COMMENT: As we resume blogging, after a necessary hiatus (program production to resume presently), the many sparks and pinwheels given off by the Petraeus affair continue to multiply.
Although there will be much more to come, a number of things come to mind:
- Shortly after the last seated Democratic President won re-election, his administration was engulfed in a sex scandal. Some of the same “spinners” have emerged in this affair. Some of them have links to George H.W. Bush.
- Petraeus was seen as an element of stability as changes loom for the administration.
- This should be seriously considered as an operation and not some casual indiscretion.
- CIA has never been comfortable with the military, although the agency reportedly came to be comfortable with Petraeus. Might the CIA/military discontinuity have influenced the situation?
- There have also been clashes between FBI and CIA. Might that dynamic have entered into the equation?
- FBI director Mueller was the U.S. attorney who proved less than vigorous in the BCCI investigation, which heavily overlaps the investigation into 9/11. Might he have played a role in this?
- Another general (Gen. Allen) is becoming embroiled in the imbroglio. Is there a house cleaning at the military? Are officers who might be opposed to–to what?–being removed prior to something awful happening?
- Petraeus is going to be questioned about the Benghazi affair behind closed doors. Does this impinge on the Benghazi situation? Might this be connected to the “October Surprise II” that the GOP was crowing about last fall?
- Petraeus was also seen by the Obama administration as an element of stability going into the second term. Might this affair be an effort at de-stabilizing Obama?
- In the above context, note that negative headlines are dominating in the wake of Obama’s re-election.
- Note, also, that we are hearing of very little else at this time–Germany cementing its economic colonization of Europe, the “fiscal cliff” dynamic and other, very important things. Might this, also, have been a goal?
- The acting head of the CIA is Michael J. Morell, who gave Dubya his intelligence briefings and was actually with him on 9/11. Some observers were critical of Morell as being too much of an insider to effectively counteract abuses at the agency. Is this the agency “re-righting itself”–i.e. cleaning out an outsider? (The agency was initially reported to be leery of Petraeus, only coming to accept him when he adopted a “hands-off” approach to intelligence matters and CIA.)
- On a highly speculative note, we’ve read of Nazi generals named Morell during our research into the Third Reich. I wondered if Morell might be an Underground Reich insert when I heard he was acting head of CIA and being considered as director. A legend would have been created to obscure his Nazi/German/Underground Reich background. This suspicion grew more profound when I saw Morell’s picture. Again, this is admittedly highly speculative. Look at Morell’s picture at right and see what you think.
- Will Morrell work with the GOP and Underground Reich against Obama?
- At the same time that the Petraeus affair is gathering steam, the world-renowned BBC is engulfed in a series of sex scandals. BBC is not only closely connected to the British intelligence services, but enjoys tremendous prestige world wide. As Germany and the Underground Reich pursue their agenda, undermining Britain, as well as the USA, will be of paramount importance. Is it possible that the BBC “outing” might be linked to the revelations coming out about Petraeus?
- In the context of the point made above, consider Reinhard Gehlen’s quoting of a passage from The Art of War by Sun-Tzu. Evaluate Sun-Tzu’s prescription for destabilization against the background of what is unfolding in the U.S. and U.K.–‘There is no art higher than that of destroying the enemy’s resistance without a fight on the battlefield. The direct tactic of war is necessary only on the battlefield; but only the indirect tactic can lead to a real and lasting victory. ’‘Subvert anything of value in the enemy’s country. Implicate the emissaries of the major powers in criminal undertakings; undermine their position and destroy their reputation in other ways as well, and expose them to the public ridicule of their fellow citizens.’‘Do not shun the aid of even the lowest and most despicable people. Disrupt the work of their government with every means you can.’‘Spread disunity and dispute among the citizens of the enemy’s country. Turn the young against the old. Use every means to destroy their arms, their supplies, and the discipline of the enemy’s forces. Debase old traditions and accepted gods. Be generous with promises and rewards to purchase intelligence and accomplices. Send out your secret agents in all directions. Do not skimp with money or with promises, for they yield a high return.’” (The Service: The Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen; World Publishing Company; Copyright 1972 [HC]; p.331.)
- Obama apparently didn’t even know about the affair until November. Others–including GOP congressmen–were aware of it earlier, which is fishy.
- As if all of this isn’t enough, Netanyahu–heir to the fascist element in the Zionist movement–felt that this was a good time to begin bulldozing Gaza, which can only complicate things. In the context of Netanyahu, never overlook his close alliance with Mitt Romney. Are the heirs to the Betar and their associated “Bormann Jews” deliberately heating things up for Obama? This should not be misunderstood as endorsing Hamas. Hamas is an offshoot of the fascist Muslim Brotherhood and is thoroughly loathsome. It does not threaten Israel’s existence. Nonetheless, an operation of this magnitude appears altogether unnecessary and will play right into the hands of Israel’s enemies, as well as Obama’s. This should not, by the way, be misunderstood as characterizing Israel as “Nazi,” as is the case with so much of the so-called progressive sector. The Underground Reich does have a profound influence there, however. IF, as appears to be the case, Israel initiates another operation on the scale of “Cast Lead” it will serve as marvelous propaganda for Israel’s, and America’s enemies. And, no doubt, the Pallywood propaganda machine will create plenty of phony casualties and atrocities that will be replayed by the Amy Goodmans of the world. It is to be hoped that the U.S. does not get drawn into the conflict. The United States cannot afford to be drawn into a major war at this point in time. Also, the resulting skyrocketing oil prices will smash whatever global recovery might be possible at this point.
Surprised, Dave, that you didn’t mention that Petraeus was felled on 11/9, and that Benghazi’s 9/11 may play a role in all of this.
Clearly Mueller did play a role in this. His FBI normally doesn’t investigate e‑mail harassment between private citizens. Recall that any links to Petraeus were allegedly unknown at the onset of the investigation.
I agree that ending Petraeus’ political career before it began was likely the goal. Many other side-goals can be accomplished through this vehicle, also.
The entire story begs for disbelief: A shirtless FBI agent opens an investigation into 6 “semi-harassing” e‑mails between private citizens. The “victim” is several million dollars in debt, prime leverage for an operation. The “harasser” has a video from a Colorado lecture posted in which she divulges a secret CIA prison was inside the Libyan embassy.
And the victim was not only a “last-of-the-GOP-moderates” who might have been president. Might Petraeus have been an unwanted firewall between democracy and a final overt military coup? Of course, we know that can’t happen here.
And the strange timing of it. And the curious note that Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was apparently aware of it WEEKS before the Executive Branch.
Let’s not overlook the numerous generals who have also been taken down this year. One week before Petraeus, Brig. Gen Jeffrey Sinclair resigned due to an extramarital affair. Then General John Allen, on the verge of being named head of NATO in Europe, is removed.
When the U.S. sees this happen in Russia or other “lesser” nations, we call this a “purge”.
Finally, a photograph as food for thought:
R. Wilson–
Gave kudos to your observations vis a vis 9/11/11/9 in a comment on your comment on FTR #744.
This is definitely an op. And in my post, I wondered about purging moderate officers–some who might be opposed to the imposition of martial law/fascism.
Remember “Serpent’s Walk.”
Turns out, Jill Kelley has some big debts. (Not sure about Mrs. Broadwell).
Simple folly and potential leverage. Both useful.
FWIW, If anything, Paula Broadwell’s birthday is November 9.
Michael Morrell’s father was a retired blue collar worker for Chrysler and his mother might have had an Austrian name, so, not much there.
Hi Dave.
Pleased to see some new posts.
Indeed, the above mention of Michael Morrell is interesting. Especially given the fact that he became Acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency on November 9, 2012. I’m not normally one for date-based conspiracies, but that is of course the date for the ‘German Day Of Destiny’.
Whilst the pic you have listed for Morrell looks very Germanic indeed, it looks like a different person to the Morrell on the CIA website, who is 70% bald and bearded, and about 20 years older.
Agree about attacks on the BBC. However, the BBC is full of enemies of Britain that need purging, so attention on BBC’s behaviour is good. However, paedo allegations are directed at Thatcher’s aides, in an attempt to stain the pro-Brit, anti-EU centre right.
Which is ironic, being that foreign intelligence have been using paedo networks to control some of the power centres that have done the most damage to Britain (not mentioning any names, Mr Ted Heath who visited Haut De La Garenne).
I heartily disagree regarding Netanyahu. Attempts to stain him as a nazi are deplorable. He was very important in outing the nazi UN DG Waldheim, and Waldheim’s op to remove warcrimes files that pointed to him, from the UN archives. The underground Reich HATE Netanyahu.
Scratch that about Morrell pic, it has vanished!
Another google confirms your pic ;)
Some background info on Grayson P. Wolfe, the ex-husband of Jill Kelley’s twin sister Natalie. Small world indeed:
Morrell’s Father;
“Joseph S. Morell, 89, passed away Sunday, April 1, 2012.
He was born in Akron and was a Cuyahoga Falls area resident since 1923. He retired from Chrysler Motor Company and was an avid photographer and woodworker. Grateful thanks to Traditions at Bath Rd. for their care even though he was only there for a short time.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Joseph and Elizabeth (Beck) Morell; wife, Irene (Harangozo) Morell in 2005; and sisters, EVA FUCHS and ELIZABETH DIERKER.”
@LarryFW–A couple of points: IF, and I mean IF, my gut sense about Morrell is true, the official record about his father is not particularly relevant.
First, intelligence agencies routinely create “legends” for clandestine operatives, sleepers in particular. The same would have been done for Morrell. The Third Reich took great pains to create legends for the operatives to be implanted for future use.
Secondly, the large German-American population in this country harbored a huge Fifth Column movement, centered largely around the German-American Bund and the Steuben Society. This Fifth Column worked closely with
Third Reich intelligence.
I recommend you read some of the books on my website, Under Cover and The Nazis Go Underground, in particular.
Thanks for following this website.
@GW–I also noticed the difference in the “official” photos of Morrell and the photo on this site.
Don’t know what the explanation is, past a point, but it is interesting.
With regard to Netanyahu and the Israeli right–the Likud sent a representative, Udi Cohen, to the national convention of the Allianza Nationale–the successor to Mussolini’s fascists.
His father was the personal secretary to Vladimir Jabotinsky, the head of the Betar.
The late Paul Manning, protege and colleague of Edward R. Murrow, came to the conclusion that the Bormann group had effective control in Israel.
I’m reluctantly coming to the same conclusion. Netanyahu may have worked against Waldheim but he actively supported Mitt Romney.
Trust me, GW, Mitt Romney is a flat-out Nazi. I know far more about this than I can discuss in this forum. The GOP has been effectively taken over by the Underground Reich.
I recommend the Manning text for further reference on the Israeli situation.
My associate John Loftus, as well as elements of Israeli intelligence, have uncovered “Jews” who were actually Nazis, their legends having been provided by engravers imprisoned at the Alt Aussee concentration camp. Some of them may be influencing Netanyahu as well. I do not negate Israel’s necessity to defend itself, but another “Operation Cast Lead” at this point plays right into the hands of Israel’s enemies, particularly the Underground Reich’s proxy warriors in the Muslim Brotherhood.
I also suggest that you and your associates examine America’s political assassinations. At the core of these conspiracies one finds Nazis–domestic old guard from the WWII period, remnants of the Fifth Column, neo-Nazis, and Gehnlen/ABN/Bormann imports.
When I return to the airwaves, I’d like to do some interviews with the Germany Watch folks–yourself, and Sarah Moore, in particular.
Keep up the great work,
As Josh Marshall puts it, “It’s like a Salahi level operation, but with the added twist of deep access to top generals at the United States most critical military command (Centcom) and opportunistic hobnobing with pols.”
Let’s hope some the parallels between this story and the Salahi soap opera remain intact because a Kelley/Khawan gubernatorial run in Florida could be priceless.
Interesting fun fact about the FBI agent Frederick Humphries: He’s the guy that caught al-Qaeda operative Ahmed Ressam in 1999, preventing a plan to bomb LAX on New Years Eve:
@R. Wilson and Rob Coogan–
I doubt there will be a wider war, UNLESS Israel can’t go it alone militarily, or if it is attacked by other countries there.
This may happen, but I’ll have to see it.
The U.S. simply cannot manage another war in the Middle East or anywhere else at this time.
The troops are exhausted and our economy badly strained. Another major war would do incalculable damage to this country. That would please the Underground Reich enormously. For that reason alone, it might happen, but I guarantee you there are powerful forces in this country that oppose such action.
Per today’s “New York Times,” (11/17/2012) the Obama administration believes a ground invasion will benefit Hamas.
I GUARANTEE that it will. I believe that is the point. It will also benefit the Islamists and their allied anti-Semites around the world, not to mention the Underground Reich.
Israel is damaging itself enormously, at the moment. The Israelis have no PR sense and will pay a very heavy price in political capital for this.
On the subject of Wesley Clark. In a word–he’s not credible. I used to like him, but he has deep, deep connections with Balkan Islamists, the monsters of the Kosovo Liberation Army in particular.
On the subject of PNAC–it is an important group, but its importance has been greatly exaggerated.
It is simply one body formulating policy, and there is nothing that they advocate, including the development of ethno-specific, genetically-engineered biological weapons have been articulated better and elsewhere–see FTR #606.
One critical thing that has escaped comment from the listeners is a point I hammered home in FTR #‘s 560 and 561.
When war either threatens or takes place in the Middle East, PAY ATTENTION TO THE PRICE OF OIL. It soars, benefiting the oil producing states and the petroleum companies.
The global economy, however, suffers, as does the earth’s population.
For an examination of my prognostications on the future of Israel, the Jews etc., check out one of my videoed lectures on “The First Refuge of a Scoundrel.” In my discussion of the fascist element in the Zionist movement, I laid out what I think will happen.
It is on the flash drive containing all of my life’s work.
You can order that by following the link at the top of the Home page of this website..
I speculate that Israel is coming to terms with the fact that they cannot project a war against Iran, so they are doing what they can before Iran can leverage the power it will get when and if they do build nuclear weapons.
Seeing how they do here, they will probably do whatever they can before either they strike or decide that they cannot strike Iran and destroy their nuclear program.
I’d vote that “the Petreus Affair” is a deep CIA action to remove Petreus from poking his nose in too deep to that which he is not vetted by our “shadow government” to know. Particularly in light of this Broadwell, what a name, seems to get around a hell of a lot, and is chummy with Rove.
Also it is absolutely bizarre how on all the left-wing blog sites the rats come out of the woodwork to bash Israel against all evidence and reason, defending the Palestinians.
I think this is part of a larger attempt to dupe lefties to following the herd into an association, bad jacketing — if I’m using that term correctly — the left and Liberals with the tinge of terrorism, making it easier to respond violently and exaggeratedly to any left leaning movements which will be branded like by McCarthy, but labeled as terrorists instead of Communists.
All people’s movements are either communistic or terroristic and need to be made war on since it’s impossible to refute their logic and democracy.
What a very sad time for this country.
Regarding this coming eschaton (a word I favor over apocalypse, since the latter literally just means ‘revelation’) how does Barack Obama’s victory against Romney factor into the shadow government’s (or underground reich) plans? Does it delay, alter or spoil them? Since Romney is a Nazi, then it seems obvious to me that the PTB would have wanted him to be the guy to get into office but Romney failed to do that, even with the use of electronic electoral rigging (as I believe it was used). Or, does a second term for Obama mean they have something worse than Romney in store for us in the future? For example, a Tea Party reactionary President who wins in 2016 after Obama’s 2nd term fails to resurrect our ailing economy? I’m trying to figure out from what you know how and if Barack Obama winning has effected their plans? I voted for Barack Obama but I was totally shocked that he won, I was certain Romney would win because, as you’ve noted before, the media ceaselessly attacked Obama, radio is almost entirely anti-Obama, etc.
@Rob..I agree. Several years ago I read an essay from an AEI contributor which was innocuous on its face, but chilling in its implications. The author was gnashing his teeth over the fact that in many countries there still existed parcels of land that were considered common property and had had no formal title or deed for centuries, so could not be bought or sold. In the author’s mind this situation severely retarded development potentials for such countries, since the land was excluded from being used as surety for international loans. In effect, these countries were somewhat cushioned from maximum indebtedness and that irritated the author.
There is no starting point for talking to people who think like this.
@Jay–I answered your questions in the FTR series about “Badjacketting Obama”, done between O’s election in 2008 and his inauguration in 2009, and then amplified it in the long FTR series about “the Muslim Brotherhood.”
You, and many other listeners, need to start doing the requisite homework.
Might want to use the link at the top of the front page of the website to get the flash drive containing all of my life’s work.
@Jay: There’s no question, indeed, that Romney was their favorite guy. But this year’s election just couldn’t be stolen, the turnout was just too large in too many crucial swing states.
Dave, does, however, have a good point; there has indeed been some badjacketing going on, and you may wish to search “Obama badjacketing” on this site at some point.
@Brux: Sad thing is, I’ve noticed that too. There are indeed a number of well-meaning people who are getting suckered by certain malevolent forces out there.
Some things to consider regarding the timing of this scandal:
First, the trigger for this whole thing appears to be the emails sent by Paula Broadwell to Jill Kelley (and at least one email sent by Broadwell to General John Allen, see below), so it’s noteworthy that Broadwell — a resident of Charlotte, North Carolina — was talked out of being the GOP’s Senate candidate by Petraeus. That couldn’t have made made people happy, including Broadwell apparently. If you’re getting courted for a GOP senate bid you’re clearly hanging out with the wrong crowd:
Issuing “don’t sell out” advice to a potential GOP Senate candidate may not have improved Petraeus’s image amongst the ‘deciders’. That sort of nixes a potential 2016 GOP presidential run. The FBI was first alerted by Kelley about the e‑mails in May (although it may have been in June of early July according to this article), so given Broadwell’s GOP Senate ambitions I’m not too surprised they didn’t spring this before the election. A potential GOP Senate candidate triggering this kind of electoral stunt could have easily backfired. Going public with this story days after the election, on the other hand, ensured that we wouldn’t even have a week of post-electoral news coverage without a new Benghazi-related scandal hitting the news cycle. From a dirty-tricks standpoint that’s not bad.
Another interesting fun-fact: both Paula Broadwell and Jill Kelley have doctor husbands named Scott. Scott Kelley ran a small cancer charity with questionable expenditure and unclear funding sources(a payoff or money-laundering vehicle?). Scott Broadwell is an alleged “Adventure junkie” that was also in the military (Scott and Paula met while they were stationed in Germany). According to the article below, Paula Broadwell is also described as having worked in military-intelligence and an expert in counter-terrorism. Recall that the shirtless FBI agent, Frederick Humphries, was a Tampa-based counter-terrorism expert. Humphries was also a long-term friend of the Kelley’s. The Petraeus family also appear to have frequently socialized with Kelleys so you have to wonder if Broadwell and Humphries were ever crossing paths before this given that Broadwell has apparently been shadowing Petraeus for years. Broadwell included a case-study of Petraeus in her PhD thesis(He’s on her thesis committee). She’s also studied Arabic in Jordan (Jill Kelley reportedly name dropped the King of Jordan). It’s one spooky love Pentagon:
Also note, according to the below article excerpt, that Broadwell spoke of the difficulties of starting a family while when she and her husband were both on active duty and stationed in Denver. The above article says she met Petraeus in 2006 when he gave a speech at the Harvard’s Kennedy School of government where she was a grad student. That means she relocated from Cambridge to Denver some time during/after 2006 because her eldsts on is 6. She also left Harvard in 2008 and resumed her PhD work at King’s College London(that is one confusing timeline: studying at Harvard while in Denver and then switching to King’s College London after moving to Charlotte in 2009). It would be interesting to know if the references to Broadwell’s work in military intelligence in the above article were references to active duty intelligence work or if the “military intelligence” is a reference to her PhD work(Petraeus’s development of a counter-insurrgency doctrine). At least one of the anonymous emails sent by Broadwell was sent to General Allen that he forwarded to Kelley(who had sent a small number of ‘flirtatious’ emails to Jill Kelley). You know you have a strange story on your hands involving people that lived highly unusual lives when all of the additional info that leaks out only adds to the confusion:
Another point to consider, regarding the timing of all this, is that this hit just days after a Pentagon report provided by Central Command (which is based in Tampa) and Joint Chief was released that increased the estimates to 75,000 for the number of US troops needed for a Syrian ground invasion with the expressed mission of securing chemical weapons. That’s up from an August estimate of “as many as 50,000 or 60,000”. And this doesn’t include things like “peace-keeping” or “nation building”. If the military’s leadership is actively positioning itself to oppose a ground invasion that could be putting a large factions of the current top brass right in the cross-hairs of the oligarchs and their minions. And with reports of Hezbollah bases nearby the chemical weapons sites and the takeover of the Syrian resistance by Muslim Brotherhood/al-Qaeda affiliates, it will also be interesting to see if we have a “oh no, the weapons were stolen by [Group X] and taken to [Country Y], so now we have to invade there too” moment. Obama has publically stated that he would consider an invasion to secure those sites in the event that any “movement” of the compounds is detected so a scenario involving “loose chems” could be a means of forcing another ground invasion. It’s a scenario that can start off as a relatively small invasion and grow from there so there could be a lot of appeal to that approach for ensnaring the US in war one last time and destroying the military’s remaining human capital. Don’t forget that US military hasn’t just acquire casualties over the past decade. It also has the most combat experience of any military force in the world as a consequence of these wars and that’s going to last for a while, whether or not the US economically implodes. If there’s a strong desire on the part of the global far-right/Underground Reich to limit the ability of the US to “force project” with ground invasions overseas in the next 10–20 years, literally killing off that combat experience could be one of the medium/long-term objectives of another Middle East war.
An additional thing to consider in any scenario involving the US intervening in a war between Israel and any of its neighbors: If the war doesn’t involve the US and Israel ends up losing it, the Christian Zionist/Dominionist contingent in the US military might go berserk. That wouldn’t be good.
Finally, Way to go BiBi: You’ve manage to make Mohammed Morsi look like Mr. Reasonable. *facepalm*
And now we learn that Ahmed Jaabari had allegedly just been given a draft of a permanent peace plan and the Israeli government knew of this and went ahead with the assassination anyways. This is once again a reminder that far-right sucks everywhere because it wants war and conflict everywhere:
Granted, the peace plan could have been a BS ploy with no serious intent behind it, but we’ll never know now since Netanyahu decided to preemptively blow up the putative peace negotiator.
Also, note that it isn’t just the Likudniks serving up this peace poison-pill.
When your opponents are folks like this, occupying the moral high ground is generally one of the more effective approaches to conflict management...unless, of course, you preemptively blow it up. *facepalm*
Wow, I had to sit and take a few very deep breaths. Then sit back and wonder why so many people still believe the BULL SH‑T lie that the USA is a FREE country... NOTHING could be further from the truth. EDUCATION is the answer, but guess what?? Knowledge is the FIRST thing “they” want to cut, WHY? Because if you don‘t have the knowledge,you are ignorant of the facts. Here is something to ask yourself: Why do so many people die from cancer?? ANSWER: Because it is PLANNED to be that way....... If YOU do the research you will find out the truth!!
Jill Kelley & Paula Broadwell made repeat visits to the Obama White House...
For what it’s worth, for the record, whether one views this as more badjacketing — or as another strange visit along the lines of Jeb & Poppy’s many visits to Obama’s White House.
A couple more tidbits about Broadwell’s background and ambitions:
First, back in January, Broadwell was doing a number of TV interviews to promote her biography of Petraeus. It now reported that she was also trying to promote her career more directly by trying to get a permanent tv spot (so this would have preceded her GOP Senate-run offer in July). As one anonymous source described it: “Something seemed off. She was creepy”. There’s also a video of Broadwell giving a speech where “My longterm goal had always been to become national security advisor”. So the picture that’s emerging about Broadwell is that she was willing to take very big risks and desired positions of power, influence, and possibly celebrity status. Curiouser and curiouser...
Hell hath no fury like a fascist media empire scorned:
The Petraeus plot thickens:
This should be interesting: The source of the last year’s leak to the New York Times about the larger program that created the Stuxnet virus was a retired four star general that developed and oversaw the now-escaped Stuxnet program. He was appointed vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff in 2007 and was favored to become chairman of the Joint Chiefs in 2011 but at the last minute it appears that questions were raised about ‘how he oversaw his staff’ following an investigation into improprieties involving a female aide (which he was later cleared of). Republicans also reported referred to him as “Obama’s general” and he was passed up for Jack Dempsey in 2011. It was going to take one heck of a back story to out-crazy the Snowden-leak saga. This one just might do it:
Also note that Cartwright has become one of the more outspoken and credible opponents of the drone program, warning against transferring more drone operations from the CIA to the military:
It’s also worth noting that Cartwright was apparently an not especially liked by senior officers, including General Petraeus, who believed Cartwright went behind their backs to cozy up to the White House and reject the consensus advise of the military and Defense Secretary Robert Gates:
It doesn’t look like there’s going to be a shortage of possible motives for the original leak or its eventual prosecution.
Was David Petraeus the source of classified documents found on Paula Broadwell’s computer? That’s what the FBI and Justice Department are asserting: