Comment: Analysts have expressed puzzlement over the discovery of several blocks of C‑4 plastic explosives (military grade and origin) in a New York City cemetery. A recent story in The Villager highlighted a possible link between a New York city neo-Nazi named Henry Nusslein and the explosives. The guy making the claims, Dana Beal, says that the stash was probably from a drug-dealing cop-killer named David Degondea, who is currently in prison.
According to Beal, Degondea had a history of acquiring weapons from a local neo-Nazi, Henry Nuesslein. Nuesslein was a former Navy veteran that was arrested in 1995 when police searched his apartment and found Nazi literature and a large stash of weapons, home-made bombs, and booby traps. (Nuesslein claims this was a result of a paranoid state of mind induced by an attack he experienced while working on the subway). Beal’s explanation for why he thinks this C‑4 was buried by Degondea is in the first of the articles below. Note the reference to a “pocket nuke” that Beal claims Degondea probably also had. It’s all speculative at this point, nevertheless any stories involving a “pocket nuke” acquired from a neo-Nazi weapons trafficker are rather chilling.
Another interesting fun fact in the first article below is that the police believe the C‑4 is the same type used in the London subway bombing.
Among the possibilities to be considered is that the London subway bombings may have been assisted by Nazi/Fascist elements. One of the aspects of 9/11 that has been sadly neglected concerns the collaboration between Islamofascist, “neo-Nazis” and members of the old guard. FTR #456 highlights aspects of this cooperation.
Excerpt: . . . Beal said his hunch is basically that the C‑4 explosives could be connected to David Degondea, who is currently in prison Upstate for killing a New York City police officer. Degondea, according to Beal, was a young “weapons dealer” who was dating Linda Twig, who lived in an E. Second St. tenement building whose rear wall happens to abut the Marble Cemetery.
Degondea, Beal said, was “a dangerous, violent young man.”
“I bet dollars to donuts that’s what some soldier from Desert Storm brought back — and sold to David Degondea,” Beal said of the C‑4. The Persian Gulf War, a.k.a. Operation Desert Storm, lasted from late 1990 to early 1991. . . .
. . . Making the story more bizarre, Twig was friends with Henry Nuesslein, a.k.a. “Hank the Skank,” another non-Yippie and sometime caller to the Howard Stern radio show. A former telephone company worker and Nazi, Nuesslein was busted in 1995 for having a sizable weapons cache in his Brooklyn apartment, after his bathtub overflowed, drawing authorities’ attention.
According to a 1995 New York Law Journal article, police found grenades, a loaded AK-47 assault rifle, a Glock handgun and several cane swords in Nuesslein’s lair — as well as “five manuals on the chemistry and principles of explosive devices and homemade bombs.”
“The Skank” was paroled in 1999, and died last year.
To make a long story short, Beal’s theory is that after Degondea was arrested, Degondea had to stash his weapons cache somewhere. Nuesslein might have been given some of Degondea’s “arsenal,” but probably declined on the C‑4, feeling it was too dangerous, Beal surmised; as a result, Twig likely used a ladder to get down into the locked cemetery, where she buried the C‑4. . . .
. . . “If they want to find out about the rest of the arsenal — including the pocket nuke,” Beal quipped, “they should make a deal with Degondea.” . . .
Comment: A New York Daily News article about Nusslein:
“Grenades, Guns Top Man’s Trial” by Maureen Fan; New York Daily News; 5/20/1996.
Excerpt: . . . Nuesslein was arrested in March 1995 after police found in his filthy Borough Park apartment nine hand grenades, nearly a dozen rifles, 17 boxes of ammunition, several explosive devices, switchblades, cane swords, firecrackers and other guns.
Police, who had responded to a landlord’s complaint about a water leak from Nuesslein’s apartment, also seized neo-Nazi literature from the debris-filled apartment. A judge, however, ruled that the material was inadmissible at trial. . . .
It’s circumstantial but there are some curious items in these articles.
Why did the “caretaker”, after discovering the cache, leave it to sit for a year? Why did the “...cemetery board member Andrew Knox [tell] the volunteer who found the C‑4 to toss it in the trash, thinking it was a movie prop or too old to be effective”
(from the Gothamist:
And why did the police come to Beal in such an aggressive manner?
As always, this is barely enough to raise eyebrows, but it’s downright weird. Most owners and operators of businesses / properties are concerned with legal liabilities. I think it’s safe to assume that unattended explosives would fall in that category...