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Roberto Calvi Linked to Pablo Escobar

COMMENT: In recent years, much has been writ­ten about “false flag” oper­a­tions. Lit­tle has been writ­ten about a false flag oper­a­tion that gar­nered much jour­nal­is­tic ink in the 1980’s (before the advent of the inter­net.)

Far from being the “KGB/Bulgarian con­spir­a­cy” described by West­ern media, the shoot­ing of Pope John Paul II in May of 1981 appears to have been a provo­ca­tion at one lev­el, and a mes­sage to the Pon­tiff on anoth­er.

Ital­ian media report­ed that, at the time of his wound­ing, the Pope had been mov­ing toward diplo­mat­ic recog­ni­tion of the PLO and was work­ing to dif­fuse the con­fronta­tion between the Sovi­ets and the Sol­i­dar­i­ty Union in Poland. Though sym­pa­thet­ic to the union, the Pope did not want the sit­u­a­tion to esca­late into a blood­bath. Agca has stat­ed that he did­n’t want to kill the Pope, only wound him.

Con­cur­rent­ly, the P‑2 scan­dal was unrav­el­ing and, with that devel­op­ment, the deep cor­rup­tion sur­round­ing the Vat­i­can Bank stood to be exposed. Beyond that, the P‑2 Lodge was a cryp­to-fas­cist gov­ern­ment that–for all intents and purposes–ran Italy dur­ing much of the post­war peri­od. That orga­ni­za­tion was a direct exten­sion of Mus­solin­i’s fascisti with impor­tant branch­es in Argenti­na, Uruguay and Monte Car­lo. Mem­bers of the Argen­tine P‑2 were prin­ci­pals in the “Dirty War” in that unfor­tu­nate coun­try dur­ing the 1970’s and ’80’s.

Fur­ther­more, the net­works involved in the exe­cu­tion of the papal attack were out­crop­pings of the post­war fas­cist inter­na­tion­al, from the Grey Wolves [youth wing of the fas­cist/­Pan-Turk­ist Nation­al Action Par­ty] to the BND [the Ger­man Intel­li­gence Ser­vice that grew out of the Rein­hard Gehlen spy out­fit from World War II.] Agca’s weapon was sup­plied by Horst Grill­may­er, who worked for BND.)

In our mas­sive AFA series about the shoot­ing of the Pope, we looked at the his­to­ry of the Vat­i­can’s involve­ment with fas­cism, the his­to­ry of the Vat­i­can Bank, the P‑2 Lodge and its role in the “Strat­e­gy of Ten­sion” and over­lap with Klaus Bar­bi­e’s “Bride­grooms of Death” cocaine mer­ce­nar­ies in Bolivia, Oper­a­tion Con­dor, and the piv­otal arms and drug smug­gling out­fit called Stibam. One of Stibam’s prin­ci­pals (Bekir Celenk) was report­ed to be the pay­mas­ter for the plot.

Heav­i­ly over­lap­ping the milieu of the P‑2 and the Ban­co Ambrosiano, Stibam was involved with the illic­it arms ship­ments and drug traf­fick­ing that would come to light as the Iran-Con­tra and Iraq­gate scan­dals.

At this point in time, it is rel­a­tive­ly well known that the arm­ing of the Con­tra gueril­las in Nicaragua was financed in con­sid­er­able mea­sure through cocaine traf­fic, the Medellin Car­tel and Pablo Esco­bar being among the ele­ments involved.

As not­ed by R. Wil­son (who found this one for us), Michele Sin­dona stat­ed that the funds miss­ing from the Ban­co Ambrosiano (guar­an­teed by the Vat­i­can Bank) were used to fund anti-com­mu­nist activ­i­ties in Latin Amer­i­ca. The Calvi/Escobar link alleged here may well have been part of the Iran-Con­tra/Stibam oper­a­tion.

“God’s Banker Linked to Pablo Esco­bar” by Nick Squires; The Tele­graph; 11/26/2012.

EXCERPT: Rober­to Calvi, who earned his nick­name for his close ties to the Vat­i­can Bank, was found hanged beneath Black­fri­ars Bridge in Lon­don amid strong sus­pi­cions that he was mur­dered.

Ayda Suarez Levy, the wid­ow of a Boli­vian druglo­rd, claims that Calvi was laun­der­ing drug car­tel mon­ey through an account in Nas­sau, in the Bahamas, on behalf of South Amer­i­can drug lords.

The Cocaine King sheds new light on Calvi’s death, which remains one of the Vatican’s dark­est chap­ters and most con­tested mys­ter­ies. Mrs Levy, the wid­ow of Rober­to Suarez Gomez, claimed in an inter­view on Ital­ian tele­vi­sion on Mon­day that Mr Calvi was her husband’s “Ital­ian con­tact”. “He said he could vouch for us,” she told Italy’s Chan­nel Sev­en tele­vi­sion.

“He said by vouch­ing for us at such a high lev­el, busi­ness would go well for us. I imag­ine he was talk­ing about cocaine. He was not explic­it but I imag­ine that is what it was about.”

Levy recount­ed an encounter involv­ing her hus­band and Gunter Sachs, a mul­ti-mil­lion­aire Ger­man play­boy who was the third hus­band of Brigitte Bar­dot. She said that six months before Calvi’s death, she and her hus­band met Mr Sachs on a trip to Switzer­land and they dis­cussed the Ital­ian banker.

Mr Sachs, who com­mit­ted sui­cide in his Swiss chalet last year at the age of 78, report­edly told the Boli­vian drug baron: “Calvi is very scared because Pablo Esco­bar wants his mon­ey back from the bank in Nas­sau.”

The Bahamas bank that he was refer­ring to was an affil­i­ate of Ban­co Ambrosiano, which was Italy’s biggest pri­vate bank when it col­lapsed in 1982. It was head­ed by Mr Calvi, who had close ties to the Vatican’s bank, for­mally known as the Isti­tuto per le Opere di Reli­gion – the Insti­tute for Reli­gious Works. . . .


One comment for “Roberto Calvi Linked to Pablo Escobar”

  1. It ain’t chump change, but it’s chump some­thing:

    30 March 2014 Last updat­ed at 11:03 ET
    Men held over Vat­i­can Bank ‘three tril­lion euro bond fraud’

    Ital­ian police have arrest­ed two men who were alleged­ly try­ing to deposit tril­lions of euros in fake bonds in the Vat­i­can bank.

    Offi­cials say the pair, an Amer­i­can and a Dutch nation­al, claimed they had an appoint­ment with bank offi­cials to gain entry but were hand­ed over to police.

    Fake bonds with a face val­ue of 3tr euros ($4.1tr; £2.5tr) were found in their brief­case, the offi­cials say.

    The sus­pects were report­ed­ly hop­ing to open a line of cred­it at the bank.

    The bank — offi­cial­ly called the Insti­tute for the Works of Reli­gion — runs thou­sands of pri­vate accounts held by car­di­nals, bish­ops and reli­gious orders all over the world.

    The two sus­pects were lat­er released pend­ing fur­ther inves­ti­ga­tion, Finan­cial Guard police offi­cer Davide Car­dia told AP news agency, as Ital­ian law does not require arrest for fraud inves­ti­ga­tions.

    The Vat­i­can has been tight­en­ing up bank­ing pro­ce­dures after crit­i­cism by a Euro­pean watch­dog body that it has been used as an off­shore fis­cal haven.

    Pope Fran­cis has ordered a com­plete over­haul of the bank and a detailed inquiry into the trans­paren­cy of its trans­ac­tions.

    The pon­tiff sacked two for­mer direc­tors who now face pos­si­ble tri­al on mon­ey-laun­der­ing charges.

    You have to love it: Here’s 3 tril­lion euros in new deposits. We’d like a line of cred­it!

    Of course, giv­en the his­to­ry of this par­tic­u­lar bank and the mon­ey-laun­der­ing inves­ti­ga­tions under­way, this whole thing could have been a big sym­bol­ic ges­ture. Could some of the Vat­i­can’s old friends be get­ting a lit­tle hot under the col­lar?

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | March 31, 2014, 11:16 am

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