COMMENT: The startling resignation of Pope Benedict XVI (nee Joseph Ratzinger) brings to mind a number of considerations.
For openers, this pope is from the very heart of the Nazi collaborationist machinery of the Vatican. His curriculum vitae is set forth in FTR #508.
An account of the Vatican’s long-standing relationship with the Third Reich and the Axis powers of World War II can be found in AFA #‘s 17–21.
The view here is that Ratzinger (we call him “Ratliner” after the Vatican Ratline escape routes) was something of a caretaker–a Gerald Ford-like figure if you will. He took office with the Holy See engulfed in scandal and inquiry, including the burgeoning priest molestation investigations, renewed inquiries into money laundering by the Vatican Bank and inquiries concerning the Vatican’s behavior during and after World War II.
Himself a veteran of the Third Reich, “Ratliner” was , in essence, a gatekeeper in our opinion, charged with sustaining the Opus-Dei style reaction gripping the Vatican and keeping the lid on potentially damaging inquiries.
One of Ratzinger’s predecessors, Pope Pius XII, has been beatified–something of a problem in light of his long-standing record of collaboration with the Third Reich. Allegedly a secret benefactor of Jewish refugees from Nazi terror, the Pope had worked with the Nazis from 1919 (when, as Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli he channeled Vatican funds to Hitler) through the postwar period, when he permitted Ustachi head Ante Pavelic to shelter in Castelgandolfo–the Pope’s summer residence.
Interestingly, just prior to Ratzinger’s resignation, the press carried accounts of a new book exonerating Pius XII of his collaborationist charges. One wonders to what extent Ratzinger oversaw the fabrication of documents and continued cosmetic masking of Pius’ and the Vatican’s Nazi collaboration.
As something of an aside, one wonders what miracle Pius XII performed to qualify him for beatification? Perhaps his miracle was making millions of Jews disappear.
“A Turbulent Tenure for a Quiet Scholar” by Laurie Goodstein; The New York Times; 2/11/2013.
EXCERPT: When Benedict XVI became pope eight years ago at the age of 78, many Roman Catholic scholars predicted that he would be a caretaker. He would keep the ship sailing in the same direction as his beloved predecessor, John Paul II. And as the rare theologian who knew how to write for a broad audience, Benedict would keep the crew inspired and the sails billowing.
If written words alone could keep the church on course, Benedict would likely be viewed as a solid success. His encyclicals on love and charity and his three books on the life of Jesus were widely praised for their clarity and contribution to Catholic teaching.
But when it came to the major challenges facing the church in the real world, Benedict often appeared to carom from one crisis to the next.
He inadvertently insulted Muslims on an early trip to Germany, which resulted in riots across the Islamic world and the murder of an Italian nun in Somalia. He welcomed back a breakaway bishop who had just recorded an interview denying the facts of the Holocaust. He told reporters on the papal plane winging toward Africa that condoms had helped spread AIDS.
When the clerical sexual abuse scandal spread across Europe and exploded at Benedict’s door in 2010, Benedict met with abuse survivors and oversaw the development of new church policies to prevent abuse. But he was denounced by survivors and their advocates for never moving to discipline bishops who were caught in the cover-up. . . .
Unholy Trinity by John Loftus and Mark Aarons; pp. 294–295.
EXCERPT: . . . Sullivan & Cromwell’s clients were not the only foreign investors in Germany, nor were they the only ones to hedge their bets by making small donations to the infant Nazi party. Following the $26 million cash settlement with Mussolini over disputed lands in 1929, the Vatican invested nearly all the proceeds in German industry, but at least one small investment was made in the Nazis as well.
The following incident was reported by an eyewitness, Sister Pascalina, a nun who was the personal aide (and devoted admirer) of the Papal Nuncio in Munich and the man who would become Pope Pius XII on the eve of World War II: ‘Hitler came one night to the holy residence of Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli (later Pius XII). All others in the household were asleep by then, except [Sister] Pascalina . . . . Hitler told Pacelli that he was out to check the spread of atheistic communism. . . . It did not come as a surprise to her, therefore, in light of Pacelli’s hatred of the Reds, to see the prelate present Hitler with a large cache of Church money to aid the rising revolutionary and his small struggling band of anti-communists.’ . . .
Unholy Trinity by John Loftus and Mark Aarons; p. 78.
EXCERPT: . . . From a very confidential source, American intelligence had discovered in May 1946 that the Poglavnik [Pavelic] was living ‘close to Rome in a building which is under the jurisdiction of the Vatican.’ This was soon after Pavelic had first arrived in Rome from Austria, and it is now known that the Poglavnik, like Ferenc Vajta, actually took refuge at Castelgandolfo, where the Pope’s summer residence is located. It seems that many Nazis gravitated to Castelgandolfo, for Pavelic was housed with a former Minister in the Nazi Romanian government. . . .
A devastating takedown of Ratzinger by Richard Dawkins, From “The Guardian”, September 2010:
“Ratzinger is an enemy of humanity”
Here’s one more advantage to having a retirement condo at the Vatican: legal immunity:
From the always clever Catherine Austin Fitts:
..The Perfect Pope
Catherine, Daily Musings on February 15, 2013
By Catherine Austin Fitts
The other day, I imagined members of the Knights of Malta and Opus Dei (the money guys) gathering in a quiet sanctuary to discuss the current financial meltdown in the Catholic Church and the perfect Pope to help evolve their business model and lead them into a new and wealth building period.
Who would be the ideal candidate? What would the profile be?
After 2000 years of financial and investment operations combining the magic of compound interest and the largest land and real estate holdings in the world with tax exemption and diplomatic immunity, and the accumulated capital thereon, the money men behind the church need the right man for the job.
•He sells in the emerging markets. He is younger, more multicultural. He can bring in donors in the economies that are growing;
•He attracts priests and nuns (read low cost labor) so he will agree to let them have sex;
•He will provide a clean break with the pedophilia scandals so litigation costs and settlements will stop bleeding resources and bankrupting local entities;
•He will attract back the members and tithes that have left because of the pedophilia scandals;
•He knows how to work the media, so the likes of Time Warner/HBO can not break the bank with documentaries that explain how the pedophilia operations and settlements are managed directly by the Vatican;
•He will preserve the brand so that sovereign governments don’t threaten the Church (and investment syndicates) diplomatic immunity and tax free status;
•He will understand that in the day of modern technology, the confessional and pedophilia networks are no longer the most cost effective ways of building a powerful control file system globally – indeed he is technologically sophisticated enough to know how to protect Church networks from the invasive technology of competing networks looking to build alternative control file networks and related money laundering. (Major loss of intellectual capital value to the competition going on here thanks to new technology combined with falling cash flows of the local parishes and churches);
•He can find ways to outcompete Islam without requiring that the US military and intelligence community bankrupt the US government;
•He will look more open and inclusive to women, minorities, gay people, all races and creeds, even be tolerant to birth control, euthanasia, (on a wink) abortion, stem cells;
•He will look open, but the Vatican library (and all it tells about who and what really runs this world, suppressed technology and the true nature of the Vatican real estate and investment holdings) will be as secret as it ever was- and more. (That is, Jesus need not apply)
•He will be photogenic and give a good speech;
•He will appreciate the economic challenges of competing with networks that can print currency. He will be on board to use the Vaticans significant real estate interests in Europe and America to reinflate the real estate markets as next technology is integrated;
• As new robotics and energy technology is rolled out globally and millions of people are unemployed, he will attract lots of new members from the disenfranchised;
•He will continue to support centralized control of water, seed and food supply and the resulting urbanization of the global population and convert these new urban dwellers to the faith;
•He will understand who is boss (not him).
A younger, multicultural US President (Obama) engineered $27 trillion of gifts to the banks and the breakaway civilization, right? He gives a young, pretty face to to the conquest and depopulation of Africa, right? He has got the Patriot Act, assassinating Americans, and torture on a sustainable path? Why can’t we get someone just like him?
The money men need a Pope who tweets.
Time for “The Black Forest Adonis” to step in?
‑Or not
“It is not surprising, then, that the Pope’s private secretary is already beginning to inspire dread in liberal Catholic circles. In Germany, the Catholic church is divided more or less between two figures — the liberal-conservative Cardinal Lehmann, the head of the German archbishop’s conference, and the ultra-conservative Cardinal Joachim Meisner, the Archbishop of Cologne. Both men were with the Pope last week. But it is no secret as to which Bishop the Vatican favours. “Gänswein is an opponent of Lehmann,” one source in the German Catholic church said. “One of Ratzinger’s great weaknesses is that his judgment of people isn’t always sufficient. He has a small out-reach.”
Neo-Nazi Holocaust deniers ‘plan takeover’ of SSPX, claim anti-Fascist campaigners
By Damian Thompson Religion Last updated: May 25th, 2013
Far-Right supporters of the disgraced rebel Catholic bishop Richard Williamson are planning a takeover of the ultra-traditionalist Society of St Pius X (SSPX), according to the anti-fascist magazine Searchlight.
Williamson, a convicted Holocaust denier, had his excommunication lifted by Pope Benedict XVI along with that of the SSPX’s three other bishops as a prelude to possible reconciliation with Rome. But the unity plans fell apart after Williamson was exposed as a Holocaust denier – and after Bishop Bernard Fellay, the “moderate” leader of the SSPX, failed to grasp Pope Benedict’s olive branch.
Williamson was eventually expelled from the SPPX – but now, according to Searchlight, his supporters are trying to wrest control of the body, alienated from Rome since the 1970s, from Fellay. The following is from a Searchlight document which provides detailed claims of links between allies of the English-born Williamson and former supporters of the British National Front and the BNP:
A coup within Catholicism is imminent. The target is The Society of Pius X (SSPX), an ultra-traditionalist group founded in 1970 out of opposition to the Second Vatican Council (1962–65). The plotters intend to make a major step towards their takeover at a conference on the weekend of 1 and 2 June, which we can reveal will be held at Earlsfield Library Hall, 276 Magdalen Road, Earlsfield London SW18 from 9am to 5pm. The key players in this plot are a bunch of neo-Nazis, fascists and others with disreputable backgrounds. Their objective is to replace SSPX’s current Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay, with the convicted Holocaust-denier Bishop Richard Williamson. This plot is a very worrying turn of events.
SSPX is no stranger to controversy. Its members have supported the French Front National and given sanctuary to a Nazi collaborator and war criminal. A previous District Superior… removed Nazi sympathisers from the Society, but our sources inform us that they have re-infiltrated it … This has left many decent members shocked and fearful for its future. They do not want to see it fall into the hands of neo-Nazis.
The SSPX is, in my opinion, more trouble than it’s worth: mainstream Catholic bishops use its extreme stance as an excuse to persecute traditionalists within the official Church and deny them their canonical right to celebrate the traditional Latin liturgy. That said, far-Right views have hitherto been confined to a (fairly significant) anti-Semitic fringe within the SSPX. But now that hardliners in the Society have set their face against reunion with Rome, the dynamics of sectarianism are taking over and the fringe risks becoming the SSPX mainstream.