Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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RIP Manning Marable

COMMENT: Although his health was some­what weak, the pass­ing of Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty schol­ar Man­ning Marable on the eve of the pub­li­ca­tion of a con­tro­ver­sial new biog­ra­phy of Mal­colm X  rais­es ques­tions.

Marable’s pass­ing pre­clud­ed his call­ing atten­tion to his recent work, which sug­gests com­plic­i­ty on the part of the FBI and the NYPD in Mal­colm X’s assas­si­na­tion.

Was his death nat­ur­al or [per­haps] assist­ed?

He will not be avail­able to pro­mote his find­ings.

Note that Louis Far­rakhan (“Louis X”),  was involved with the Newark Mosque that appears to have fig­ured in the assas­si­na­tion. He called for Mal­colm X’s death.

“On Eve of Redefin­ing Mal­colm X, Biog­ra­ph­er Dies” by Lar­ry Rohter; The New York Times; 4/1/2011.

EXCERPT: . . . The book’s account of the assas­si­na­tion of Mal­colm X, then 39, on Feb. 21, 1965, is like­ly to be its most incen­di­ary claim. Mr. Marable con­tends that although Mal­colm X embraced main­stream Islam at least two years before his death, law-enforce­ment author­i­ties con­tin­ued to see him as a dan­ger­ous rab­ble-rouser.

“They had the men­tal­i­ty of want­i­ng an assas­si­na­tion,” Ger­ry Fulcher, a for­mer New York City police detec­tive who par­tic­i­pat­ed in the sur­veil­lance of Mal­colm X, told Mr. Marable for the book.

That is why “law-enforce­ment agen­cies act­ed with ret­i­cence when it came to inter­ven­ing with Malcolm’s fate,” the book asserts. “Rather than inves­ti­gate the threats on his life, they stood back.”. . .

. . . Based on his new mate­r­i­al, Mr. Marable con­clud­ed that only one of the three men con­vict­ed of killing Mal­colm X was involved in the assas­si­na­tion, and that the oth­er two were at home that day. The real assas­si­na­tion squad, he writes, had four oth­er mem­bers, with con­nec­tions to the rival Nation of Islam’s Newark mosque — two of whom are still alive and have nev­er been charged. . . .


3 comments for “RIP Manning Marable”

  1. Mr Emory I have a ques­tion while watch­ing a doc­u­men­tary by Omar Shabazz on YouTube I came across a clip from 1992 from inside edi­tion. The clip dealt with the date of Mal­com X’s Assas­si­na­tion and it was pro­duced by a Mau­ry Ter­ry. Two ques­tions is that the same per­son whose work you’d pro­filed? If so as I was unaware of his work on Mal­colm X has he done oth­er work on Mal­colm?

    Posted by Matthew Jackson | July 31, 2018, 8:32 pm
  2. @ Matthew Jack­son–

    I wish I could give you a defin­i­tive answer.

    Mau­ry Ter­ry, who did an inves­tiga­tive book on an area of over­lap between Satan­ic cults, ser­i­al killings, the Man­son milieu and Nazi ele­ments, is based in the New York area.

    I was not aware of any work he did on Mal­com X’s mur­der.

    BTW–I reprised some mate­r­i­al about that killing in FTR #1000.



    Dave Emory

    Posted by Dave Emory | July 31, 2018, 10:16 pm
  3. Thank you for your time and I will lis­ten to the new f t r 1000.

    Posted by Matthew Jackson | August 1, 2018, 7:45 am

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