Dave Emory’s entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive that can be obtained here. (The flash drive includes the anti-fascist books available on this site.)
COMMENT: We experienced a mixture of genuine amusement and revulsion at the screeching over “disclosures” that NSA and GCHQ (the U.K. equivalent of NSA) are engaged in a massive data mining and surveillance program involving cell phones and internet communications.
For openers, this isn’t new, to say the least. It’s been going on for decades, scrutinizing phone calls at first, and then internet communications. On top of that, other countries do the same thing, including Germany. (See excerpted article below.)
The internet itself was developed by DARPA. DARPA also developed the GPS. The smart phones people have so enthusiastically embraced have a GPS function that can’t be disabled. That GPS function permits the user to be pinpointed to within 30 feet of their exact location at any time. Users of these phones think nothing of putting their financial information, their tastes in recreation and just about everything else on these devices.
In the Bay Area, radio ads are hyping a new “app” which will permit smart phone users to physically monitor their premises and their children’s whereabouts, as well as locking doors. Smart phone are not secure. Cyber criminals must be licking their chops in anticipation of co-opting that function.
Google and Yahoo make no bones about tracking and monitoring people’s e‑mail and internet use. Google is putting the whole world online with their Google Earth function. They make no bones about sharing this information with other institutions, governmental and corporate.
With the development of social networks (also aided by the intelligence community), those smart phones and the internet have made any concept of privacy fundamentally obsolete! People have enthusiastically embraced these developments! They would do well to stop their whining.
It is also interesting to note that none of the critics of Echelon/Menwith Hill/PRISM have raised any objection whatsoever to T‑Mobile, owned by Deutsche Telekom, which is controlled by the German government. This was authorized by the Bush administration. (See excerpt below.) It is a safe bet that BND-German intelligence–monitors all calls made on T‑mobile. Deutsche Telekom–parent company of T‑Mobile and MetroPCS–is used by the BND. BND does the same thing. Not incidentally, T‑mobile owns Metro PCS. (See excerpted text below.) If you use T‑Mobile or Metro PCS, you are being spied on by the German government. Enjoy, civil libertarians!
It is of more than a little significance that the initial attacks on the Echelon system and the Menwith Hill GCHQ/NSA station in the U.K. came largely from the Free Congress Foundation (inextricably linked with the far right and the Underground Reich) and Germany (which has the same capability!) Those attacks intensified after 9/11.
There are indications that the 9/11 attacks may have much to do with the German-driven negative publicity about NSA/GCHQ signals intelligence. A report by the European Parliament about Menwith Hill and Echelon was released just before 9/11. (Be sure to see excerpts below.)
We suspect that much of the negative publicity the Obama administration is receiving recently comes from GOP/Underground Reich elements seeking to alienate the so-called “progressive sector” from the Democrats, in anticipation of upcoming elections. (Obama continues to prove “gamable” in his efforts to placate the GOP. Comey’s appointment–see below–is typical and will likely prove disastrous.)
From the disclosure of this operation to the publicity surrounding the “Olympic Games” creation of Stuxnet to the WikiLeaks torrent, we are seeing information/programs begun under the Bush administrations surfacing to create embarrassment for Obama.
The Nazified GOP surely knows how unpopular their agenda is with most Americans–they seek to gut Social Security and Medicare. Their best hope at the polls is to generate sufficient apathy, particularly among younger voters, to enable them to game another election.
If the GOP does get back into office with Republican majorities in both houses of Congress, watch out!
They will not wait for the wave of populist outrage over their programs to sweep them out of office. Some sort of monstrous event will be allowed to happen–or created–that will eclipse the outrage and send us into war and bankruptcy at the same time.
Perhaps the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ new cyber-warfare unit–created in the wake of the disclosures concerning the creation of Stuxnet–will cause (or be SAID to cause) a nuclear power plant to melt down or something along those lines. (Ptech’s software is used by the Department of Energy, which oversees the nuclear power plants.)
Such an event will collapse our economy and we will all be called upon to “put aside our differences” and pitch in to defeat the common enemy. Hezbollah operatives reliably reported to be in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America might very well infiltrate the U.S. to add to the “emergency.”
Whatever horror show is cooked up, it will have to be worse than 9/11.
Think about it, people, and get off your butts.
As noted by the vigilant “Pterrafractyl,” what is really significant about the PRISM function is its probable dual use by Palantir, developed by German-born Peter “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible . . . the extension of the franchise to women . . . . rendered the notion of ‘capitalist democracy’ into an oxymoron” Thiel. A financial wizard behind the capitalization of Facebook, Thiel gives every appearance of being Underground Reich.
Thiel was also the biggest contributor to the Super-PAC of Nazi fellow-traveler Ron Paul. Paul’s Tea-Party son Rand Paul has been leading the anti-Obama charge on this.
Although Palantir denies that its PRISM is the same used by the data mining program, it seems highly unlikely, given Palantir’s close relationship with the intelligence community. (See excerpted article below.)
Idle thought: Given that Peter Thiel hates Obama and is associated with the Koch brothers’ Cato Institute, one wonders if the classified information made it to the media courtesy of–Peter Thiel and/or associates?!
The NSA/Prism story was broken in considerable measure by Glenn Greenwald of the Guardian [UK]. In addition to his association with the left-leaning Guardian, Greenwald is professionally networked with–the Cato Institute! (See excerpted story below.)
At the time of 9/11 and afterward, eagle-eye Greenwald had a high regard for George W. Bush’s behavior! (See excerpted article below.) He may just be a naif being manipulated by Cato Institute/Palantir/Thiel etc. He is definitely proving useful, and one must wonder if “Team Thiel” had anything to do with the leaking.
Note the relationship between Bridgewater Associates and Palantir. Bridgewater Associates former general counsel is James Comey, who has been nominated by the “Lee Harvey Obama” (as we call him) to be head of the FBI.
Deutsche Telekom–parent company of T‑Mobile and MetroPCS–is used by the BND. BND does the same thing.
“Is This Who Runs Prism?” by Josh Marshall; Talking Points Memo; 6/7/2013.
EXCERPT: I want to stress this is a reader email, not TPM reporting. But I’m sharing it because after reading it through and doing some googling of my own there’s little doubt that Palantir is doing stuff like what the government is doing with those tech companies, even if they’re not part of ‘prism’ itself. Give this a read.
From an anonymous reader …
I don’t see anyone out there with this theory, and TPM is my favorite news source, so here goes:
“PRISM” is the government’s name for a program that uses technology from Palantir. Palantir is a Silicon Valley start-up that’s now valued at well over $1B, that focuses on data analysis for the government. Here’s how Palantir describes themselves:
“We build software that allows organizations to make sense of massive amounts of disparate data. We solve the technical problems, so they can solve the human ones. Combating terrorism. Prosecuting crimes. Fighting fraud. Eliminating waste. From Silicon Valley to your doorstep, we deploy our data fusion platforms against the hardest problems we can find, wherever we are needed most.” http://www.palantir.com/what-we-do/
They’re generally not public about who their clients are, but their first client was famously the CIA, who is also an early investor.
With my theory in mind, re-read the denials from the tech companies in the WSJ (emphasis mine):
Apple: “We do not provide any government agency with direct access to our servers…”
Google: “… does not have a ‘back door’ for the government to access private user data…”
Facebook: “… not provide any government organization with direct access to Facebook servers…”
Yahoo: “We do not provide the government with direct access to our servers, systems, or network…”
These denials could all still be technically true if the government is accessing the data through a government contractor, such as Palantir, rather than having direct access.
I just did a quick Google search of “Palantir PRISM” to see if anyone else had this theory, and the top results were these pages:
Apparently, Palantir has a software package called “Prism”: “Prism is a software component that lets you quickly integrate external databases into Palantir.” That sounds like exactly the tool you’d want if you were trying to find patterns in data from multiple companies.
So the obvious follow-up questions are of the “am I right?” variety, but if I am, here’s what I really want to know: which Palantir clients have access to this data? Just CIA & NSA? FBI? What about municipalities, such as the NYC police department? What about the governments of other countries?
What do you think?
FWIW, I know a guy who works at Palantir. I asked him what he/they did once, and he was more secretive than my friends at Apple.
PS, please don’t use my name if you decide to publish any of this — it’s a small town/industry. Let them Prism me instead.
Late Update: Another reader notes that Bridgewater Associates LLP, one of the largest hedge funds in the world, is also a major client of Palantir, which appears to be confirmed by many press reports. . .
EXCERPT: Palantir is a company founded by Peter Thiel — of Paypal and Facebook renown — that has software which absolutely changes the game with intelligence.
It’s one of the best programs at coordinating the vast databases accumulated by the U.S. intelligence apparatus. It’s already in use in federal domestic security.
But it’s also caused a massive fight inside the Army intelligence command.
Palantir is one of the first Silicon Valley companies to view the government as a customer rather than an annoyance and — after stepping into a game dominated by top contractors like Lockheed Martin, IBM, and Raytheon — it’s proven controversial in both what it does and if it should be used.
What it does is assemble comprehensive dossiers on objects of interest, collated from the sprawling databases of intelligence agencies.
If that sounds over-broad, it’s intentional.
The databases and dossiers in question are on everything from Afghan villages to crooked bankers. The can pull crime information and collate it with recent debit card purchases.
The software was developed with the idea that had it existed in 2001, 9/11 would have been obvious. Palantir would have been able to identify the pilots as people of interest from countries that harbor terrorists, connecting that with money wired around, and connecting that with one-way airline tickets to create actionable intelligence.
One controversy comes with the civil liberties issues that come with that particular business model.
The other controversy is much less philosophical: The Army intelligence community is full of infighting over this Valley competitor to defense contractor tech.
The Army Intelligence community is split over software. The $2.3 Billion DCGS‑A system, developed by the standard crowd of defense contractors, is either panned by some as complicated and slow or defensed by others as the future of military distributed intelligence.
Likewise, the culty following of Palantir’s alternative have been dismissed as on the take from the Silicon Valley firm. That tech has been deployed by data mining Wall Street banks interested in tracking down fraud, and an early investor in the company was the CIA. The Army, however, isn’t sold. . . .
EXCERPT: . . . “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible,” Thiel wrote in a 2009 manifesto published by the libertarian Cato Institute. “Since 1920, the vast increase in welfare beneficiaries and the extension of the franchise to women — two constituencies that are notoriously tough for libertarians — have rendered the notion of ‘capitalist democracy’ into an oxymoron.” . . .
“Hat Tip, Glenn Greenwald” by Tim Lynch; cato.org; 6/7/2013.
EXCERPT: . . . . A few years ago, Cato invited Greenwald to participate in a Cato Unbound exchange on government surveillance. Here’s an excerpt from the introduction to his essay:
The digital surveillance state is out of control. It intercepts our phone calls, keeps track of our prescription drug use, monitors our email, and keeps tabs on us wherever we go. For all that, it doesn’t appear to be making us safer. Accountability has been lost, civil liberties are disappearing, and the public-private partnerships in this area of government action raise serious questions about the democratic process itself. It’s time we stood up to do something about it.
Cato also hosted an event for Greenwald’s second book, A Tragic Legacy, which focused on the policies of the Bush administration. That event can be viewed here.
And, though not directly related to government spying, Greenwald authored Cato’s highly acclaimed study, Drug Decriminalization in Portugal.
American policymakers too often serve up Bread & Circuses. Congratulations to Greenwald for starting a real debate on one of the most important issues of our time. . . .
EXCERPT: . . . . As Mr. Greenwald tells it, the last decade has been a slow political awakening. “When 9/11 happened, I thought Bush was doing a good job,” he said. . . .
EXCERPT: [Notice when this was published–9/6/2001.–D.E.] . . . The United States-led spying system known as Echelon can monitor virtually every communication in the world — by e‑mail, phone or fax — that bounces off a satellite, the European Parliament was told. But in reporting on a yearlong study of the system that was prompted by concern that American companies were using data from the system to gain a competitive edge, Gerhard Schmid, a German member of the Parliament, said that many European countries had similar abilities . . .
EXCERPT: A German hacker organization claims to have cracked spying software allegedly used by German authorities. The Trojan horse has functions which go way beyond those allowed by German law. The news has sparked a wave of outrage among politicians and media commentators.
It sounds like something out of George Orwell’s novel “1984” — a computer program that can remotely control someone’s computer without their knowledge, search its complete contents and use it to conduct audio-visual surveillance via the microphone or webcam.
But the spy software that the famous German hacker organization Chaos Computer Club has obtained is not used by criminals looking to steal credit-card data or send spam e‑mails. If the CCC is to be believed, the so-called “Trojan horse” software was used by German authorities. The case has already triggered a political shockwave in the country and could have far-reaching consequences.
On Saturday, the CCC announced that it had been given hard drives containing a “state spying software” which had allegedly been used by German investigators to carry out surveillance of Internet communication. The organization had analyzed the software and found it to be full of defects. They also found that it transmitted information via a server located in the US. As well as its surveillance functions, it could be used to plant files on an individual’s computer. It was also not sufficiently protected, so that third parties with the necessary technical skills could hijack the Trojan horse’s functions for their own ends. The software possibly violated German law, the organization said.
So-called Trojan horse software can be surreptitiously delivered by a harmless-looking e‑mail and installed on a user’s computer without their knowledge, where it can be used to, for example, scan the contents of a hard drive. In 2007, the German Interior Ministry announced it had designed a Trojan horse that could be used to search the hard drives of terror suspects.
Beyond the Limits
The hard drives that the CCC analyzed came from at least two different German states. It was unclear whether the software, which is said to be at least three years old, had been used by state-level or national authorities. In a Sunday statement, the Interior Ministry denied that the software had been used by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), which is similar to the American FBI. The statement did not explicitly rule out the possibility that the software could have been used by state-level police forces.
If the CCC’s claims are true, then the software has functions which were expressly forbidden by Germany’s highest court, the Federal Constitutional Court, in a landmark 2008 ruling which significantly restricted what was allowed in terms of online surveillance. The court also specified that online spying was only permissible if there was concrete evidence of danger to individuals or society. . . .
EXCERPT: . . . . Three years before the Sept. 11 attacks, Germany’s domestic intelligence service was tracking prominent members of the Hamburg terrorist cell that planned and executed the aircraft hijackings, according to newly obtained documents. The documents, including intelligence reports, surveillance logs and transcripts of intercepted telephone calls, appear to contradict public claims by the German authorities that they knew little about the members of the Hamburg cell before the attacks.
As early as 1998, the records show, the Germans monitored a meeting between men suspected of plotting the attacks. The surveillance would lead a year later to the Hamburg apartment where Mohamed Atta and other main plotters were living while attending universities. While the records do not indicate that authorities heard any mention of a specific plan, they depict a surveillance mission extensive enough to raise anew the politically sensitive question of whether the Germans missed a chance to disrupt the cell during the initial stages of planning the attacks. Some American investigators and officials have argued that the Germans in the past missed evidence that could have stopped the plot. The Germans have maintained steadfastly that the information they had was too scanty to warrant serious alarm, and that their police and intelligence agencies were not focused on Al Qaeda at the time.
The documents come from the files of various German police and intelligence agencies. They detail how close an investigation of Qaeda contacts in Hamburg begun in 1997 by the Constitutional Protection Agency, Germany’s domestic intelligence service, came to the main cell members. They were provided to The New York Times by someone with official access to the files of the continuing investigation into the events leading to the Sept. 11 attacks. When the documents were described to officials at the German Interior Ministry and the constitutional protection police, they declined to answer any questions about them but did not dispute their authenticity . . .
Mr. Motassadeq admitted that he knew Mr. Atta and other plotters and had attended Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan. He has maintained in trial testimony that he did not know that his friends were planning to attack the United States. No evidence has been presented at his three-month trial that would reveal when the police first opened an inquiry into Mr. Motassadeq. But the intelligence agency documents show that by August 1998 he was under surveillance and that the trail soon led to most of the main participants in the later attacks. [It was in August of 1998 that President Clinton ordered the cruise missile strike against Bin Laden and the same month that Bin Laden went to a courier system instead of using his cell phone. Note, also, that the head of the Hamburg police at the time the surveillance of the Hamburg cell was in place is now head of the BND!–D.E.]
According to the documents, the surveillance was in place on Aug. 29, 1998, when Mr. Motassadeq and Mohamed Haydar Zammar, who had already been identified by police as a suspected extremist, met at the Hamburg home of Said Bahaji. [Italics are Mr. Emory’s] The police monitored several other meetings between the men in the months that followed, the documents said. The record of the meeting shows that police had identified Mr. Bahaji, another person suspected of being a cell member and believed to have been intimately involved in the planning and logistics of the plot, who fled to Pakistan days before the attacks. Mr. Bahaji later moved in with Mr. Atta and Ramzi bin al-Shibh in the now-infamous apartment at 54 Marienstrasse in the Harburg section of Hamburg. [There are profound indications of a link between Mohamed Atta and the BND–D.E.]. . .
EXCERPT: T‑Mobile has been slowly inching closer to closing its acquisition deal with MetroPCS, and the day for inking that contract is finally here. Less than a week after MetroPCS shareholders approved the merger, which would give them a total cash payment of $1.5 billion, the deal is done, and T‑Mo is a publicly traded company. In addition to giving Deutsche Telekom [a subsidiary of THE GERMAN GOVERNMENT!–D.E.] a 74 percent stake in the new company, the deal will bring nine million new prepaid customers to T‑Mobile. . . .
“US Ruling on Telekom Could Lead to Wave of Investment” by Peter Spiegel in Washington; Financial Times; 5/2/2001; p. 8.
EXCERPT: . . . . Although extended regulatory debates can frequently lead to documents full of mealy-mouthed bureaucratese, the 97-page order issued by the FCC is as sweeping and precedent-setting as Mr. Powell had wanted. It goes further than any previous ruling in the agency’s 66-year history to open up the U.S. telecommunications market to foreign competitors. ‘This is the green light. This is the paved road.
This is the autobahn,” said Rudy Baca, an analyst of international telecoms regulation with the Precursor Group. ‘It’s more definitive than most people expected.’
At the heart of the debate over the deal was a discreet section of the Communications act that contains seemingly contradictory guidance on how to deal with foreign telecoms owned by their governments. One part of the law states flatly that no U.S. phone licenses can be held ‘by any foreign government or representative thereof.’ But another section allows a company to buy the license if the FCC rules it in the public interest. The interpretation of the language is crucial, since outside the UK, most big overseas companies remain at least partially in the hands of governments.
After the VoiceStream deal closes, for instance, Telekom will still be 45 per cent-owned by the German government. . .
EXCERPT: Between Friday night and Sunday morning, a massive deletion operation took place at the European Internet address register (RIPE) to scrub references to a cover used by Germany’s premier spy agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst, or BND.
The cleanup operation comes the night after Wikileaks revealed over two dozen covert BND networks provided by T‑Systems (Deutsche Telekom). The IP addresses were assigned to an unregistered company at a Munich-based PO box linked to T‑Systems.
T‑Systems purged the RIPE database of all addresses exposed by Wikileaks, moving the addresses into a several giant anonymous “Class B” address pools.
The move comes just a few hours after T‑Systems Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) contacted Wikileaks to demand removal of an internal T‑Systems memo listing the BND cover addresses. Wikileaks refused and T‑System did not respond to requests for further detail by the time of writing.
Yet an investigation into the addresses over the weekend reveals key information about the BND’s Internet activities. . . . .
Website references reveal that in 2006 numerous hosters of Internet websites complained about out of control “data mining” robots from two of the BND-linked IP addresses. One of the hosters ran a popular discussion forum on counter-terrorism operations.
The integrity and transparency of the RIPE system is not assisted by the T‑Systems deletion. German citizens may wonder at the double standard. At a time when the population’s Internet addresses are being recorded by ISPs under laws derisively referred to as “Stasi 2.0”, the “real Stasi”—the BND, has had the largest telco in Germany scrub its addresses from the European record within 24 hours of their exposure.
Isn’t “Prism” just another manifestation of Promis? It’s Inslaw and Cabazon all over again.
Oh my, so Palantir is claiming that it isn’t their Prism software that’s being used by the NSA. Palantir’s Prism, they assert, is only used by financial firms. They also claim they they’ve never even heard of this other NSA Prism program. While it’s possible that Palantir — a CIA-financed company dedicated to Big Data analysis — and the NSA just happened to give the same name to two different Big Data analytical tools that performed remarkably similar functions, it sort of strains credulity:
Good info . . . . very interesting article. Indeed, what ARE Peter Thiel and his buddies doing with this stuff? It bears watching, and is grounds for further research. =(
@Steven L.: Well, if Palantir’s involvement in the HBGary blackmailing episode is any indication of what we should expect, I’m leaning towards blackmail/dirty-tricks-for-hire services. There’s no evidence that it’s being used for that. Just their track record:
The idea that a far-right anti-democracy wacko like Thiel could be basically deputized by the government to become some sort of Cyber Vigilante is particularly unsettling. But then when you factor all the creepy far-right ties swirling around Wikileaks the idea that Thiel was deputized to fight Wikileaks becomes even more perverse.
Another interesting question surrounding all of this is just what can metadata be used for? To some extent it’s a moot question because so much more than metadata is being collected. But metadata alone might end up being much more widely available for sale or use in the growing private intelligence industry because it’s simply less informative and presumed to be sort of “safer” regarding privacy concerns. So it’s a question still worth asking.
Please do check the latest update. Greenwald, himself, is associated with the Cato Institute.
He may just be naive–he says he liked what George Bush was doing around 9/11–and he may just be used to do the bidding of Thiel/Palantir, etc.
The road to Hell is paved with–libertarianism!
Just what the Hell does Greenwald think he’s doing hanging with the likes of the Cato Institute?
Why have we not heard more about this relationship?
Check the stories and links in the updated version of this post.
This guy who came out today, Snowden, was/is working for Booz-Allen in Hong Kong. Thought that company’s name rang a bell, and weren’t they involved in some unflatering business just like this in the late 90s?
The self-outed leaker, Edward Snowden, is turning out to be a somewhat mysterious fellow. The 29 year old former CIA analyst appears to be a Libertarian Ron Paul supporter that leaked the NSA documents in order to prompt a national debate about the growing surveillance state. And maybe he’s telling the truth. But he’s already got many scratching their heads by traveling to Hong Kong, where he is currently staying, and saying that he chose that location because “they have a spirited commitment to free speech and the right of political dissent.” It’s a curious choice for a Libertarian activist dedicated to internet freedoms. It sounds like he wants to get asylum somewhere so it will be interesting to see how this plays out between the US and Chinese governments.
Snowden also gave a vague timeline on when he decided he must do something to expose the NSA’s abuses. He joined a Special Forces training program in 2003 but left after breaking both legs in a training accident. After that, he worked as a security guard at an NSA facility and then went on to work at the CIA in IT security. It sounds like the transformational moment for him was while he was stationed in Geneva in 2007. He witnessed the CIA officers attempt to recruit a Swiss banker by first getting the guy drunk, then encouraging him to drive home, and after the guy is arrested for drunk driving the CIA officers offered to help, establishing the relationship that led to the recruitment. That appears to have deeply unsettled him and it was during his time in Geneva that he first thought about exposing state secrets. So he’s been planning on something like this for the past six years. He asserts that one of the reasons he didn’t leak anything at the time was the election of Obama and the hope that real change would take place. He left the CIA in 2009 to go work for the NSA as a contractor in Japan. It sounds like it was seeing Obama repeat Bush’s surveillance policies in 2009 that “hardened” him and made him determined to do something. He then spent the next three years learning about the NSA’s systems. So Snowden has been planning this for a while:
One question Snowden needs to answer right away is what on earth was Dick Cheney’s autobiography doing in his room? Like, he being ironic or something, right?
Ok, that Cheney biography mentioned in the interview of Snowden actually sounds like a good read.
This fellow Snowden volunteered for Special Forces. Allegedly left the military because he got two broken legs in a training accident (but maybe his mom was sick). Then worked for the NSA. Then worked for the CIA. Then worked for Booz Allen Hamilton, which is essentially a privatized wing of the CIA. This is not the normal career path for a someone concerned with civil liberties. Maybe he squeezed in some work for Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall along the way.
Following Bob’s train of thought “Whistleblower” Edward Snowden went from high school dropout to army dropout to NSA SECURITY GUARD to Booz Allen Hamilton infrastructure analyst for the NSA. The Carlyle Group, with deep connections to the Bush and Bin Laden families on 911, owns two-thirds of Booz Allen. Recall that Ace SECURITY GUARD Thane Eugene Cesar, a central figure in the RFK assassination, worked For Lockheed at the CIA U2 facility in Burbank and held a top security clearance there. Are we witnessing a case where Thane Eugene Snowden shot from the lip mortally wounding Lee Harvey Obama?
And now the EU’s leaders get to play the ‘I’m super shocked’ game:
With Obama set to meet with Merkel next week you have to wonder how this will play out in Germany’s upcoming elections and the resulting impact that could have on US/EU data-sharing agreements. This is the type of issue that could really rankle the German electorate given the long history of strong data privacy protections in Germany. Plus, they probably already forgot about this
@Bob Miller and Dennis–
Snowden’s career path is definitely atypical for one as concerned with civil liberties as he pretends to be.
He leaks this information shortly after Obama took control of drone strikes away from CIA (whose headquarters is named for George H.W. Bush.)
He then turns up in Hong Kong, well-positioned to potentially cause troubles for Obama’s diplomacy vis a vis China.
This definitely has a “U‑2 incident” feel to it.
I’ll be doing a post on this and other “scandals” before too much longer.
The more time passes, the more I come to feel that the ouster of Petraeus was a prelude to the symphony of scandals that we’ve been seeing since.
BTW–Sunday’s New York Times confirmed that NSA does indeed have a working arrangement with Palantir, the firm’s anonymous disclaimer to the contrary notwithstanding.
With Glenn Greenwald maintaining a professional relationship with the Koch brothers’ Cato Institute, I still very much wonder if “team Thiel” had anything to do with hooking up Snowden and Greenwald.
Greenwald, BTW, was deeply involved with the WikiLeaks affair.
Are you aware that Edward Snowden has financially backed crypto-fascist Ron Paul? That is extremely concerning to me. I only found out like just now but it really dampens my excitement and rejoice in proclaiming him to be a post-modern hero. I don’t know how to reconcile the fact that he leaked information about a program (PRISM, that along with project Stellar Wind) has brought about the end of privacy with the fact that he supports a fascist politician who would bring about an authoritarian government worse than our present government and an economy that is Objectivist. Even just the economic issue, I deplore Objectivism (economic and moral ideology) and Ayn Rand.
I am indeed aware that Snowden is a “Paulistinian” and will be discussing that in a post to be published shortly.
Note that Peter Thiel of Palantir was the main contributor to Paul’s Provo, Utah, based Super PAC.
(Its disclaimers to the contrary notwithstanding, Palantir does indeed appear to be the parent of the PRISM function.)
Glenn Greenwald, the leaking journalist, is professionally associated with the Koch Brothers’ originated Cato Institute, with which Thiel is also affiliated.
One wonders if we are looking at some “networking” here.
BTW–in proof that a broken clock is right twice a day, some GOP figures have labeled Snowden a traitor.
Indeed he is. He may very well be THEIR traitor, however.
In which case, he fits right in.
Snowden’s background is more than a little interesting, for a personal liberties honcho.
“Alphabet Soup”–NSA,CIA, Booz Allen (an annex of the preceding.)
Turns up in Hong Kong, just as Obama is meeting with Chinese leadership to improve relations, including cyber-espionage.
Good luck with that, now.
Interestingly, he does not have a high school degree–mandatory for government national security contractors.
That suggests he was “fast tracked.”
Keep your eyes peeled for the post.
It looks like Snowden is now passing documents to the Chinese. This doesn’t seem like it will help win the battle for US public opinion, and it’s not exactly revelatory news for anyone, so maybe he’s trying to please the Chinese?
The reaction of the Hong Kong democracy activists raises a condundrum for Snowden: If Snowden wants to curry the Chinese government’s favor he has to be sure he isn’t encouraging China’s own dissidents. The Chinese populace is only getting more and more restive as the years tick by and by hanging out in Hong Kong and talking about US mass-surveillance he’s also indirectly reminding everyone of China’s police-state while championing liberty and privacy. It’s a fascinating dynamic unfolding.
Never found the exact details of the late 90s thing with Booz Allen, and if you spoke to any of this I looked but couldn’t find anything. Actually it was in the month or so before 9/11 that Booz Allen was instrumental (somehow) in getting a company called Computer Sciences Corporation to handle the “non-mission” internal communication IT of NSA through Operations Breakthrough and Groundbreaker. There was a bit of a firestorm about the $ over this in August 2001 that was covered some in the media. I guess after 9/11 it went away, and I’m sorry if you covered this and I missed it. Anyway, Computer Sciences Corp is the (largest?)(only?) IT consultant/outsourcer based in the US. They have had contracts with everything from the aforementioned NSA to the IRS, Post Office and Medicaid and do/did own DynCorp. Apparently, they still have Booz Allen getting them contracts/info. Seems like they may have a lot of metadata.
Wow, all of this sounds very familiar. In fact you can find almost verbatim texts on the Internet, however written, dictated by Indira Singh, way back when she outed Ptech and all the connections back and forwards. it appears her work is being copied wholesale. BTW what did those folks do to her to get rid of her?
... Not to mention the link between her IP (intellectual property) and Booze Allen’s on this matter. Have any of you read her books? Straight out of it, all of it.
Dave, you say Greenwald, approved of George W. Bush’s actions. This just flies in the face of the facts; Greenwald’s entire career has a journalist is due to his anti-Bush policy blooging. His relationship with the CATO institute was an event they hosted for his book on the Bush admin title “A Tragic Legacy” — hardly sounds like a tome of approval. Now, I wish Greenwald would think twice before lending an credibility to an organization like the CATO institute and, perhaps, as you say, he is being manipulated, but I don’t think its fair to call him “pro-Bush”
@Brian Brady–
Well, sonny boy, there’s nothing like doing your homework.
It was obvious from your comment the other day–which I relegated to the trash–that you don’t bother examining my posts.
There is a dynamic I call “INformation vs. CONfirmation.”
I work to disseminate INformation. Most people–obviously including yourself–are interested in CONfirmation, of their beliefs, hopes, prejudices, fears etc.
You, sonny boy, are obviously interested in CONfirmation.
You didn’t even read the post on which you commented with any degree of attention!
To wit–I didn’t say Greenwald approved of Bush’s actions after 9/11, HE said it:
“Blogger, With Focus on Surveillance, Is at Center of a Debate” by Noam Cohen and Leslie Kaufman; The New York Times; 6/6/2013.
EXCERPT: . . . . As Mr. Greenwald tells it, the last decade has been a slow political awakening. “When 9/11 happened, I thought Bush was doing a good job,” he said. . . .
Slow political awakening is understatement. BTW–Greenwald has a professional background in corporate law, working for some very big, wealthy interests.
And as far as his relationship with the Cato Institute, you got that wrong, as well–predictably.
You said: “His relationship with the CATO institute was an event they hosted for his book on the Bush admin title “A Tragic Legacy” — hardly sounds like a tome of approval. . . .”
His relationship is deeper and more complex than that:
“Hat Tip, Glenn Greenwald” by Tim Lynch; cato.org; 6/7/2013.
EXCERPT: . . . . A few years ago, Cato invited Greenwald to participate in a Cato Unbound exchange on government surveillance. Here’s an excerpt from the introduction to his essay:
The digital surveillance state is out of control. It intercepts our phone calls, keeps track of our prescription drug use, monitors our email, and keeps tabs on us wherever we go. For all that, it doesn’t appear to be making us safer. Accountability has been lost, civil liberties are disappearing, and the public-private partnerships in this area of government action raise serious questions about the democratic process itself. It’s time we stood up to do something about it.
Cato also hosted an event for Greenwald’s second book, A Tragic Legacy, which focused on the policies of the Bush administration. That event can be viewed here.
And, though not directly related to government spying, Greenwald authored Cato’s highly acclaimed study, Drug Decriminalization in Portugal.
American policymakers too often serve up Bread & Circuses. Congratulations to Greenwald for starting a real debate on one of the most important issues of our time. . . .”
Greenwald is–as I said–professionally associated with Cato. He participated in one of their seminars, they hosted an event for a book he wrote and he authored a study for them.
The entire point is that he, along with Uber Fascist Peter Thiel (whose Palantir firm developed PRISM and who capitalized crypto-Nazi Ron Paul’s political campaign, to which ultra-right winger Snowden also contributed) network with the Koch Brothers’ libertarian “non-think tank.”
The key term here is “networking.” He needn’t be a full-time resident fellow to be put in contact with the fascists and spooks whose bidding he is clearly doing.
Please don’t bother commenting on this website unless you do your homework, sonny boy. I’m not running a nursery.
Kitchee, Kitchee, Koo, Baby Snookums,
-“the Mail Isolation Control and Tracking program, in which Postal Service computers photograph the exterior of every piece of paper mail that is processed in the United States — about 160 billion pieces last year.”
July 3, 2013
U.S. Postal Service Logging All Mail for Law EnforcementBy RON NIXON
WASHINGTON — Leslie James Pickering noticed something odd in his mail last September: a handwritten card, apparently delivered by mistake, with instructions for postal workers to pay special attention to the letters and packages sent to his home.
“Show all mail to supv” — supervisor — “for copying prior to going out on the street,” read the card. It included Mr. Pickering’s name, address and the type of mail that needed to be monitored. The word “confidential” was highlighted in green.
“It was a bit of a shock to see it,” said Mr. Pickering, who with his wife owns a small bookstore in Buffalo. More than a decade ago, he was a spokesman for the Earth Liberation Front, a radical environmental group labeled eco-terrorists by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Postal officials subsequently confirmed they were indeed tracking Mr. Pickering’s mail but told him nothing else.
As the world focuses on the high-tech spying of the National Security Agency, the misplaced card offers a rare glimpse inside the seemingly low-tech but prevalent snooping of the United States Postal Service.
Mr. Pickering was targeted by a longtime surveillance system called mail covers, a forerunner of a vastly more expansive effort, the Mail Isolation Control and Tracking program, in which Postal Service computers photograph the exterior of every piece of paper mail that is processed in the United States — about 160 billion pieces last year. It is not known how long the government saves the images.
Together, the two programs show that postal mail is subject to the same kind of scrutiny that the National Security Agency has given to telephone calls and e‑mail.
The mail covers program, used to monitor Mr. Pickering, is more than a century old but is still considered a powerful tool. At the request of law enforcement officials, postal workers record information from the outside of letters and parcels before they are delivered. (Opening the mail would require a warrant.) The information is sent to the law enforcement agency that asked for it. Tens of thousands of pieces of mail each year undergo this scrutiny.
The Mail Isolation Control and Tracking program was created after the anthrax attacks in late 2001 that killed five people, including two postal workers. Highly secret, it seeped into public view last month when the F.B.I. cited it in its investigation of ricin-laced letters sent to President Obama and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. It enables the Postal Service to retrace the path of mail at the request of law enforcement. No one disputes that it is sweeping.
“In the past, mail covers were used when you had a reason to suspect someone of a crime,” said Mark D. Rasch, who started a computer crimes unit in the fraud section of the criminal division of the Justice Department and worked on several fraud cases using mail covers. “Now it seems to be, ‘Let’s record everyone’s mail so in the future we might go back and see who you were communicating with.’ Essentially you’ve added mail covers on millions of Americans.”
Bruce Schneier, a computer security expert and an author, said whether it was a postal worker taking down information or a computer taking images, the program was still an invasion of privacy.
“Basically they are doing the same thing as the other programs, collecting the information on the outside of your mail, the metadata, if you will, of names, addresses, return addresses and postmark locations, which gives the government a pretty good map of your contacts, even if they aren’t reading the contents,” he said.
But law enforcement officials said mail covers and the automatic mail tracking program are invaluable, even in an era of smartphones and e‑mail.
In a criminal complaint filed June 7 in Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, the F.B.I. said a postal investigator tracing the ricin letters was able to narrow the search to Shannon Guess Richardson, an actress in New Boston, Tex., by examining information from the front and back images of 60 pieces of mail scanned immediately before and after the tainted letters sent to Mr. Obama and Mr. Bloomberg showing return addresses near her home. Ms. Richardson had originally accused her husband of mailing the letters, but investigators determined that he was at work during the time they were mailed.
In 2007, the F.B.I., the Internal Revenue Service and the local police in Charlotte, N.C., used information gleaned from the mail cover program to arrest Sallie Wamsley-Saxon and her husband, Donald, charging both with running a prostitution ring that took in $3 million over six years. Prosecutors said it was one of the largest and most successful such operations in the country. Investigators also used mail covers to help track banking activity and other businesses the couple operated under different names.
Other agencies, including the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services, have used mail covers to track drug smugglers and Medicare fraud.
“It’s a treasure trove of information,” said James J. Wedick, a former F.B.I. agent who spent 34 years at the agency and who said he used mail covers in a number of investigations, including one that led to the prosecution of several elected officials in California on corruption charges. “Looking at just the outside of letters and other mail, I can see who you bank with, who you communicate with — all kinds of useful information that gives investigators leads that they can then follow up on with a subpoena.”
But, he said: “It can be easily abused because it’s so easy to use and you don’t have to go through a judge to get the information. You just fill out a form.”
For mail cover requests, law enforcement agencies submit a letter to the Postal Service, which can grant or deny a request without judicial review. Law enforcement officials say the Postal Service rarely denies a request. In other government surveillance programs, like wiretaps, a federal judge must sign off on the requests.
The mail cover surveillance requests are granted for about 30 days, and can be extended for up to 120 days. There are two kinds of mail covers: those related to criminal activity and those requested to protect national security. Criminal activity requests average 15,000 to 20,000 per year, said law enforcement officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they are prohibited by law from discussing them. The number of requests for antiterrorism mail covers has not been made public.
Law enforcement officials need warrants to open the mail, although President George W. Bush asserted in a signing statement in 2007 that the federal government had the authority to open mail without warrants in emergencies or in foreign intelligence cases.
Court challenges to mail covers have generally failed because judges have ruled that there is no reasonable expectation of privacy for information contained on the outside of a letter. Officials in both the Bush and Obama administrations, in fact, have used the mail-cover court rulings to justify the N.S.A.’s surveillance programs, saying the electronic monitoring amounts to the same thing as a mail cover. Congress briefly conducted hearings on mail cover programs in 1976, but has not revisited the issue.
The program has led to sporadic reports of abuse. In May 2012, Mary Rose Wilcox, a Maricopa County supervisor in Arizona, was awarded nearly $1 million by a federal judge after winning a lawsuit against Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The sheriff, known for his immigration raids, had obtained mail covers from the Postal Service to track her mail. The judge called the investigation into Ms. Wilcox politically motivated because she had been a frequent critic of Mr. Arpaio’s, objecting to what she considered the targeting of Hispanics in his immigration sweeps. The case is being appealed.
In the mid-1970s the Church Committee, a Senate panel that documented C.I.A. abuses, faulted a program created in the 1950s in New York that used mail covers to trace and sometimes open mail going to the Soviet Union from the United States.
A suit brought in 1973 by a high school student in New Jersey, whose letter to the Socialist Workers Party was traced by the F.B.I. as part of an investigation into the group, led to a rebuke from a federal judge.
Postal officials refused to discuss either mail covers or the Mail Isolation Control and Tracking program.
Mr. Pickering says he suspects that the F.B.I. requested the mail cover to monitor his mail because a former associate said the bureau had called with questions about him. Last month, he filed a lawsuit against the Postal Service, the F.B.I. and other agencies, saying they were improperly withholding information.
A spokeswoman for the F.B.I. in Buffalo declined to comment.
Mr. Pickering said that although he was arrested two dozen times for acts of civil disobedience and convicted of a handful of misdemeanors, he was never involved in the arson attacks the Earth Liberation Front carried out. He said he became tired of focusing only on environmental activism and moved back to Buffalo to finish college, open his bookstore, Burning Books, and start a family.
“I’m no terrorist,” he said. “I’m an activist.”
Mr. Pickering has written books sympathetic to the liberation front, but he said his political views and past association should not make him the target of a federal investigation. “I’m just a guy who runs a bookstore and has a wife and a kid,” he said.
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: July 3, 2013
An earlier version of this article misstated the Justice Department position once held by Mark Rasch. He started a computer crimes unit in the criminal division’s fraud section, but he was not the head of its computer crimes unit, which was created after his departure.
Isn’t it interesting how all this is coming out on Obama’s watch?
Mail covers, as they have been called for DECADES, are nothing new, to say the least.
I also find it interesting that the Earth Liberation Front are being painted as victims. That whacko organization has all the earmarks of an “eco-agent provacteur” group.
Another thing that is so interesting is the amnesia of the general public.
In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, letters laced with anthrax were mailed to a number of people and institutions with lethal effect. (Use the search function on this website to flesh out your understanding of those attacks. The evidence suggests very strongly that they are Underground Reich.)
Recently,we have also had some ricing letters sent to various people, including Obama.
It would be surprising if the Post Office were NOT using high tech means to log addresses.
You can bet that if (and when?) more deadly letters start arriving, the victims will scream bloody murder.
“Why doesn’t somebody do something? This is outrageous! Where is the government?”
Don’t be too surprised if this also accelerates the attack on the Postal Service, which the Nazi GOP seeks to privatize.
I strongly suspect that this is an ongoing part of a coup d’etat against Obama.
One of the goals, in my opinion, is to alienate so-called progressives–young people in particular–from the Democrats.
That an outright Nazi like Ron Paul could be as successful a Pied Piper as he has proved to be is indicative.
Get ready for the Nazified GOP coming to power in 2016, perhaps gaining enough congressional and senate seats in 2014 to tie up whatever Obama may be able to do.
Say good bye to Medicare and Social Security–both will be submerged incrementally, so as to not attract too much attention.
The (by then) Koch brothers’ dominated press won’t report the facts, but will hail this as “real progress.”
The old and/or poor folks who die won’t be able to vote against the GOP. Neither will the minorities who will be excluded by recent Supreme Court decisions.
The budget will be slashed, leading to massive unemployment, because, as Paul Krugman says “My spending is your income.”
You can also bet that before the public can vote those bastards out of office, something horrible will happen–major terrorist incident, dwarfing 9/11 in scale and casualties, or perhaps using Tesla technology/HAARP to trigger the big one in California.
That will be blamed on Obama and we will all be called on to “pull together and sacrifice in this time of crisis.”
The economy–or what’s left of it–will tank.
If the “economic NATO” that is the U.S./EU “Free Trade Agreement” has not already been passed, you can bet that it will be at that point, because “we’ve GOT to do something about the economy!”
Long term, this will work to the advantage of Germany, not us.
Whatever slivers of the New Deal are left at that point will be judicially evaporated by the Federal judicial appointments made by President Rand Paul or President Paul Ryan.
The bottom line for this country: Americans mistake their love of comfort for love of freedom.
’bout what we expected...
German intelligence service is as bad as the NSA
There has been much criticism of the US agency in Germany, but surveillance laws in both countries fail to protect internet privacy
In recent weeks there has been much criticism of the US National Security Agency. It spies on people indiscriminately – even the citizens of its European allies – goes the furious and clearly justified accusation. Politicians in Germany and the EU have repeatedly criticised the US. Yet it seems they themselves are sitting in a rather large glass house.
The German intelligence service – the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) – to name an example close to home, does exactly the same thing as the NSA abroad and it does so within a similar legal framework. “The differences between the BND and the NSA are much smaller than is generally accepted by the public,” write Stefan Heumann and Ben Scott in their study on the legal foundations of internet surveillance programmes in the US, the UK and Germany.
Heumann works at the German thinktank Neue Verantwortung (New Responsibility), Scott was an adviser to the former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton and is now a policy adviser at the Open Technology Institute, part of the New America Foundation thinktank. In their study, the analysts compared the legal foundations, focus and parliamentary oversight of spying programmes in three countries.
Their findings: the NSA runs the biggest spying programme and has the advantage that its targets – the internet providers – are mainly based in the US. Yet at its core the NSA’s surveillance is no different from that of the British GCHQ and the BND in Germany. The underlying laws have the same structure, write Heumann and Scott, even if “their interpretation can differ”.
Heumann summarises:
“In the United States, Britain and Germany, most of the legal foundations for surveillance measures by intelligence agencies date from a time when the internet played a subsidiary role in communications. The laws are formulated for the most part so broadly that they leave the intelligence services a lot of scope to interpret their mandates. How exactly the intelligence agencies interpret their powers is often classified information, and as such is not understandable for the public.”
Technological development has meant it is now possible to mount surveillance on many things. Given that when filtering internet data in real time it is rarely possible to differentiate immediately between domestic and foreign communications, everything is recorded first and only then sorted into data that can be evaluated and that which cannot. “In other words: every communication on the internet which could be of significance for intelligence is stored and shared, regardless of which legal regulations apply to control the collection of this data,” write the authors.
$2 Billion NSA Spy Center is Going Up in Flames
Brianna Ehley
The Fiscal Times
October 8, 2013
The National Security Agency’s $2 billion mega spy center is going up in flames.
Technical glitches have sparked fiery explosions within the NSA’s newest and largest data storage facility in Utah, destroying hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment, and delaying the facility’s opening by one year.
And no one seems to know how to fix it.
For a country that prides itself on being a technology leader, not knowing the electrical capacity requirements for a system as large as this is inexcusable.
Within the last 13 months, at least 10 electric surges have each cost about $100,000 in damages, according to documents obtained by the Wall Street Journal. Experts agree that the system, which requires about 64 megawatts of electricity—that’s about a $1 million a month energy bill–isn’t able to run all of its computers and servers while keeping them cool, which is likely triggering the meltdowns.
The contractor that designed the flawed system—Pennsylvania-based Klingstubbins–said in a statement that it has “uncovered the issue” and is working on “implementing a permanent fix.”
But that’s not the case, according to the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE), which is in charge of overseeing the data center’s construction. ACE disagreed with the contractor and said the meltdowns are “not yet sufficiently understood.”
A report by ACE in the Wall Street Journal said the government has incomplete information about the design of the electrical system that could pose new problems if settings need to change on circuit breakers. The report also said regular quality controls in design and construction were bypassed in an effort to “fast track” the project.
The facility—named the Utah Data Center—is the largest of several new NSA data centers central to the agency’s massive surveillance program that was exposed by former NSA contractor turned leaker Edward Snowden earlier this year.
Communications from all around the world in the form of emails, cell phone calls and Google searches, among other digital details are stored in the center’s databases, which are said to be larger than Google’s biggest data center. But due to the major system meltdowns, the NSA hasn’t been able to use the center’s databases, which it has claimed are crucial for national security.
People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.
— Aldo Huxley
Private Donors Supply Spy Gear
There was a quicker, quieter way to get the software: as a gift from the Los Angeles Police Foundation, a private charity. In November 2007, at the behest of then Police Chief William Bratton, the foundation approached Target Corp., which contributed $200,000 to buy the software, said the foundation’s executive director, Cecilia Glassman, in an interview. Then the foundation donated it to the police department.
The LAPD could have spent its own money on Palantir’s software, but that would have required public meetings, city council approval and possibly even competitive bidding. Instead, the L.A. Police Foundation, a private charity, asked Target Corp. to donate $200,000