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Pravy Sektor Hit Man in “Russian” Assassination Plot

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COMMENT: We are being told that Russ­ian intel­li­gence plot­ted to kill an anti-Russ­ian jour­nal­ist Arkady Babchenko. Turns out the hit­man was a Pravy Sek­tor vet­er­an hired by the Ukrain­ian ser­vice. We are told that this was alleged­ly a counter-intel­li­gence gam­bit.

Cred­i­bil­i­ty fac­tor: Zero.

It seems more prob­a­ble that, with Rus­sia host­ing the World Cup soc­cer extrav­a­gan­za in a week or two, pro­pa­gan­da points were being scored.

Note that in past dis­cus­sion of the SBU, Ukrain­ian intel­li­gence, we not­ed that:

“Babchenko’s ‘Hit­man’ Reveals Iden­ti­ty: Ortho­dox Monk, Right Sec­tor Mem­ber, Don­bas War Vet­er­an;” UNIAN.info; 6/1/2018.

He is a mem­ber of the Right Sec­tor Orga­ni­za­tion, which is out­lawed in Rus­sia.

“Hit­man” who was hired to assas­si­nate Russ­ian jour­nal­ist and Krem­lin crit­ic Arkady Babchenko in Ukraine has revealed his iden­ti­ty: Olek­siy Tsym­bal­iuk is a for­mer Ortho­dox church monk, a Right Sec­tor mem­ber, a vol­un­teer and a Don­bas war vet­er­an.

Tsym­bal­iuk explained his deci­sion by the fact that after tapes with his voice, which was not dis­guised, were made pub­lic, he saw no point in “hol­ing up.”

“It’s won­der­ful that young and tal­ent­ed agents are work­ing for the [SBU Secu­ri­ty] Ser­vice who you can secure­ly share infor­ma­tion about a con­tract with. You work with them with­out being afraid that you’ll be giv­en up to the same cus­tomer for dol­lars,” he wrote on Face­book on May 31. . . .

. . . . He said he would not give any inter­views in the near future as long as the inves­ti­ga­tion is under way. Besides, he signed a non-dis­clo­sure agree­ment. . . .




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