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Retrospective on Daniel Pearl Murder

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COMMENT: Ear­li­er this month, The New York Times edi­to­ri­al­ized about the release from cus­tody of Daniel Pearl’s mur­der­ers, includ­ing Omar Sheikh.

Sad­ly, but pre­dictably miss­ing from that edi­to­r­i­al, as with oth­er sto­ries in The Gray Lady deal­ing with 9/11 and its after­math, is dis­cus­sion of the pro­found Nazi con­nec­tions to that sig­na­ture event.

We cov­ered this top­ic at great length in FTR #456.

Wall Street Jour­nal reporter Daniel Pearl’s kid­nap­per and killer–Omar Sheikh–appears to have been heav­i­ly influ­enced by Nazi ide­ol­o­gy while wag­ing jihad in the Balka­ns.

“In Dan­ny Pearl Book, Levy Says Next 9/11 Brew­ing in Pak­istan” by Ron Rosen­baum; New York Observ­er; 9/15/2003.

 . . . Mr. Levy cap­tures this divide in his book when he reports that Omar ‘played chess and read Mein Kampf.’ At one point dur­ing the C‑Span inter­view, I asked him about Omar and Mein Kampf: ‘There are those who say ‘Hitler is dead,’ but among peo­ple like Omar—terrorists, jihadists like him—Hitler is spo­ken of with affec­tion, right?’ True, Mr. Levy said: Accord­ing to the tes­ti­mo­ny of one of the men he kid­napped in India, Omar ‘was able to recite entire pages of Mein Kampf by heart.’ . . .



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