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Possible Neo-Nazi Link to C‑4 Explosives, “Pocket Nuke”?

Com­ment: Ana­lysts have expressed puz­zle­ment over the dis­cov­ery of sev­er­al blocks of C‑4 plas­tic explo­sives (mil­i­tary grade and ori­gin) in a New York City ceme­tery. A recent sto­ry in The Vil­lager high­light­ed a pos­si­ble link between a New York city neo-Nazi named Hen­ry Nus­slein and the explo­sives. The guy mak­ing the claims, Dana Beal, says that the stash was prob­a­bly from a drug-deal­ing cop-killer named David Degondea, who is cur­rent­ly in prison.

Accord­ing to Beal, Degondea had a his­to­ry of acquir­ing weapons from a local neo-Nazi, Hen­ry Nuesslein.  Nuesslein was a for­mer Navy vet­er­an that was arrest­ed in 1995 when police searched his apart­ment and found Nazi lit­er­a­ture and a large stash of weapons, home-made bombs, and boo­by traps. (Nuesslein claims this was a result of a para­noid state of mind induced by an attack he expe­ri­enced while work­ing on the sub­way).  Beal’s expla­na­tion for why he thinks this C‑4 was buried by Degondea is in the first of the arti­cles below. Note the ref­er­ence to a “pock­et nuke” that Beal claims Degondea prob­a­bly also had.  It’s all spec­u­la­tive at this point, nev­er­the­less any sto­ries involv­ing a “pock­et nuke” acquired from a neo-Nazi weapons traf­fick­er are rather chill­ing.

Anoth­er inter­est­ing fun fact in the first arti­cle below is that the police believe the C‑4 is the same type used in the Lon­don sub­way bomb­ing.

Among the pos­si­bil­i­ties to be con­sid­ered is that the Lon­don sub­way bomb­ings may have been assist­ed by Nazi/Fascist ele­ments. One of the aspects of 9/11 that has been sad­ly neglect­ed con­cerns the col­lab­o­ra­tion between Islam­o­fas­cist, “neo-Nazis” and mem­bers of the old guard. FTR #456 high­lights aspects of this coop­er­a­tion.

“Yip­pie Thinks He’s Solved Case of Mys­te­ri­ous Explo­sives Cache” by Lin­coln Ander­son; The Vil­lager; 10/14–20/2010.

Excerpt: . . . Beal said his hunch is basi­cal­ly that the C‑4 explo­sives could be con­nect­ed to David Degondea, who is cur­rent­ly in prison Upstate for killing a New York City police offi­cer. Degondea, accord­ing to Beal, was a young “weapons deal­er” who was dat­ing Lin­da Twig, who lived in an E. Sec­ond St. ten­e­ment build­ing whose rear wall hap­pens to abut the Mar­ble Ceme­tery.

Degondea, Beal said, was “a dan­ger­ous, vio­lent young man.”

“I bet dol­lars to donuts that’s what some sol­dier from Desert Storm brought back — and sold to David Degondea,” Beal said of the C‑4. The Per­sian Gulf War, a.k.a. Oper­a­tion Desert Storm, last­ed from late 1990 to ear­ly 1991. . . .

. . . Mak­ing the sto­ry more bizarre, Twig was friends with Hen­ry Nuesslein, a.k.a. “Hank the Skank,” anoth­er non-Yip­pie and some­time caller to the Howard Stern radio show. A for­mer tele­phone com­pa­ny work­er and Nazi, Nuesslein was bust­ed in 1995 for hav­ing a siz­able weapons cache in his Brook­lyn apart­ment, after his bath­tub over­flowed, draw­ing author­i­ties’ atten­tion.

Accord­ing to a 1995 New York Law Jour­nal arti­cle, police found grenades, a loaded AK-47 assault rifle, a Glock hand­gun and sev­er­al cane swords in Nuesslein’s lair — as well as “five man­u­als on the chem­istry and prin­ci­ples of explo­sive devices and home­made bombs.”

“The Skank” was paroled in 1999, and died last year.

To make a long sto­ry short, Beal’s the­o­ry is that after Degondea was arrest­ed, Degondea had to stash his weapons cache some­where. Nuesslein might have been giv­en some of Degondea’s “arse­nal,” but prob­a­bly declined on the C‑4, feel­ing it was too dan­ger­ous, Beal sur­mised; as a result, Twig like­ly used a lad­der to get down into the locked ceme­tery, where she buried the C‑4. . . .

. . . “If they want to find out about the rest of the arse­nal — includ­ing the pock­et nuke,” Beal quipped, “they should make a deal with Degondea.” . . .

Com­ment: A New York Dai­ly News arti­cle about Nus­slein:

“Grenades, Guns Top Man’s Tri­al” by Mau­reen Fan; New York Dai­ly News; 5/20/1996.

Excerpt: . . . Nuesslein was arrest­ed in March 1995 after police found in his filthy Bor­ough Park apart­ment nine hand grenades, near­ly a dozen rifles, 17 box­es of ammu­ni­tion, sev­er­al explo­sive devices, switch­blades, cane swords, fire­crack­ers and oth­er guns.

Police, who had respond­ed to a land­lord’s com­plaint about a water leak from Nuesslein’s apart­ment, also seized neo-Nazi lit­er­a­ture from the debris-filled apart­ment. A judge, how­ev­er, ruled that the mate­r­i­al was inad­mis­si­ble at tri­al. . . .


One comment for “Possible Neo-Nazi Link to C‑4 Explosives, “Pocket Nuke”?”

  1. It’s cir­cum­stan­tial but there are some curi­ous items in these arti­cles.
    Why did the “care­tak­er”, after dis­cov­er­ing the cache, leave it to sit for a year? Why did the “...ceme­tery board mem­ber Andrew Knox [tell] the vol­un­teer who found the C‑4 to toss it in the trash, think­ing it was a movie prop or too old to be effec­tive”
    (from the Gothamist: http://gothamist.com/2010/10/12/cemetery_1.php)?
    And why did the police come to Beal in such an aggres­sive man­ner?
    As always, this is bare­ly enough to raise eye­brows, but it’s down­right weird. Most own­ers and oper­a­tors of busi­ness­es / prop­er­ties are con­cerned with legal lia­bil­i­ties. I think it’s safe to assume that unat­tend­ed explo­sives would fall in that cat­e­go­ry...

    Posted by tony | October 19, 2010, 2:09 am

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