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COMMENT: Earlier this month, The New York Times editorialized about the release from custody of Daniel Pearl’s murderers, including Omar Sheikh.
Sadly, but predictably missing from that editorial, as with other stories in The Gray Lady dealing with 9/11 and its aftermath, is discussion of the profound Nazi connections to that signature event.
We covered this topic at great length in FTR #456.
Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl’s kidnapper and killer–Omar Sheikh–appears to have been heavily influenced by Nazi ideology while waging jihad in the Balkans.
. . . Mr. Levy captures this divide in his book when he reports that Omar ‘played chess and read Mein Kampf.’ At one point during the C‑Span interview, I asked him about Omar and Mein Kampf: ‘There are those who say ‘Hitler is dead,’ but among people like Omar—terrorists, jihadists like him—Hitler is spoken of with affection, right?’ True, Mr. Levy said: According to the testimony of one of the men he kidnapped in India, Omar ‘was able to recite entire pages of Mein Kampf by heart.’ . . .
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