I was ter­ri­fied and anx­ious. Tak­ing into con­sid­er­a­tion the affec­tion I had for you sev­en years ago, I agreed... yes, we had sex.

Roman­tic attrac­tion is such a com­pli­cat­ed thing that explain it clear­ly. From that day on, I renewed my love for you. Through­out my time with you after that, pure­ly based on our inter­ac­tions, you were a very good per­son, and you treat­ed me well. We talk­ing about recent his­to­ry, as well as ancient eras. You edu­cat­ed me on so many top­ics, and we had dis­cus­sions about eco­nom­ics, pol­i­tics. We nev­er ran out of things to talk about. We played chess, sang, played table ten­nis, played pool and also played ten­nis togeth­er. We always had end­less fun. It was as if our per­son­al­i­ties fit per­fect­ly togeth­er.

I left home ear­ly (trans­la­tor note: pro­fes­sion­al ath­letes in Chi­na fre­quent­ly leave their fam­i­lies at a very ear­ly age to train full-time). On the inside, I am extreme­ly deprived of love. In the mid­dle of all of this, I nev­er thought I was a good woman. I hat­ed myself, I hat­ed why I came to this world. You told me you loved me, very very much, and you said you hope in the next life, we can meet each oth­er around the age of twen­ty, or eigh­teen. You said you were lone­ly. You pitied your­self for being alone. We had end­less things to talk about, nev­er ran out of top­ics. You said in your posi­tion, it is impos­si­ble to divorce. If we met in Shan­dong (trans­la­tor note: a province of Chi­na, of less polit­i­cal sig­nif­i­cance than Bei­jing), you would have been able to divorce, but not now. I thought I would just accom­pa­ny you qui­et­ly, not mak­ing any noise.

At the begin­ning, every­thing was fine. But as time goes on, things start­ed to change grad­u­al­ly. There was so much unfair­ness and humil­i­a­tion. Every time you asked me to go to you home, behind your back your wife said so many ugly and hurt­ful things to me. All kinds of jeer and mock­ery. I said I like to eat duck tongue. Aun­tie Kang Jie would go, “ew so dis­gust­ing”. In the win­ter when Bei­jing had poor air qual­i­ty due to smog, aun­tie Kang Jie would say, “it is because you live in the coun­try­side. We don’t feel that at all here”. Things like that, she said so much of them. When you were with me, she nev­er said those things. It is sim­i­lar to when we were togeth­er. When we were togeth­er alone, you act­ed one way, but when there were oth­er peo­ple near by, you would act anoth­er way.

I have told you this before, hear­ing those things made me feel very hurt and humil­i­at­ed deep down. Since the first day when I knew you, I have nev­er used a cent of your mon­ey, nei­ther have I ever used you to obtain any ben­e­fits for myself, but this thing called rep­u­ta­tion, is so impor­tant. Every­thing that has hap­pened, I deserve it. I have brought every­thing upon myself.

From the begin­ning to the end, you told me to keep our rela­tion­ship a secret, and most impor­tant­ly of all, I was to nev­er tell your mom we were hav­ing sex­u­al rela­tion­ships. Because it was her who dri­ves me to the Church of the Sav­iour (trans­la­tor note: a church in Bei­jing) every time, and then I would have to change to your car to be able to get into the gat­ed apart­ment com­plex. She thought I was always just at your place to play Mahjong or pok­er. We were always just trans­par­ent indi­vid­u­als in each oth­ers lives. Your wife was like the queen in The Leg­end of Zhen Huan (trans­la­tor note: a very pop­u­lar show about pow­er strug­gle with­in an ancient Chi­nese roy­al fam­i­ly), while words could­n’t describe how embar­rassed I felt.

There were so many times where I thought, am I still a human? I thought I was a soul­less crea­ture, fak­ing, fak­ing every­day, which one is the real me? I should­n’t have come to this world, but I don’t have the courage to die.

I real­ly want to just live sim­ply, but things turned out dif­fer­ent than what I want­ed. On the 30th, we argued very bad­ly. You said on the after­noon on the 2nd, we would go to your home to slow­ly talk it out. Today at noon, you called to say you are busy, denied every­thing, made excuse to say we would talk anoth­er day... and just like this, you dis­ap­peared again, just like sev­en years ago.

You played with me, and dumped me when you are done with me. You said there were no trans­ac­tions between us. Yes, that is true, our affec­tion towards each oth­er had noth­ing to do with mon­ey or pow­er. But I have a hard time find­ing clo­sure for, and com­ing to terms with our three year long rela­tion­ship. You were always scared I would secret­ly bring a record­ing device, and leave evi­dence. That’s right, oth­er than me, I do not have any evi­dence to prove what hap­pened, no audio record­ing, no video tap­ing. The only thing I have is mem­o­ry from my own messed up self.

For some­one as promi­nent as your­self, I know you said you are not afraid. But it does­n’t mat­ter if I’m hit­ting a rock with an egg, or being a moth that flies towards the flame, I am telling the truth about what hap­pened between us. With your intel­li­gence and wits I am sure you will either deny it, or blame it on me, or you could sim­ply play it cool. You always say you hope your moth­er in heav­en could bless you. I am a bad woman who does­n’t deserve to be a moth­er, but you are a father with both boy and girl. I have asked you this before, would you have done the same even to your adopt­ed daugh­ter? Do you still have the courage to face your moth­er after what you have done in your life­time? We sure all like to pre­tend we are vir­tu­ous...


2 comments for “Peng Shuai “Psy-Op,” Part 1 UPDATED ON 12/17/2021”

  1. There was a sig­nif­i­cant devel­op­ment in the sto­ry of Peng Shuai: she just gave her first inter­view since the whole inci­dent blew up. It appeared to be an impromp­tu inter­view at a cross-coun­try ski­ing event in Shang­hai. As we prob­a­bly should have expect­ed, Peng down­played the entire sto­ry as a con­se­quence of mis­com­mu­ni­ca­tion. When asked if she is free to come and go from her home in Bei­jing, Peng appeared con­fused and respond­ed, “Why would I be mon­i­tored? I’ve always been very free.”

    Peng also direct­ly answered ques­tions regard­ing the fears of sex­u­al assault, telling the reporter, “I have nev­er said or writ­ten that any­one has sex­u­al­ly assault­ed me. I have to stress this point.”

    So is this going to put this sto­ry to rest? Nope, the World Ten­nis Asso­ci­a­tion said in a state­ment that “these appear­ances do not alle­vi­ate or address the WTA’s sig­nif­i­cant con­cerns about her well-being and abil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate with­out cen­sor­ship or coer­cion.” In oth­er words, it’s just being spun that Peng is hav­ing words put in her mouth.

    Inter­est­ing­ly, the arti­cle notes the seem­ing­ly mutu­al­ly roman­tic nature of Peng’s rela­tion­ship with Zhang, not that Peng’s offi­cial Wei­bo page last month claimed that Zhang had pres­sured her into hav­ing sex with him, and that Peng had sub­se­quent­ly entered into a long-term affair with the senior offi­cial, and expressed anger at Zhang for insist­ing on keep­ing their affair a secret. So it appears that this aspect of this sto­ry is indeed bleed­ing into the West­ern press’s cov­er­age of the sto­ry, but these pesky facts aren’t going to be allowed to change the nar­ra­tive:

    The Wash­ing­ton Post

    Peng Shuai says her alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al assault against for­mer Chi­nese offi­cial were mis­un­der­stood

    By Lily Kuo
    Decem­ber 20, 2021 at 12:08 a.m. EST

    Chi­nese ten­nis star Peng Shuai appeared in a new video on Sun­day claim­ing that her alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al assault against a for­mer senior Chi­nese offi­cial, which prompt­ed inter­na­tion­al out­cry over her appar­ent silenc­ing, had been mis­un­der­stood and she remained “very free.”

    “I have nev­er said or writ­ten that any­one has sex­u­al­ly assault­ed me. I have to stress this point,” Peng told a reporter from Singapore’s Lian­he Zaobao news­pa­per, in her first direct com­ments to jour­nal­ists since she post­ed explo­sive claims on Chi­nese social media in Novem­ber and dis­ap­peared from pub­lic view, reemerg­ing only in care­ful­ly curat­ed appear­ances ampli­fied by Chi­nese state out­lets.

    In the short video inter­view, in which Peng appeared to laugh off the con­tro­ver­sy, she referred to the con­tents of the state­ment as “a pri­vate mat­ter.” “Peo­ple seemed to have made a lot of mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tions,” she said, con­firm­ing for the first time the authen­tic­i­ty of the post last month on her Wei­bo pro­file.

    Yet Sunday’s inter­view with a Chi­nese-lan­guage Sin­ga­pore­an out­let known for its pro-Bei­jing lean­ings failed to assuage con­cerns about Peng’s abil­i­ty to speak freely in a coun­try where author­i­ties are known to extract con­fes­sions, often staged, from those who fall afoul of the state.

    The World Ten­nis Asso­ci­a­tion said in a state­ment Mon­day that “these appear­ances do not alle­vi­ate or address the WTA’s sig­nif­i­cant con­cerns about her well-being and abil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate with­out cen­sor­ship or coer­cion.”

    “We remain stead­fast in our call for a full, fair and trans­par­ent inves­ti­ga­tion, with­out cen­sor­ship, into her alle­ga­tion of sex­u­al assault, which is the issue that gave rise to our ini­tial con­cern,” it said.

    In Sunday’s video, Peng appears to give an impromp­tu inter­view to a reporter who had spot­ted her on the side­lines of a cross-coun­try ski­ing event in Shang­hai. Before the jour­nal­ist greets her, Peng turns toward the reporter with a smile, read­i­ly answer­ing ques­tions. Peng appears con­fused when asked if she is free to come and go from her home in Bei­jing.

    “Why would I be mon­i­tored? I’ve always been very free,” Peng said. Asked if she was indeed the author of an email in Novem­ber — which Chi­nese state out­let CGTN said Peng had sent to the WTA, insist­ing that “every­thing is fine” — Peng said she had writ­ten the Chi­nese ver­sion of the mes­sage, which was lat­er trans­lat­ed.

    When asked about trav­el out­side of Chi­na, Peng said she had no upcom­ing tour­na­ments or plans to go abroad, adding that she has “noth­ing to prove.” “What would I do abroad? You tell me,” she said.

    On Mon­day, a reporter with the state-run nation­al­ist tabloid Glob­al Times post­ed a video of Peng at the ski­ing event, chat­ting with Chi­nese bas­ket­ball star Yao Ming.

    A friend sent me this video show­ing Chi­nese ten­nis star play­er Peng Shuai talked with Yao Ming, one of the most beloved play­ers in @NBA his­to­ry, this morn­ing at an event “FIS Cross-Coun­try Ski­ing Chi­na City Tour’ in Shang­hai. pic.twitter.com/Ebduv5rean— Qingqing_Chen (@qingqingparis) Decem­ber 19, 2021

    Peng has not giv­en inter­views to any oth­er inter­na­tion­al out­lets and has not respond­ed to mes­sages sent to her offi­cial Wei­bo account. Queries to her sports agents went unan­swered on Mon­day. The Tian­jin Munic­i­pal Bureau of Sports, under which Peng trained, did not respond to a faxed request for an inter­view with Peng. The Women’s Ten­nis Asso­ci­a­tion in Bei­jing said it could not make her avail­able for an inter­view.

    A post on Peng’s offi­cial Wei­bo page last month claimed that for­mer vice min­is­ter Zhang Gaoli had pres­sured her into hav­ing sex with him, and that Peng had sub­se­quent­ly entered into a long-term affair with the senior offi­cial, who is four decades old­er than her. The post said Peng was angry at Zhang for insist­ing on keep­ing their affair a secret.

    “I know I can’t say it all clear­ly, and that there’s no use in say­ing it,” the post said. “But I still want to say it.”

    Peng’s alle­ga­tions sent shock waves through Chi­na, where her orig­i­nal post was quick­ly cen­sored and dis­cus­sion of the rare pub­lic alle­ga­tions against a top leader con­tin­ue to be blocked on social media plat­forms. Zhang, who is retired, has not respond­ed pub­licly to Peng’s accu­sa­tions. China’s State Coun­cil Infor­ma­tion Office has not respond­ed to a request for an inter­view with Zhang or faxed ques­tions about whether Chi­nese pros­e­cu­tors would inves­ti­gate the claims.



    “Peng Shuai says her alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al assault against for­mer Chi­nese offi­cial were mis­un­der­stood” By Lily Kuo; The Wash­ing­ton Post; 12/20/l2021

    “In Sunday’s video, Peng appears to give an impromp­tu inter­view to a reporter who had spot­ted her on the side­lines of a cross-coun­try ski­ing event in Shang­hai. Before the jour­nal­ist greets her, Peng turns toward the reporter with a smile, read­i­ly answer­ing ques­tions. Peng appears con­fused when asked if she is free to come and go from her home in Bei­jing.

    Was Peng’s con­fu­sion over the impromp­tu ques­tions just feigned sur­prise by some­one forced into mak­ing pub­lic appear­ances? Or gen­uine sur­prise? It’s the ques­tion that the pre­vail­ing nar­ra­tive about Peng being a pris­on­er of the state hinges upon. Which is why it’s going to be very inter­est­ing to see how many more inter­views Peng gives and whether or not the mutu­al­ly roman­tic nature of the rela­tion­ship between Peng and Zhang comes up in those inter­views:

    A post on Peng’s offi­cial Wei­bo page last month claimed that for­mer vice min­is­ter Zhang Gaoli had pres­sured her into hav­ing sex with him, and that Peng had sub­se­quent­ly entered into a long-term affair with the senior offi­cial, who is four decades old­er than her. The post said Peng was angry at Zhang for insist­ing on keep­ing their affair a secret.

    “I know I can’t say it all clear­ly, and that there’s no use in say­ing it,” the post said. “But I still want to say it.”

    So we’ll see what direc­tion this sto­ry takes next. It’s going to be a lot hard­er to main­tain the pre­vail­ing nar­ra­tive if she’s out and about giv­ing inter­views.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | December 21, 2021, 3:47 pm
  2. Some more info on Steve Simon, head of WTA: Steve was long­time CEO of the Indi­an Wells tour­na­ment and resort near Palm Springs. It has been owned since 2010 by Lar­ry Elli­son, long­time GOP donor and founder of Ora­cle, which lit­er­al­ly comes direct­ly from a CIA data­base project.

    Ora­cle’s data­bas­es are in prob­a­bly a mil­lion orgs around the world, and I sus­pect they still coop­er­ate with CIA. After 9/11, the num­ber three man at CIA, David Car­ney, left the agency after 32 years for an exec­u­tive gig at Ora­cle. Not sure if he is still there or not.


    “Steve Simon is the unan­i­mous choice to take over as the new CEO of the Wom­en’s Ten­nis Asso­ci­a­tion, the board of direc­tors announced Mon­day.

    Simon has been the tour­na­ment direc­tor and chief oper­at­ing offi­cer of the BNP Paribas Open at Indi­an Wells since 2004.”

    -Elli­son kept Simon onboard for four years after he bought the tour­na­ment. This is a good arti­cle on Oracle’s rela­tion­ship with the CIA dat­ing back to its found­ing in the late 70s.


    “Yes­ter­day, Vox some­how man­aged to write an entire arti­cle about the his­to­ry of Ora­cle and its founder Lar­ry Elli­son with­out men­tion­ing the CIA even once. Which is pret­ty astound­ing, giv­en the fact that Ora­cle takes its name from a 1977 CIA project code­name. And that the CIA was Oracle’s first cus­tomer.
    Vox sim­ply says that Ora­cle was found­ed in “the late 1970s” and “sells a line of soft­ware prod­ucts that help large and medi­um-sized com­pa­nies man­age their oper­a­tions.” All of which is true! But as the arti­cle con­tin­ues, it some­how ignores the fact that Ora­cle has always been a sig­nif­i­cant play­er in the nation­al secu­ri­ty indus­try. And that its founder would not have made his bil­lions with­out help­ing to build the tools of our mod­ern sur­veil­lance state.

    “Recog­nis­ing the poten­tial demand for a com­mer­cial data­base prod­uct, [Elli­son] found­ed the com­pa­ny that became Ora­cle in 1977,” Vox writes, con­spic­u­ous­ly omit­ting the whole “because CIA want­ed a rela­tion­al data­base” part of the his­to­ry.
    Which isn’t to say that Oracle’s work with the US gov­ern­ment should nec­es­sar­i­ly be frowned upon. The CIA needs data­bas­es, just like any large organ­i­sa­tion. But not men­tion­ing just how reliant Ora­cle has been on gov­ern­ment con­tracts since its incep­tion is down­right strange and seems to feed this nar­ra­tive that Elli­son sim­ply cre­at­ed a prod­uct that com­pa­nies want­ed and pri­vate enter­prise did the rest.
    Ora­cle has pulled in bil­lions of dol­lars each year work­ing for gov­ern­ments at all lev­els for all man­ner of projects, the most high-pro­file of late being the dis­as­ter that was the Ore­gon health insur­ance exchange. But it’s the company’s phi­los­o­phy behind how nation­al secu­ri­ty data­bas­es should work which would sur­prise some­one who’d only read about them on Vox.

    Elli­son has always been a big believ­er in the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment main­tain­ing large nation­al data­bas­es. And he was able to be much more pub­lic about it in the months after the Sep­tem­ber 11th attacks. In fact, Elli­son argued that we need­ed just one large nation­al secu­ri­ty data­base, one with nation­al ID cards and manda­to­ry iris scans, nat­u­ral­ly.
    “The sin­gle great­est step we Amer­i­cans could take to make life tougher for ter­ror­ists would be to ensure that all the infor­ma­tion in myr­i­ad gov­ern­ment data­bas­es was copied into a sin­gle, com­pre­hen­sive nation­al secu­ri­ty data­base,” Lar­ry Elli­son wrote in the New York Times in Jan­u­ary of 2002.
    “Cre­at­ing such a data­base is tech­ni­cal­ly sim­ple. All we have to do is copy infor­ma­tion from the hun­dreds of sep­a­rate law enforce­ment data­bas­es into a sin­gle data­base. A nation­al secu­ri­ty data­base could be built in a few months,” Elli­son explained. “A nation­al secu­ri­ty data­base com­bined with bio­met­rics, thumb prints, hand prints, iris scans or what­ev­er is best can be used to detect peo­ple with false iden­ti­ties.”

    And Elli­son has worked tire­less­ly to build that all-see­ing data­base, sug­gest­ing that he had even giv­en away for free much of the tech nec­es­sary for such infra­struc­ture. He’d only charge the gov­ern­ment for addi­tion­al ser­vices and main­te­nance of the sys­tems, of course.
    As Jef­frey Rosen recounts in his 2004 book, Reuters. Which is a prob­lem, both from a nation­al secu­ri­ty per­spec­tive or even a con­sumer con­fi­dence per­spec­tive. Because today, every­body uses Ora­cle data­bas­es.

    As Elli­son him­self told Rosen proud­ly for The Naked Crowd, “The Ora­cle data­base is used to keep track of basi­cal­ly every­thing. The infor­ma­tion about your banks, your check­ing bal­ance, your sav­ings bal­ance, is stored in an Ora­cle data­base. Your air­line reser­va­tion is stored in an Ora­cle data­base. What books you bought on Ama­zon is stored in an Ora­cle data­base. Your pro­file on Yahoo! is stored in an Ora­cle data­base.”

    I guess I shouldn’t be sur­prised that Vox didn’t high­light Oracle’s CIA ori­gins or its nev­er-end­ing rela­tion­ship with gov­ern­ments at all lev­els. But writ­ing an explain­er about Ora­cle with­out men­tion­ing the CIA or Ellison’s post‑9/11 goals or nation­al secu­ri­ty infra­struc­ture strikes me as sim­ply bizarre.”

    -Here is some more detail on Indi­an Wells. Turns out that Indi­an Wells was pur­chased TWICE in about five years. This arti­cle is about Ellison’s pur­chase.

    I love arti­cles like this that come from a “pure ten­nis” point of view rather than try­ing to be polit­i­cal or con­spir­a­to­r­i­al… author just likes fol­low­ing ten­nis! I find that you get a lot of good detail on niche top­ics like this from these kind of small blog­gers as opposed to some­thing like the NYT. They don’t know how to fil­ter things to fit some pre­con­ceived elite nar­ra­tive.


    “…If you fol­low the for­tunes of my favorite pro tour­na­ment — that would be Indi­an Wells — you know it seems there are major changes almost every year. First, the tour­na­ment almost went to Chi­na, but was saved at the last moment. Then it did­n’t have a spon­sor, but became the BNP Paribas Open, again bare­ly in time.

    But this year the news is big­ger than ever, because in Jan­u­ary one per­son bought the whole tour­na­ment — that’s right bought Indi­an Wells, 100%. That per­son is Lar­ry Elli­son.

    ...Elli­son bought out every­one: Char­lie Pasarell, Ray Moore, the two founders, plus the group that saved the tour­na­ment from Chi­na, includ­ing the USTA, Pete Sam­pras, Ten­nis Mag­a­zine, Chris Evert, etc, etc. It was­n’t offi­cial­ly announced, but the price was sup­pos­ed­ly $100 mil­lion.”

    -Hold up! So Elli­son brought it from a com­pa­ny that saved the tour­na­ment from mov­ing to Chi­na?


    “…Was that all just crazy talk, or did Indi­an Wells almost pack it all up and head to Shang­hai? What, you did­n’t hear about that? Indi­an Wells mov­ing to Chi­na? Hard to believe, but it could have hap­pened. And maybe it almost did.

    …But back to the Shang­hai scare for a minute. So far as I can deter­mine not much has been writ­ten about the whole deal. In fact almost every­thing we know comes from a few sto­ries done by a sports writer named Leighton Ginn from the The Desert Sun in Palm Springs. Here’s what I pieced togeth­er after read­ing his arti­cles, tak­ing to Leighton on the phone, and doing a lit­tle research of my own. Not sure it’s 1000% accu­rate but it is what is pub­licly out there as of now.
    Indi­an Wells may have one of the best over­all tour­na­ment envi­ron­ments in the world, but, amaz­ing­ly, the tour­na­ment has been los­ing mon­ey for the last sev­er­al years. How could that be?
It all goes back to the mar­ket­ing deal the ATP made that was intend­ed to cat­a­pult ten­nis to a whole new lev­el of world­wide media promi­nence and mul­ti­ply the mon­ey for every­one involved.

Remem­ber the name ISL? Prob­a­bly not. Very few peo­ple in ten­nis had ever heard of them. ISL was a Swiss mar­ket­ing com­pa­ny found­ed by Horst Dassler, whose fam­i­ly owned Adi­das. They were a huge play­er in World Cup soc­cer, con­trol­ling mar­ket­ing and TV rights. They paid $1.2 bil­lion to the ATP in 2001 for the uni­fied mar­ket­ing rights to the tour. It seemed shock­ing at the time. I remem­ber ask­ing a lot of knowl­edge­able ten­nis peo­ple about ISL, and draw­ing blanks–and this was from a group of writ­ers that loved to pon­tif­i­cate at length about any sub­ject relat­ed to ten­nis.
What was more shock­ing was that one year later–again seem­ing­ly overnight–ISL went bank­rupt.

    So just as quick­ly as it appeared, the whole ATP deal was gone. The full details of what real­ly hap­pened have nev­er been explained, so far as I could find, and they prob­a­bly nev­er will be. There were alle­ga­tions in the press of kick backs and mis­man­age­ment in the ISL soc­cer deal­ings. If you search around on the web it’s very hard to find any detailed or con­clu­sive infor­ma­tion to know the truth one way or the oth­er.

    …Indi­an Wells is half is owned by Char­lie Pasarell and Ray Moore, the two for­mer play­ers who start­ed the tour­na­ment. The oth­er half belongs to sports man­age­ment titan IMG. But when IMG founder Mark McCormick died, IMG was sold, and the sto­ry was that the new own­ers want­ed out.
    That’s where the Chi­nese came in. It has been report­ed that they offered at least $35 mil­lion for the event, maybe up to twice that. Shang­hai has a great new sta­di­um, if you saw any of the Mas­ters Cup at the end of the year. It was also report­ed that IMG was push­ing hard to sell.
So what hap­pened next?
A new group called the Ten­nis Com­pa­ny appeared with the goal of help­ing Pasarell and Moore buy out IMG. The Ten­nis Com­pa­ny prin­ci­pals are Robert Miller, who owns Ten­nis mag­a­zine and George Mack­lin who owns a trav­el and tourism com­pa­ny called Cus­tom Mar­ket­ing Group. But there was a con­di­tion. The Ten­nis Com­pa­ny want­ed the USTA involved, includ­ing finan­cial­ly, and at a sub­stan­tial lev­el.”

    SUMMARY: So ISL/Dasler scan­dal hap­pens, IMG is bought by Ted Forstmann (more on him lat­er), who wants to sell to Chi­na, but winds up sell­ing to this “Ten­nis Com­pa­ny” group which then sells to Elli­son five years lat­er.

    As for Bil­lie Jean King, she is not just net­worked with Glo­ria Steinem, but sat with her on a pan­el host­ed by Ronan Far­row!


    This site has more pic­tures of this event. The peo­ple in pic­ture are list­ed out of order in cap­tion, but cor­rect­ly in the low­er text body


    BJK has known Steinem for a long time, here is a pic of them with astro­naut Sal­ly Ride.


    -Anoth­er arti­cle with Steinem prais­ing King.


    “But that ran against pre­vail­ing opin­ion, said Glo­ria Steinem, whose mag­a­zine, Ms., was only a year old in 1973.

    “At that time, the idea that wom­en’s posi­tion of infe­ri­or­i­ty was due to nature was still sub­stan­tial,” Steinem told Ten­nis mag­a­zine. “If women were in infe­ri­or posi­tions (the think­ing went), it was because we were infe­ri­or peo­ple. Bil­lie Jean was pick­ing up the gaunt­let. She want­ed to show that any man was not bet­ter than any woman, which had been the atti­tude up until then.”

    -The Pad­ma Lak­sh­mi men­tioned is Salman Rushdie’s wife. Turns out she was with Ted Forstmann for two years, which was news to me! I cov­ered him years ago. He was a right-wing Ger­man-Amer­i­can bil­lion­aire whose fam­i­ly hid out in the Catskills dur­ing WW2 to avoid anti-Ger­man sen­ti­ment. Co-chair­man of GHW­B’s 1992 re-elec­tion cam­paign. Always seemed like an Under­ground Reich, finan­cial wing kind of guy.


    “The cou­ple had flown in on Forstmann’s G V, a $40 mil­lion gift to him from the board of Gulf­stream in 1999 for bring­ing the com­pa­ny back from the dead (he had tak­en it pub­lic in 1996 and then sold it to Gen­er­al Dynam­ics for $5.3 bil­lion, net­ting his investors a prof­it of some­thing like $5 bil­lion on a $187 mil­lion equi­ty invest­ment).
    “We’ve got to give you some­thing,” the Gulf­stream board chair­man, Bob Strauss, told Forstmann. “What do you want? How about some options?”
    “I own so much stock,” Forstmann replied. “I don’t want options.” He pon­dered the ques­tion and called Strauss back: “I know what I want: a G V.”
    “Holy shit,” Strauss replied.
    “Just think about it,” Forstmann said. “It’s 40 mil­lion bucks. You were going to give me more than $40 mil­lion worth of stock.”
    Strauss con­ced­ed the point and agreed to talk over the request with his fel­low board mem­bers, who includ­ed Forstmann’s friends Hen­ry Kissinger, George Shultz, Col­in Powell—all for­mer sec­re­taries of state—and Don­ald Rums­feld, the for­mer sec­re­tary of defense. Also on the Gulf­stream board were Mike Ovitz and Mark McCor­ma­ck, the founder and C.E.O. of IMG, a com­pa­ny Forstmann cov­et­ed but which was not then for sale. Unsur­pris­ing­ly, Forstmann’s friends vot­ed to give him his jet, which he prompt­ly embla­zoned with the “FL” logo of his buy­out firm, Forstmann Lit­tle, and used to fly all over the world.”

    -Note: This is the same Robert Strauss who was tight with LBJ (since his first 1937 con­gres­sion­al cam­paign!) and John Con­nal­ly. Strauss was also a for­mer FBI agent and despite his deep Demo­c­ra­t­ic ties lat­er became GHW­B’s ambas­sador to the Sovi­et Union! A fix­er, to be sure.

    -Bil­lie Jean King: The whole Vir­ginia Slims wom­en’s tour thing came right out of Phillip Mor­ris tobac­co mon­ey! In 1999, King was put on the Board of Direc­tors, which she took some flak for and even­tu­al­ly left. The CEO of Mor­ris at the time who was big on ten­nis was Joseph Cull­man, who once said this:


    ” In a now noto­ri­ous 1971 tele­vi­sion inter­view on the Amer­i­can cur­rent affairs pro­gram Face the Nation, in response to a recent­ly pub­lished study on the large num­bers of under­sized babies born to preg­nant female smok­ers he declared “I con­clud­ed from that report that it’s true that babies born from women who smoke are small­er, but they are just as healthy as the babies born to women who do not smoke. Some women would pre­fer hav­ing small­er babies.”

    What I DO find tru­ly inter­est­ing are the names that are on the cur­rent WTA board!


    Con­sid­er­ing that this is sup­posed to be a union, the com­plete lack of labor peo­ple and the pletho­ra of big­time cor­po­rate peo­ple on their advi­so­ry board is note­wor­thy. It is at the bot­tom of the arti­cle. I would also point out that there are 9 men and only 7 women on the board! That is hilar­i­ous to me. So fem­i­nist! Richard Bran­son, of Vir­gin Air and many oth­er com­pa­nies, is one of those “con­nect­ed like a switch­board” guys. He seems to come up in a lot of weird sto­ries. How­ev­er, the ones I find most inter­est­ing are:

    Arnon Milchan- Israeli spy and weapons traf­fick­er who then came to Hol­ly­wood and became a big­time pro­duc­er, includ­ing pro­duc­ing “JFK”!

    Win­ston Lord- Skull and Bones­man from the pow­er­ful Lord tex­tiles fam­i­ly. A name I have read many, many times over the years... Chief advi­sor on Chi­na pol­i­cy for State Dept on Chi­na from 1973–77 and present on Nixon’s trips to Chi­na. Also a prin­ci­pal drafter of the Shang­hai Com­mu­nique which led to the open­ing of Chi­na and the Paris Accords that got us out of Viet­nam. I won­der what he thinks of this ker­fuf­fle, being one of the key play­ers on the ini­tial steps that lead to the buildup of Chi­na as a dom­i­nant cor­po­rate pow­er?


    Posted by Wile E Coyote | January 13, 2022, 12:55 pm

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