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Reflections on the South African Mutation of SARS CoV‑2: ” . . . . ‘How fast could get your daughter out of the country if you had to?’ ”

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COMMENT: A new, appar­ent­ly more infec­tious and–possibly–vaccine-resistant strain of the SARS CoV‑2 virus has been detect­ed in South Africa, lead­ing Pres­i­dent Biden to ban trav­el from South Africa to the U.S. (Oth­er, more infec­tious vari­ants have been detect­ed in the UK and Brazil.)

In that con­text, we note the obser­va­tions in FTR #1128 and FTR #1168.

  1. In its work aid­ing the apartheid regime’s Project Coast bio­log­i­cal war­fare pro­gram, ele­ments of CIA part­nered with oper­a­tives like Gideon Bouw­er, who was not shy about voic­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty of the Project Coast/Die Orga­ni­za­sie milieu launch­ing BW attacks on the U.S. if need be. “. . . . They say he [South African trade attaché Gideon Bouw­er] raved about the abil­i­ty to keep whites in pow­er through bio­log­i­cal war­fare, and he hint­ed at being part of a sep­a­rate agenda—some sort of extragov­ern­men­tal con­spir­a­cy, like the one described in the Air Force report, that had plans to unleash bio­log­i­cal agents world­wide on South Africa’s ene­mies if the need should ever arise. ‘Just be ready,’ Fitz­patrick remem­bers Bouw­er warn­ing him cryp­ti­cal­ly, then ask­ing, ‘How fast could get your daugh­ter out of the coun­try if you had to?’ . . .”
  2. The cap­i­tal behind the Ger­man BioN­Tech appears to have come from the Stru­eng­mann broth­ers, whose Hexa­ll firm was very active in late-apartheid South Africa. Andreas Stru­eng­mann began his med­ical career work­ing in the African bush in apartheid South Africa.
  3. In FTR #1166, we not­ed that the pro­lif­er­a­tion of the virus is spurring vac­cine approval/development. Both Mod­er­na and BioN­Tech are enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly tout­ing the flex­i­bil­i­ty of mRNA vac­cines as well-suit­ed to vac­ci­nat­ing against muta­tions. In FTR #1166, we not­ed that the report­ed suc­cess of Oper­a­tion Warp Speed vac­cines has been con­veyed via “news releas­es,” rather than peer-reviewed sci­en­tif­ic doc­u­ments.
  4. We won­der about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of the muta­tions being delib­er­ate­ly cre­at­ed? The muta­tions might be seen as cor­re­spond­ing to polit­i­cal dynam­ics: the UK vari­ant was detect­ed as the Brex­it arrange­ments were man­i­fest­ing, fur­ther iso­lat­ing the UK from the EU; South Africa is the coun­try to which the white suprema­cist “Die Orga­ni­za­sie” seeks to return; Brazil is a coun­try in which Chi­na is test­ing vac­cines and seek­ing to gain grav­i­tas. Brazil has tra­di­tion­al­ly been the most pro-US coun­try in South Amer­i­ca, with a his­to­ry we will detail in upcom­ing shows. ARE these vari­ants being delib­er­ate­ly cre­at­ed?
  5. Also in FTR #1166, we recapped infor­ma­tion from FTR #1136, not­ing that the Lyme Dis­ease treat­ment milieu is prof­it dri­ven and appar­ent­ly dis­posed to obfus­cate the bio­log­i­cal war­fare gen­e­sis of that dis­ease. (We set that infor­ma­tion forth in a num­ber of pro­grams and posts.) Does the same rela­tion­ship exist between the Covid-19 “op” and the firms that prof­it from treat­ing the pan­dem­ic?
  6. In a spec­u­la­tive note, a South African researcher spec­u­lat­ed that, per­haps, ” . . . . busi­ness trav­el­ers from Ger­man auto com­pa­nies had per­haps brought in a Euro­pean vari­ant.” In FTR #305, among oth­er pro­grams, we doc­u­ment­ed the role of major Ger­man cor­po­ra­tions pro­vid­ing busi­ness cov­er for Nazi war crim­i­nals. Is it pos­si­ble that cor­po­rate Ger­many has pro­vid­ed cov­er for Under­ground Reich oper­a­tives, some of whom may have trans­port­ed the new vari­ant to South Africa?

1. “Ban On Trav­el from South Africa;” The New York Times; 1/26/2021; p. A4 [West­ern Print Edi­tion].

Pres­i­dent Biden moved to ban trav­el from South Africa and to extend sim­i­lar bans from the Trump admin­is­tra­tion, cur­tail­ing trav­el from Brazil, Europe and Britain, where anoth­er vari­ant has appeared. . . .

2. “World Stum­bles in Fran­tic Race to Sub­due Ever-Chang­ing Virus” by Matt Apuz­zo, Selam Gebreki­dan and Apoor­va Man­davil­li; The New York Times; 1/09/2021; pp. A1-A7 [West­ern Print Edi­tion].

 . . . . Liza Sitharam, a nurse and infec­tious dis­ease spe­cial­ist in coastal South Africa, was among those who first noticed a small clus­ter that was quick­ly bulging. “We’d have five cas­es and then it’d dou­ble real­ly quick­ly,” she recalled. The raw num­bers weren’t alarm­ing, she said, but “there was some­thing just not look­ing right.”

Her boss at the Net­care hos­pi­tal group, Dr. Car­o­line Maslo, fig­ured that with the country’s bor­ders open, busi­ness trav­el­ers from Ger­man auto com­pa­nies had per­haps brought in a Euro­pean vari­ant. She sought help from Tulio de Oliveira, a pro­fes­sor and geneti­cist at the Nel­son Man­dela School of Med­i­cine in Dur­ban who had stud­ied viral vari­ants dur­ing the first Covid-19 wave. . . .

. . . . Com­ing two weeks before Christ­mas, Dr. de Oliveira imme­di­ate­ly thought of the Lunar New Year ear­ly in the pan­dem­ic, when mil­lions of peo­ple in Chi­na trav­eled far and wide for the hol­i­day, some car­ry­ing the virus.

“It was crys­tal clear,” Dr. de Oliveira said in an inter­view. “These vari­ants will spread nation­al­ly, region­al­ly and glob­al­ly.” . . . .

3. “Vac­cine Mak­ers Adapt to Bat­tle A Shift­ing Virus” by Denise Grady, Apoor­va Man­davil­li and Katie Thomas; The New York Times; 1/26/2021; pp. A1-A6 [West­ern Print Edi­tion].

. . . . But with the vari­ant cir­cu­lat­ing in South Africa, there was a six­fold reduc­tion in the anti­bod­ies’ effec­tive­ness. Even so, the com­pa­ny said, those anti­bod­ies “remain above lev­els that are expect­ed to be pro­tec­tive.”

The results have not been pub­lished or peer-reviewed, but were post­ed online at BioRx­iv. Mod­er­na col­lab­o­rat­ed on the study with the Vac­cine Research Cen­ter at the nation­al Insti­tute of Aller­gy and Infec­tious Dis­eases, part of the Nation­al Insti­tutes of Health.

Dr. Zaks said that the new ver­sion of the Mod­er­na vac­cine aimed at the South African vari­ant, could be used if need­ed as a boost­er one year after peo­ple received the orig­i­nal vac­cine. . . .


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